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单词 Breathalyser
1. The policeman asked me to blow into the breathalyser.
2. The accused question the result of the breathalyser test.
3. An arresstee was requested to take a breathalyser test.
4. The device resembles a breathalyser, with a moveable plastic straw attached to a motorised box.
5. Perhaps random spot checks could be carried out in the same way as breathalyser tests.
6. Not so much by getting them to understand as frightening them with a Breathalyser test and losing their licence.
7. The tests will examine the alcohol-detection reliability and the functionality and practicality of the breathalyser in standard daily-operating vehicles.
8. But a member of the player's entourage firmly denied the report, saying that Essien had been taken to a police station to provide a blood sample after an inconclusive breathalyser test.
1. The policeman asked me to blow into the breathalyser.




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