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单词 Doctoral
1. He wrote his doctoral thesis on contemporary French literature.
2. He's doing a doctoral thesis on the early works of Shostakovich.
3. From this initial dissatisfaction my own doctoral thesis developed.
4. His doctoral dissertation was entitled History, Historians and Poetry?
5. Hasse wrote his doctoral dissertation on ragtime music.
6. Kostunica wrote his doctoral thesis in 1976 attesting to the vital role played by political opposition groups in the West.
7. The doctoral student was apparently attempting to change a flat tire when his assailant struck.
8. Doctoral degree recipients generally become college professors or work in an area of research.
9. The anthropologist,(Sentence dictionary) Steven Mosher is a doctoral student at Stanford.
10. Many doctoral dissertation proposals will be as long as 60 or more pages typed and double spaced.
11. He was involved in writing his doctoral dissertation.
12. Doctoral dissertation: " Secularisation and Christianity in Contemporary Britain".
13. He wrote his doctoral thesis on electromagnetism.
14. His doctoral thesis was'study of calcium phosphate cement ".
15. His doctoral thesis was devoted to the geochemistry, geochronology and nuclear chemistry of the noble gases xenon and krypton.
16. Dux completed this study while conducting post - doctoral research at Vanderbilt.
17. That's the process Belcher and her team, including doctoral student Yoon Sung Nam, the lead author of the new paper, decided to imitate.
18. Government-supported doctoral students who bring their family may apply for a room, and the school will make proper sharing arrangement.
19. Johnson, a doctoral candidate at the Center for Limnology at the University of Wisconsin–Madison, studies human influences on emerging diseases in aquatic environments.
20. A doctoral candidate is required to pass a qualifying examination.
21. INSEAD offers doctoral programs, executive - education programs, and a full - time MBA program.
22. I had been there only a few weeks when I had second thoughts about pursuing doctoral work.
23. She had no academic qualifications of any kind, but most exceptionally the faculty had admitted her for doctoral study.
24. The same differences are evident in pay disparity, which is greatest at doctoral universities and the least at four-year colleges.
25. The research is part of a wider programme involving staff and doctoral students at Imperial College Management School.
26. Over 13,500 full-time and part-time students are currently enrolled for courses at all levels, from doctoral studies to part-time certificate programmes.
27. But it is quite different in almost any university if one looks at the immediate post- doctoral level.
28. Biologist Remco Suer believes he's figured out the mosquito behavior, for his doctoral thesis at Wageningen University in the Netherlands.
29. Front cover: crimson for master students , blackish green for doctoral students.
30. Depending on the institution, this may be a minister robe, pulpit gown, church vestments, rabbinical gown, or doctoral robe.
31. For example, doctoral students, and this last time applicants in love with Mary, are self-assertive 10. This region is very rich supply of meat, vegetables and fruits, but are extremely scarce.
32. Ji Zhicheng is a professor and doctoral advisor . The main research direction is electrical non - linear control.
33. The doctoral student added that future research should analyse the impact of mood on working memory storage capacity in real life situations, such as in a classroom setting.
34. New Zealand International Doctoral Research Scholarship ( NZIDRS ) for the 2007 Academic Year.
35. This involved transplanting the workshop system of supervising doctoral research from Chicago - where it originated.
36. Li Huande, Professor, Doctoral supervisor. Specializes in clinical evaluation of drug, in vivo (intoxicant) pharmaceutical analysis and clinical pharmacokinetics.
37. There are 7 undergraduate, 10 graduate and 2 doctoral specialties and 1 postdoctoral mobile research station.
38. His doctoral dissertation on differential equations connected itself with existence theorems.
39. Since the 1970 s,(sentence dictionary) it has begun enrolling postgraduates Masterand doctoral and established the postdoctoral station.
40. The PNAS study, led by Henry Adams, a doctoral student at UA'secology and evolutionary biology department, also confirms that hottertemperatures actually suffocate trees in dry times.
41. SuperMemo was originally developed as a doctoral dissertation, and Mnemosyne is programmed by a professor who is using it to collect data (voluntarily) in a long-term research project on human memory.
42. The doctoral student has study all religion, oriental and occidental.
43. To answer this question, a questionary is designed to investigate the doctoral tutor's and master tutor's attitude toward the student's role.
44. Massachusetts Institute of Technology doctoral physicist Charles Zhang, 33, for example, is trying to steer Beijing away from the heavy-handed state planning used by South Korea and Japan.
45. James Franco, movie star, had rushed back on the red-eye to play his other big role: Yale doctoral student.
46. In this doctoral thesis, first, an overview of transient behavior of MSP and the applications to queueing theory, reliability theory and inventory theory is presented.
47. That's when he enrolled in a doctoral program in bioprocess engineering at State University of New York in Syracuse.
48. Lekweiry, a doctoral student at the Cadi Ayyad University in Morocco, studies the Anopheles mosquito to find new ways of tackling the spread of malaria among people in cities.
49. Author, A . A . ( 1986 ). Dissertation title. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University Name, Place.
50. Hematological , director of Army General Hospital doctors, professors, graduate student instructors, post - doctoral.
51. Zhang Tian Zhu Professor and Doctoral Tutor of Environmental Science and Engineering School of Tsinghua University.
52. This doctoral dissertation is a monograph on Dai Dong - yuan " philosophy and some interrelated questions about it. "
53. But the National Science Foundation says American doctoral education is organized around a research experience.
54. Without making this sound like a doctoral thesis in mathematics, in this method, comparison is made at the bit level between the MSB and the LSB components of a piece of data.
55. The study, by University of Chicago doctoral student Oscar Vela, looked at the percent people misrepresented their income and then ranked them by profession.
56. Massachusetts Institute of Technology doctoral physicist Charles Zhang, 33, for example, is trying to steer Beijing away from the heavy-handed state planning used by South KoreaJapan.
57. Lin studied for his bachelor's degree at Saint John's University in Shanghai, then received a half-scholarship to continue study for a doctoral degree at Harvard University.
58. Lastly, the development condition of China's educational scale of doctoral students is compared with America's and the necessity and feasibility of the scaling-up is discussed in China.
59. Prof. Stevenson Fung, the first visually impaired person granted a doctoral degree in physics by the University of Oxford, is now professor of physics in the University of Hong Kong.
60. The concentrate Doctoral studies is arranged 2 times every year and about 3 weeks each time. Students can choose to study or do research at school or outside of Philippines in other times.
61. "This was the mother lode, " said Matt Weir, a doctoral candidate in the e-crimes and investigation technology lab at Florida State University, where researchers are also examining the data.
62. He advised me to write a doctoral dissertation and stay to work in France.
63. Professor Yumeiniu, chief physician, Postgraduate Tutor, doctoral student in School of Stomatology of Wuhan University.
64. U.S. - minted doctoral economists are remaking China's university departments.
65. The University of Glasgow offers students with the unique opportunity of a fully funded doctoral studentship on the 'History of Lace Knitting in Shetland'.
66. Wage level of graduates, career development,[http:///doctoral.html] the number of doctoral and research rank is the "Financial Times" to measure the quality standards of a business school.
67. BLACKSBURG, Va. - A hearing has been rescheduled for a Virginia Tech doctoral student accused of killing a fellow student in a campus cafe.
68. Hasan Eker asks about getting a post - doctoral postdoctoral position in the United States.
69. No matter from the scale, speed or quality, compared to that of America, Chinese doctoral degree program has exceeded the conventions of academic development and initiated some problems.
70. In the legal philosophy field, the doctoral thesis based on humanity analyses the relationship between the liberty and the order in the rule of law from the cultural view.
71. The University of Glasgow offers students the unique opportunity of a fully-funded doctoral studentship on the 'History of Lace Knitting in Shetland'.
72. For Doctoral Program applicants: If the English level is sufficient, the Chinese language requirement could be adjusted for some majors.
73. Lam a doctoral degree from Harvard University Graduate School of Design.




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