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单词 Airwaves
1 A well-known voice came over the airwaves.
2 They said an auction of the airwaves would have drawn $ 20 billion to $ 70 billion.
3 Dole wants those sections of the airwaves to be auctioned instead.
4 Welcome to the San Diego airwaves, where two new classical stations compete for listeners and advertising dollars.
5 Twice he appealed directly to Leanna over the airwaves, though he was aware she never listened to the radio.
6 After all, our public airwaves are being leased to them in the public interest.
7 In the last days before the vote, both sides are saturating the airwaves.
8 The new series of Batman will be on the airwaves at 6 pm every Tuesday.
9 More and more TV and radio stations are crowding the airwaves.
10 The election campaign has been fought not in street rallies but on the airwaves.
11 Hip-hop culture has been most affected by a drug crackdown on the airwaves.
12 With publicity over gay marriages, the debate over homosexuality and the Bible once again fills radio talk-show airwaves.
13 Still, debate continues on the seas and over the airwaves about Morse.
14 The potential bounty lies in a slice of the public airwaves designated to be the home of advanced, digital television.
15 Neither pride nor shame are now factors in what goes out over those airwaves.
16 Require broadcasters to pay the government if they use the new airwaves for anything other than free services.
17 Cicadas churn strenuously in the grasses, fighting the wind for supremacy of the airwaves.
18 To a large extent, the election has been fought on the airwaves, with both candidates delivering television advertisements attacking each other.
19 It's easy to see how Baker makes out on the airwaves.
20 Because it can not cope with so many messages, its only recourse is to sabotage the airwaves themselves.
21 The Tulsa humiliation was barely a week old and Harrick-bashing was in full force on the airwaves and in the papers.
22 News of, and speculation about, the creature fills the pages of local newspapers and dominates the airwaves.
23 The three-year-old had picked up the patter from watching his dad Keith on the airwaves.
24 The combination of these influences has encouraged the opening up of the airwaves to competition.
25 Is this really how we should allow these broadcasting companies to profit from the public airwaves?
26 Aficionados such as Cohen, known popularly as hams, have been forging bonds across the airwaves for decades.
27 Were you gripped in wonderment at the April Foolery abroad on the airwaves last week?
28 Dreamy, deft and economical, it was born to prowl the airwaves.
29 One of the radio control room operators heard her screaming in uncontrollable agony over the airwaves.
30 As the news of layoffs and plant closings came to dominate the headlines and the airwaves, consumer spending dropped off sharply.
1 In the last days before the vote, both sides are saturating the airwaves.
31 The Visa and Kodak spots have been on the national airwaves for months.
32 Broadcast companies long have argued that if they have to pay for airwaves, consumers will suffer.
33 It was not a secure line; no conversation taking place over airwaves is.
34 It will be introduced on the airwaves in the next couple of weeks.
35 He called himself Rusty Sharpe and was quite clear that he had something to offer on the airwaves.
36 Central News South took to the airwaves in January nineteen eighty-nine and tomorrow night we look back over our first four years.
37 Wedgwood has also been a popular topic on the national airwaves.
38 Recently, at least three penguins have been flogging various products on the airwaves.
39 A cellular phone is really a mobile radio system that sends a signal out over public airwaves.
40 It is like letting your Aunt Violet go on the airwaves.
41 The new ads are timed to hit the airwaves as the stores complete the merchandise makeover, Cohen said.
42 It crushes our potentialities and invades our lives with its imported products and televised movies that swamp the airwaves.
43 By law, the airwaves belong to the public, not to private business owners.
44 Even the announcers on Chinese television didn't know what to say, letting silence wash over airwaves.
45 This week America will resound to the deafening roar of automatic rifle fire being discharged by Palin across its airwaves.
46 They say this would make a mockery of a requirement in Zimbabwe's 2008 global political agreement to open the airwaves to independent operators.
47 Some stations do not broadcast over the public airwaves so they do not have to follow F.C.C. rules.
48 And you know that eyewitness that's been clogging up the airwaves?
49 As the old signals fade, rival are crowding the airwaves.
50 India's fast - growing mobile - phone operators vie for capacity on the airwaves.
51 The station is licensed by the Federal Communications Commission which polices the public airwaves.
52 When a composite video signal is broadcast over the airwaves by a TV station, it happens on a specific frequency .
53 Is that how we agreed you'd address me over officiaI FCC airwaves?
54 Up and down the country, the airwaves are heavy with blast and counter-blast from candidates who have outspent any that have come before them.
55 He dominates the airwaves and the news bulletins, outlining daily the achievements of the Belarusian people.
56 The normally muzzled Chinese press has been saturate the airwaves with quake coverage.
57 Is that how we agreed you'd address me over official FCC airwaves?




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更新时间:2025/3/14 17:54:57