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单词 Marching
1. A Scottish battalion was marching down the street.
2. They threw their chests out when marching in parade.
3. Soldiers were marching up and down outside the government buildings.
4. The two marching columns moved closer and finally merged .
5. There will be marching bands and plenty of flag-waving.
6. There were soldiers marching down the main street .
7. I found myself marching in step with the music.
8. The street resounded to the thud of marching feet.
9. Three players got their marching orders last week.
10. I heard the tramp of the marching soldiers.
11. They watched as ranks of marching infantry passed the window.
12. They were horrified to see files of ants marching through the kitchen.
13. The speaker fired the crowd into marching to Parliament with their de-mands.
14. Police attempted to turn back protesters marching towards the offices of President Ershad.
15. He responded by marching off and slamming the door behind him.
16. In every village drums were beating, soldiers marching.
17. The incoming government should give them their marching orders.
18. Secondly, I object to the marching.
19. Sillett has his men marching again.
20. He was humming an old army marching tune.
21. Marching through the churchyard came a strange lantern-lit procession.
22. The soldiers were marching at a steady pace.
23. a football song sung to the tune of 'When the saints go marching in'
24. I wouldn't care success oilure, for I will only struggle ahead as long as I have been destined to the distance. I wouldn't care the difficulties around, for what I can leave on the earth is only their view of my back since I have been marching toward the horizontal. It hurts to love someone and not be loved in return . But what is more painful is to love someone and never find the courage to let that person know how you feel.
25. I wouldn't care success or failure, for I will only struggle ahead as long as I have been destined to the distance. I wouldn't care the difficulties around, for what I can leave on the earth is only their view of my back since I have been marching toward the horizontal.
26. She was totally unreliable, so she got / was given her marching orders.
27. What does it take for a woman to say 'that's enough' and give her man his marching orders?
28. The ice was not thick enough to bear the weight of marching men.
29. This has caused some concern as peaceful demonstrators may be prevented from marching because of the threat posed by a potentially disruptive counter-demonstration.
30. The soldiers were suffering from exhaustion after long days and nights of marching.
1. A Scottish battalion was marching down the street.
2. They threw their chests out when marching in parade.
3. Soldiers were marching up and down outside the government buildings.
4. a football song sung to the tune of 'When the saints go marching in'
5. I heard the tramp of the marching soldiers.
31. But he also is in a community symphony, plays in the school marching band, and writes music.
32. Gwendolen, still clad in dark blue, was indefatigably marching with the party next to a most sympathetic lady.
33. On days of national holiday we had a parade, marching up and down and singing patriotic songs.
34. Tens of thousands of protesters were marching toward the presidential palace to demand his immediate resignation.
35. One day of marching can mean hundreds of hours of phone calling and shopping mall petitioning by inspired volunteers.
36. We were having them simply marching across the proscenium curtain.
37. The Army's preference to appear neutral was severely undermined by its role during the Loyalist marching season of 1970.
38. Every day they heard guns like thunder and saw the lines of reserves marching northward.
39. She slung her bag over one shoulder and went marching across the terrace, head erect, free arm swinging.
40. Then in 1850, a wire suspension bridge twisted and crumpled under the tread of marching troops.
41. In other words, forget your fancy gender studies: the neo-Darwinists were marching us back to basics.
42. It hates the sight of the unemployed, and it hates to see them marching, with Jesse Jackson, etc.
43. Marching through the centre of the town is a magnificent 42-arch railway viaduct, built in 1849.
44. Vintage automobiles, horsedrawn street cars and traditional marching bands pass alongside quaint old stores and cafes where ragtime music is played.
45. On June 10, an estimated 17, 000 students started marching toward Panmunjom.
46. Another kind of KLEZmer group had the instrumentation of a small military or marching band.
47. Because she can not find Soviet women marching for abortion on demand she concludes that there is no women's movement.
48. Joseph arrived in sullen mood(), having learnt that soldiers were marching through the Wallowa among his women and children.
49. In those days it was run like a boot camp-the army used to come and teach the girls formation marching.
50. They often took long walks together, how ever, marching through the streets of London in companionable silence.
51. The men, however, for the most part, were unused to marching.
52. Much more inspiring and less frequent were the sight and sounds of soldiers marching to war from drill hall to station.
53. They fall in a pattern, a few minutes apart, marching through the streets as the gunners zero in.
54. Those young people are often seen marching to the same drummer as their elders now.
55. For the grand finale there was a marching band and fireworks.
56. New recruits are instructed in marching and the handling of weapons.
57. The first thing I saw when my eyes blinked into focus was an ant marching over a small stone.
58. Except for the marching feet and the static on the field radio, there was a large quiet.
59. They achieved resounding success, shouting psalms on the battlefield and when marching.
60. Fans watched highlights of the season on a large video screen as they waited for the players and marching bands.
61. In front of the guardhouse, a sentry was marching up and down.
62. We would spend a month at Orange learning the basics of marching, singing, fitness, weapons drill and Legion history.
63. Each regiment tried to outdo all others in its appearance and its marching.
64. In a month King was marching again, and this time he had Daley worried and in a politically dangerous bind.
65. There were to be no marching bands, no floats, no politicians waving from convertibles, no clowns tossing candy.
66. The dinner guest arrived early and came marching into the kitchen to inspect the proceedings, under the guise of offering assistance.
67. Klein says she stays involved as editor of her high school paper, and Nyberg makes friends in the school marching band.
68. The old town square was filled with people and the jubilant sound of the marching band as performers juggled fire.
69. I caused chaos, too, in the Houlton Silver Band, who were hoisting their instruments prior to marching off.
70. The boys wore the same grey shorts and jerseys; the band was practising, marching and counter-marching on the playing field.
71. Divide the children up into groups for a game and then tell them that you are going to form a marching band.
72. Life was marching up such a strange road that it was sometimes hard to take it all in.
73. Then Agnes realized that there was a squad of men marching behind the carts.
74. The organizers, loudhailers in hand, were corralling the crowd into marching formation when the first group of skinheads appeared.
75. I asked of a young sergeant marching on the flank.
76. One day soon afterwards, Lily and I stood and watched a contingent of troops marching through the streets.
77. The whole place is always going bad, marching relentlessly towards the sell-by date.
78. Days, months, years, and so on were all members of relay teams marching through eternity.
79. Going about their daily tasks, the people of these villages must have grown tired of the tramp of marching feet.
80. The ground shook beneath the steady marching of the great mass of men and the tread of thousands of hoofs.
81. I started up the bagpipes and was soon under way, marching up and down the church hall.
82. There is nothing uglier than a redundant ski-tow out of season, with its pylons marching up a scarred, broken hillside.
83. Marching across the gravel, she knocked firmly on the vast front door.
84. And people no longer look to the parties to provide them with parades, marching bands, and Thanksgiving turkeys.
85. They raised and lowered their muskets, fixed 18-inch-long bayonets to their weapons and demonstrated various marching maneuvers.
86. All the audience saw were twelve soldiers marching slowly towards them apparently from miles away.
87. Outside the birdsong has been replaced by the sound of a military band marching up the road.
87. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
88. Even the marching mob of penguins in Batman Returns were flocked by Reynolds's algorithms.
89. After the incident, Hooper and his men were marching from the camp.
90. They could at least play a recording of Marching All Together or something.
91. Yards away on the infield, a marching band was tuning up.
92. Walsh received his marching orders 75 seconds into the second half after aiming a kick at Lucchese's Roberto Marta.
93. Impact craters have great dune fields marching across their floors.
94. Despite a recent correction, technology called the marching tune in 1995.
95. There were to be no less than 2,000 uniformed Blackshirts, marching and parading as the advance guard of revolution.
96. A battalion of infantry that was marching towards the cabriolet shuffled on to the grass verge.
97. It started with a marching band, or at least the lingering sounds of one.
98. But these Yankees aren't marching like storm troopers in the direction of yet another championship.
99. The floral extravaganza featured 55 floats, 30 equestrian units and 24 marching bands.
100. The man started to laugh and Lais glared at him angrily, grabbing Peach's hand and marching her from the room.
101. Troops with camouflage face paint marching single file.
102. the tramp of marching feet.
103. A catalectic tetrameter of iambs marching.
104. Glory, glory, hallelujah! Our God is marching on.
105. The company was dressed in full marching order.
106. Marching band, firework, celebration, barbecue, nickname, liberty bell.
107. The pilgrims were marching to the Shiite holy city of Karbala, 50 miles south of Baghdad, to celebrate the birth of Mohammed al-Mahdi, the 12th Shiite imam, who disappeared in the ninth century.
108. Marching cubes (MC) algorithm is a classical algorithm to extract iso-surface from regular volume data. At last, a medical images reconstruction system based on MC algorithm is developed.
109. Protect your kingdom at all cost by unleashing trebuchet to stop the waves of enemies marching toward your castle.
110. The Marching Cube algorithm is the classical iso-surface extracting algorithm in regular volume data.
111. This designed topic is the marching hydraulic excavator excavational organization.
112. It has paved the way for the Paraguayan team marching to France.
113. From many loudspeakers you will hear all kinds of music at the same time, marching music, hip-hop, Chinese classics, country, tango and new-age noise.
114. In addition to the marching and concert bands, I joined our dance band, the Stardusters.
115. Every year millions of wildebeests migrants west from the draught Serengeti Plain to wetland in the Mara and these wildebeests were just part of the marching team.
116. Marching south at the end of the summer fighting season he was led into unfamiliar territory by a trusted native lieutenant, Arminius.
117. Train derailment of the property market, It was also sing marching song!
118. The dashes looked like ants column; thus, this effect earned the colorful sobriquet marching ants.
119. The Tramp Major came marching down the passage with his heavy tread, unlocking the doors and yelling to us to show a leg.
120. Markets are marching partly to a drumbeat of improving economic news.
121. I can recall, during anti-Vietnam war protests in my student days, marching behind a sign that read: "LBJ Pull Out! Like Your Daddy Should Have Done!"
122. Her mood of exaltation united her with the others, with the whole marching movement.
123. Joyful programmes include marching band, Latin dance, percussion , pop - song singers, samba music and dance and beats!
124. Every Thursday Germans come up the towpath, marching as to war, with a Leader.
125. Your bivouac for the night is spot where you got tired of marching that day.
126. He didn't mind carrying a banner and marching about with the crowd.
127. Several of our men fell, among them the round-faced officer, who had been marching so carefully and complacently .
128. In the computation of transonic flow by the time marching method, it is very important to use the reasonable and efficient approximate treatment of the solid boundary conditions.
129. Hundreds of activists marked the holy day by marching for peace and disarmament.
130. Ecologist Dan Botkin speaks of forests "marching slowly across the landscape to the beat of the changing climate.
131. I am on the starting line now, waiting for your marching order.
132. While Podgorny was talking , Brezhnev was marching up and down behind his back, muttering to himself.
133. Down in the yard the red armed woman was still marching to and fro between the washtub and the line .
134. Your bivouac for the night is the spot where you got tired of marching that day.
135. Uproar ensued in January when the bishop came to mass give the priest marching orders.
136. The walk is a marching pace in a regular and well-marked four time beat with equal intervals between each beat.
137. Thirty inches at quick marching time or 36 at double time.
138. Cause the players tried to take the field The marching band refused to yield.
139. We were clapping our hands while they were marching across the park.
140. It is modelled on a photograph of Churchill marching with France's wartime leader General Charles de Gaulle down the nearby Champs Elysees on 11 November, 1944.
141. The shot of Aayla Secura marching through the underbrush was actually a few seconds longer.
142. After American economy experiences brief decline, many evidence show marching toward anabiosis.
143. What we gardeners do not want to see is a non-native lily marching across the nation and hybridizing with native lilies.
144. After class, they rehearse with the marching band and then head home for dinner.
145. In my opinion, Roscoe and his churchmen are marching resolutely backwards.
146. No! I'm saying – - Ha - ha - ha! - I'm saying we should take our marching orders from our Constitution.
147. Within 30 minutes, I was marching up a dry streambed, above the trees(http://), on a ridge matted with magenta shrubs and dotted by boulders.
148. He was actually gazetted to a captaincy in a marching regiment!
149. We can protest marching orders when we get them, but that won't stop us from marching.
150. In France more than 1m people stayed away from work on January 29th, marching for jobs and wages.
151. Marching songs, work songs, hobo songs and Negro spirituals are also forms of folk song.
152. To put that time in perspective, Neanderthals were still marching around Europe. Woolly mammoths, saber-toothed cats, and numerous other now-extinct animals were going strong.
153. The distant rumbling of the guns mingles with our marching song.
154. For the moment , at least, history appears to be marching to an Asian drumbeat.
155. The moist east wind comes marching over the heath to blow its bagpipes among the bamboos.
156. It was an unhappy 24th birthday for the Reds number 20 who was given his marching orders in the 87th minute after a late tackle on the USA's Freddy Adu.
157. The marching units were allowed to break step after they had passed the reviewing stand.
158. The rhythm accelerates; plink follows plunk faster and faster until the sound is a roll of drums and the individual drops become an army marching over fields and rooftops.




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