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单词 Evangelistic
1. Its social and evangelistic outposts in numerous countries were staffed by many competent officers.
2. They were involved in full-time evangelistic work before this and already had considerable experience of mission and church work.
3. In such establishments the emphasis is usually strongly evangelistic, with worship songs, visiting choirs, pop groups and challenging preaching.
4. They were part of his evangelistic team.
5. The testimonies of ex-television addicts often have the evangelistic overtones of stories heard at Alcoholics Anonymous meetings.
6. The truth is that we should all be evangelistic towards making people followers of Jesus.
7. In fact,(/evangelistic.html) theimportance of the evangelistic function in Christian literature canhardly be overemphasized.
8. One called the books the "greatest evangelistic opportunity the church has ever missed." But Rowling notes that there was always another side to the holy war.
9. Pray for the Evangelistic Movie Event on this coming Saturday (2/24).
10. Let us remember all the cross-cultural evangelistic efforts and the safety of workers and believers in Central Asia.
11. Seventh, believers in newly planted churches have the responsibility to grow in evangelistic and missionary maturity.
12. The new classical macroeconomists are committed believers in the power of market forces, being fired with an almost evangelistic enthusiasm.
13. Fraser gives much of the credit to networks of monasteries across Europe whose monks have spent the preceding few centuries cutting down Europe's forests with evangelistic zeal.
14. To live and grow, these new churches must be filledwith evangelistic zeal.
15. The work of God in the world is primarily evangelistic.
16. However, Jesus did so command, and we may consider this thesecond great motive of our evangelistic service.
17. Playing games is the most common on-line activity for young people. There is NO evangelistic content in Chinese suitable for teen surfers .
18. Church membership multiplied several times during the first five decades of the nineteenth century; there is some evidence that large evangelistic meetings produced this amazing growth.
19. Your secular career is valid, but should be seen primarily in light of its strategic evangelistic value.
20. Another suggeststhat if a verse of Scripture is committed to memory in morningdevotions there will usually arise a great many times during theday when it may be used in evangelistic contacts.
21. Many older Christians still living in East and Southeast Asia came to know Christ through the ministry of John Sung, who has been called China's Billy Graham for his evangelistic work.
22. Keller promotes a robust Reformed Christianity that has a vision that encompasses not only doctrinal statements, but also our piety, evangelistic outreach, and missions of mercy.
23. You should limit your time at work so as to maximize evangelistic efforts.




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