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单词 Sessile
1. We walked on, past sessile oaks and bilberry patches, downhill until we reached the valley.
2. Most are, after all, sessile non-moving creatures formed into an intricate tapestry of living organisms often closely interwoven with one another.
3. Wood warblers are another typical bird of sessile oak woods.
4. If placed too close to any other sessile invertebrates they are quite capable of killing and overtaking them.
5. Flowers pedicellate to nearly sessile.
6. On colonoscopy, a sessile polyp is seen below.
7. These tumors may be sessile or pedunculated.
8. A sessile leaf has no petiole.
9. Objective To resect colorectal flat sessile polyps by endoscopic polypectomy safely and effectively.
10. The Bryozoa is a group of small, sessile, filter-feeding, aquatic, colonial animals.
11. Leaves sessile or shortly petiolate , petiole to 5 mm; perianth tube not pubescent inside.
12. Sessile infiltrative TCC showed circumscribed or diffused thickening of the renal pelvis and calyces morose .
13. A new worm-reactor, consisting of free-swimming and sessile worm growing sections, was developed to be habitat for worm stable growth.
14. The shell of a sessile barnacle is attached directly to a substrate.
15. Methods: Sessile polyps were removed piecemeal and pedunculated polyps transected at stalk.
16. The basic principle of measuring spreading coefficients sessile drop method has been introduced.
17. Leaves alternate, sessile, terete, fleshy, base expanded, apex obtuse or aristate awned; leaf axil fascicular pilose.
18. The leaves had distinct short stalks, a clue that it was a sessile oak.
19. Pied-fly numbers have increased dramatically since nest box provision has become widespread practice in the sessile oak woods they prefer.
20. Macroscopically the appearance of an osteochondroma is of a sessile or pedunculated mass capped with cartilage.
21. This is a small variant, apparently of local distribution, distinguished mainly by the hairy upper glume of the sessile spikelet .
22. Objective To evaluate the clinical value of argon plasma coagulation (APC) in the gastrointestinal sessile flat polyps and bleeding after polypectomy or biopsy .
23. Conclusion:PPH is a simple, safe, effective method with minimal invasion and few complications for rectal sessile polyp.
24. In this study the contact angle between liquid iron and single crystal magnesium oxide substrate was measured by the sessile drop technique at constant oxygen partial pressure and temperature.
25. The content angle of the aluminium alloy on ash was measured by improved sessile drop technique.
25. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
26. Culms up to 1. 5 m; upper glume of sessile spikelet thinly pilose.
27. Inflorescence composed of several slender, loosely spiculate racemes spaced along a central axis, spikelets paired but the sessile spikelet often reduced.
28. The basic principle of measuring spreading coefficients by the large sessile drop method has been introduced.
29. Predaceous gastropods reduced the abundance of herbivorous molluscs and sessile invertebrates.
30. Algal crusts typically dominate all low zone rock surfaces, and most other sessile species (invertebrates and foliose algae) occur in holes and crevices.




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