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单词 Conspicuous consumption
1. It was an age of conspicuous consumption — those who had money liked to display it.
2. Their cabin is a shining example of conspicuous consumption - fridge, light, fans and two ghetto-blasters.
3. Similarly, conspicuous consumption or display is now regarded as an acceptable form of behaviour.
4. Inevitably London, the greatest centre of mass and conspicuous consumption, dominated with its tremendous appetite.
5. Conspicuous consumption became, for more groups, an important element in leisure culture.
6. What better forum for conspicuous consumption than the locker-room or the golf club car-park?
6. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
7. The creative ones turned their backs on conspicuous consumption and decided in favor of a simpler, personalized lifestyle.
8. We must avoid overindulgence and conspicuous consumption.
9. The final frontier in conspicuous consumption: space.
10. Dont worry: Conspicuous consumption wont disappear.
11. Conspicuous consumption of valuable goods is a means of reputability to the gentleman of leisure.
12. Indeed, conspicuous consumption and waste are an important part of social display.
13. "Conspicuous consumption of valuable goods is a means of repuability to the gentleman of leisure" (Thorstein Veblen).
14. Even so, a significant number of takeover bids were probably no more than a form of corporate conspicuous consumption.
15. Foreign imports such as colour television sets and hi-fi systems cram shop windows, catering to demands for conspicuous consumption.
16. The emergence of stratified societies culminating in states increased conspicuous consumption of precious substances.
17. Hong Kong was regarded as the world's capital of conspicuous consumption.
18. But one can only take just so much wretched excess and conspicuous consumption.
19. They're young and poor and the patriarchal culture they inherit and the conspicuous consumption of their contemporaries sanctions their irresponsibility.
20. In the opportunity culture of the United States, by contrast, conspicuous consumption was more tolerated.
21. But the suit is yet another sign that mad, conspicuous consumption is creeping back.
22. The plaster became thicker and thicker as the kings sought to outdo each other conspicuous consumption.
1. It was an age of conspicuous consumption — those who had money liked to display it.




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