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单词 Truths
(1) All great truths begin as blasphemise. 
(2) All truths are not to be told. 
(3) All truths are not (always) to be told. 
(4) Eternal truths will be neither true nor eternal unless they have fresh meaning for every new social situation. 
(5) The truths we least like to hear are those which it is most to our advantage to know. 
(6) These truths were by no means self - evident when Galileo first suggested them.
(7) It's time you told him a few home truths.
(8) The experience has taught us some basic truths .
(9) It's time someone told him a few home truths .
(10) It is in his interest to hide unhappy truths about his agency's performance.
(11) It's time you listened to a few home truths about yourself.
(12) His evidence was a blend of smears(), half truths and downright lies.
(13) It's time we told him a few home truths about sharing a house.
(14) Tells the Collective Wisdom home truths.
(15) Loyalty-obsessed companies have grasped two important managerial truths.
(16) Great truths are portions of the soul of man. James Russell Lowell 
(17) Are such truths inherently odious or destructive?
(18) Surface appearances, however, reveal only surface truths.
(19) The Book of Ultimate Truths was his masterwork.
(20) Such leaders understand very basic truths about human beings.
(21) Unpalatable truths are a threat to our self respect.
(22) The entire system of belief is based on a few simple truths.
(23) She was forced to face up to a few unwelcome truths about her family.
(24) We held a team meeting and a few home truths were spelled out.
(25) He decided it was time to tell her a few home truths.
(26) It's about time someone spoke up for these basic truths.
(27) The article had been full of errors and half truths.
(28) It was Arab feminists who insisted on speaking aloud the oldest truths, bringing upon themselves the most ferocious repressions.
(29) Let us examine the evolution of animal husbandry in the light of these three great, if harsh, truths.
(30) I was never able to write back, I tried writing to Home Truths and a Birmingham paper to no avail.
(1) These truths were by no means self - evident when Galileo first suggested them.
(2) His evidence was a blend of smears, half truths and downright lies.
(31) And if religion was rational, and basic truths were plain, what justification could there be for compulsion?
(32) What have been taught as their basic truths seem no longer to hold.
(33) All truths are easy to understand once they are discovered; the point is to discover them. Galileo Galilei 
(34) Religions all have different names, but they all contain the same truths. I think the people of our religion should be tolerant and understand people believe different things. Muhammad Ali 
(35) Truths of geometry can be proved, and so known not only to be true but also to be necessarily true.
(36) Such vivid, metaphoric language epitomizes and illustrates the ultimate truths and values of the police world.
(37) Awareness becomes heightened, and everyday domestic dramas unfold into staggering universal truths.
(38) It was claimed that her stories were not so innocent because she was using them to uncover some uncomfortable political truths.
(39) It was more in the field of sport that the unwelcome home truths were thrust into my face.
(40) The fact that millions of people share the same vices does not make these vices virtues, the fact that they share so many errors does not make the errors to be truths, and the fact that millions of people share the same form of mental pathology does not make these people sane. Erich Fromm 
(41) If the subject-matter of management was a set of imperishable truths(http:///truths.html), the answer would be no.
(42) The truths that are recognized after marriage have very little to do with chamber pots.
(43) Nor does it yield to the temptation to manipulate performance and financial data in a way that obscures hard truths.
(44) And once again, the extraordinarily simple underlying truths about this problem have been obscured by political bombast.
(45) On close inspection, the unpleasant truths an organization is afraid to tell often turn out to be not all that abhorrent.
(46) Critical assessment of long held beliefs is the first step to new interpretation of historical events and other so called scientific truths.
(47) Sometimes folks have to face ugly, nasty truths about themselves.
(48) Because they tell truths and provide insights beyond the reach of foreign correspondents angling for knighthoods and Pulitzer Prizes.
(49) Expect home truths from a youngster or relative on Sunday.
(50) She'd tell him a few home truths about his condescending, heartless, authoritarian attitude.
(51) That way the general public's limited capacity for remembering the truths of any given case may not be exceeded.
(52) It is only the basic spiritual truths which surface time and again, expressed through different idioms.
(53) Sad to learn that those self-evident truths, necessary truths, faltered so badly when subjected to rigorous examination.
(54) It is not a particularly good book and Niki despises it, but it does have some home truths in it.
(55) There are of course all kinds of truths that are not of this sort; but they lie on a lower level altogether.
(56) But there are some truths too cruel, before the faces one has to announce them to, to be told.
(57) Many will call me an adventurer, and that I am...only one of a different sort: one who risks his skin to prove his truths. Che Guevara 
(58) Her books deal in changing perceptions rather than unalterable truths, and she herself was perhaps her most imaginative achievement ....
(59) He toyed with telling her a few home truths, but then decided it would do no good.
(60) I was very sceptical and, being almost entirely ignorant of the truths of Theosophy, thought Theosophists mad in their beliefs.
(61) Never hide things from hardcore thinkers. They get more aggravated, more provoked by confusion than the most painful truths. Criss Jami 
(62) What is left, it is claimed, will be self-evident truths which can be accepted as such by all open minds.
(63) In particular in the sophisticated world of alchemy, the resonances of chemical and other truths were of the utmost importance.
(64) He was sensitive, vulnerable, amazed when his honest truths gave offence.
(65) Communities need absolutes, ideals of truths, transcendent sources of authority which are unchanged and unchangeable.
(66) They had admitted terrible truths to them-selves, which the rest of us worked hard to deny.
(67) But before proceeding to optimism I have to introduce some harsh truths.
(68) Good writing often reveals painful truths, said the authors in a panel on self-help books.
(69) Others again have taken as the play's essence the need to reconcile not truth and falsehood but competing truths.
(70) Far from being vacuous storytelling, myth in its true sense is a communion with the deepest truths of existence.
(71) Shouldn't it be the people who have as their driving force the desire to reveal truths about human life?
(72) This class division is further reflected, as profound truths so often are( ), in humour.
(73) The basic truths of it, once you have learned them, are difficult to forget.
(74) All feminists, however, demand dignity and autonomy as self-evident truths in the finest tradition of Western social theory.
(75) One of the basic truths about human beings is that we want our lives to have meaning.
(76) In the history of popular music, these truths are self-evident.
(77) But as particular truths do not embody the fullness of Truth so particular religions do not embody the fullness of Religion.
(78) Roth captures essential truths about faith, hope and despair within his reworking of a biblical story.
(79) He had some home truths to impart and presented them without fear or favour.
(80) First(), in talking of adding all truths at once we seem to have moved firmly into the realm of fiction.
(81) Thus, for Melville, we see that the sea is symbolic of all ultimate truths of the world.
(82) A second alternative is to hire outside experts for the purpose of disseminating uncomfortable but crucial organizational truths.
(83) One of the great truths of Washington life little known by the folks back home is the power of congressional staff members.
(84) Here, Wade realized, he had come up against a few firm truths.
(85) The primitive church employed mythology to augment and explicate the great truths of the gospel.
(86) Set in San Diego, the play examines the tangled web woven by those who conceal certain truths from others.
(87) The simple truths according to Marx and Lenin are now crowded by doubts.
(88) One does not need to acquire hermeneutical skills to appreciate the significance and personal challenge presented by the great truths of salvation.
(89) This is a moment when pride and stubbornness in the permanent truths of the constitution are not the most helpful qualities.
(90) They should be able to interpret their experience and assurance in the light of the revealed truths of the gospel.
(91) Or when they refuse to face unpleasant truths, like good and evil.
(92) Yet we find it difficult to take these definitive events and state categorically that they are universal truths for women engineers.
(93) Clear-thinking organizations rely on cost justification to reveal these truths, even if they run counter to current plans and conventional wisdom.
(94) A standard objection to such views is that these general principles often clash one with one another as necessary truths could not.
(95) One of the simplest truths about history is that progress is not linear.
(96) Psychological models derived from the observation of groups consisting of students can no longer be taken as representing general truths.
(97) What his sleuths seek are truths that everybody else knows already, or is afraid to know.
(98) The value of the political talks so far has been to expose three basic truths.
(99) Good fiction reveals the truths we can not bear to share in public.
(100) There are no eternal facts, as there are no absolute truths. Friedrich Nietzsche 
(101) Maybe we should listen to our friends when they tell us a few home truths.
(102) At the same time, he became adept at nurturing his image as a tormented rebel in touch with primal truths.
(103) Another over-eager cat has discovered one of the basic truths of garden life: never try to kill a toad.
(104) If your ambition takes this line, there are certain basic truths that you will have to recognise.
(105) One collection of such gives insight into the literal way spiritual truths were inculcated.
(106) His blend of smears, half truths and downright lies ruined many careers in government and the professions.
(107) Unhappy wretch that I am, I left my native fireside and alienated my home to seek strange truths in undiscovered lands.
(108) Sorry, Colin, but you learned the hard way about the harsh truths of the boxing world.
(109) Let us now set forth one of the fundamental truths about marriage: the wife is in charge. Bill Cosby 
(110) One of the beautiful and cruel truths of politics is that our compromises return with almost grim inevitability to haunt us.
(111) Live a life of lies; die a death of truths. Anthony Liccione 
(112) Gaia speaks nothing but half - truths and falsehoods.
(113) These truths cause individuals much psychic pain.
(114) Simple truths for the ways of the world.
(115) All great truths begin as blasphemy.
(116) The Natural History Museum is to harness public curiosity about the almost infinite variety of carnal knowledge with an exhibition that lays out toe-curling truths about wild sex.
(117) I want to liberate my universe of its phantoms and to people it solely with flesh-and-blood truths whose presence I cannot deny.
(118) In the endless flow of absolute truth there are innumerable relative truths.
(119) The perspective just as moral truths, that are presented in their simplicity without the meretricious aids of ornament or glitter.
(120) We may now restore that temp 1 e to the ancient truths.
(121) The latter stood a firm footing on humanitarian and rationality, resorting to reasons and seeking truths, upholding democracy and selfness, thus to open doors to approaching and conquering the nature.
(122) In demystifying the little-understood speech impediment, the award-winning film reveals myths and fascinating truths about stuttering, and has won praise from stutterers of all ages.
(123) Hers is a joyful mix of pop idioms and eternal truths, danceable beats and the good news.
(124) They contain poetic truths, whether told to amuse and delight or to convey the best science man knew in a pre-scientific age, as witness the Creation story in the Book of Genesis.
(125) Anselm's form of realism led him to the belief that by giving proper attention to universal concepts one could prove the truths of theology.
(126) Mainly, his essays struck a cord in viewers by pointing out life's unspoken truths or more often complaining about its subtle lies, earning him the "curmudgeon" status he wore like a uniform.
(127) Better still, whereas the findings of historians and scientists are always revisable in principle, it's plausible that the truths conceptual analysis reveals are necessary.
(128) Agnew had told some home truths about their power and bias.
(129) There's a difference between speaking necessary truths and embarrassing people for the hell of it.
(130) Ramon Llull, Spanish theologian, invented machines for discovering nonmathematical truths through combinatories.
(131) Seduction continues to appear to all orthodoxies as malefice and artifice, a black magic for the deviation of all truths, an exaltation of the malicious use of signs,(/truths.html) a conspiracy of signs.
(132) Much of the influence of Lutheranism around the world can be traced to the success of this catechism in expressing the profound truths of the faith in a language that all can understand.
(133) It is felt that distinctness and energy may have weight in recommending the most solid truths.
(134) Irrationally held truths may be more harmful than reasoned errors ( Thomas H. Huxley ).
(135) All over the world the cosa nostra, yakuza, triads, bratva and the rest make much of their fortune by disposing of our uncomfortable truths.
(136) All adown the centuries thinking men have noted these truths, and again and again we find individuals forsaking in horror the life of the senses and devoting themselves to the life of the spirit.
(137) The return to the fold is every individual decision and it is base on acceptance and practice of the truths as revealed by our Lord Jesus Christ to the True Jesus Church.
(138) Because of this crisis and because of our love of Christ, his gospel and his church, we endeavor to assert anew our commitment to the central truths of the Reformation and of historic evangelicalism .
(139) The sum total of innumerable relative truths constitute absolute truth.
(140) The causation is they thorough understand the law : Truths are always uncertain.
(141) Despite the ravings of religious dogmatists, we are not given access to absolute truths.
(142) It begins, like much pseudoscience, with uncontroversial truths: the number of people over 85 will double, and the cost of drugs is rising.
(143) Dean Acheson recognized these truths in his day. They have not dimmed with the passage of time.
(144) So, to reanimate is to make relevant, to give life to transcendent truths.
(145) I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal.
(146) Theory must mediate between all previous truths and certain new experiences.
(147) You know half - truths, which were worse than direct, flat-out lies.
(148) The great eternal truths and principles of life antedate all religions.
(149) We must receive the truths which Jesus taught, the precepts which He issued, and the movements of His Spirit within us; or we shall have no power at the Mercy Seat.
(150) Even though the Champions League final is a monument to the riches and razzle-dazzle of modern football, there were some eternal truths on show in the Eternal City.
(151) It's time we broke this impasse by acknowledging a few simple truths.
(152) I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed-we hold theses truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal.
(153) She did not know the Saviour, but as a Jewess , she knew many truths which were excellent stepping-stones to a knowledge of Jesus. Her conversion took place in the use of the means.
(154) I 'll never cry, I wish to fly . over the city line . there there could be lies, but from your eyes, I have see the truths of life.
(155) LORD GORING . [ Putting in a new buttonhole. ] And falsehoods the truths of other people.
(156) Possibly fearing that more truths would leak out , CRAWL expelled us from the organization away!
(157) You may be somewhat of a dreamer and romanticize emotions, yet your dreams may reflect truths when you are in tune to your higher awareness.
(158) Acheson recognized these truths in his day. They have not dimmed with the passage of time.
(159) Chinese youngsters, bored and suffocated by the pitiably few kinds of listening experience, long to think about other truths, listen to unfamiliar charm, and look for impulse in their minds.
(160) The old universal truths lacking which any story is ephemeral and doomed. ( William Faulkner ).
(161) We can, at least, retain, gather, these truths: that the sexual encounter of bodies does not pass, in its essence, by way of the pleasure principle.
(162) In the same way, readers put up with unintelligibility , obsessiveness, painful truths, lies, bad grammar—if, in compensation, the writers allows them to savor rare emotions and dangerous sensations.
(163) Lasting peace, though, would be better served by candidly facing the truths of our shared past, however politically incorrect those might be.
(163) try its best to gather and make good sentences.
(164) Therefore, to put forward divine truths by likening them to corporeal things does not befit this science.
(165) In China's most prosperous cities, time-honored truths are losing their luster for young adults coping with a very different world from the one their forebears knew.
(166) When truths collide, compromise becomes the first casualty ( Henry A. Kissinger ).
(167) Truest of all are mathematical truths, and it is therefore upsetting to see them being pilfered shamelessly by innumerate managers eager to lend an aura of fact to what is usually a glob of guff.
(168) Historic evangelicalism was confessional. It embraced the essential truths of Christianity as those were defined by the great ecumenical councils of the church.
(169) Often, visitors learn hard truths at AgeLab: many older adults don't like products, like big-button phones, that telegraph agedness.
(170) If there are no conceptual truths, then, a fortiori , there are no conceptual truths for philosophy to deliver.
(171) It's just one of the brutal truths of biology -- those with "tip-top constitutions" will likely draw your eye, so don't fight it!
(172) Given any finite set of axioms, we have an infinite number of truths that are unprovable in that system.
(173) The history proves already, all truths are to be in intense at issue get accepted, and public opinion is the foundation that crooked truth heretical ideas is popular instead autocratically .




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