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单词 Whole-heartedly
1. This is a sentiment I wholeheartedly agree with.
2. I wholeheartedly approve of his actions.
3. I subscribe wholeheartedly to this theory.
4. I can endorse their opinion wholeheartedly.
5. She threw herself wholeheartedly into her work.
6. I agree whole-heartedly with the mayor on this issue.
7. Both members are whole-heartedly in favour of the changes.
8. That's exactly right. I agree wholeheartedly with you.
9. I can certainly answer for her professionalism, and whole-heartedly recommend her to any employer.
10. I wholeheartedly endorse his remarks.
11. It's partly the fault of chess players and match organisers, who did not wholeheartedly support the idea.
12. County and district councillors came along and after searching questions, agreed with our plan wholeheartedly and gave us very good advice.
13. The President said he wholeheartedly embraced the need for further talks on the refugee crisis.
14. You have to go wholeheartedly into anything in order to achieve anything worth having. Frank Lloyd Wright 
15. Even after the Czech coup, however, Congress was not willing to respond wholeheartedly to a call to arms.
16. But while the passengers interrogated in London's black cabs may be wholeheartedly Conservative, taxi drivers themselves are wavering.
17. Mr Glocer signs up wholeheartedly to this strategy-not least because he regards himself as one of its architects.
18. I wholeheartedly welcome and endorse the proposals contained in the Gracious Speech, with only one minor caveat.
19. Rosenberg thought being at the Super Bowl would be great exposure, so he went at it wholeheartedly.
20. Phil Gramm of Texas made speeches in which they wholeheartedly embraced the agenda of religious conservatives.
21. This is a phrase which I agree with whole-heartedly.
22. If these people had jumped whole-heartedly into a second childhood it would have made more sense.
23. The very instant you whole-heartedly turn away from every symptom of distrust and discouragement, the blessed Holy Spirit will quicken your faith and inbreathe Divine strength into your soul.
24. Mao Zedong's two important inscriptions "Serve the People whole-heartedly" and "Lead a Hard and Simple Life" were written for the predecessor of Xidian University in 1949 and in 1960, respectively.
25. During my time away, I have made an important decision. I will whole-heartedly fulfill all commitments that I have to date.
26. Later that evening Ms Clifford, who was holidaying with her friend Fiona Fay, went to Gus O'Connors Pub in Doolin, where locals whole-heartedly agreed with their diagnosis.
27. They were greatly tickled at my curious English pronunciation, and though in the rest of their games I could whole-heartedly join,(sentence dictionary) this I failed to see the fun of.
28. This Is It consisted of scenes of him rehearsing numbers —sometimes whole-heartedly, sometimes not —at the Staples Center in Los Angeles.
29. I also sincerely hope that every pair of lovers in the world can get married like Irish people and love and protect each other whole-heartedly by committing themselves to a 100-year marriage.
30. Mrs. Geng said that Dai Ailian is the "Mother of Chinese Modern Dance", a great lady, and almost everybody knows about her in China. She herself admires Dai Ailian whole-heartedly.




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