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单词 Joshua
1. Joshua Halpern is a native Northern Californian.
2. I can't believe this is Joshua - he's shot up since we last saw him!
3. Joshua clearly has ability in this subject but lacks application.
4. Joshua rose to his feet and applauded noisily.
4. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
5. Joshua took refuge within the bookshop.
6. Joshua Oupo Gqozo, survived a further attempted coup.
7. I believe there's trouble ahead for us, Joshua.
8. Tony insists he will seek joint custody of Joshua.
9. Joshua Morris sipped his vermouth and felt his strength returning in waves.
10. To Mum, Joshua was a most awesome servant of the Lord.
11. Joshua shifted uneasily in his seat and wished they would hurry up.
12. Joshua found a seat and watched Hyacinth Scragg being put through her paces.
13. And wee Kate and Joshua are just plain gorgeous even though it's their Granny talking.
14. Joshua Slocum, the first man to circumnavigate the globe alone, saw a phantom during his epic voyage.
15. Joshua Morris left the hall and stood in line for a cup of Gold Blend.
16. Joshua 6 and the rest are most readily understandable, and that is precisely why they are so alarming.
17. For his financial and other services, Joshua Van Neck was created a baronet 14 December 1751.
18. Joshua hoped that Malone had learnt wisdom with his advancing years.
19. For Joshua, at sixty-two, and suffering from a bad leg, distances had begun to take on an extraordinary significance.
20. Religion, continued Joshua, warming to his subject, played no part at all.
21. Joshua Morris, who had been standing near the door, slipped out into the foyer.
22. Joshua, whose conceit it was to prefer the old gods to the new, took no part in the singing.
23. Joshua Morris stood in line waiting to be searched for an offensive weapon.
24. In his wide-shouldered tallness, he looked to Mum as if he had been cast in the same mould as Joshua himself.
25. She took to carrying her umbrella as if it were the sword of Joshua.
26. Simon Heffer, gingery and right-wing, took his vile coffee and sat next to Joshua Morris.
27. They would welcome resistance in any of its forms, but Joshua Kingsley had said nothing and done nothing to undermine himself.
28. In these weeks, I have had the chance to listen to Joshua Nkomo calling for majority rule now.
29. Thus the social worker or the department of social services was under no duty to protect Joshua.
30. The scientific establishment can resist a new idea with such complacent zeal that even Joshua with his trumpets would have no effect.
31. Joshua Morris looked down his calendar of events, carefully prepared for him by his secretary.
32. On top of all that, he played the trumpet with all the skill of a modern-day Joshua!
33. Joshua removed his jacket, lay on the bed, turned on the telly but cut the sound.
34. Predominantly these are gracious dark oils,[] some by Sir Joshua Reynolds.
35. Heartened by this exchange, Joshua re-entered the conference hall just as Norman Tebbit was getting to his feet.
36. Jessica and Joshua taught themselves how to read, write and do math, according to Hathaway.
37. Ian and Libby and Joshua will be travelling by bus or car; it might suit Avocado Gerry, though.
38. At first Joshua took an interest in their route, peering into the gathering darkness in an attempt to identify some landmark.
39. As a military leader, the prophet Joshua knew the importance of engaging the enemy, the preacher continues.
40. In the films, Goyle is played by Joshua Herdman.
41. No Joshua Tree National Park?
42. God chose Joshua to be the Israelites'new leader.
43. Both Luna and Joshua also triggered some funny things.
44. Joshua forgot to give back the things he borrowed.
45. Joshua Cairn: Do you ever feel weird about me?
46. The Pentateuch and Joshua relate how Israel became a nation and came to possess the Promised Land.
47. And the cart came into the field of Joshua, a Bethshemite, and stood there, where there was a great stone: and they clave the wood of the cart, and offered the kine a burnt offering unto the LORD.
48. And that historical narrative that runs from Joshua through 2 Kings provides that information.
49. Heather Donahue's discovery of Joshua Leonard's (presumed) tongue and teeth wrapped in his handkerchief bears a striking similarity to Washington Irving's story "The Devil and Tom Walker".
50. 1987 - Rock band U2 release the album The Joshua Tree.
51. At that time the LORD said unto Joshua, Make thee sharp knives, and circumcise again the children of Israel the second time.
52. So that's the geographical setting for what we are about to read in the Book of Joshua.
53. Joshua led the people across the Jordanthe land among the twelve tribes.
54. And I might add that, today's program is part one of the two part program with Joshua.
55. Desert is very dry and hot, not many plants grow in the desert. Cacti, Joshua tree and creosote bushes are live in the desert.
56. In order to really understand the beauty of rock, one has to touch it and feel it. Photographed in Joshua Tree National Park, California, during spring, 2007.
57. Another hiker vanished last June in Joshua Tree National Park. His body has not yet been found.
58. And Joshua discomfited Amalek and his people with the edge of the sword.
59. His attorney, Joshua Dratel, said in an interview that the life term was ", hospital; unfortunate" and that the original sentence was reasonable.
60. In the Scrolls are found never before seen psalms attributed to King David and Joshua.
61. Joshua Osih is deputy vice president of the main opposition Social Democratic Front, the SDF.
62. The city and everyone in it Joshua put to the sword. He left no survivors there.
63. Joshua : Uh, Angus was just here. Where did he go?
64. One critic called him the "Sir Joshua Reynolds of our rural decorations."
65. One of those in the latest wave is Joshua Arjuna Stephens,[] who graduated from Wesleyan University in 2007 with a bachelor’s degree in American studies.
66. BeerSheva is the southern-most point of Israel. In David's day, the saying was that all of Israel, from "Dan to Bersheeba" would be realigned (Joshua 15:28; 19:2; 1 Chronicles 21:2, 2 Samuel 17:11).
67. The book of Joshua may be the most nationalistic one in the Bible.
68. When the spies arrived back at the Israelite camp, they told Joshua everything they had seen.
69. We'll talk more about that when we get to the book of Joshua.
70. Joshua: One day you will listen to the cry of slaves.
71. A Joshua tree stands under a purple-black sky in California's Mojave Desert.
72. Office of Management and Budget Director Joshua Bolten, who briefed reporters on the new request, said: "we anticipate that there will be a need for additional supplemental spending."
73. Turn your baby into your gym, says American naturopath, Joshua Levitt, and your body can be a temple once more.
74. But Joshua had commanded the people, "Do not give a war cry, do not raise your voices, do not say a word until the day I tell you to shout. Then shout!"
75. Be strong , O Joshua son of Jehozadak(), the high priest.
76. In the Bible, a good example of an apprentice is Joshua.
77. Joshua is a big, strong welterweight, so we have a task in front of us.
78. The name Joshua tree was given by a group of Latter-Day Saints who crossed the Mojave Desert in the mid-19th century.
79. See, the stone I have set in front of Joshua!
80. Executive producers Stephanie Savage and Joshua Safran have described Hurley's character as "a sexy, smart, self-made media mogul.
81. Joshua Cairn: Do you ever feel weird about me? Your weird son?
82. Their ancestors used the leaves of Joshua tree to weave sandals and baskets in addition to harvesting the seeds and flower buds for nutritious meals.
83. Hilarious: Harry, Hermione, Ron and Neville appear on a spoof of U2's album The Joshua Tree.
84. Interestingly, the name Joshua or Yeshua is rendered in the the Greek Old Testament, the Septuagint, as JESUS.
85. There's an interesting passage in the book of Joshua, Joshua 24:14-15.
86. If you hoped to sleep with Joshua, which one would you wear?
87. Drag onto the page to add a cactus, such as Christmas cactus or joshua tree cactus.
88. The book of Joshua tells us how they entered into that land.
89. And all the people that were in Ai were called together to pursue after them: and they pursued after Joshua, and were drawn away from the city.
90. Joshua sent out two spies secretly to cross the Jordan River and spy out the city.
91. There are certain key features of Deuteronomistic thought that are evident from Joshua through 2 Kings One is the belief in the divine election of Jerusalem.
92. There, in the presence of the Israelites, Joshua copied on stones the law of Moses, which he had written.
93. And according to the Book of Joshua, Israel's tribal structure assumed its classical form at this time.
94. Unable to go back to sleep, I got my Bible and read the entire book of Joshua.
95. Listen now as Joshua Rifkin plays Joplin's " Maple Leaf Rag "
96. So Joshua made flint knives and circumcised the Israelites at Gibeath Haaraloth.
97. I saw my first Joshua tree and my first Saguaro yesterday, and many other interesting desert plants.
98. If so, why does the book of Joshua provide such a different account,[http:///joshua.html] one of outside conquest by means of a war led by the hosts of the Lord?
99. "We risk losing iconic charismatic megaflora such as saguaro cactus and joshua trees," co-author Steven Archer of the University of Arizona, Tucson, said at a press conference.
100. Its lead author, psychologist Joshua Davis, hasn't seen the new study but says the finding "would suggest that facial expression is an integral component of what we consider our emotional experience.
101. And that conviction is going to color its presentation, its evaluation and its interpretation of Israel's history and her kings from Joshua right through to 2 Kings.
102. While traveling along the southwest desert of Arizona, you will see the beautiful 900-year-old Joshua Tree Forest and some history of early inhabitants.
103. So Joshua made stone knives and gave the children of Israel circumcision at Gibeath - ha - araloth.
104. Joshua Cooper Ramo's thought-provoking book The Age of the Unthinkable challenges all kinds of conventional thinking about everything from venture capital to military strategy.
105. Other guests include vocalists Alison Krauss and Renee Fleming, trumpeter Chris Botti and saxophonist Joshua Redman.
106. Cactus such as Christmas cactus , joshua tree cactus, etc.
107. The film documents the band's Joshua Tree Tour of the United States and its exploration into American music.
108. Life in Color: Purple A Joshua tree stands under a purple-black sky in California's Mojave Desert.
109. And the Former Prophets include the books of Joshua, Judges, 1 and 2 Samuel, 1 and 2 Kings. They read as a historical narrative.
110. Fisher shows his frustration during a counseling session at Fort Carson with Sgt. 1st Class Joshua Weisensel on July 24, 2008.
111. At that time the LORD said to Joshua, "Make flint knives and circumcise the Israelites again."




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