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单词 No-one
1. No-one has the right to take another's life.
2. No-one would claim that the film is morally edifying.
3. It's lucky that no-one was hurt.
4. No-one wishes to see that.
5. No-one knows why the train derailed.
6. No-one told me she was ill.
7. It's a blessing no-one was badly hurt.
8. Quick! Let's go while there's no-one about.
9. The problem is that no-one knows what will happen.
10. She could hear voices inside(), but no-one came to the door.
11. There's no-one called Julia here. You must have the wrong number .
12. If prices shoot up any higher, no-one be able to afford to live in the area.
13. No-one had the guts to tell Paul what a mistake he was making.
14. No-one knows where they stand with him; he is utterly unpredictable.
15. No-one asked him to help - he's always sticking his oar in.
16. No-one can be expected to exist on such a low salary.
17. No-one else can say what its value to you is - only you can be the judge of that.
18. No-one could use the computer unless they had a password.
19. No-one personally acquainted with the couple was permitted to talk to the Press.
20. Do exactly what I tell you and no-one will get hurt!
21. I've no-one to blame but myself - I went into this deal with my eyes open.
22. Don't worry; no-one is going to check up on you.
23. She gave the cat a kick when no-one was looking.
24. No-one objected when the boss said it was time to go home.
25. No-one knows how many people have been killed since the war began.
26. No-one is to see the document without the permission of the writer of the report.
27. Be always as merry as ever you can,() for no-one delights in a sorrowful man. 
28. Stealing that money has branded Jim for life - no-one will trust him again.
29. Tosh was known to be a man who feared no-one, yet he was clearly emasculated by his girlfriend.
30. Jake went down to the bar, but there was no-one around that he knew.
31. I find it almost incredible that no-one noticed these errors.
32. Rebecca flew into a rage when she realized no-one had been listening to her.
33. No-one likes conflict,(Sentence dictionary) but at the same time we have to deal with this problem.
34. One of the parents was a most obnoxious character. No-one liked him.
35. No-one gave the woman in the grey uniform a second glance.
36. No-one really expected the Socialist Party to win.
37. No-one can turn back the clock.
38. No-one moved until she had quite satisfied herself.
39. He directed his question at no-one in particular.
40. No-one has yet made a significant case for inclusion.
41. No-one could get in touch with you.
42. No-one from the college directorate was available to comment.
43. An absolute certainty that no-one wishes you harm.
44. But no-one can predict how new joints will last.
45. No-one challenged the assumptions which ran throughout the lecture.
46. And no-one can tell how well he's going.
47. No-one was able to locate even a distant relative.
48. No-one ever called the Clash a punk rock band.
49. Actually, no-one has legs of exactly equal length.
50. No-one else can afford to buy stolen gear, really.
51. It impressed no-one at corporate management level.
52. And no-one was more surprised than Emily herself.
53. There was no-one really to teach us the ropes.
54. No-one spoke, everyone was intent on listening.
55. No-one wanted to believe the simple truth.
56. No-one bounces around my school without my permission.
57. No-one else can possibly picture what you suffer.
58. If no-one defends you, change channels.
59. No-one laughed at his jokes.
60. No-one expects you to present the result.
61. No-one can make me feel jealous.
62. No-one is allowed to go hungry.
63. No-one has ever wanted to be sent to Coventry.http://
64. No-one can predict how events will unfold.
65. The short answer is, no-one knows.
66. No-one else has ever made a mark.
67. A self-confessed control freak and workaholic, no-one is allowed in his control room.
68. So, when he died, the puppets had no-one to pull their strings anymore.
69. No-one ever explained how Kleine, who was too drunk to walk, managed to string himself up early the following morning.
70. Friends and neighbors hunted everywhere, but no-one could find the child.
71. The thin man complained and continued to argue but no-one took notice but Michael, who growled tersely at his cowardice.
72. The general opinion was yes, but certain it was that no-one had ever seen her.
73. For then, not a soul moved amongst the decay and no-one would have paused at the spot for long.
74. And, as far as ridiculously pompous, overblown musical statements go, no-one holds a candle to Simple Minds.
75. However, that is not a good reason for trying to levy high tax rates that no-one can enforce.
76. No-one has the complete freedom to do anything in our modern, regimented society.
77. Surely no-one in Castlereagh would begrudge a modest investment in proper safe, clean and comfortable working accommodation for their public servants?
78. Our interview policy excludes no-one, and our pages have never been dominated by any one style.
79. Al Gore falls asleep as he makes maiden speech as Vice-President; no-one notices - they're all asleep too.
80. Survived No-one else was on-board and there were no other injuries among the spectators.
81. She sings ballads very well and she can do ragtime like no-one you've ever heard.
82. No-one knows how the radiation will have damaged the reproductive organs of the children who receive continual doses.
83. No-one is all things to all people, and Anthea is no exception.
84. A community which feels that no-one cares naturally turns into itself for reassurance.
85. We tended to stick together too, although no-one accused us of being colonists.
86. No-one wins a dispute with Graham, so there's hardly any point indulging in a slanging match.
87. A quiet neighbourhood; no-one about but the occasional delivery man.
88. If that's the case, I wonder just how many people write labels that no-one else can read.
89. No-one knows any longer when Morrissey is being sarcastic and when he is trying to awaken us to something.
90. No-one is really sure why people vandalize their own neighbourhoods.
91. The sound came from over the garden wall and I knew that no-one in that part of Gigant Street kept chicken.
92. No-one cared how long we had taken on the route.
93. At other times he suffers periods of deep depression when he locks himself away and will speak to no-one for weeks.
94. The entrance foyer was packed when Georg sidled in that evening,(http:///no-one.html) hoping that no-one would see him and recognize him.
95. There's no-one knocking at the door - it must have been your imagination.
96. There's room for everyone and no-one likes a bad loser.
97. Right: No-one can tell you what fish to buy - that's a personal choice.
98. The family's home in Stockton appeared deserted with all the curtains drawn and no-one was answering the door.
99. No-one knows how to open champagne nowadays, not even waiters.
100. Dennis the keyboard player in Relief comes over and talks incoherent rubbish to no-one in particular.
101. Judge Hart said Munn confessed all when interviewed by police but no-one else had been charged with the robbery.
102. The volume of the music muffled the sounds of the attack, and no-one heard her screams for help.
103. The banners we have are getting tatty as no-one worries very much how they are stored.
104. The emergency services said it was miraculous that no-one was seriously injured.
105. Some of his displays have reminded me of Gerald Davies at his best - and I can give no-one a greater compliment.
106. I saw him flush it down the toilet so that no-one will laugh at his spotty chest in the showers!
107. Susan's sullen silence, though no-one could fail to notice it, did nothing to dampen anyone else's spirits.
108. You are the actor on show at your audition - no-one is interested in auditioning your coach.
109. The developments remain top secret and no-one from the factory or the team would confirm or deny the existence of the kit.
110. No-one spoke for five minutes as they both glorified in the sun and the light fresh breeze.
111. Many schools would like to offer drama lessons, but often there is no-one on the staff to take them.
112. It was still hot from the dry July day: no-one could recall such a warm summer.
113. Lest her neighbours gain the impression that no-one ever wrote to her, she wrote and mailed letters to herself.
114. The day will end with a prize draw, but no-one will go home empty-handed.
115. Americans love their cars, and no-one is going to persuade them to give them up.
116. Amazingly, he recovered, but no-one could ascertain what had caused the fits.
117. When she reached the school gate she discovered that there was no-one there.
118. How he got there no-one knows, but he was a very good sailor and an even better artist.
119. The fact is no-one knows what's going to happen in the two new Milton Keynes constituencies.
120. If no-one answered soon he would have to chalk it up as a wasted trip, and Montgomery would not be amused.
121. With no-one yet fully recovered, and as the strange events continue, open hostility breaks out.
122. Richard Feynman, said to be the greatest theoretical physicist of modern times, stated that no-one understands quantum mechanics.
123. No-one cared that she jacked in to the lock on the tutor's door,(sentence dictionary) feeling around mentally to jig it open.
124. Come on, fess up - you must have been the one who told her because no-one else knew!
125. No-one noticed that the little boy had crept into the room and was sitting there, listening.
126. The night porter used a passkey for those rooms that were empty or where no-one answered.
127. No-one knew how many bands would take part in each contest until it was all over.
128. The hostel was fairly close to town and no-one could complain about the prices.
129. Employment training in Britain is a scandal and is often run by Government-appointed has-beens from industry accountable to no-one.
130. The deep division within the provinces of the former Empire meant than no-one had sufficient forces to root out the Beastmen.
131. I think the founding father saw to it that no-one else shared centre stage.
132. Farmers complain about no-one buying their wine and cheap imports flooding the markets.
133. Beck has got the best out of his limited resources and no-one can knock his results.
134. But no-one stocked the John Pearse and I ended up with the Levin.
135. We had to make the game all-ticket so no-one came thinking they could get in on the day.
136. I know of no-one else who has the same depth of knowledge of the subject and who can write with such articulation.
137. When the bluff failed, it is hardly surprising that no-one seriously considered attempting to implement the general strike against war.
138. He was at the foot of the stairs, standing for a moment on his own, no-one around.
139. It is still a thoughtful, finely acted and daringly all-encompassing film, suggesting that no-one has a fixed nature.
140. Even now no-one seems quite certain whether this was a fact, a half-fact or the product of a fertile imagination.
141. Of course, if everyone knew their partners inside out, there's a good chance no-one would ever plight their troth.
142. All this ... such a famous person, and no-one to ask for your autograph.
143. AIDS became widespread in the 1980s, but no-one is certain of its origin.
144. No-one feels so strongly against abortion at any stage that they picket the factories where birth control pills are produced.
145. Dave, 30, of Bolton and Allan, 37, of Liverpool say no-one had complained and are claiming unfair dismissal.
146. No-one was injured in the incident at the bar and restaurant in Regent Street.
147. Other bidders found out that I could top their bids, and no-one came to the party.
148. It is, in effect, answerable to no-one although its members must, of course, answer to their own national governments.
149. Added together, market forces generate an overall result which no-one can predict.
150. No-one has enjoyed such popularity over such a wide range of colleagues from the very junior to the very senior.
151. It was a unique achievement - no-one has ever won the championship five times before.
152. No-one as protected as that would ever be so abandoned as to defy her guardian.
153. Spring Street, just off Broadway, was fashionable, and no-one could describe Mrs Gutermann's as other than high-class.
154. Male speaker No-one likes moving from the job they like doing.
155. No-one can doubt its power to evoke the imagination of millions upon millions of people through the ages and today.
156. No-one thought they would make him manager so soon after joining the company.
157. No-one is criticising the standard specifications laid down - if they are followed.
158. But this machine played music no-one had ever heard before. Catchy tunes, though, and everyone had a singalong.
159. No wonder no-one at Siemens Nixdorf wants to hazard when the company might return to profit.
160. Don't you think it's puzzling that no-one noticed them leave?
161. No-one had noticed that while they huddled together the armour-plating had rusted away.
162. But no-one was in doubt that the real winner was disabled sport.
163. But no-one seems interested in the fact that you've almost certainly stinted yourself for years.
164. However, the growing flexibility in our delivery systems should mean that no-one is disadvantaged.
165. She couldn't be completely spurious; no-one could act a part like that.
166. It isn't fair that you're only a secretary at Hoggatt's because no-one bothered to educate you for anything else.
167. You shine at interviews, yet no-one is willing to employ you.
168. There was no-one in the town whom the lepers could turn to for medical aid.
169. No-one ever really suggested it and we never knew the name of the game.
170. I was the one in hide-and-seek that you never came looking for and I hid for hours from no-one ....
171. No-one appears to have questioned this claim, examined the data, or checked whether any experiment had even been done.
172. It was a lonely spot, and no-one would know for a few days.
173. But no-one is claiming this as a major export deal.
174. The lightning bolt hit the house in Kingsteignton, south Devon, but no-one was hurt, said police.
175. Studies of many thousands of people have shown that no-one has ever been infected through kissing.
176. With skating there's no-one saying do this, do that all over the shop.
177. He never discussed the failed raid; and no-one else dared to, either.
178. No-one else went around with empty eye sockets and, of course, the scythe over one shoulder was another clue.
179. No-one could have foreseen an attack from such an unexpected source.
180. It was hard for her, going to live in a strange city where she knew no-one.
181. What really shocked me was that no-one seemed to care about all the beggars.
182. No-one lives up here in the cleft of the White Kielder Burn.
183. Older people are inhibited about discussing the past because they sense that no-one is interested.
184. No-one forces them to undertake work which will use more energy than the food they consume can replace.
185. No-one can hope to have a command of all these things at a first audition.
186. He asked a policeman who owed him a favour that he wanted no-one to know about.
187. No-one appeared to carry out an analysis of pupils' needs.
188. No-one could seriously believe that the king had been a worshipper of the cult.
189. And a firm's environmental history has emerged as another potential poison pill no-one wants to swallow.
190. And as no-one takes the paradigm seriously, no-one is troubled to try to find an explanation for the seemingly anomalous data.
191. Our circle was a group of rebels and no-one could quite understand our friend's attraction to him.
192. It amazes me that no-one has thought of the idea sooner.
193. And that's something that no-one in London really wants to sing about.
194. One of my pairs is actually reluctant to spawn if there is no-one from whom to defend their territory.
195. With no-one wishing to appear insensitive or dull-witted the audience gives an enthusiastic response, thereby upsetting Nero.
196. The first point to note is that no-one has a convincing explanation for the existence of W-cells.
197. In your light I learn how to love. In your beauty, how to make poems. You dance inside my chest where no-one sees you, but sometimes I do, and that sight becomes this art. Rumi 
198. It is extremely fortunate that there was no-one in the building when the bomb went off.
199. No-one above the pathological level has any trouble with literal language - defined in psychological terms as language with immediate sensory feedback.
200. No-one pops into a gallery and nicks a couple of old masters on spec.
201. No-one knows for sure the exact age of the tree.
202. Now Homestead are just another indie label and no-one cares.
203. Nina got up and smiled a smile that was meant for no-one.
204. There was no-one to explain that leprosy was a disease that gave no forewarning.
205. The truly subservient prisoner is respected by no-one, staff or inmates.
206. Their job is to make sure that no-one flies beyond their own limits and those of the aircraft.
207. The test was difficult, and no-one scored more than 45 points.
208. No-one ever heard what, if anything, she told them; but the hives grew amazingly heavy.
209. No-one realises how f-in' hard it is to scream at the top of your lungs and concentrate on playing guitar solos.
210. But voters are fickle: no-one knows whether the Lib Dem tide is coming in or going out.
211. No-one walked the corridors or stood in queues and the Headmaster almost seemed friendly, if this is possible to believe.
212. No-one should think twice about blurting out the whole story.
213. His second came at the ticket booth, where there was no-one for him to show his first-class ticket to.
214. No-one can say where the amazing explosion of digital services will take us.
215. Today, no-one bats an eyelid as he takes a stroll along the ley-lines of Wiltshire.
216. It's been a reggae smash for weeks on end but no-one in the pop world has noticed yet.
217. No-one knows which ingredients are responsible for these almost magical properties.
218. Gleeson was so repulsive that surely no-one would be interested in him.
219. But you just watch Nick Faldo play a round of golf in a Major, no-one does it better.
220. It would be just reward for their recent form, and no-one would begrudge them the honour.
221. No-one minds that she's a woman, that's no sweat at all.
222. It all takes place in Mexican bandit country so remote and lawless that no-one goes to spectate.
223. Especially when I'm alone, but no-one really asked me before... I feel strengthless and hopeless.
224. No-one stopped, no matter how tired they were," says Radhakrishnan's deputy.
225. Developing countries have the chance to step forward and revolutionise the world in a way no-one thought possible until now.
226. No-one can say for sure how this particular arachnid met her end, but she may have succumbed to a natural catastrophe.
227. No-one who states, as he has done, that 'religious faith is necessarily subjective, being incommunicable by any kind of proof or evidence' is a devout Christian.
228. No-one may enter the SECCO Site and work without the proper Site Safety Induction training has been provided to ensure safe behavior and awareness at all times while on the site.
229. A: Nowadays no-one gets very far in Egyptology without a doctorate, the sole or major part of which (depending on country) is the writing of a thesis.
230. There was no-one at the reception desk, so he pressed a bell for service.
231. You can put money in for a short period of time, but no-one is going to put money in for a year and a day.
232. No-one says that people should be denied antibiotics so that they die early from pneumonia or septicaemia as nature "intended".
233. He is very quick-tempered, so no-one dares to offend him.
234. It even made a brief stop in the Solent earlier this month, but no-one was allowed to look inside.
235. From the first practice game, I've been designated as the man who takes free-kicks – no-one else is supposed to touch the ball.
236. Zenani Mandela, 13, died when travelling home after the concert in Soweto, the Nelson Mandela Foundation said. No-one else was hurt.
237. No-one likes smokers anymore: Although maybe we hate those Big Tobacco companies just a smidge more ... remember how they lied?
238. We need to act with urgency and resolve to ensure that no-one dies from malaria for lack of a 5 dollar bed net, 1 dollar antimalarial drug and a 50 cent diagnostic test.
239. Your brothers provide quite well for all of us, and I need your smile here. But then, no-one listens to a crotchety old lady in a wheelchair.




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