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单词 All up
1 It's all up to you.
2 Every single moment counts. When you add them all up, they equal your life.
3 They blustered about how they would beat us all up.
4 The good news bucked us all up.
5 He lined us all up in the corridor.
6 His very presence lifted us all up.
7 It's all up with them.
8 A failure of memory broke the actor all up.
9 They had jumbled it all up into a heap.
10 All up and down the street the windows bang shut.
11 Don't cork it all up: if you feel angry, show it.
12 Why does he have to wrap it all up in such complicated language?
13 If someone tells the police, then it'll be all up with me.
14 It looks as though it's all up with us now .
15 They left me to tidy it all up myself. Charming, wasn't it?
16 We've cleaned it all up, or at least most of it.
17 Show a leg! It's time you were all up and about — breakfast is in five minutes'time.
18 Benny soaked it all up for Eve.
19 He was connected all up and down the Cape.
20 It's all up for you then.
21 Syl was eating them all up without requiring any encouragement.
22 He didn't have the muscle to Dream it all up for himself.
23 You're just setting us all up to behave like nuts.
24 We have finally finished the research work.Now we must write it all up.
25 The bank scrambles all that money together(), jumbles it all up and lends it out to hundreds and thousands of borrowers.
26 I listen in to their conversations and store it all up to tell you later.
27 Tell someone how you're feeling, instead of bottling it all up.
28 If you did find her a place, she'd muck it all up somehow.
29 I did a good trade, but I gave it all up when rationing came in.
30 That is to say, once we have used them all up and thrown them away, there won't be any more - ever.
1 It's all up to you.
2 We have finally finished the research work.Now we must write it all up.
3 They blustered about how they would beat us all up.
31 Arnold would keep us all up with his long, rambling stories.
32 I was studying to be an accountant, but then the baby came along and I had to give it all up.
33 It took us two or three days to clean it all up.
34 She lingered, wondering just how he felt now, having given it all up.
35 To sum it all up, it's good but not that good.
36 Tyrone Guthrie was a great one for comic business, and it was amazing to see how Michael picked it all up.
37 Margaret ate it all up and then asked for more.
38 I leave it all up to Rob as I blank out my mind and hang on to my sanity.
39 Five percent may not sound like much but it's a lot of money when you add it all up.
40 The teacher will use a wide range of approaches and materials to bring them all up to an acceptable level of performance.
41 Think about the serendipity(Sentence dictionary), the sequence of events that had to set it all up.
42 Reggie mixed them all up, then we each took one.
43 The market will have difficulty in mopping this all up.
44 Yet since leaving Marcus I had let my imagination blow it all up into a Great Romance.
45 I can't imagine what would prompt this woman to dredge it all up if there wasn't some truth in it.
46 They still haven't said if I've got the job -- it's all up in the air at the moment.
47 It does sound silly at this distance of time, but then, green as grass, I lapped it all up.
48 But he had given it all up and returned to the business world as a marketing executive.
49 I tried to do a tree too but the shaving foam went phut and I realized I'd used it all up.
50 In the quiet of the beautiful room overlooking the perfumed courtyard, Maggie summed it all up.
51 "I made it all up," she said wretchedly.
52 When you add it all up it's prohibitively expensive.
53 Do you really feel the show played it all up and wasn't portraying you fairly?
54 It was all up with the bluff about money and investment.
55 And when you add it all up, the full cost of real love is No Charge.
56 Total arsenic, total lead and total copper were all up to grade.
57 Moreover, we are all up to our necks in it , in these blessed times in which we live.
58 Then the bugger commits suicide and starts it all up again.
59 A child of nature like that has only to move a finger and it would be all up with one!
60 Our company produce various antivirotic materials which are all up to GMP standard.
61 My Papa's hair is a broom, all up in the air.
62 JIM TEDDER: A camera, a glove, a hand tool, even a toothbrush...they are all up there, above the clouds, going around and around the Earth.
63 Tie them all up in one bundle and have the errand boy return them to him.
64 In the unit test stage, it is often required that sentence coverage rate and branch coverage rate all up to 100% in the structure coverage test.
65 When a female orangutan sees a male, she knows he's after one thing. The child-rearing is all up to the female.
66 There is the permittivity vacuum. It is all up there.
67 Sad enough, she thought, that red hair and those spots, but when he squints his eyes all up that way and scowls —why, the child looks half-witted!
68 Add it all up and you get this otherworldly, desolate feeling.
69 We must stiffen them all up and allow no weakness.
70 XP is extreme in the sense that it takes 12 well-known software development "best practices" to their logical extremes—turning them all up to "10" (or "11" for Spinal Tap fans).
71 Globefish , nutritious, delicious and rich fertilizer with Game,(http:///all up.html) is the odd smell in the aquarium are all up and down Po.
72 The people in the car were all up and crowding about the door.




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