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单词 Taken up
1. The melody is next taken up by the flutes.
2. His business lunches were taken up with networking.
3. George has taken up with Lucy lately.
4. He's taken up the post of supervisor.
5. His mind was wholly taken up with the question.
6. She's taken up hang-gliding.
7. Her time is fully taken up with writing.
8. I have taken up gardening again.
9. He has taken up orienteering.
10. It has been taken up an inch.
11. She has taken up the legs of the trousers.
12. He was taken up for drunkenness.
13. The opening theme is taken up by the strings.
14. She has taken up the cause of animal rights.
15. She's taken up with an unemployed actor.
16. All available accommodation were taken up.
17. Chris has just taken up climbing.
18. She's taken up with a strange crowd of people.
19. Now the papers have taken up the story.
20. He has taken up with some dubious characters.
21. She has taken up a job as a teacher.
22. All available tickets were taken up.
23. The melody is then taken up by the flutes.
24. Teachers complain that more of their time is taken up with administration than with teaching.
25. She's very taken up with voluntary work at the moment.
26. My son has taken up with the Jones boys who live down the road.
27. A good deal of my time is taken up with reading critical essays and reviews.
28. Their work was taken up with boring and blasting rock with gelignite.
29. He had taken up a position in the centre of the room.
30. The little time I had outside of school was taken up with work.
1. His business lunches were taken up with networking.
2. George has taken up with Lucy lately.
3. He's taken up the post of supervisor.
4. His mind was wholly taken up with the question.
5. She's taken up hang-gliding.
6. He was taken up with the reconciliation of husband and wife.
7. Once he's taken up a defensive attitude, it's difficult to persuade him that there's nothing to be afraid of.
31. The carpets had to be taken up when the house was rewired.
32. I'm sorry I've already taken up so much of your valuable time.
33. Too much of this report is taken up with out-of-date figures.
34. The company announced that 90% of the recent rights issue had been taken up by shareholders.
35. He has taken up an appointment as Professor of Chemistry.
36. John's taken up stamp-collecting; he seems really bitten by it.
37. He was taken up with the reconciliation of husband and wife.
38. The local MP has taken up the case of the family of six who have been left homeless.
39. The young soprano was taken up by a famous conductor.
40. They've taken up my references , so they must be interested in me.
41. Once he's taken up a defensive attitude, it's difficult to persuade him that there's nothing to be afraid of.
42. The young man is so lucky that he is taken up by a famous novelist.
43. In fact, the bulk of the book is taken up with criticizing other works.
44. The rest of the meeting was taken up by routine matters.
45. Relatives have taken up the cudgels for two British women accused of murder.
46. The injured man was taken up to his chamber.
47. The remainder was taken up with minor details.
48. The story is now taken up at second hand.
49. I wish he had taken up some steady work.
50. He has taken up the challenge to lead.
51. I hear Frank's taken up singing again.
52. Other industries have taken up the slack.
53. The union has also taken up the case of 50 workers who were fired for joining the union.
54. Once in government in the late 1970s and early 1980s, Hall's deregulatory message was taken up with alacrity.
55. Wait until a ferret fitted with a transmitter has taken up a fixed position down a burrow.
56. More than 4,500 Ford employees have taken up the company's new education scheme to encourage them to learn a foreign language.
57. Might not that message been taken up by my immune system?
58. The father of two had taken up the hobby 18 months ago and was a member of the Ince Blundell flying club.
59. Because we needed food, more and more of my free time was taken up by teaching,[] even at weekends.
60. Around a fifth of the increase was taken up in greater activity, which resulted in a sharp fall in unemployment.
61. Numerous calls for increased powers for the independent agency will not be taken up.
62. A police team, forewarned of the raid, had taken up positions inside the bank.
63. If the salvage is worthwhile then this should be taken up and disposed of to the highest bidder.
64. The rest of their time is taken up with meetings of committees and groups in Brussels.
65. A strike call by the Sacred Union on Feb. 3 was taken up by workers across the country.
66. The savings are taken up by the government in the form of higher taxes and transferred to the redundant workers.
67. Early on he makes a general point, one taken up by later writers, that there is a relativity about identity.
68. This means that a good proportion of the interview is taken up by passing information to the candidate.
69. Both were men given to passionate intensities; and I believe both had taken up positions in response to old psychic wounds.
70. Half the space is taken up by a picture of a violin - ah yes, but one with a broken string.
71. Bloody Gorgeous seems to have taken up permanent residence in her bed.
72. Potassium is taken up by cells with glucose under the influence of insulin.
73. Moreover, other territories were taken up with their own internal problems.
74. Their campaign was taken up in the Commons by backbencher Michael Stephen.
75. Of this, 250 or so is taken up with lighting, leaving a little over 3,000 watts for water heating.
76. His case has been taken up by Justice, the all- party law reform group.
77. Since Josie had taken up residence, the two would-be lovers had spent exactly one hour and eight minutes in privacy.
78. The children of some middle-class parents have taken up working-class occupations.
79. This suggests an important point which will be taken up in detail in the final chapter but which should be mentioned here.
80. Part of the screen was taken up by a banner ad for TotalNews sponsor NewsPage, a personalized Internet news service.
81. The export market has not taken up the slack, so redundancies are coming thick and fast.
82. Gresham ward councillor Barry Coppinger has taken up their case.
83. I belonged to the local farmers' club and had taken up curling.
84. I have been unable to think clearly this entire day because you have taken up all the space in my head.
85. Tod and I are feeling so terrific that we've joined a club and taken up tennis.
86. They are particularly useful for temporary and rented accommodation because they can be so easily taken up and put down.
87. Therefore a crouched position should be taken up which keeps the centre of gravity lower.
88. Any dwellings not taken up within a specified time are placed on the open market.http://
89. The plan of a slave ship issued by Clarkson was also extensively taken up and became an antislavery print.
90. One of them has taken up residence in a hut in Roche's garden.
91. Dennis's mornings were fully taken up meeting clients, delegating responsibilities, processing figures and accessing data.
92. But just as they did so, ecologists, epidemiologists, and alarmed demographers have taken up the cry.
93. The Ministry inspector's recommendation for a porter's lodge was taken up and went out to tender.
94. When the rats who had taken up residence in his building were ousted.
95. The elderly are, therefore, still involved in extended family relationships, a point taken up again in section 6.6.
96. Some former students have taken up administrative posts in various public and private enterprises and in the civil service and local government.
97. As in any full-blown controversy, these polarised positions were the ones taken up by most contributors to the fight.
98. It made her feel a little dowdy, as though she had taken up residence in the suburbs of morality.
99. The most extensive tracts are taken up by five dairy farms.
100. The main part of volume three is taken up by a massive review following on from the symbiont chapter in volume two.
101. Wilkes, as a symbol of defiant resistance to government, was taken up by all these groups.
102. A critical factor appears to be the enhanced influx of external calcium which is taken up by the stores with two consequences.
103. The remaining space in the window i s taken up with the currently selected command sequence.
104. She waited patiently in council chambers for about two hours for the issue to be taken up in executive session.
105. Most of the chart is taken up by tired old album tracks, reissues, remixes - hardly value for money.
106. But developing nations, where 2 billion people still have no electricity, have taken up the slack.
107. The idea was taken up immediately and news of it spread throughout the land.
108. One end of the room was entirely taken up by built-in cupboards full of books, photographs and racing trophies prominently displayed.
109. They may even locally have taken up arms for the Cathar cause.
110. Top singers He's a gifted songwriter whose tunes have been taken up by some of the country's top folk singers.
111. Keys and valuables were taken up to prevent anyone from drinking and driving.
112. The labs' distant agents are Kurds who have taken up residence in the West.
113. Her mind was taken up with puzzling over a fact which had become increasingly clear the longer she stayed in the apartment.
114. Booklets can be very popular indeed and some booklets have been taken up in very large quantities.
115. Then we were taken up steep narrow logging roads into the mountains of Boras.
116. Much of that time is taken up negotiating with creditors.
117. Later, it was taken up by the communications industry and developed into worldwide markets.
118. The time taken up by pauses is not counted in bout time.
119. The placing and rights issue to fund the acquisition were undersubscribed,[] with 61.2 percent of the rights issue taken up.
120. But up to 40 percent of downtown spaces are taken up all day by cars with disabled placards.
121. A new director has taken up his post at the State Hermitage.
122. The day is taken up with trying to control the child rather than having fun.
123. They have even taken up conversations for the other when some one mistook Kato for Wasswa or vice versa.
124. He's been presenting awards aimed at encouraging safety at work, a challenge taken up in Oxfordshire's old folks homes.
125. What if the employers' job offers are not taken up by the students?
126. These ideas were taken up by the peace movement in the early-1980s as an alternative to reliance on nuclear weapons.
127. About a third to a half the usable space in any private house is taken up by special rooms devoted to sleeping.
128. I said I thought a great deal of time was taken up with Committees.
129. The rest of his time was taken up with a slide show with commentary.
130. Arguments or wars had, some group of statisticians had calculated, taken up to 89.7% of our lives.
131. After years of study he had qualified in Mining Engineering and had taken up a post as a college lecturer on mining.
132. She had lately taken up embroidery and was making, as her first effort, a floral tapestry cover for a footstool.
133. A number of demands which were to be raised by the civil rights movement were taken up by the manifesto.
134. Every road, every lane, even the narrowest of alleys was taken up with stalls.
135. This is a challenge which I and my colleague John Davis have already taken up.
136. This suggests an important theme which will be taken up in a later discussion of Paisley's leadership style.
137. Nowadays, much the greater part of the legislative programme of the two Houses is taken up by Public Bills.
138. He retired from the sea at the age of 36, having taken up a career with the brush.
139. This time is taken up with the conventional homeroom topics: announcements and the like.
140. Labour, for instance, had taken up Britain's role East of Suez in 1964 with no little enthusiasm.
141. I put a trimmed log in its place, to be taken up by the stair.
142. A Lloyd's signal station was to occupy the top storey, but the offer was not taken up.
143. Since February buyers have taken up 1.5m bales, double the amount in the same period last year.
144. The theme of the medicalisation of life was subsequently taken up by a number of other writers.
145. A larger room was taken up with the endless daily washing that miners' wives were obliged to do.
146. Much of the information system would unfortunately be taken up with information about the assortment of opening hours of individual bureaux.
147. After a while I said I'd taken up enough of his time, and should see him at the funeral.
148. I did consult with many other people; my thanks to all of them even if their suggestions could not be taken up.
149. A soccer player and runner in high school,[] he had taken up outrigger canoeing before the accident.
150. The first week of the trial was taken up with jury selection.
151. Subjects not studied at school can be taken up and pursued to an advanced level.
152. But this is not the case as Figure 1.3, a diagram illustrating careers taken up by history graduates, shows.
153. Sleeping arrangements vary depending on the space taken up by equipment stowage.
154. For these teachers the time taken up by their extra activities more than repays itself in renewed zest and self-confidence in school.
155. The Dee at Chester was fishable but the only action was from 40 cormorants who have taken up residence above the weir.
156. The point will be taken up again later within an evaluation of these matrix methods.
157. No one had taken up Sylvian's work, despite the ominous ruler and ink.
158. Bruce was taken up above the salt.
159. Things should be taken up in order of priority.
160. But most of his speech was taken up with a triumphalist analysis of political realignment.
161. But a good half of each twenty-second increment was typically taken up with preliminaries and formalities.
162. Much of the '90s was taken up with a dirty war against the PKK during which thousands of people were killed, villages were torched and human rights abuses abounded.
163. It may be called the Jigokudani Wild Monkey Park, but the Japanese macaques here have taken up one of lifes more civilized pleasures: hot tubbing.
164. She has taken up ( ie has begun to learn to play ) the oboe.
165. Find a good description of the dating process here.) After carbon-14 spread throughout the globe, tiny amounts of the gas were taken up by the slow-growing mosses.
166. Just how seriously was shown by a 2008 presidential decree calling for zero tolerance of alcohol in the bloodstream while driving – an idea that was not taken up for reasons of workability.
167. Noodling around with the genes of these streetwise creatures, Ackley uncovered a couple of resources they hadn't taken up.
168. In printing, the surface area taken up by type of a given size. Thus an8point type occupies a print area of8point EM.
169. Orange juice has taken up the largest market of fruit drink consumption, and in China, the industry of orange juice processing drops far behind America and Brazil.
170. Meanwhile, technology for making water filters using nanomaterials for better absorption of contaminants has been taken up by several firms.
171. Within two hours the arsonist was taken up by the police.
172. Spring and summer are taken up by the reaping of hay and the threshing of corn.
173. Capital height: The space taken up by the capital letters of a type face.
174. Fagilyu Mukhametzyanov, 49, had been wrongly declared deceased by doctors but died for real after hearing mourners saying prayers for her soul to be taken up to heaven in Kazan, Russia.
175. When the masts are vertical . the horizontal cable thrust is taken up completely by the guy cable, which transfers the force to the ground . the mast itself picks up only axial compression forces.
176. He had taken up the piano as a child and joined a jazz band in California.
177. As a consequence, either additional credit has to be taken up, thus triggering constraints of exponential growth, or there will be a redistribution of income from debtors to lenders .
178. Today may be taken up with doing a lot of last-minute errands.
178. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
179. Low and intermediate frequency instability models are taken up first.
180. A study is made on the working angle in scraping process, practical Calculations are taken up to the angle of working edge, rake angle and back angle. Some patterns of such change are found out.
181. If she had had to give up riding she might have taken up sailing competitively.
182. Iodine-131 and caesium are more damaging, however. Iodine is actively taken up by the thyroid gland to make hormones.
183. Since that time, various types of hovercraft have appeared and taken up regular service.
184. The ground floor of the museum is taken up by the skeleton of a dinosaur.
185. Watershed flood control engineering system is a complex system consisted of random, fuzzy, unascertainable uncertainties, which has taken up the main part of the flood disaster management.
186. Rice plants adsorbed tricyclazole from soil-water system, and a very remarkable relationship appeared between its amount taken up by rice plants and its concentrations in water (at 0.01 level).
187. The question of public housing should be taken up with the Ministerwhose responsibility it is.
188. Armed police in body armour have taken up positions at major road junctions in the capital, with snipers spotted on buildings along the parade route on Chang'an Avenue.
189. Or when must he laugh, so as to be secure from being taken up as a libeler?
190. Once Mike's taken up a defensive attitude, it's difficult to persuade him that's nothing to be afraid of.
191. Also, I'm aware that the space in my head that used to be taken up with A-level French has been replaced with tactics for playing Halo on the XBox.
192. The first three days of proceedings had been taken up with defense notions to recuse.
193. This subject will make great strides when it is taken up by scientists under a scientific dictatorship.
194. Half the road surface is being taken up to lay new gas pipes.
195. The rest of the space was taken up by cardboard boxes piled right to the ceiling, ten deep.
196. Then, when the car begins to move forward, this toe-in practically disappears as all looseness, or "slippage', in the steering system is taken up."
197. The theme should be taken up with humour, with panache and perhaps with a bit of poetry...
198. ATM technology is kernel in Broadband Integrated Services Digital Network(B-ISDN) and has taken up important place in the communications.
199. The main type of pollutants which caused the accidents include COD, heavy metal ions, at the same time, Phenol, Pentachloro sodium phenolate and ammonia had taken up a considerable proportion too.
200. It may be called the Jigokudani Wild Monkey Park, the Japanese macaques here have taken up one of life's more civilized pleasures: hot tubbing .
201. The question of public traffic should be taken up with the Minister concerned.
202. If you noticed, all the nice-looking and expensive cups were taken up, leaving behind the plain and cheap ones.
203. Chinese action star Jet Li has taken up Singapore citizenship and bought a property in the city state worth almost $14m,() AFP cited Singaporean media as saying.
204. One of the travel guidebook companies, Lonely Planet, has taken up responsible tourism as a cause and devotes a section of their website to instructing their readers on what they can do.
205. Our minds are taken up with far more mundane things.
206. In April, team members began reprocessing all the images taken up to March 25, 2007.
207. She was tasting of the sweets of concealment; she had taken up the line of mystery.
208. Operations are more, but also a tour of duty, that is, a number of samples taken up to the sun. – Could it be that what the rock above the stones and the like do?
209. If they are like most kids (in America at least), most of their free time is taken up by the TV or other electronic entertainment.
210. Long-lasting particles of cesium 137 can cycle through an ecosystem for decades, entering plants when they are taken up by root systems and returning to the earth when the plant dies.
211. We shall see how these ideas were taken up by Endoxus in the method of exhaustion.
212. Besides being handy, it accelerates the speed with which gold money changes hands (the velocity of money is another factor suggested here, to be taken up in turn), which makes it more effective.
213. Paul left Timothy in Ephesus to make sure the church stayed true to the doctrines Paul had taught and not be taken up with side issues (v. 4).




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