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单词 Lewis
1. Steve Lewis won the first semi-final.
2. John Lord, alias Peter Lewis, was convicted of murder.
3. Mum, Lewis stuck out his tongue at me!
4. Once he knew where we were, Lewis telegraphed every few hours.
5. Lewis was annoyed that Adam did not show enough respect and deference to him.
6. Mr. Lewis takes an insufferably glib attitude toward it all.
7. Mason was outclassed by Lennox Lewis in his tragic last fight at Wembley.
8. The Lewis family operated a number of boats on the canal.
9. I've got to speak to James Lewis vis-a-vis the arrangements for Thursday.
10. General Lewis Mackenzie has impressed everyone with his authority and personal courage.
11. Lewis finally broke the long silence between them.
12. Lewis quickly outdistanced the other runners.
13. Lewis entered flanked by two bodyguards.
14. Lewis was found guilty of trafficking in drugs.
15. Lewis equalled the old world record of 9.93 seconds.
16. Lewis has just moved up to the juniors.
17. Lewis has set a new world record.
18. Lewis emerges as a composer of distinction and sensitivity.
19. Mitchell beat Lewis by three-hundredths of a second.
19. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
20. At first Lewis resisted their blandishments.
21. Jerry Lee Lewis was a rock'n'roll singer.
22. Lewis is in serious training for the Olympics.
23. Lewis was boiling with rage and misery.
24. Lewis was aggressive, eccentric, moody, and brilliantly clever.
25. Lewis held onto the lead until the final lap.
26. Karen Matthews co-authored the study with Lewis Kullers.
27. Lewis refused to show any emotion.
28. Lewis will compete in both sprints in Stuttgart.
29. Lewis denies that the child is his.
30. Lewis was my closest acquaintance.
1. Steve Lewis won the first semi-final.
2. John Lord, alias Peter Lewis, was convicted of murder.
3. Mum, Lewis stuck out his tongue at me!
4. Once he knew where we were, Lewis telegraphed every few hours.
5. Lewis was annoyed that Adam did not show enough respect and deference to him.
6. Mr. Lewis takes an insufferably glib attitude toward it all.
7. Mason was outclassed by Lennox Lewis in his tragic last fight at Wembley.
8. The Lewis family operated a number of boats on the canal.
9. I've got to speak to James Lewis vis-a-vis the arrangements for Thursday.
10. General Lewis Mackenzie has impressed everyone with his authority and personal courage.
11. Lewis was my closest acquaintance.
12. Sinclair Lewis was stormy petrel in his life as in his books.
13. It's my great pleasure to introduce tonight's speaker, Professor Lewis.
14. The officer in charge of the case is Superintendent Lewis.
31. I'm afraid that it's not finished yet, Mr Lewis.
32. Lewis has grown philosophical about life.
33. Lewis is his main challenger for the world title.
34. Excuse me, Miss Lewis, I need/want the toilet.
35. During the 1950s, Sun Records' stable of singers included Elvis Presley, Johnny Cash and Jerry Lee Lewis.
36. Lewis and his father drifted apart after he moved to New York.
37. Jerry Lewis is out there all the time raising money for disabled kids.
38. Lewis has kept a clean sheet in every game .
39. Later in the evening, Lewis began to croon another Springsteen song.
40. Within hours, police corralled the three men Lewis had named.
41. Lewis established a new world record with a time of 9.86 seconds.
42. Sinclair Lewis was stormy petrel in his life as in his books.
43. I turned away from the phone to see Lewis pat a waitress on her rear.
44. I can't forgive Lewis for robbing me of an Olympic gold.
45. The following year Lewis went one better by winning the gold medal.
46. Lewis estimates that 40 to 80 percent of dentists actually autoclave their instruments as they should.
47. "What am I doing wrong, anyway?" — "Beats me, Lewis.".
48. Tolkien was, by temperament, a very different man from Lewis.
49. Lewis stopped off in Jamaica before flying on to Toronto.
49. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
50. It's my great pleasure to introduce tonight's speaker, Professor Lewis.
51. This morning, looking harassed and drawn, Lewis tendered his resignation.
52. Lewis was much admired for his work on medieval literature.
53. It would be an overstatement to say that Lewis deserved to win the race.
54. Lewis has a fighting chance to win the gold medal.
55. Lewis desperately needs to keep clear of Ruddock's big left hook.
56. 'He's rolling in it,' said the girl, pointing at Lewis.
57. The police report exonerated Lewis from all charges of corruption.
58. 'Brillig' is a made-up word used in a piece of nonsense verse by Lewis Carroll.
59. Lewis was not in the right frame of mind to continue.
60. If Lewis won his next fight, he would be guaranteed a shot at the title .
61. With a gasp of pure horror, Lewis jumped up and ran.
62. With Steve Lewis at the helm, we are certain of success.
63. We would like to announce the appointment of Julia Lewis as head of sales.
64. Lewis is the author of thirteen novels and ten non-fiction books.
65. He stood in high favour at the court of Lewis the Pious.
66. The officer in charge of the case is Superintendent Lewis.
67. At the start of the last over, bowled by Chris Lewis, the Welsh county were favourites.
68. And Lewis was such a tremendous stage prop.
69. Joseph Lewis, an ivory turner, suffered excruciating poverty.
70. Lewis talks to her, fills in the rough spots.
71. John Lewis, who represents a district adjacent to Gingrich.
72. But by the mid-1950s, Lewis seemed to burn out.
73. Lewis was overwhelmed by reading this book.
74. Carl Lewis of the modern era has won eight.
75. Miss Lewis hissed between her teeth.
76. Lewis has begun to fulfil his promise.
77. He plans to someday regain control of Lewis Oil.
78. Beverley Lewis was born blind, deaf and mentally handicapped.
79. That was after Mr Lewis at the orphanage died.
80. Lewis, through collective bargaining,(http:///lewis.html) brought order out of chaos.
81. It's shenanigans between the sheets, Lewis!
82. Lewis clipped a second off the world record.
83. Lewis only briefly touches on these concerns.
84. Lewis was envious of Forney's success.
85. Lewis still had shrapnel in his lung.
86. Parore dropped Lewis first ball, and again before stumps.
87. But Lewis has its own oil-based industry.
88. Lewis couldn't be corralled for an interview.
89. Lewis earned tremendous clout when the sport went pro.
90. Rufus Reid on bass and Lewis again on drums.
91. Carl Lewis took a golden leap further into history.
92. Bricks had fallen and then the roof caved in, pinning Lewis under a concrete lintel.
93. Particularly on the high plains, Lewis and Clark camped at places where nothing as important has happened sInce.
94. His exploits on the Colorado River had made him a national hero, the most celebrated adventurer since Lewis and Clark.
95. She glanced round, spotting Terry Lewis on the outer fringes of their circle, an expression of chagrin on his face.
96. That Mr Lewis still is puffing purposefully midway through his fourth decade ranks as odd on grounds other than his own amazement.
97. A searing drive by utility infielder Mark Lewis careered into her ribs, leaving a sore, big bruise.
98. His digital likeness won an impromptu cyber-fight against a Lennox Lewis character by a knockout in the fourth round.
99. To return from conjecture to fact: the nuclear family left Lewis in 1944 when I was five years old.
100. Provision was also made for two other Lewis guns, one amidships and one in the tail.
101. Ray Lewis sold out his homies for time served and a misdemeanor plea bargain.
102. A lot of people called Carl Lewis a lot of things before the finals of the 4x100 relay on Friday night.
103. At age 35, Lewis delivered a performance that should have had every athlete shaking his or her head in admiration.
104. Clinton is the first president to challenge tobacco companies to halt cigarette sales to teen-agers, Lewis added.
105. Lewis said deputies did not want to risk injuring the protesters by using grinders to cut through their metal sleeves.
106. The immediate consequence of the outbreak of war was that Lewis found his circle of friends broken up and changing.
107. When Lord Leverhulme abandoned Lewis, the crofting villages seemed doomed to a steady decline and eventual extinction.
108. Rufus had impossibly long arms with the same type of musculature as Hector and Mr Lewis.
109. Lewis, in three-piece suit and striped shirt, supported the reintroduction of corporal punishment in schools.
110. Sohail, on 29, was let off by Botham at gully, shoulder-high off Lewis.
111. Their site is over the sea west of Wrath, at the eastern side of the Isle of Lewis.
112. Lewis beat him a further ten times, claimed Joe, who was so scared that he wet his pants.
113. The generally accepted view is that the people of Lewis opposed Lord Leverhulme's schemes.
114. Lewis recently spoke at a conference of women business leaders.
115. He always had their maid squeeze some fresh juice when Lorna Lewis was scheduled to put in an appearance.
116. Even a Riddick Bowe victory over Holyfield next week is unlikely to make it any easier to give Lewis a home run.
117. He's directing a new film, Shadowlands, based on the life of C.S. Lewis.
118. Centre Lewis, who continues as captain, sat out three league matches.
119. It was as if Lewis had wanted to murder his own child, the new Democratic Party he had created.
120. Most everyone likes a free bit of advice, and professionals like Lewis are valuable folks to exploit.
121. But this was not a night for Lewis to look down upon the vanquished.
122. Clinton has not named a campaign director or other top officials except Lewis.
123. The people of Lewis keep the Sabbath and their honour.
124. Tubbs and Lewis ran the mill for some time but finally ceased production there.
125. Leave aside that Lewis is far from alone in attacking academic life these days.
126. Till-covered plain Derived from gneisses, sandstones and conglomerates the extensive glacial tills in Lewis have sandy loam textures.
127. Lewis had been the ward boss in name only, because white precinct captains ran the organization, including him.
128. I remember standing in the district court before old Smokey Lewis.
129. However, as Reina Lewis has demonstrated, women's images of Oriental nudes are fundamentally different at the point of reception.
130. Most would-be tough pop-stars are pussycats, but Lewis is still trouble.
131. Lewis stood on the front lawn, looking up at the bedroom windows.
132. Scriptwriters Peter Lewis and Peter Dobereiner decided there should be a character who could put into words what young people were thinking.
133. Serious fires in one wing and the engineering workshops had been brought under control, said Mr Lewis.
134. Dudley also dropped one pass and watched Ray Lewis wrest away another for an interception.
135. Lewis was inclined to ground his grudging acceptance of democracy on the doctrine of original sin.
136. Lewis has gained the adulation of fans around the country.
137. Pine stumps on Lewis date from 4800 - 3900 B.P., suggesting that pine was a late arrival there.
138. Lewis offered no reform proposals, saying that new regulations would lead to new ways to evade them.
139. Lewis, Burrell,(/lewis.html) and Mitchell made it a clean sweep for the U.S. in the 100 meters.
140. Lewis, who had finished second, was awarded the gold medal.
141. And when, some months later, Katherine had become pregnant by Captain Lewis, Dermot had offered to marry her.
142. Tony Lewis, the chairman, set out the rationale in his newspaper column.
143. It has been a dream of mine since I was a little boy to run on a relay team with Carl Lewis.
144. The knockout loss to Lewis, which came in the sixth round, seemed to put him out of title contention.
145. Colonel Lewis Pick, the architect of the tribes' inundation, was the embodiment of a no-nonsense military man.
146. The only bright spot was the news that Lewis should be fit to bowl in the final Test.
147. Could he end up as the musical equivalent of Jerry Lewis, adored abroad, but considered an embarrassment at home?
148. But we see what we want to see, and for Lewis this performance by Williams was a revelation.
149. The creation of the modern fountain pen is usually attributed to Lewis E Waterman in the 1880s.
150. The winners in the color photography category are as follows: J. Robinson, D. Smith, R. Lewis.
151. The 30-year-old Warwickshire captain was the selectors' choice after Lewis broke down with a groin strain.
152. Lewis was a tough boxer, and a hard man to beat.
153. Was it Carl Lewis falling prostrate after his gold medal long jump?
154. There is one encounter worth mentioning before we bring to an end this account of Lewis in 1939.
155. Be that as it may, it was here mat Lewis began to build up his encyclopaedic knowledge of late medieval literature.
156. The advent of Lord Leverhulme presented Lewis with an apparent conflict between crofting and industry.
157. Lewis Milestone took over the helm, and he too found Brando impossible to direct.
158. Lewis seemed to be taking it as a personal insult that the family had come to the Hebrides for their summer holiday.
159. Brown instead hurt his heel in training camp, failed to supplant Albert Lewis and hobbled through an ineffective half-season.
160. Hilbert would be seventy the following year and Lewis said to his wife that his uncle was beginning to look very frail.
161. Chris Gomez is the opening-day starter at shortstop, and Mark Lewis is the new second baseman.
162. Lennox Lewis and the rest of boxing await the answer with not inconsiderable interest.
163. It was brief, pithy and, like everything Lewis wrote in prose, hugely readable.
164. No one who witnessed these debates has ever suggested that Lewis played fair.
165. It casts more doubt on Wallace's conviction in 1981 of the killing of his friend, antique dealer Jonathan Lewis.
166. The production owes its success to a lot more than Lewis, though.
167. Behind the galley was the mid-upper gunner in an open cockpit armed with a.303in Lewis gun on a Scarf ring.
168. Lewis was our Peter the Great, and perhaps just as mad and cruel.
169. But if it doesn't happen there is no way Lewis will be deflated.
169. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
170. While Powell provided the drama, Lewis simply made history on the fifth day of the Olympic Trials.
171. Lewis asked his wife to lie in an attempt to cover up the murder.
172. Lewis and his crew shut off the lights to their car, dialed 911 on a cellular phone and waited.
173. Five mill owners in Lewis nevertheless spun yarn woven by the crofters.
174. Mr. Lewis Would the Minister like my complaints about the service by fax, pager or mobile phone?
175. I drew Lewis in the second round and came in second behind him.
176. Lewis damaged his knee in training and will not appear in the game.
177. Lewis a expression was seen throughout the colon, while Lewis B was expressed more strongly in the proximal than distal colon.
178. All the men on Lewis were fishermen and the women were used to coping without them.
179. Leavis, Lewis, and Gardner shared traditional values, even though Cambridge and Oxford spoke with different accents.
180. The brothers are very childlike and I think that Lewis Carroll is reliving part of his childhood through this chapter.
181. It was therefore an important moment when Tolkien gave Lewis the Lay of Leithian to read in manuscript.
182. I got hit a little bit with Elvis and Jerry Lee Lewis.
183. And none were more vital to an Olympic movement whose integrity and mission had been questioned than Johnson, Lewis and Strug.
184. At 35, Lewis, making his final Olympics appearance, seems fit and ready to add to his eight Olympic golds.
185. Carl Lewis has done it in the 100 and 200 meters, tossing in the long jump for good measure.
186. Lewis bided his time in the second round, but his opportunity came when Grant stumbled forward after a clumsy lunge.
187. Lewis worked extremely hard at preparing this part of the course for his pupils.
188. Only Lewis, unshakeable symbol of dependability, stays his old self.
189. Lewis certainly possesses the physical attributes for the task in hand.
190. Mr Lewis was talking to him when we came up the stairs, and he slapped the bear on the back.
191. Lewis says her son was humiliated by his teacher in front of his fifth-grade class.
192. I'm telling you, this guy's as fast as Carl Lewis -- no kidding!
193. It worked its way to the outer island of Lewis where the Michaelmas tradition probably survived the longest.
194. Hilbert leant towards Lewis when he told him about the will and gave him a pat on the knee.
195. Ann Lewis, spokesperson for the Clinton reelection campaign echoes that sentiment for the Democratic side.
196. The world heavyweight champion Lennox Lewis topped the men's chart with $ 24.5m.
197. Younger relay team members have squawked over Lewis possibly bumping them off the squad.
198. I placed the parcels on the table and Mrs Lewis gave me a piece of cake and a penny.
199. His shooting uniform of olive greens and tweeds as tribal as the black Sunday outfits of the Lewis churchgoers.
199. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
200. It is unfortunate that shorthand here makes Lewis imply that the life of submission to Grace is a course of self-improvement.
201. Originally the yarn for the cloth was hand-spun from wool by the crofters of Lewis and was wholly produced in the Isle.
202. Lewis sat cross-legged on the bonnet of the car, watching her.
203. Afterwards Lewis wished he had said something scathing, alluding perhaps to the lateness of the hour or Adam's appearance.
204. Lewis was perfectly correct, even politically correct, to insist that Bowe had reneged on a pledge to fight him first.
205. His campaign chairman, Vernon Lewis, stepped down at the end of July without citing a reason for his resignation.
206. John Lewis hopes to expand its range to include 2500 items by autumn 2001.
207. It was a continual source of irritation to Lewis that Adam did not show more respect and deference to Hilbert.
208. Mr Lewis, the mechanic, for example, soon managed to quieten my baby daughter Rachel while I was out of the room.
209. But Lewis devises a strategy, pursues it, and cares not a jot if the crowd does not approve.
210. David Lewis, chairman, said the year started with a considerable amount of uncertainty and despair in the travel industry.
211. This was another part of his great genius: he actually looked like John L.. Lewis.
212. Derek Lewis, prison service director general, said Wymott was now stable and the governor and staff were in control.
213. Denounce Big Labor and start a new labor federation like Lewis did.
214. With his conscious self, Lewis had a very distinct loathing of Ulster Protestantism.
215. Newtown then raced to 92-3 with Gwilym Lewis reaching an undefeated half century and Brian Jones adding 22.
216. Mr Lewis introduced me to Rufus Monk, who vaguely helped with the headgear and gloves.
217. Lewis is widely regarded as the greatest anchor-leg sprinter ever, having anchored six world-record 400-meter relay teams.
218. And a lot of the stuff he and Jerry Lee Lewis did was copied off Pinetop and what we were doing.
219. From 1884 to his death Lewis was involved in critically evaluating Robert Koch's bacteriological explanation of cholera.
220. Congestion and land hunger were particularly acute in Lewis, because of the rapid population increase.
221. I need hardly say that my wife's first impression of Lewis differed somewhat from my own.
222. Hilbert and Lewis and Beryl sat in old-fashioned deck chairs with striped canvas seats.
223. Lewis not only totally outclassed management, he totally outclassed the market.
224. Most of Lewis is acid peat bog, and much of Harris bare rock.
225. The theory gained credibility when Lewis was elevated in October 1993 to president, a post formerly held by McColl.
226. Lewis has always been one of the greatest in the sport at running men down.
227. Anderson took up trombone at the age of eight, playing in school bands with fellow pupil and trombonist George Lewis.
228. Lewis is known as a difficult interview subject, but my own experience with him was quite the reverse.
229. Ernest received a scholarship from Lewis College, where he planned to major in chemistry.
229. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
230. For me, that's where the cold, intolerant reductionism of Richard Dawkins and Lewis Wolpert becomes politically lethal.
231. Shore platforms and possibly raised beach elements are also found in Lewis.
232. She had only recently arrived in Dublin, a servant girl in the house of Captain and Mrs Lewis.
233. It was to this great tradition, though as a self-confessedly very junior follower, that Lewis quite easily and naturally belonged.
234. Alderman Lewis, a trade unionist and local Labour politician from the Midlands.
235. In recent years Lewis has been acting in television dramas.
236. But yesterday Mr and Mrs Lewis said they were disgusted at the situation, which had left them the victims.
237. The supremacy of the Richmond forwards was further emphasised by the concerted drive which swept lock-forward Lewis over.
238. It is Leavis rather than Lewis who, when he writes of literature, sounds washed in the blood of the Lamb.
239. ""You don't have to come,'' Lewis said, as he adjusted his tie in a mirror.
240. Lewis, the defending champion here, was at a secret address in a specially rented house with his family.
241. The union officials then put an embargo on the importation of yarn by ordering Lewis dockers not to handle such yarn.
242. Bruno and Lewis were both at ringside to witness Bowe's stunning points win over Holyfield.
243. Lewis is shameless in making promises he doesn't intend to keep.
244. The viaduct was built by Thomas Brassey to a design by Lewis Cubbitt, using locally made bricks, in 1848-50.
245. Do not reply a letter to Lewis until I contact you because I could not be here.
246. She and Lewis had been out for a meal the night before.
247. It could be argued that Blast was a miscalculation all round, even for Wyndham Lewis.
248. Whether he runs in these Olympics, Lewis is recognized as the greatest anchorman in relay history.
249. Lewis put his arms round her as he pitched forward.
250. Lewis died 7 May 1886 at his home in Woolston, near Southampton, from pneumonia, possibly aggravated by septicaemia.
251. Armament comprised three.303in Lewis machine-guns mounted on Scarf ring-mountings, one each in bow, midships and tail positions.
252. In 1940, Lewis could give a speech and all three national networks would carry it live.
253. The new realism owed nothing in technique or substance to the romances of Tolkien and Lewis.
254. Lloyd looked at him, then at the ceiling, sighing as he did so, and Lewis got the message.
255. In fact, my childhood on Lewis can be described as a happy one.
256. An intense rivalry was to be renewed between Carl Lewis and Ben Johnson in the short sprint.
257. Whether or not he'd be of similar help in the present case, Lewis didn't know, of course.
258. Would Johnson be wearing purple Nikes and signing seven-figure contracts if it were not for Lewis?
259. The immediate response was that Lewis had not deserved to lose and would be exercising his right to an immediate rematch.
259. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
260. Later in life, Lewis and his father drifted apart, never to be reconciled.
261. Lewis was a leading member of an influential group of Catholic writers who flourished between the wars.
262. The coal industry had no say in running the fund, and Lewis had total control of it.
263. Thus there is only limited scope for crop and livestock production in Lewis and Harris.
264. And Pound had later to explain what he meant, and what he did not mean, by his endorsement of Lewis.
265. General Lewis Hyde had served under General "Billy" Mitchell.
266. Splenic lymphocytes from CIA rats were transferred into normal Lewis rats.
267. It's not that smoke - filled rooms are back; smokers huddle in Coventry these days ( Flora Lewis ).
268. Lewis is matched against the WBO's heavyweight champion, Tommy Morrison.
269. The U.S. is making appropriately friendly noises to the new Socialist Government ( Flora Lewis ).
270. Lewis was focusing on the problem of the average American citizen caught.
271. Lewis has recently recovered his fitness and will clash with Christie in the 4x100m relay.
272. Lewis cynical defiance of federal authority was more than Congress would tolerate.




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