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单词 Central bank
1. The central bank has put up interest rates.
2. The smoke signals from the central bank suggest further cuts are coming.
3. The Central Bank intervened in the currency markets today to try to stabilize the exchange rate.
4. I argued the case for an independent central bank.
5. Mary banked $5,000 at the Central Bank.
6. The central bank has announced controls on capital outflows.
7. Any European central bank should be directly answerable to the European Parliament.
8. We need a central bank that is independent of the government.
9. Between July 1st and October 1st, the central bank printed over 2 trillion roubles.
10. The central bank will provide special loans, and the banks will pledge the land as security.
11. The central bank has pulled off one of the biggest financial rescues of recent years.
12. It did not take long for the central bank to soothe investors' fears.
13. The Central Bank is authorized to sell government bonds on the open market.
14. The Central Bank has lowered interest rates by 2 percent.
15. Independence of the central bank would restore its power.
16. Central Bank regulation of domestic markets. 7.
17. The central bank is scheduled to release the figure this week.
18. Readers should ascertain how their own central bank defines money supply.
19. That talk was fanned by comments from central bank officials.
20. The central bank yesterday said current interest rate settings are consistent with the pace of growth and prospects for inflation.
21. And the government's recent promise to give the central bank independence should buttress its authority in the markets.
22. When a central bank buys a surplus of foreign currency it exchanges it for domestic currency,(/central bank.html) here Deutschmarks.
23. But the betting is the central bank will take no action on interest rates at that time.
24. The central bank also loosened its own lending of securities, pouring millions of dollars into Wall Street.
25. Generally, politicians believe that central bank officials are too stingy with the money supply and too concerned about inflation.
26. The central bank trimmed the discount rate to a record low 0. 5 percent in September.
27. The central bank said prices for a basic basket of consumer items rose 3. 93 percent in December.
28. He reiterated his opposition to the creation of a central bank.
29. Interest rates can be controlled by order of the central bank.
30. In much of euroland, inflation is already double the ceiling set by the European Central Bank.
1. The central bank has put up interest rates.
2. The smoke signals from the central bank suggest further cuts are coming.
3. He reiterated his opposition to the creation of a central bank.
4. The Central Bank intervened in the currency markets today to try to stabilize the exchange rate.
31. The central bank shaved its benchmark repo rate by 0. 25 percentage point to 8. 75 percent.
32. The Fed chief implied the central bank might be inclined to wait until its March 20 meeting before taking such a step.
33. To head off that possibility, the central bank raised short-term interest rates seven times in 1994 and 1995.
34. Earlier in the day, bonds received a boost as the central bank said it would buy government bonds outright.
35. Central bank governors have blown fortunes trying to fight against momentum in the international currency market.
36. Unable to control the situation and unwilling to accept the real state of things the Central Bank simply closed the currency exchange.
37. The legislation transformed it into a new central bank and introduced a new tier of commercial banks and other lending institutions.
38. The central bank is most concerned to limit inflation because inflation depreciates the value of the assets held by the commercial banks.
39. Consider the view that no banking and financial system can operate effectively without a central bank. 6.
40. Some feel the central bank will wait to get a clearer picture of the economy.
41. All of our economic life is to be decided by an unelected, unaccountable single central bank.
42. The Central Bank issued a statement warning against defacing bank notes with what it called "indecent expressions".
43. Central bank policy-makers next meet to consider cutting interest rates on Jan. 30 and 31.
44. The central bank is expected to cut its discount rate this quarter, traders said.
45. This measure was intended to eliminate corruption and prevent unrecoverable loans being passed on to the Central Bank.
46. Two men robbed the Central Bank yesterday, escaping with over $1 million.
47. For now, the German central bank is standing pat on interest rates.
48. We also recommend that there should be a central bank of specially compiled examples for training in the moderation process.
49. Four times in the past two years, the central bank has appointed administrators to small Czech banks with similar problems.
50. Central bank deputy governor Paul Chiu said the bank plans to exclude foreign individuals from the current 15 percent limit.
51. On Thursday, the central bank lowered both its floor and ceiling rates by a quarter point.
51. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
52. Traders said they expect the central bank to lower the key rates when it next lowers the two-week rates.
53. Schuler4 suggests that dollarization is appropriate when a country's central bank has performed poorly.
54. By the by, those conditions are wholly unacceptable to our partners and would destroy the whole purpose and form of a central bank.
55. The primary aim of the central bank is to work closely with the government and so to operate in the public interest.
56. The central bank may raise rates in order to keep inflation in check.
57. The central bank promised to pump more money into the system if there were any further signs of instability.
58. It is also important for the City to ensure that the central bank and monetary institution come here.
59. Interest rates would then rise as the central bank increased its discount rate to discourage borrowing and the demands for legal tender.
60. Their central bank accepts deposits from residents in exchange for domestic currency.
61. The Convertible Act requires the Central Bank to maintain 100 % backing for the monetary base in gold and currency.
62. The policy-making Central Bank Council meets next Thursday to consider whether to lower key interest rates.
63. This, as has been said, is particularly true of the moves to set up an unaccountable Central Bank.
64. Based on past experience, the central bank is likely to keep investors waiting a while yet.
65. Cutting rates will be necessary if the central bank is to prevent the krone from strengthening any more against the mark.
66. In the end, however, the central bank left interest rates unchanged, and stock prices rebounded.
67. But it would signal a policy shift by the central bank that could crimp the economy severely later on.
68. The central bank would probably like to delay easing until at least one headline-grabbing bankruptcy confirms the damage done and inflation starts dropping.
69. More accurate figures are being made available with improved central bank supervision of external money markets.
70. In short, the gold standard obligated the central bank to exchange currency for gold at a fixed price.
71. And the central bank collects a premium for selling the option, which helps to offset the costs of intervention.
72. Just how closely a central bank works with the government will vary from country to country.
73. Requiring a central bank to support a flagging currency will remain a bad idea after the union is formed, Tietmeyer said.
74. Khelil was replaced as Central Bank governor by his deputy, Mohamed el-Beji Hamda.
75. The Central Bank has frozen all remittances of profits, dividends and interest.
76. His present term as central bank governor expired on July 24, 1992.
77. Any increase or decrease in the money stock is thus directly attributable to the activities of the central bank.
78. The most effective proven mechanism to achieve price stability is an independent central bank dedicated to that objective.
79. The central bank said it would stop supporting the rouble and promised that cheap credits to moribund industries will be phased out.
80. The central bank last lowered interest rates on Dec. 14.
81. The central bank also bought about 200 billion yen in government bonds outright.
81. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
82. Central bank officials said they agreed to cut rates after a better-than-expected fourth quarter inflation report.
83. If the central bank is forced to print money then inflation begins to take off and the economy languishes.
84. The Central Bank attempted to dispel rumours of a possible financial crisis.
85. The government and central bank were in theoretical harmony.
86. This can be averted by the central bank.
87. The central bank still fixes the price of money.
88. Smith banks with the Central Bank.
89. Redeposited with the Central Bank of China.
90. Smith banked $ 10000 at the Central Bank.
91. The central bank used a power described in section 13 of the Federal Reserve Act.
92. A comprehensive MIS system is attachable to all of these modules, which allows both Central Bank and management reporting.
93. Without a developed national debt market, the central bank cannot utilize open market operation to adjust monetary supply efficiently and the fiscal policy also cannot be implemented successfully .
94. The Central Bank of China may, when necessary, regulate and control the terms and duration of repayment.
95. The central bank so far has refused to uncork a massive and open-ended purchasing program many analysts believe is the only measure that can still contain the debt crisis.
96. The European Central Bank also announced an interest rate cut.
97. The central bank uses monetary policy including reserve requirement system to regulate the money supply of a country.
98. The New Zealand dollar came under additional pressure after the central bank vowed to maintain record low rates until at least July 2010.
99. The German central bank must use 2 billion in reserves to buy up 6 billion marks.
100. We divided the gold reserves held by central bank with the currency in circulation of that country.
101. Its central bank is already focusing on inflation and in February it raised reserve requirements.
102. The central bank also reduced the proportion of deposits aside as reserves by 0.5 percentage point.
103. The agency cited central bank policies that produced high inflation and negative interest rates as dangerous for the banks.
104. The news of Russian central bank gold buying is getting more press.
105. The central bank mainly through re - lending rate to control and regulation.
106. On Sunday, the central bank halted trading in the lender's shares and appointed a supervisor to oversee its treasury, foreign exchange and financial markets trading operations.
107. The European Central Bank ( ECB ) is endowed with price stability as the core of its monetary policy strategy.
108. The market is shocked because this happens just after the restart of 3-year-term central bank bill.
109. The special deposit includes two terms of three-months and one-year with an annual interest rate of 3.37 and 3.99 percent respectively, said the central bank.
110. But the central bank research bureau also reported that, in the private lending market, capital flows, the part can not be ruled out private lending funds for stocks and real estate.
111. Funds traded overnight the interbank market to satisfy commercial banks'reserve requirements at the central bank.
111. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
112. Analysts are divided on the wisdom of the central bank policy.
113. African finance ministers and central bank governors have concluded a two-day meeting in Lilongwe that focused on ways to soften the effects of global economic shocks on Africa.
114. In the stimulating planning of 4 trillion of China, banks loosen the loan restriction, at the same time Central Bank of China lowers the loan rate.
115. Third, there is using the central bank as emergency liquidity provider or "lender of last resort, " to expand the "elastic currency, " as the Federal Reserve Act calls it.
116. Last week, the central bank edged up the rate on an often-watched interbank loan, the first such hike in five months. That seemed to signal concern that the economy was expanding too quickly.
117. Oh, it's the Indian Central Bank. Our bank has correspondent relations with it .
118. The central bank lowered interest rates on loans and real estate sectors is a positive signal.
119. But since Indonesia three weeks ago announced rules to push money out of the short-term central bank debt market, preferred by foreign speculators, markets have actually reacted favorably.
120. The central bank used a power described section 13 of the Federal Reserve Act.
121. He is now a sought-after adviser, spending much of his time shuttling between meetings with central bank governors and finance ministers in Europe and Asia.
122. This phenomenon is the sharp increase in foreign exchange reserves with the Central Bank to credit contraction caused by the double squeeze.
123. The Nobel Prize for Economics, the only award not included in Nobel's will, is funded by the Swedish Central Bank, which created the prize at its tercentenary in 1968.
124. The level of employment is ultimately determined by aggregate demand, and aggregate demand is determined by whatever the central bank thinks the economy can bear, without jeopardising stable prices.
125. Central Bank gold agreement countries have sold significantly less gold, uh in the calendar year 2008.
126. Less well-endowed countries are asking for help. Hungary has secured a EURO5 billion ($6.6 billion) lifeline from the European Central Bank and is negotiating a loan from the IMF, as is Ukraine.
127. Afterward, the Chinese central bank announced new monetary austerity measures.
128. The Fed is already testing another tool, reverse repurchase agreements, in which the central bank sells securities from its portfolio with an agreement to buy them back later.
129. Composing thrifty basic central bank is a kind of decomposing cell project which based on global object of composing thrifty society.
130. Jean - Claude Trichet, president of the European Central Bank, disagrees.
131. The European Central Bank actually raised rates in July 2008.
132. Industrial Union of Thailand requested Thailand's Central Bank not to be eager to raise interest rates.
133. Gabor Pula and Tuomas Peltonen of the European Central Bank calculate that the Philippine, South Korean and Taiwanese economies now depend more on Chinese demand than American.
134. At least 3 explosions rocked the Afghan capital of Kabul Monday morning with one blast occurring close to the country's presidential palace and central bank building.
135. From 1942, the Central Bank of China centralized the banknote issue and became the first central bank in the history of China.
136. The Panic galvanized the big bankers to put on a concerted putsch for a Lender of Last Resort in the shape of a central bank.
137. The paper holds that the open market operation by the central bank of China has been in conformity with its basic requirements, but coordination with public financial policy is still to be improved.
138. The central bank also says the special deposit adopts voluntary declaration of quotas.
139. The People's Bank, the central bank of China, has chosen the China Construction Bank for a trial operation of the mortgage-backed securitization.
140. Like other rich countries, Britain is feeling the downdraft from the credit crisis at a time when rising inflation makes it hard for the central bank to provide succour.
141. The European Central Bank should also cut interest rates further.
141. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
142. Yimin Fund expects the central bank will also lower the deposit reserve ratio and interest rates.
143. So, combining with the current fiscal policy of China, this paper discusses how the central bank can control and father inflation under a deficit financing policy.
144. The central bank swaps facilities are meant to ease fears of a dollar shortage as investors dump riskier assets and move back into the U.S. dollar.
145. Weekly or monthly statement issued by a central bank summarising its financial position.
146. In the long term, however, China will want full liberalisation of exchange controls, a freely floating currency and an inflation-targeting central bank.
147. Does that mean your bank, the People's Bank of China will act as the central bank of China?
148. Economic reform seems to have stalled and European Central Bank monetary policy is on semi - permanent hold.
149. The Kwangtung Provincial Bank, coming from the Central Bank during the Great Revolution, was reorganized and established in 1932.
150. The central bank would have to distribute new notes and coins fast. It would also have to set interest rates, and would need a lodestar, probably an inflation target, to guide it.
151. It was created in 1968 by the Swedish central bank in Alfred Nobel's memory.
152. The argument: The central bank must arrange in an international department to the professional credit analyst.
153. On Thursday Jean-Claude Trichet, the president of the European Central Bank or E. C. B. — Europe's equivalent to Ben Bernanke — lost his sang-froid.
154. An approval from the Issue Department of the Central Bank of China is required.
155. Meanwhile the European Central Bank seems determined to hold rates at 4 %.
156. European Central Bank President Jean - Claude Trichet hinted that the European, or 25 basis points rate cut.
157. Later in the day, the RBA left interest rates unchanged at 4.75% as was expected, but the less than usual hawkish tone out of the central bank helped weaken the currency to session lows near 1.0150.
158. Japan's Nikkei 225 jumped 2.9 percent after that country's central bank outlined details of its own program to stimulate its economy by buying up debt securities.
159. On one side is the European Central Bank, which is spending billions to prop up Europe's weak-kneed bond markets and safeguard the common currency.
160. The independence of the Central Bank of China was very low, nearly controlled completely by the government.
161. The documents say the South American nation aims to move 211 tons of gold it keeps abroad and values at $11 billion to the Central Bank in Caracas.
162. The increasing trend of foreign currency assets determines the continuance of Central Bank Bill as debt replacement instrument.
163. As the main section of the open market business, the national debt market is the basis of open market operation of Central Bank.
164. To this end the European Central Bank (ECB) should establish annual country loan quotas set according to each country's economic size and output gap, making them a form of automatic stabilizer.
165. Now, all countries that carry out the system of central bank carry The System Of Legal Deposit Reserves basically.
166. Three after the central bank it had ended deflation, it has returned.
167. Although the central bank continues to cut interest rates and statutory reserve ratio, but the bank's capital has remained unmoved .
168. As overseer of the largest mortgage bond portfolio in the world, the central bank itself has indicated it wants to steer clear of selling agency MBS outright, at least for now.
169. At the same time, lowered the central bank refinancing and rediscount interest rates.
170. Not surprisingly, China's central bank is the main internal proponent of reform.
171. Today's session could offer a new definition for the phrase "slow trade day" as markets remained range bound ahead of central bank rate decisions from both the ECB and the BOE.
172. Under the Federal Reserve Act, a central bank was reestablished for the United States,(http:///central bank.html) the first since the "Second" Bank of the United States.
173. On one valve especially they all concentrate: the valve labeled "central bank rediscount rate, " which we have already seen in action.
174. THE European Central Bank ( ECB ) believes it deserves a break.
175. Reports of official central bank demand for EUR helped the currency to recover, with strong resistance seen around EUR/USD 1.3862 and support at 1.3610.
176. The recapitalization rate is the rate the central bank charges commercial banks when it pumps more capital into those banks.
177. At the same time, the central bank reduced refinancing and rediscount rate.
178. The Bank of Italy's outgoing governor, Mario Draghi, spelt things out recently in a hard-hitting farewell speech (before taking the reins at the European Central Bank).
179. Its central bank has offered yuan to Indonesia and Argentina in return for rupiah and pesos.
180. USCCC and United Central Bank co - host SBA loan seminar. Lunch will be provided to early registrations.
181. At the same timethe central bank also cut the small bank reserve ratio.
182. The special deposit is a form of deposits where the central bank will pay interests for the funds from financial institutions, which is an effective way to mop up liquidity.
183. Sometimes the central general bank requires banks to keep funds at the central bank.
184. "We are facing now a great flood of international liquidity," Deputy Central Bank Governor Luiz Pereira da Silva told a bankers' forum in Canada on Sunday.
185. Fixed Exchange Rate A currency exchange rate set and maintained by a government or central bank.
185. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
186. Mugabe re - appointed an ally, Central Bank Governor Gideon Gono for another five - year term.
187. The US central bank set its target range for the federal funds rate to between zero to 0.25%, citing deteriorating economic conditions.
188. This decision is the central bank Shengxi weigh a variety of factors integrated decision-making, policy flexibility and controllability have reserved space.
189. The central bank, as lender of last resort, is the ultimate guarantor of this collective good.
190. But without the promise of a central bank stepping in as a last resort, a government liquidity crisis is always at risk of turning into a solvency crisis.




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更新时间:2024/10/5 3:18:18