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单词 Deep down
1. Deep down I resented his existence.
2. Deep down, we had always detested each other.
3. We knew deep down that we could do it.
4. Deep down, she is a very caring person.
5. She seems indifferent, but deep down she's very pleased.
6. Deep down, she supported her husband'sinvolvement in the organization.
7. He is only a boy deep down.
8. He seems confident but deep down he's quite insecure.
9. Deep down I still loved him.
10. He knew, deep down, that he would have to apologise.
11. She had an outward appearance of calm, but deep down she was really worried.
12. She can seem stern, but deep down she's a very kind person.
13. He suspected that deep down, she admired him for having the gumption to disagree with her.
14. His arrogance is just a front. Deep down he's really insecure.
15. deeply shocked. You can use deep down to talk about a per-son's real nature:She can seem stern, but deep down she's a very kind person.
16. I have so many friends, but deep down, underneath, I have a fear of loneliness.
17. Like many women, deep down she was unsure of herself.
18. Beth's experience suggests that people don't really change deep down.
19. I knew deep down that I should give him up.
20. Deep down, I don't think it's that funny.
21. Are we all just social insects deep down?
22. Deep down, I think she's really very ambitious.
23. I kept pushing the team, but deep down I think I knew we wouldn't win.
23. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
24. He pretends he doesn't care, but deep down I know he's very upset.
25. But deep down he had the feeling that sooner or later, he would have to face the big wave with her.
26. I regret my divorce, because deep down I'm a very old-fashioned woman.
27. I tried to make believe she was happy, but knew deep down it wasn't true.
28. He told people he didn't care about her, but deep down he knew different.
29. What geophysicists have been lacking is a way to measure the temperature deep down, where radioactive heating plays a lesser role.
30. It reflects the society and the times we live in as well as having roots which go deep down into history.
31. She sank deep down again, unable to stay alert, and saw without wanting to a giant Catherine-wheel in the sky.
32. Yeah, sometimes he can be really nice and polite but, I tell you, deep down he's an animal!
33. Deep down the environment does not fit with the New Labour mindset.
34. Deep down inside, you see, I still believed that life was basically benevolent.
35. I was taken aback, but deep down I wasn't totally surprised.
36. I had, naturally heard all about her, but deep, deep down inside I missed my granny.
37. But, deep down, they had always known it was hopeless.
38. I suspected that, deep down, the various emotional themes that Hannah played out were too much for Bruno.
39. This lotion cleanses your skin deep down, while preserving its natural pH balance.
40. Just another wench, he told himself angrily, but deep down he knew different.
41. Like many men, deep down he was unsure of himself.
42. The one thing that unites all human beings, regardless of age, gender, religion, economic status, or ethnic background, is that, deep down inside, we all believe that we are above-average drivers. Dave Barry 
43. But he knew, deep down, that her attraction was the very fact that she did not.
44. All you could do deep down was to pray it wouldn't be you for the chop.
45. I always believed deep down that things would get better.
46. I suspected that deep down he was a Luddite who secretly preferred old-fashioned conventional fences.
47. Deep down we were full of emotion, but there was little sign of it as we settled down to our task.
48. Small wonder then, that real friendship for them comes from some one who deep down understands what this involves.
49. Deep down, Kobe is still the spoiled brat.
50. He felt the same way deep down within him.
51. You really have to go deep down.
52. Deep down, didn't you want to go yourself?
53. That's swung out deep down the left field line.
53. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
54. What is the deep down needs of Taiwanese people?
55. It was deep down in the empty soul of the Depression in 1934.
56. When growing roses, the soil should feel moist deep down.
57. See, for all your big talk about being ready for a relationship, deep down, you're single.
58. He silently slipped into the water. He went deep down and looked around.
59. It seemed to him that he was thinking of nothing at all; but somewhere deep down his soul was pondering something grave and consolatory .
60. Whether the landscape seen too many after he had been slowly heal all wounds, so deep down, a clarity?
61. Was it simply the 17)hysteria of a man who, aware deep down of his 18)inaptitude for love, felt the self-deluding need to simulate it?
62. He's too much of a goody-goody , and I knew deep down that I will have to finish him someday in my life.
63. Deep down, film is a fast - moving story about the movement of feelings.
64. Narrator 2 And the fish swam away, deep down under the water.
65. When we desire something in life, there is a tendency to justify our actions and excuse behavior that is out of harmony with our deep down sense of right and wrong.
66. Dangerous source identify is the initial issue. Deep down, plant risk management can be regard as management to dangerous source.
67. But Wright-Phillips, criticised by Mancini for his ineffective display in the 0-0 Europa League draw against Aris Salonika, knows deep down that he is likely to be on his way once the season is over.
68. This place was many metres underground, as deep down as it was possible to go.
69. Joe likes to brag about all the friends he has. But to tell the truth, his friendships are only skin-deep -- the only person he really cares about deep down in his heart is himself.
69. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
70. Deep down in my character there must have been a weakness.
71. Lin Fei is marrying Kaijie but deep down inside she misses Jinlong.




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