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单词 Family planning
(1) The editorial invests heavily in a family planning policy.
(2) They give free advice on contraception at the family planning clinic.
(3) The goal is to institutionalize family planning into community life.
(4) The newlyweds decided to conduct family planning for lack of a sound economic base.
(5) Community medicine, family planning, health education need emphasis.
(6) I'm looking for information on family planning services.
(7) Ask your doctor or at the family planning clinic.
(8) Both family planning and soil conservation are activities which governments attempt to get people to undertake.
(9) Did you tell me where the family planning clinics were, what they do[sentence dictionary], what age you can get the Pill?
(10) Assistant midwives and matrons were designated to deliver family planning services.
(11) Ellen decided to go to the family planning clinic for some advice.
(12) April 1983 Generally speaking, however, family planning has met with a hostile reception.
(13) But a family planning a wedding reception would be able to claim exemption from import duty.
(14) He also argued family planning clinics should not be bound by a gag order preventing them from counseling patients on abortion.
(15) Nor are all government family planning workers trained to insert IUDs.
(16) The case of Thailand illustrates why family planning programs have been so successful in many countries.
(17) Some family planning clinics will also arrange for you to be given a blood test.
(18) Women regard the family planning programmes as a very mixed blessing.
(19) Even so, most family planning programs continue to focus their attention on couples.
(20) So, make an appointment at your family planning clinic or go and talk to your college doctor.
(21) Drives to convince women to take up family planning use the mass media to the full.
(22) These secular concerns influence age at marriage, equality within marriage, and the confidence to use family planning services.
(23) But then how many fellas will go into a family planning clinic?
(24) So talk to your doctor, midwife or health visitor, or your family planning clinic, about contraception.
(25) When Nana turned 16 Awa took her to the family planning clinic.
(26) Padayachee has tested people since 1984, for example in clinics for sexually transmitted diseases, antenatal care, family planning and tuberculosis.
(27) Cartwright found that the lower socio-economic groups made less use of such local health services as ante-natal clinics or family planning clinics.
(28) But research suggests that in many or most countries, male attitudes are not a major barrier to family planning.
(29) Anyone, married or single, male or female, young or not-so-young can go to a family planning clinic.
(30) Most researchers doubt that there has ever been a strong direct correlation between Church policy and individual family planning decisions.
(31) Now she has the ability to access family planning sources without her husband.
(32) Though family planning services are theoretically available to them, they are not even contemplated at such an early age.
(33) By reducing domestic burdens, family planning is a fundamental part of any definition of empowerment.
(34) Or consider that some of the nations long heralded as family planning success stories have faltered on the road to re-placement fertility.
(35) To this scene of disarray they brought a bold policy prescription unknown to Malthus: family planning.
(36) The position, which still pertains, is as close as the Church has ever come to legitimizing family planning.
(37) Your own doctor or nearest family planning clinic will be able to give you up-to-date information on this.
(38) Educated women have fewer unwanted babies; they are more likely to use family planning methods.
(39) They were all quite comfortable in their evening club,[http:///family planning.html] the Family Planning Clinic.
(40) You can discuss with your doctor or family planning clinic which is most suitable for you.
(41) She can walk into a family planning clinic and seek assistance.
(42) It was a seminar covering all aspects of family planning.
(43) But strong national leadership is only one precondition to a successful family planning program.
(44) The study examined factors that form attitudes and shape behavior on the subject of family planning.
(45) I did make an appointment at the local family planning clinic.
(46) Provincial and local authorities were ordered to double family planning funding.
(47) We give about $ 425 million a year in foreign aid for family planning.
(48) Some projects also run Well Person's clinics where you can see a doctor for a health check and Family Planning services.
(49) So Western experts were soon jetting off to poor countries to run surveys and design massive family planning programmes.
(50) And especially those, whether by accident or design, involved in family planning.
(51) I know now that you can get Durex free from family planning clinics, but not many people know that.
(52) These countries need aid and support to help sort out their main problems ie family planning, health, starvation etc.
(53) The family planning boom Today there are more women using modern contraception than ever before.
(54) Despite significant advances in family planning, the report said, birth control had become a matter of global survival.
(55) To get a free pregnancy test with Immediate results go to a family planning clinic or a Brook Centre.
(56) Sensitive to such shortcomings, family planning agencies in many developing nations have taken steps to make services more accessible.
(57) If you would like advice on contraception, talk to your doctor or local family planning clinic.
(58) The services are available from hospitals, clinics and family doctors who have agreed to provide family planning advice.
(59) Fewer than one in 200 cited religious beliefs as their reason for not practicing family planning.
(60) Surely then, until Third World populations decline through national programmes of family planning, population pressure will cause hunger and shortages.
(61) Substantial anecdotal evidence indicates that men have not always been cooperative partners when it comes to the matter of family planning.
(62) But there is inferential evidence for the early adoption of family planning.
(63) Other factors besides family planning account for such rapid declines.
(64) Secondly, many countries carried out family planning programs.
(65) China's family planning program is distinctive in several ways.
(66) the local family planning clinic.
(67) Authors: National Population and Family Planning Commission.
(68) Natural family planning requires motivation diligence and self-control.
(69) They called for two more trials in southern Africa and steps to promote and distribute the vaginal gel, infused with the antiviral drug tenofovir,[] through family planning programs.
(70) The Family Planning Council and demographers need to stop ignoring the facts and put the revision of China's population policy onto the fast track.
(71) You can use these types of natural family planning to predict when you'll ovulate — and when you need to avoid unprotected sex if you don't want to conceive.
(72) Some family planning advocates have found it difficult to promote sex education in schools because some teachers and parents believe it will encourage sex activity.
(73) If you are feeling the sexual urge during regular business hours, you might be able to get free condoms from sexual health clinics or family planning clinics in your area.
(74) We will do our work related to population and family planning well and maintain a birthrate.
(75) We will share with you some information on Natural Family Planning, and the reasons why the Catholic Church encourage the use of this method.
(76) Suzhou Family Planning Commission briefing immediately forwarded to the city to promote the industrial park.
(77) They must also be taxpayers, have obtained avocational qualification at medium or high levels, have never violated family planning policies, and have clean credit and no criminal record.
(78) The family planning departments in many places have initiated health - care - at - childbirth services for couples of child-bearing age.
(79) Responsibilities: In charge of agriculture, forestry, water affairs, stockbreeding, poverty alleviation, meteorology, population and family planning, civil affairs, tobacco, supply and marketing.
(80) CycleBeads are based on a natural family planning method that is more than 95% effective when used correctly.
(81) The people's governments at all levels shall take measures to guarantee that the women enjoy the family planning technologies and services so as to enhance the women's procreative health level.
(82) The health ministry has adapted WHO family planning guidelines to the Afghan situation, with the support of WHO, and translated them into national languages, Dari and Pashto.
(83) Conclusion:Improving the work of family planning, strengthening the education of prepotency knowledge and developing high quantity of family planning service should be advocated on rural areas.
(84) Objective To probe a safe and effective method of induction of labor to stop pregnancy and help the family planning work.
(85) To further strengthen environmental protection, family planning, spiritual civilization, democracy and system building.
(86) For instance, each of over 50,000 cadres and Party members in Rudong County, Jiangsu Province has exemplarily implemented the state's family planning policy.
(87) Prepared by Cohan, the list included common sources of marital discord, such as sexual difficulties, money, career decisions, religion and family planning.
(88) If nonperformance family planning, this day perhaps can come 4 years ahead of schedule.
(89) A doctor or nurse practitioner or someone at a local health or family planning clinic can offer you advice —confidentially if necessary.
(90) This foundation supports pro-choice family planning causes and works to discourage nuclear proliferation.
(91) So writes relationship psychologist and "agony aunt" Susan Quilliam in an essay published in the latest edition of the Journal of Family Planning and Reproductive Health Care.
(92) She contended that use of artificial contraception could increase a women's health risks and said they would fare better using natural family planning methods approved by the church.
(93) Quite obviously family planning has so far macle little progress.
(94) Family planning experts worry in particular about the looming population boom in sub-Saharan Africa.
(95) Establishing social security system conducive to population and development, especially family planning.
(96) Another type of natural family planning is withdrawal in which the man withdraws his penis from the vagina before ejaculation to prevent pregnancy.
(97) The data exchange system is universal and has been used for data exchange between the public security department and the municipal commission of population and family planning in one city.
(98) Product DescriptionCycleBeads are an easy way to use a natural family planning method./family planning.html
(99) Why has China adopted the strategic policy of carrying out family planning?
(100) Article 19 Contraception shall play a main role in family planning.
(101) In addition, effective use of natural family planning methods requires diligence and planning — and teen sex is often unplanned.
(102) Margaret Sanger (US)-Founder of the Planned Parenthood Federation of America, she led the movement for family planning efforts around the world.
(103) Natural family planning may be an appealing birth control option if you can't or choose not to use traditional contraceptives.
(104) If you're considering using birth control you have many options — from natural family planning and over-the-counter birth control products to prescription contraceptives or sterilization.
(105) But state-run Xinhua news agency said President Hu Jintao told top party lawmakers on Tuesday that China's family planning policy would remain unchanged and the low birth-rate be maintained.
(106) While advocating family planning, China has mainly focused on contraception.
(107) Promoting quality service for family planning and reproductive health care in a comprehensive way.
(108) Article 3 Adoption shall not contravene laws and regulations on family planning.
(109) State Family Planning Commission disciplinary inspection vice - head Gou Qingming reviews work situation.
(110) A 40-year rural family planning worker in the village of Xiheshui in Yicheng county, disagreed. "I have frequently been cursed by villagers to 'die sonless', " said Che Yulian, 64.
(111) Establishing a benefit - oriented mechanism and social security system that facilitate the population and family planning work.
(112) Objective:To understand the counseling service condition of family planning workers and to discuss related influencing factors to provide suggestions for the following counseling training.
(113) Popular types of natural family planning include the rhythm method, the cervical mucus method and the basal body temperature method.
(114) It is a program of action guiding China's trans - century population and family planning work.
(115) Others flout the family planning laws and pay fines to have more than one child.
(116) Conclusion The reproduction tract infection rate in women of childbearing age can be reduced through intervention by family planning network and the health level of women can be enhanced.
(117) Data on family planning and reproductive, later marriage, are from Population and Family Planning Commission.
(118) Keep in mind, however, that natural family planning methods aren't as effective as prescription birth control and don't offer protection from sexually transmitted infections.
(119) If use of contraception goes against your values, you might consider talking to your teen about natural family planning, which involves abstaining from sex during a woman's most fertile days.
(120) Conclusion:Positive treatment of pregnant complication, strengthening family planning work and reducing hysterotokotomy are effective in preventing postpartum hemorrhage.
(121) The cervical mucus method, also called the ovulation method and the Billings ovulation method, is a type of natural family planning.




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