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单词 Forcing
(1) She kept silent, forcing Buchanan to continue.
(2) Forcing back the tears, she nodded and smiled.
(3) A massive exodus of doctors is forcing the government to recruit from abroad.
(4) Setbacks can be a good thing, forcing you out of your complacency.
(5) The country'ssalvation lies in forcing through democratic reforms.
(6) He blamed the press for forcing his hand.
(7) The recession is forcing the company to rationalize.
(8) Hard times are forcing community colleges to turn away students.
(9) He zapped his opponents by forcing price down to sell his goods.
(10) The government did not give them money, forcing them to scrounge for food.
(11) The plight of the Asian economy is forcing businesses to downsize.
(12) John stopped, forcing the rest of the group to bunch up behind him.
(13) She cut in on a red Ford, forcing the driver to brake heavily.
(14) Pieces of stone can be split off by forcing wedges between the layers.
(15) Paige could only pick at her meal(), forcing down a mouthful or two.
(16) She pushed aside her anger, forcing herself to focus on her work.
(17) The demonstrations have succeeded in forcing the pace of change.
(18) He was forcing the State to enthrone a particular brand of modernism.
(19) The government was accused of forcing the bill through Parliament.
(20) 'Look, I'm sorry ...,' she said, forcing a tight smile.
(21) Economists warn that enormous pressures could build up(), forcing people to emigrate westwards.
(22) The minister of transport came under fire for forcing increases in rail fares.
(23) They were forcing her head under the icy waters, drowning her.
(24) The newspapers launched a vicious attack on him, forcing him to resign.
(25) Teachers have joined a strike aimed at forcing the government to pay overdue salaries and allowances.
(26) I have to question the morality of forcing poor people to pay for their medical treatment.
(27) Our enemy has made us human and civilized by forcing us to suppress our narcissistic urges and desires for the good of all. 
(28) He saw the theatre as an instrument of change - a way of forcing people to consider social and political issues.
(29) Since they had failed to persuade the unions, the government tried the new tack of forcing them to agree.
(30) The medical profession's eagerness for scientific advance had impaled it on the horns of a dilemma, forcing an unnatural choice between science and morality.
(1) She kept silent, forcing Buchanan to continue.
(2) Forcing back the tears, she nodded and smiled.
(3) A massive exodus of doctors is forcing the government to recruit from abroad.
(4) Setbacks can be a good thing, forcing you out of your complacency.
(31) There is nothing to be gained by forcing people to comply.
(32) Imposing speed restrictions is easy, but forcing motorists to observe them is trickier.
(33) Push away the arms, forcing the hands out.
(34) The dollar weight of debts vastly increased, forcing bankruptcies.
(35) Midlife crises are forcing them to reassess and re-prioritize.
(36) History 2, greenhouse plus aerosol forcing.
(37) Their redemptions are forcing institutions to sell shares.
(38) A residence was entered by forcing a front door.
(39) Failing eyesight was forcing him to retire.
(40) Then, forcing herself, she stepped towards it.
(41) Property was stolen from a residence entered by forcing a rear door.
(42) Running, running, dozens of arms reaching out to her, hands holding her, forcing her back, back.
(43) Fifty officers went on to a housing estate, forcing entry into several garages.
(44) The effect of forcing loan redemptions through revenue accounts was to link financing of the assets with accounting for them.
(45) The regulations are forcing people to stop using petrol as the major vehicle fuel.
(45) Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
(46) Observing and improving our understanding of dominant forcing functions; 3.
(47) A movement toward the driver halted as he stepped on the gas, forcing the woman to jump out of his way.
(48) Try to keep mealtimes positive and relaxed and don't waste time and energy forcing your child to eat.
(49) It is just picking people out randomly, with no grounds for suspicion, and forcing them to give urine specimens.
(50) Bend the arms at the elbows. Push away the arms, forcing the hands out.
(51) They reasoned that forcing schools to compete for kids would force them to improve their classes.
(52) I saw Redgrave's huge bulk forcing me under the water.
(53) The explosive growth of the online economy is forcing businesses of all sizes to compete in a global market.
(54) Then he would think of the undertaker forcing that convoluted form into a cheap coffin and the lid being screwed on.
(55) It was then a forcing ground for the new classes establishing themselves and exerting their power against the existing feudal order.
(56) For history 2, the best fit occurs at a higher climate sensitivity, as the global forcing is not as great.
(57) We use an upwelling-diffusion energy-balance climate model to simulate the effects of greenhouse and solar forcing over the period 1765 to 1985.
(58) The Sangh has put Congress on the defensive by forcing it to dilute its secular tradition.
(59) Legislation aimed at forcing the power firms to clean up their act is being fought tooth and nail by the polluters.
(60) She moved from one willow tree to the next, forcing them all to share the torment she endured.
(61) The guards used to fire blasts of tear-gas into the cells while forcing their occupants to shout out their names.
(62) She controlled herself sternly, forcing her face into a puffy obstinate shape.
(63) He saw that it was this very racism that was responsible for forcing blacks into positions of marginality.
(64) The roan horse reared once more, pawed at the air, forcing the other men away.
(65) His mouth plundered hers, brushing her lips, forcing entry with his tongue, demanding, demanding all the while.
(66) He climbed the steep slope to the Incident Room, forcing his pace, and arrived just a little out of breath.
(67) Tristan last blew its stack in 1961, forcing a complete evacuation.
(68) The market is forcing the players to move on in quantum leaps in order to keep their market share.
(69) A gang of up to five youths held her prisoner forcing her to reveal her PIN number.
(70) Joannides put the pressure on again in the closing Clocaenog stages, forcing the leader into a few close shaves.
(71) As she peered ahead of her, something shot across the road in front of the car, forcing her to brake sharply.
(72) The service to the front men was much slicker, forcing Charlton back.
(73) Forcing independent gas suppliers to respond to gas leaks reported to them.
(74) It is in the middle of a row of other useful buildings, including the potting sheds and forcing houses.
(75) Is the technology forcing similar mechanisms of intervention on to governments with differing ideologies and on to states with differing institutional lay-outs?
(76) Mindful of their situation they began well(sentence dictionary), forcing a first minute corner and pressing strongly.
(77) World economies are forcing small farmers out of business throughout the industrialized world.
(78) Now oil has also become uneconomic, forcing N. Ireland's gas undertakings to close.
(79) The hospital claims that would mean 20 job losses, forcing the unit to close.
(80) The function of the forcing resistance is given more detailed consideration in Chapter 5.
(81) But for the majority of teachers, the converse is true and changes in assessment are forcing changes in the curriculum.
(82) Such language suggests that the riots were less about forcing material change than about making symbolic gestures.
(83) He was stripping her, forcing every secret emotion into the blaze of light.
(84) The thieves have been forcing their way into the homes of elderly people, holding them down while searching for their savings.
(85) She leant across the car and grasped Maura's hand, forcing herself to give her daughter a little wink.
(86) Morris further believed that forcing anyone to be active during the contemplative phase, or vice versa, causes utter misery.
(87) This is forcing people to equip themselves with computers in a hurry.
(88) Army forces crushed the revolt, forcing many to flee the country.
(89) The impending end of halon production is forcing the fire protection industry to consider recycling the halons already in use.
(90) The oil is getting into the wheel bearings and forcing grease past the oil seal and on to the brake shoes.
(91) Also, if we slip into a recession the Fed could lower interest rates, forcing long-term Treasuries' prices higher.
(92) Only with difficulty was she able to hold back the tears, forcing herself to smile.
(93) Often, cars turning on to California or Pine would block the crosswalk, forcing pedestrians to weave between cars.
(94) Technology is forcing rapid changes in the phone-book industry too.
(95) Edna hated acceding to my weaknesses, but she hated the consequences of forcing her way with peanuts.
(96) The road has been divided by cones, the avenue downwards two abreast with traffic, forcing me into a ditch.
(97) During freezing in wet soil, water is drawn into horizons which solidify in parallel layers, forcing soil and stones upward.
(98) She rehearses the outlines of arguments efficiently and is not frightened of forcing students to grapple with tough material.
(99) They still breathe out when they strike, forcing the air out of their body and tensing their muscles.
(100) He said that relief workers and soldiers were now forcing people to evacuate.
(101) He deliberately paused outside the door, forcing them to wait in frustration before they dared erupt into excited comment.
(102) She knew she would feel slightly better about the situation if he were forcing her to stay at his flat in London.
(103) The driving rain saw streams turned into muddy torrents, blocking roads and forcing some motorists to abandon their cars.
(104) The crew abandoned the tug, forcing the Coast Guard to send a swimmer out in high seas to rescue them.
(105) No party in the Federal Assembly put a candidate forward(Sentence dictionary), forcing postponement of the voting until Sept. 24.
(106) Abruptly the window slid upwards and the car shot forward, forcing the man outside to take a hasty step back.
(107) Wacky comedy about a scientist trying to drive a guy crazy by forcing him to watch the worst movies ever made.
(108) He'd schooled himself to ruthlessness, single-mindedly forcing his way through the jungle, hacking at anything in his path.
(109) They are reviewed regularly and financial pressures are forcing many charities to tighten their qualifying criteria.
(110) Mr Sugar warned that prevailing exchange rates were forcing Amstrad to raise prices, causing demand to fall for certain products.
(111) The government is also forcing ranchers to pay promised wages and social security benefits.
(112) A large blister came on the heel of her right palm, from forcing the trowel handle down to prise bricks up.
(113) First high winds blow Stu Miller off the mound, forcing a balk, at Candlestick Park.
(114) Arable land on some islands in the Palau archipelago has been contaminated by sea water, forcing their inhabitants to import food.
(115) To that end, Wilkens says he might try a full-court press in the interest of forcing a faster pace.
(116) Gore reportedly has a knack of forcing the president to make up his mind and move on.
(117) Third, in forcing an end of a tone group at this point, the full stop also foregrounds the previous rheme.
(118) Prices will vary from area to area and if we get heavy rain supplies will fall, forcing prices to rise.
(119) The system designer is therefore left to make a compromise choice of forcing resistance according to the application.
(120) In any case, the continuation of the war was forcing the revolution to dig much deeper than the topsoil of reforms.
(121) Zyuganov, successful in forcing Yeltsin into a runoff, has seen his political fortunes slip recently.
(122) She learned to mime to the soundtrack, putting on shows in the basement and forcing her parents to watch.
(123) The doctor then rhythmically squeezed a bag on the oxygen line, forcing air into the lungs.
(124) The Army moved in with a water cannon and tear gas, forcing the marchers into hasty retreat.
(125) No trace of any forcing of the two security locks.
(126) Forcing values upon another without full discussion of what are to count as rights and duties appear to me to be anti-educational.
(127) The tow held steady, but the weight of it was forcing him further and further off the wind.
(128) Jezrael could feel stupid tears forcing their way through her control.
(129) They stole my narcissus bulbs that I had been so carefully forcing to bloom in January.
(130) I learnt to forget how mentally and physically uncomfortable I was by forcing my attention outwards.
(131) More uniform arrangements will allow good schools to flourish, they say, while forcing bad ones to mend their ways.
(132) Then air is pumped into the area, forcing the water out.
(133) The fact that she was pregnant was forcing both their hands in a way which was nearly amusing.
(134) Her head pounded, forcing her to come to some decision.
(135) Colin hated the way he inspected the rag before folding the contents into the centre and forcing it into his trouser pocket.
(136) If that is so, markets have the potential power of forcing Mrs Thatcher's hand.
(137) Globalisation has been one factor forcing prices down, but privatisation and increased regulation have led to a tougher competitive environment.
(138) Phenolphthalein apparently works by stimulating muscles responsible for forcing matter through the intestines.
(139) A sizeable minority said hardship was forcing them to give up education.
(140) We were damned well forcing each other to live full out.
(141) This helps to discourage postmen from forcing fragile material through small letterboxes.
(142) At the same time, competition increased from rivals charging lower prices, forcing Motorola to cut its own prices.
(143) Forcing a smile on to her face she poured out two glasses of ginger beer.
(144) They are so good at forcing turnovers and getting the ball out.
(145) Smitty went first, forcing his way through the branches that closed in on the trail.
(146) Sally-Anne deserved punishment for forcing him to do that, if for nothing else.
(147) The omission also acted as a forcing device for Macintosh software developers.
(148) The protest disrupted the Democratic convention Saturday, nearly forcing its cancellation.
(149) Even the screeching rasp of a police hover forcing its slow way upstream can scarcely cut the din.
(150) The men encircled the hapless animals, beating and clubbing them, forcing them forward up the ramp.
(151) Fast albedo feedbacks are too weak to change global temperature significantly without global mean radiative forcing.
(152) A mis-used gadget will only make problems worse by forcing a horse into a shape before he is physically strong enough.
(153) Forcing herself to climb the stairs, she eventually regained the turret room.
(154) Firm and resolute, she refused Alexander entry to the house, forcing him to pick my sister up at the curb.
(155) The ban on increased imports has the collateral effect of forcing up prices.
(156) At the Model school burglars ransacked the music centre after forcing open the main door.
(157) There was an alternative view, however, that forcing the pace was necessary if real change was to be effected.
(158) The raiders smashed their way into the trailer to silence Bob's barking before forcing the shop door.
(159) Forcing her into a loveless marriage the same way he's forcing you pair into marrying the Costello sisters.
(160) They have no qualms about forcing member countries to spend money on water they might think could be better spent elsewhere.
(161) Within two weeks 200, 000 signatures were gathered against the measure, forcing the legislature to back down.
(162) He thrust his face into hers, forcing her to breathe his rancid breath; his untrimmed nails bit into her arms.
(163) Try to avoid forcing your reviewer to read through voluminous material of questionable value to him.
(164) The tide had now retreated, forcing us to wade through shallow water, kayaks in tow.
(165) By forcing down on the upper,(http:///forcing.html) outside footrest the rider obtains exceptional feel for rear tyre grip.
(166) Furthermore, this principle of doing through not forcing informs every discipline of the Far East having to do with effective action.
(167) In mid-scream, he was choked into silence by a hand that came over his face, forcing his jaw shut.
(168) The President was grinding his mandibles, but forcing himself to smile.
(169) This had done its work weeks ago, forcing Discovery out of her parking orbit round the Moon.
(170) At 4am armed men came into my house forcing their way upstairs to my bedroom.
(171) He knew he was forcing his two sons into loveless marriages with the Costello sisters so that they could gain the Costello acres.
(172) The fires caused widespread smogs, limiting visibility and forcing the closure of airports and shipping lanes.
(173) The committee was forcing Dozoretz to attend Thursday's hearing to publicly refuse to testify.
(174) Forcing x r to an integer value reduces the objective function by approximately for the down-problem and for the up-problem.
(175) She made her purchases carefully, forcing herself to consider the quality of meat, to search out some stem ginger.
(176) Without forcing him to account for the funds, it will be hard to establish any guilt.
(177) This is a time when most camps close, forcing parents and guardians to take their own vacations.
(178) A dolphin is able to produce sonar clicks by forcing air through special passages and sinuses in its head.
(179) The slump leaves the Government strapped for cash forcing National Savings to compete aggressively for money.
(180) The land he rode was marshy, forcing him to weave an intricate course past the more treacherous patches.
(181) Forcing that constituency or group to absorb the costs of failed initiatives is a slow form of organizational suicide.
(182) At the same time, regulatory agencies have demanded more from these centers, forcing them to do more with less money.
(183) Had she lost respect for him for not being so positive and forcing her to stay last year?
(184) He approached from downwind, forcing the flames to pause against the blast from his rotors.
(185) He has recovered from a nightmare pelvic injury and is now forcing his way into Roker's Wembley plans.
(186) She spun away from the mirror and hurried downstairs, forcing the curling tension aside.
(187) The music blaring in the bar was forcing us both to yell to be heard.
(188) I couldn't pull over without forcing some one else to brake and I simply didn't have the power to get away.
(189) You don't have to come if you don't want to. Nobody's forcing you.
(190) A case of forcing one set of data into mother's mould to make them look alike?
(191) Monta o accuses the city of deliberately forcing the neighborhood to go downhill, the better to justify a future land grab.
(192) There are, however, strong arguments against forcing charities to merge.
(193) He put the receiver back and created, forcing his lips to perform, a wide smile.
(194) An old battle-axe of a nun wrapped them both in heavy blankets, forcing cups of mulled wine down their throats.
(195) A loose consistency of clay can be used in an old forcing bag to pipe out lines and patterns.
(196) Consumer affairs spokesman Mr Griffiths accused games firms of rigging the market - forcing shoppers to buy,(http:///forcing.html) rather than rent.
(197) Earth's richer zones have erred by forcing others to pay for their religion.
(198) Then, the entire bird is inflated by forcing air into it.
(199) Blow your nose by holding one nostril shut and forcing the mucus to shoot out the other.
(200) Only forcing in Sverdrup Model is wind stress.
(201) The Web is unbundled by its nature (you can get classifieds at Craiglist, sports at, and celeb gossip at, forcing news, in most cases, to make it on its own.
(202) This leads to slews of abandoned extensions, forcing users to search for alternatives or give up on having that particular functionality entirely.
(203) Phone lines were knocked out, forcing emergency rescue services to appeal over local radio stations for off-duty doctors and nurses to report for duty.
(204) Try forcing the update by selecting the force update option.
(205) However, critics say it violates the rights of gay military personnel and has harmed US national security by forcing out some 14, 000 qualified troops.
(206) The fetid water of the foreground is juxtaposed with the pristine rigid form inching into the upper regions of the canvas, forcing one to consider the space in between .
(207) As some of those clients begin to sell to raise money to cover those loans, prices fall further, forcing others who bought on margin investors to sell as well.
(208) I'm talking about the families I've met whose spiraling premiums and out-of-pocket expenses are pushing them into bankruptcy or forcing them to go without the check-ups or prescriptions they need.
(209) Dibble said that manpower demands caused by the Iraq war are forcing recruiters to work "harder and smarter."
(210) At day 15 the steady forcing is switched off and the cumulus heating switched on.
(211) Then these theories are used to study degenerate bifurations of codimension 2 of the cusp singularity in a nonlinear oscillator under combined parametric and forcing excitations.
(212) Neutrality forcing standardised results removes the potential for innovation and turns search into a commodity.
(213) Workers at Toyota’s auto part suppliers in Tianjin also staged strikes in June, forcing Toyota’s largest Chinese assembly plant to shut down.
(214) Forcing people rises to manage the books with the new management method, howing to set free out the books the managing person from the heavy work?
(215) Forcing the graphite flakes that are characteristic of gray iron to agglomerate into spheres is the challenge for the metallurgist.
(216) By declaring a fiscal emergency, former Hollywood action star Schwarzenegger is forcing lawmakers to focus on plugging the budget gap.
(217) When the handwheel is rotated to the closed position the upper stem pushes on the diaphragms, which deflect downward, forcing the lower stem against the valve seat.
(218) He is accused of ploughing through a stop sign, forcing a police officer to brake suddenly to avoid hitting his SUV (sport utility vehicle).
(219) Another strategy is forcing employees to sign "love contracts, " the office version of a prenup, stating their mutual affection will not interfere with the workplace.
(220) Sufferers may develop haemolytic uraemic syndrome where bacteria attack the kidneys and nervous system, giving them fits and often forcing them on to dialysis.
(221) Coalition airstrikes saved Benghazi in mid-March, forcing Qaddafi's militias to retreat.
(222) The clutch pack is used, in this instance, to lock the planet carrier with the sun gear forcing both to turn at the same speed.
(223) Neutrality forcing standardised results removes the potential for innovation and turns search a commodity.
(224) The Olympic bribery scandal broke, forcing reforms on the International Olympic Committee.
(225) On the basis of power testing equipments module design analysis, the author use virtual instrument method, forcing out an integrated power testing information platform.
(225) try its best to gather and create good sentences.
(226) Pustulant tumors that become infested with maggots deform their faces, forcing teeth from their jaws. The devils eventually starve, but not before passing on the virulent cancer.
(227) The chilling requirement was one of the key factors in the forcing cultivation of Japanese quince .
(228) Johnson impressed throughout, forcing a fine save from Thomas Sorensen and intervening expertly on a dangerous Dean Whitehead cross, and had the Kop singing his name long before the end.
(229) But it has kept long-term bond yields lower than they were in January, despite a fresh lurch towards US deficit financing, while forcing up asset prices and pressing investors to take on more risk.
(230) Why can't I lie by for a week or so, and, forcing blunt from Fagin, get abroad to France?
(231) But in Nizhny Novgorod grain is still trading at high prices, forcing some small farmers to slaughter livestock.
(232) Initial pressure rise: On application of expiratory force, pressure rises inside the chest forcing blood out of the pulmonary circulation into the left atrium.
(233) But, however, Her mother took the lolly away from her mouth with forcing and throw it to ash bin after they left for a few steps like.
(234) The stronger (weaker) the intensity of dipole or unipole forcing source and basic flow, the periods of LFO the shorter(longer).
(235) I won't repudiate my debts , why are you forcing me to pay so strongly?
(236) Make it official and place it in your documented performance evaluation goals as a forcing function to success.
(237) This allows more solar radiation to penetrate the Earth's atmosphere, which promotes a climate forcing effect (more short wave radiation reaches the earth, warming land and sea-surface temps).
(238) Then, shortly before the opening ceremony, a luger from Georgia was killed on a training run, leading to questions about the luge track's safety and forcing officials to modify the course.
(239) They pursue other birds, forcing them to disgorge the fish they have caught.
(240) The footplate moved up and down so it alternately bent and straightened the ankle, forcing the fibres within the muscles to alternately lengthen and shorten.
(241) Nicholson arrives in a Japanese POW camp, where the Japanese are forcing the men to build a bridge that will be instrumental in their military tactics.
(242) This way, if a cache file is removed at any step of the transformation chain, it has the effect of invalidating all dependent Butterfly cache files, forcing their recreation.
(243) The money will allow farmers' associations to buy tobacco during the auctions, a strategy aimed at forcing national and international tobacco buyers to pay at least the minimum support price.
(244) QQ - management software source code is the code to achieve the QQ - li forcing function.
(245) The frequency modulation effects of positive (negative) dipole or unipole forcing source on LFO in the mid-high latitudes are difference.
(246) But these measures mainly serve as a strong signal of world censure to Iran and are weak in pinching Iran's oil-rich economy and forcing an end to the regime's efforts to make weapons-grade uranium.
(247) Around the same time, the timber supply in the Midwest was dwindling, forcing loggers to seek new sources of "green gold."
(248) Smedley immediately went to court, forcing the army to recant publicly.
(249) Regulators are clamping down on these institutions, forcing them to raise capital and scale back lending.
(250) In blow molding, a molten tube of thermoplastic material is formed, and then compressed air is used to blow up the tube , forcing the material to take the shape of the interior of a chilled blow mold.
(251) Thieves probably got into the house by shinning up a drainpipe and forcing open the window.
(252) Forcing the eject without closing file and windows may result in lost data.
(253) Forcing states to accept the permits of the most permissive jurisdictions would be an assault on states' rights, says Mark Glaze of Mayors Against Illegal Guns, a pressure group.
(254) As strong wind lashed against the sails, forcing the boat to change course.
(255) The feedback joint detection algorithms mainly comprise zero forcing block decision feedback equalizer (ZF-BDFE) and minimum mean-square-error block decision feedback equalizer (MMSE-BDFE).
(255) Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
(256) More and more loans turn sour as asset prices fall and businesses fail; that in turn saps banks' capital, forcing further credit contraction.
(257) For synoptic scale systems, the SST thermal forcing mainly excites the atmospheric low - frequency oscillation.
(258) Indeed, budgetary strains are now forcing some governments to lift prices.
(259) New developments are forcing long - established firms to look to their laurels.
(260) The Rwandan government has been accused of forcing people to exhume the bodies of relatives killed during the 1994 genocide for display at memorial sites.
(261) A shortage of securities can make it more expensive to cover the bet, forcing investors scrambling to get their hands on the security to bid up its price.
(262) New homes lack buyers and high-rise offices lack renters, depressing prices and forcing developers in Shanghai and other cities to mothball projects as financing dries up.
(263) Beijing could start by forcing state-owned companies to disburse retained earnings through dividends and encourage higher wages in the economy generally.
(264) You can resolve this by forcing SSH to allocate a pseudo-tty device so that you can interact directly with the remote application.
(265) Forcing liquid cooling for high power devices (such as klystron) in-radar transmitter is a common cooling method.
(266) It is very difficult to create fluid interactions by forcing users through a maze of dialogs.
(267) A constitutional amendment forcing a balanced budget - I would eliminate all of the earmarks.
(268) Thankfully, no one is forcing you to play this game.
(269) In conversation with NEWSWEEK, Gates was frank about the challenge he faces in forcing what Eisenhower called the "military-industrial complex" to adjust to the new budget realities.
(270) It'shows that drier summers are forcing species such as song thrush to rear fewer chicks.
(271) While standing engages muscles in your back, shoulders and legs, sitting presents no positive physical challenge to the body, forcing it instead into an inactive state.
(272) Motorcyclists in a city in the north of Nigeria have been wearing dried calabash and pumpkin shells on their heads to dodge a new law forcing them to wear crash helmets.
(273) They tried to temper that streak by forcing him to be a greeter at their parties and a waiter at his father's professional functions.
(274) But a concurring opinion contained the remark that the government should show the "necessity" of forcing reporters to testify.
(275) Before Dwight was brute forcing us with his tremendous comedic abilities in an office setting, he was playing as Lahnk, the Requisition Officer in Galaxy Quest.
(276) Zero forcing Equalizer complete source code can be used directly.
(277) Civil society organizations united in a common front, forcing the regime to accept the true results under a pact reached in May 2006.
(278) He was charged with abducting a taxi driver and forcing him to drive a bomb to Downing Street.
(279) In any case, ever since, their relationship grew as rapidly as a tropical plant, all the other male Chinese students made fun of Fang(Sentence dictionary), forcing him to treat everyone to a round of ice coffee and beer.
(280) Despite the deployment of UN peacekeepers in 1964, sporadic inter-communal violence continued forcing most Turkish Cypriots into enclaves throughout the island.
(281) The fluid surface forcing control system applied on counter pressure casting is built based on the combined digital valve as the main flow control component.
(282) The instinct to follow the herd can be rationalised as rational, so to speak, since everybody benefits in the short term by forcing the price up.
(283) Neville, also speaking to the club's radio station, said he can't wait to take the field again, although concedes he may have a difficult time forcing his way back into the first XI.
(284) Returns a valid measure in a virtual cube by forcing inapplicable dimensions to their top level.
(285) The wave hit Vienna, the capital of the Habsburg Empire, forcing the great power broker Metternich to resign.
(286) Poor air is forcing runners and hikers back indoors wheezing.




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