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单词 Yasser arafat
1 Yasser Arafat shared the 1994 Nobel Peace Prize with Peres and Yitzhak Rabin.
2 Yasser Arafat shared the 1994 Nobel Peace Prize with Shimon Peres and Rabin.
3 Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat started his first official flight from the Gaza International Airport.
4 Palestinians have always viewed Yasser Arafat as the father of their struggle for statehood.
5 Yasser Arafat described Mr. Bush's speech as a serious effort to push forward the peace process.
6 On August 24, President Jiang Zemin met with Yasser Arafat, President of the State of Palestine and Chairman of the Palestinian National Authority, at Zhongnanhai.
7 Yasser Arafat, chairman of the PLO , addressed the General Assembly of the United Nations.
8 Abbas. old guard leaders returned from exile with the late Palestinian President Yasser Arafat in 1994.
9 From then on, he succeeded in reporting prominent political figures like Nelson Mandela and Yasser Arafat.
10 I walked behind the king's horse-drawn casket with President Mubarak, Yasser Arafat, Jacques Chirac, and other leaders on a three-mile route through downtown Rabat.
11 Palestine Liberation Organization. The umbrella group of political and militant groups headed by Yasser Arafat, whose Fatah faction is the biggest single component.
12 Reformists are inclined to disapprove of the fundamentalist suicide bombers, and to support Yasser Arafat.
13 Palestine National Authority The interim government of the Palestinian territories, headed by Yasser Arafat.
14 Stuck for a baby-sitter on occasion, she even took her baby daughter to meet Yasser Arafat.
15 He walked with Martin Luther King and talked with Yasser Arafat.




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