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单词 Bumping
1. I ran after him, bumping against people in my hurry.
2. You get 2,000 people jostling each other and bumping into furniture.
3. The plane was bumping along the runway.
4. We were bumping over the rough ground.
4. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
5. He admitted bumping off Baines.
6. Flora was bumping her bags down the steps.
7. She entered the subway, bumping her bags down the steps.
8. The circulation of the magazine has been bumping along for some time at around 30, 000.
9. I ran after her, bumping against people in my rush.
10. I live in dread of bumping into her in the street.
11. Earthquakes are caused by two tectonic plates bumping into each other.
12. Tim was a clumsy boy, always bumping into the furniture.
13. His car was swerved to avoid bumping against the roadblock.
14. Babies are always bumping their heads.
15. As a result he kept bumping into everybody.
16. Soon we see the plane bumping along the runway.
17. She got into the car, bumping herself everywhere.
18. In fact, they keep bumping into one another.
19. All those cars bumping into one another.
20. She rushed after him, almost bumping into him as he came to an abrupt halt in the kitchen doorway.
21. When he heard Glover bumping against the furniture on the other side of the sitting room, Petey froze.
22. Each is a hermetically sealed universe, bumping off the others with very little cross-pollination.
23. The car was closer, bumping heavily over the rough track.
24. Others are bumping up pay scales to stop staff being poached and to attract crews.
25. I run after her, bumping against people in my rush.
26. This is an automatic press that performs shaping operations, such as bumping, heading and pocketing.
27. Sadly that corner, like the proverbial corner the economy keeps bumping against, was not turned.
28. As she undressed she saw her limbs were rainbowed with bruises from bumping into various bits of furniture.
29. Rules incorporate more traditional expertise in handling situations like bumping and alternate carrier vouchers.
30. He hoped that the tightly packed deuterium atoms would be set in motion, their nuclei bumping into one another and fusing.
1. I ran after him, bumping against people in my hurry.
2. You get 2,000 people jostling each other and bumping into furniture.
31. Thwarted, I walk on and barely have time to savour the moment before bumping into Joe.
32. Magic Johnson is fined $ 10, 000 and suspended three games for bumping referee Scott Foster.
33. We scraped along, edged forward, bumping into one another, feeling our way deeper and deeper into the church.
34. I blundered through the dark forest bumping into tree trunks and stumbling over roots.
35. She was a good ham,[/bumping.html] bumping her hips up against the male dancers and rolling her eyes.
36. The opened door jarred one, and they swung to and fro, bumping into each other like the elements of an executive toy.
37. So I was skidding and bumping along the runway, trying to get the beast to translational-lift speed.
38. She moved in years ago, bumping her trunk and cursing softly as she struggled to fit everything into that small space.
39. And there, bumping and jolting its roaring way up the track towards the house was a motor car.
40. Stephen lurched and pushed against her, bumping painfully on her, grinding his pelvis into the delicate skin of her crutch.
41. It's so full of unhappy memories - and I don't want to face the possibility of bumping into Uncle Joe.
42. We were bumping along a dirt road when a storm gathered dark clouds above us.
43. He came to such a sudden halt that the pedestrian behind only just stopped himself bumping into Adam.
44. They were a bit too old to be bumping into the little kids.
45. And it limited bumping to one career path and based it primarily on performance ratings, not seniority.
46. I went up slowly, taking myself as high as I could without bumping my head against the ceiling.
47. So I would walk down Mrs Lewis's street in the hope of bumping into her.
48. Just carrying on as normal, just bumping along the bottom.
49. The forces exerted on the contents of the flask by the centrifuge prevent bumping and thus sample loss of contamination.
50. Far from bumping along on the bottom, desperate for money, it is in good heart.
51. He began to drag the corpse along, its buttocks bumping over the ground.
52. Younger relay team members have squawked over Lewis possibly bumping them off the squad.
53. She went faster and faster, swinging round corners, bumping over uneven patches in the lane.
54. The pavement's too crowded to walk on without bumping into people, so I step off and walk in the gutter.
55. Only a handful of visitors can browse without bumping into each other.
56. One argument is that the particles of matter and antimatter began bumping into each other and annihilating.
57. The extra place at the table caused the women to bunch together, bumping elbows.
58. But Gao Jinjiao was rocking back and forth, bumping against the tree like a penitent little boy.
59. He had to do a double take, bumping into a filing cabinet.
60. She ran to the desk, bumping against a large armchair, not feeling the impact.
61. People grinned and found seats by lightly bumping into each other and murmured soft apologies.
62. It's all crowded with all these trolleys and I keep bumping into them.
63. I walked at his side as if I were drunk, bumping into him, drifting crazily off.
64. He kept kicking things over and bumping into piles of rubble on the floor.
65. It was a misty Sunday morning and we were bumping along the Ridge Way, near Wantage.
66. But neither could you escape the fact that it seemed specifically designed for bumping off toddlers.
67. Although Dole is bumping up against the federal spending ceiling, he could opt to ignore it altogether.
68. He did not speak again until they were bumping up the track towards the cottage.
69. Earlier yesterday I had felt like bumping him off personally.
70. We're off again, now wading almost waist-deep in water, stopping, starting, bumping into the man in front.
71. There is no bumping into the man in front as we cross the fields and move along the narrow Normandy lanes.
72. He searched his clothes, and as he did the image of the Gallagher brothers bumping him flashed into his head.
73. At least she wouldn't run the risk of bumping into Julius in the shower.
74. I was afraid that at any moment the car would go bumping off it, into the surrounding desert.
75. He had a curious knock-kneed kind of walk that seemed to send him bumping into things all the time.
76. The bumping and shaking make extra work for your eyeball muscles.
77. This had the side effect of bumping some people into a higher tax bracket.
78. Our jeep was bumping up and down as we drove along the mountain trail.
79. Worse yet, the landfill company, like many of its peers in China, found it difficult to bargain for a new site, bumping up against the limits of increasingly scarce land resources.
80. In this paper a maskless bumping technique to create thin solder caps will be show.
81. The governor is a device for convenient pump bumping and impingement space specifying of pumping well.
82. Then, one acquaintance obtained a graduate traineeship at a large bank by bumping his third-class degree up to a 2:1.
83. Soft shell with 4 flash lamp. It can flare after pressure or bumping.
84. Molten solder droplet bumping (MSDB) is adapted to the requirement of high-density packaging and has distinctive advantages.
85. World Intellectual Property Organization Deputy Director-General, Francis Gurry , says China increased its patent filing by almost 33 percent over 2004, bumping it into third place in the rankings .
86. The video footage apparently showed the shark circling Kulcsar after bumping him off his kayak.
87. Avoid bumping and the valve is in full close avoid damage of disc and driving part.
88. In fact, I have a postdoc at Caltech who's very interested in the possibility of universes bumping into each other.
89. With the air bumping out, the cloth coving the background falls suddenly, which will makes great contradiction.
90. Besides if we start back early, we can avoid bumping into Yehyeh again. "
91. And techniques to make free solder bumping with electroplating are illustrated.
92. A transmitter of a pneumatic pipe transmission system is heavily bumped when entering the curve since a long time ago, and the bumping force easily damages the system.
93. A busload of volunteers in matching red hats was bumping along the village's rutted dirt road.
94. So far there is skepticism that the Fed can go much beyond jawboning to clamp down on rising inflation at a time when growth is still bumping along at or near recessionary levels.
95. If her heart would only stop bumping and drumming and cavorting.
96. Some of the misconduct is so institutionalised that it passes for normality. When, for instance, a free-kick is flying in there will be bumping and blocking in the goalmouth.
96. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
97. Gliese 581g is one of two new worlds the team discovered orbiting the red dwarf star Gliese 581, bumping that nearby star's family of planets to six.
98. She jumped to her feet, her heart beginnnig again its sickening thudding and bumping.
99. China's nouveau-riche, which have benefited from the country's rising tide, are now bumping up against its limits.
100. The wafer bumping process in Ball Grid Array (BGA) packaging has three characteristics: long machine setup time, dynamical arrival of orders, and re-entrance of operations.
101. Then, after scornfully bumping a crest, she would slide, and race, and splash down a long incline and arrive bobbing and nodding in front of the next menace.
102. On the contrary, beds of large uniformly sized solids often fluidize poorly with bumping, spouting and slugging.
103. You have the undisputed middleweight champion and the undisputed junior middleweight champion bumping heads.




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