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单词 Republican party
1. He is a member of the Republican Party.
2. Preliminary results show the Republican party with 11 percent of the vote.
3. The Republican Party will run Johnson for President.
4. There was a fall in support for the Republican party at the last election.
5. Republican party members were confidently proclaiming victory even as the first few votes came in.
6. Tobacco companies make large donations to the Republican Party.
7. The Republican Party now has a majority in Congress.
8. Democrats have criticized the Republican Party for financing of the cable deal.
9. Confidence in the future used to typify the Republican party.
10. It was then that the newly-created Republican Party staged a convention that changed the course of the nation.
11. The future of the Republican party hangs on the power struggle that will take place over his fallen candidacy.
12. Another political reality is the ascendancy of the Republican Party.
13. A unified Democratic party versus an ideologically split Republican party.
14. The Republican party has traditionally been a staunch champion of the vested interests, and it still is.
15. Dole may receive some help from the national Republican Party, which is already planning to run ads criticizing Clinton administration policies.
16. By 1980 the Republican Party platform had become antiabortion; and a president who pledged to outlaw abortion altogether had been elected.
17. Yet, the Republican Party is being held hostage by the religious zealots.
18. It contained a registration card for the Republican party and a membership card to the National Rifle Association.
19. Business made a substantial investment in the Republican Party in the recent election.
20. Radical remarks like this amount to heresy for most members of the Republican party.
21. There are two political parties in the US - the Democratic Party and the Republican Party.
22. The election may not be the traditional two-horse race between the preferred Democrat and Republican party candidates.
22. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
23. He claims he would like to bring these people into the Republican Party, but he refuses to be taken for granted.
24. Of the soft money total, $ 2, 357, 259 went to the Republican party.
25. But it was hardly the end of his troubles or of debate about his future as a leader of the Republican party.
26. Over the years, Pepperdine has had an extremely close relationship to Republican Party officials.
27. The Gingrich case ought not be decided purely in terms of Republican Party self-interest, either.
28. Richard Nixon, the only president forced to resign to avoid impeachment, haunts the Republican party yet.
29. Powell spoke hours after the right wing of the Republican party began to unify behind Dole.
30. "For months, the Democrats have run television commercials filled with misinformation about the Republican Party," said Dawson.
1. He is a member of the Republican Party.
2. Preliminary results show the Republican party with 11 percent of the vote.
3. Radical remarks like this amount to heresy for most members of the Republican party.
31. And beyond these individuals, it raises the possibility of a Republican Party, tolerant and moderate, for the modern age.
32. Thus, what is happening in the Republican Party in 1996 is not a new phenomenon.
33. They were just correcting a historical anomaly: the South's post-Civil War aversion to the Republican Party.
34. Ronald Reagan joined the Republican Party in 1962 and later became Governor of California.
35. The Republican Party has donated $ 350, 000 in cash and support for the initiative.
36. In short, nowhere illustrates better than Mississippi the coming of age of the Republican Party in the South.
37. Eisenhower made it public for domestic political reasons, to appease the right wing of the Republican Party.
38. They are giving the Republican Party a second look, or maybe even a first look.
39. And there are three times as many non-religious right voters in the Republican party compared with the religious right.
40. He then received a bonus from an unexpected quarter - the Republican Party.
41. Mike Foster, a former Democrat who joined the Republican Party.
42. Christians have hauled the Republican Party towards their views on abortion and school prayer.
43. To hear some people talk you might imagine that the Republican party is in the grip of rightwing conservative zealots.
44. Dole rose to the top of the Republican Party by unusual means: He repeatedly failed to win national office.
45. A local Republican party of official claimed the law violated equal protection and First Amendment principles.
46. In 1964, the Republican Party was torn asunder by the nomination of conservative Barry Goldwater.
47. But the Buchanan reality is still deeply uncomfortable for the Republican Party.
48. Democrats have sought the subpoenas to determine whether the organizations abused their tax-exempt status by coordinating political activities with the Republican Party.
49. Yet over the years internecine warfare has played an important role in shaping the Republican Party.
50. President Bill Clinton will represent a decisive break from 12 years of Republican Party rule.
51. He said the Republican Party bungled the debate over Propositions 187 and 209, the 1996 initiative dismantling affirmative action.
52. There was a deep division in the Republican Party over policy on Central America.
52. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
53. The Republican Party must shoulder some of the blame for the networks' disinterest.
54. This effort has escalated sharply since the 1994 election when the Republican Party gained control of both houses of Congress.
55. And in Dusseldorf police said a member of the Republican party suffered a heart attack after being beaten up by demonstrators.
56. They are a hard-line conservative splinter group of the Republican Party.
57. A new breed of zealous, ideologically driven young political activists captured the Republican Party.
58. But this time the results have only compounded and exacerbated the problems of the Republican Party.
59. The split reflects a difference of opinion simmering for months within the Republican Party.
60. In Maine, the Republican Party is holding a caucus.
61. He is a staunch partisan of the Republican Party.
62. The answer is the radicalization of the Republican Party.
63. They are staunch supporters of the Republican Party.
64. My sister's a card-carrying member of the Republican Party.
65. In the 1850s, core members of the Whigs joined others in opposition to the Democrats to form the current Republican Party.
66. The Tea Partyers and talk-show hosts who define the new Republican Party believe in the opposite of primogeniture.
67. The Republican Party holds its pre-election convention in Minneapolis-St Paul to anoint its candidate to succeed President Bush - and to lambaste the Democrats.
68. Krugman has been a harsh critic of the Bush administration and the Republican Party in The New York Times, where he writes a regular column and has a blog called "Conscience of a Liberal."
69. The Republican Party might have slipped into perennial minority status.
70. He spoke eloquently against the expansion of slavery in the West, became a leader of the new Republican party, and gained national attention in 1858 from his debates with Stephen A. Douglas.
71. An unlikely standard-bearer for the Republican party,() McCain will offer a stiff test for the Democratic nominee.
72. Albanian Republican Party - ARP ( Partia Republikane Shqiptare ): f . Jan. 1991. Chair . - Fatmir Mediu.
73. Douglas won reelection, but Lincoln's antislavery position and oratorical brilliance made him a national figure in the young Republican Party.
74. For one thing, history tells us that the Republican Party would renege on its side of any deal as soon as it got the chance.
75. In 2004 social conservatives marched in lockstep behind a triumphant Republican Party.
76. If the Republican Party continues to think that the problem lies with the rats, rather than the seaworthiness of the ship, then the Obamacons are here to stay.
77. Mr Obama remains a forbiddingly powerful president, with a 64% approval rating and a Republican Party that is in a shambles.
78. A month before the Republican Party convention, Ronald Reagan made a costly political mistake.
79. The newly organized Republican Party expressed the interests of the industrialization that was sweeping the North.
80. The smaller group of Scandinavians gave the Republican Party almost undivided support.
81. Grover Cleveland defeated James Blaine, a senator from the Republican Party. The election was very close.
82. In 1825, Democratic-Republican Party split, one of which the composition of the national Republican Party, renamed the Whig Party in 1834.
82. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
83. Bush said he is hopeful the Republican party now in tatters will soon resurge, pointing to Republican gains in 1966 after its 1964 trouncing by Lyndon Johnson's Democratic party.
84. Croatian Republican Party ( CRP ) : Zagreb; Pres . Borko Jurin.
85. Roosevelt’s long tenure in the White House prompted the opposition Republican Party to pursue passage of the 22nd Amendment in 1947, with the law going into effect in 1951.
86. Even in the dark days of this economic crisis, I hold out hope that some sort of "third way" can be found between the statist Democratic Party and the rapidly imploding Republican Party.
87. The early 19th century, Democratic-Republican Party split, one group claiming to be the national Republican Party, later renamed the Whig party.
88. The nativist wing of the Republican party was fiercest in opposition to the Senate bill, and crowed loudest over its defeat—something it may come to regret.
89. Republican Party Chairman Shen tannins in the background response to a question put forward Sino-US trade balance of a possible solution is to allow more Chinese enterprises to U. S. investment.
90. Polls ahead of congressional and gubernatorial elections next week continue to show the Republican Party poised to make big gains.
91. Most remaining Northern Whigs , like Lincoln, joined the new Republican Party and strongly attacked the Act, appealing to widespread northern outrage over the repeal of the Missouri Compromise.
92. He is a former presidential campaign aide, whose father was lieutenant governor of Virginia and now head's that state's Republican party.
93. CD For the rebus-impaired, the above tags include 'sexual deviate', ' tooth doctor', ' hate foreign trucks', ' Democrat car', ' elephant', a symbol of the Republican party, and 'Government sucks'.
94. President Barack Obama admitted he had been "humbled" today by the worst Democratic midterm election defeat in 70 years, and promised to work alongside the revitalised Republican party in Congress.
95. William C. Bullitt, former US ambassador to Moscow and Paris and an important foreign policy spokesman for the Republican party with whom Henry Luce was intimately associated.
96. Compromise is anathema to the virulently anti-tax Tea Party wing of the Republican Party.
96. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
97. Hamilton's Federalists evolved into the Whig Party and then the Republican Party.
98. The Republican Party nominated Lincoln, a dark horse and state senator of Illinois, for the presidency.
99. The Republican Party would be wise to think carefully about its loss of Mr Specter, one of America's best known senators, whose views are shared by many old-line business-friendly Republicans.
100. His father is chairman of the Republican Party in Virginia, former assistant secretary of the Education Department's office of special education and former lieutenant governor of Virginia.
101. The Republican Party re-nominated President Benjamin Harrison. And the Democratic Party nominated former President Grover Cleveland.
102. What Mrs Palin does do, as a committed pro-lifer, is to ensure that the evangelical wing of the Republican party will turn out in their multitudes.
103. The gap between the right of the Republican party, which is providing the angriest critics of the reforms, and the left of the Democratic party, which thinks the proposals too timid, is unbridgeable.
104. The straw poll winner, Michele Bachmann, has substantial backing from social conservatives as well as the virulently anti-tax, anti-spend Tea Party faction of the Republican Party.




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