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单词 Bernard
1. 'But what shall I do?' Bernard wailed.
2. Bernard works at the same institution as Arlette.
3. She felt completely at ease with Bernard.
4. He became chairman in succession to Bernard Allen.
5. Bernard made no response to Tom's conversational gambits.
6. "Bernard?" Her voice rose hysterically.
7. In many ways, Brett and Bernard are polar opposites.
8. Did you tip him off about Bernard?
9. Bernard was short in stature, with a large head.
10. Don't be crude tonight, Bernard, it doesn't become you.
11. Bernard Shaw has just written to say he will do us an Irish play.
12. George Bernard Shaw was well - known by his initials GBS.
13. Bernard paid much more for his car than it is really worth — there's one born every minute!
14. Bernard has fallen on evil days since he lost his job and his wife left him.
15. At my suggestion,() Bernard went to see his former teacher.
16. Bernard settled down to re-educate her.
17. Well, Bernard also decided to get some outside help.
18. Sir Bernard never recovered from the loss either.
19. Depot manager Bernard Cullen presented David with his certificate.
20. Bernard Sanders, a Vermont Independent,(http:///bernard.html) and Rep.
21. Yet she felt completely at ease with Bernard.
22. Bernard and I took a taxi to a hostel.
23. What about Bernard, the out-of-control school superintendent?
24. Bernard Walton's face grinned patronizingly down from the wall.
25. Typically circuitous is the way she used Bernard.
26. Bernard was the most devout of all her sons.
27. Former Cardinals offensive lineman Bernard Dafney signed with Pittsburgh.
28. The Hayward exhibition has been curated by the artist Bernard Luthi.
29. Before they left, Colette took me to one side and warned me about Bernard.
30. He'd tried to buy the film rights of all George Bernard Shaw's plays.
1. 'But what shall I do?' Bernard wailed.
2. Bernard Shaw has just written to say he will do us an Irish play.
3. Bernard paid much more for his car than it is really worth — there's one born every minute!
4. Bernard has fallen on evil days since he lost his job and his wife left him.
31. Gill and Bernard give her all she needs.
32. Bernard Shaw wouldn't give to charity.
33. Bernard was in a torment of perplexity.
34. Many in the company, not only Laura and Bernard, were required to undertake extensive travelling.
35. Others followed the history of the Shrine as they toured the priory grounds guided by Bernard Connelly.
36. Ryder Cup captain Bernard Gallacher, on a rare playing excursion, showed he can still fight with the best.
37. Ellen accused Bernard of being anti-feminist, and attempting to ghettoize ethnic minorities; he accused her of racism and white elitism.
38. When Bernard was canonized on 18 January 1175 this also was the day that he was given.
39. Fisher found a superb clip of Bernard running rings round pious Esther Rantzen in 1977.
40. So just where does Bernard stand on the great guitar solo debate?
41. Sir Brian is loud-mouthing Sir Bernard, who is assaulting the other five with caustic wit.
42. The stammer fitted Marlowe's embarrassment and Bernard got a very good press.
43. He reports to vice president Bernard Puckett, general manager of Applications Solutions.
44. An all ladies cast with the exception of Mr. Bernard Povey who proposed the toast.
45. At the age of twenty-three, Bernard persuaded four of his brothers and twenty-seven friends to join the Cistercian order.
46. Your Mr Bernard is, by the by, even if unwell, a terrific fellow.
47. He still felt sullied by what he'd had to do - to crawl to some one like Bernard Walton.
48. He wouldn't go into details over the phone but he said it had something to do with Bernard.
49. Bernard says he flatly refuses to be done anywhere else.
50. Where Ken wanted to jolly the world along,() Bernard wanted to push it and shove it for its own good.
51. It was for him that St Bernard wrote his famous tract on papal power.
52. The festivities were capped by an emotional presentation of a set of Bohemian cut glass from the staff to Bernard and Laura.
53. Many famous writers and historical characters, from Julius Caesar to Bernard Shaw, have received this sort of unwelcome attention.
54. In spite of an inauspicious beginning, Laura and Bernard succeeded within a few years in developing an absorbing private life in their adopted country.
55. Bernard Woods at the conclusion of the concelebrated Mass to mark the silver jubilee of his ordination.
56. Bardot took the overdose on Saturday while staying at her villa near St Tropez with Bernard and friends.
57. Theological references to them are scant, though St Bernard took the blackness as a symbol of humility.
58. Bernard liked the milk, and that for Laura was sufficient justification for doing anything.
59. Pilot editorials reflect the positions of the archdiocese and Cardinal Bernard Law on issues.
60. Specialist private dry cleaning of antique textiles: Bernard Dore works for the National Trust and national museums as well as dealers.
61. Whenever she and Bernard had a tiff, Ari would go for a long drive to think about things.
62. Even the medieval church's spiritual leader, St Bernard of Clairvaux, wanted an explanation.
63. Bernard Mullan, one of the Fascists who had come down from the Chelsea headquarters, was under arrest.
64. Bernard left the room with a swagger, clearly pleased with himself.
65. The phenomenal success of Pelham Street pulled both her and Bernard increasingly into the capital.
66. Bernard spotted a dynamic personality and sent Moira plunging into her new job.
67. Were Bernard to be unfaithful to her, she was convinced, she would leave him at once.
68. In complete contrast to Laura, Bernard had never seen the need to control his temper.
69. Much more important are the inscription and the bookplates of the Bernard family.
70. And I had an affection for Bernard who went to school with me.
71. Sir Bernard complains that in the case of the Biffen and Pym briefings, his comments' were dragged out of me.
72. I would suggest that Bernard Dixon, and any other hypochondria sufferers, try the prescription.
73. In his study, Bernard Quex stared into space, pen motionless over his notepad.
74. Nicole and Bernard, or whatever his name is, getting carved up on the flagstone.
75. An exhibition of Bernard Lavier's latest sculptures can be seen until the middle of June.
76. His absence has fuelled rumours that the house of Lacroix is about to be closed by owner and financial backer Bernard Arnault.
77. Bernard in the twelfth century: The river enters the abbey as much as the well acting as a check allows.
78. I told Bernard to infiltrate the team so that he can keep us posted on their movements.
79. Examiner contributor Bernard Gilbert is a writer and performer who acts carelessly in San Francisco.
79. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
80. Sold by Marseille chairman Bernard Tapie after bust-up at a charity match when he threw his shirt at the referee.
81. Then the Lady Garsinde and Bernard le Velu arrived, accompanied by an even larger following.
82. Bernard would lie awake for hours waging his nightly battle with carnality, slapping it down, groaning.
83. Before this match there had been pressure on coach Bernard Laporte and his team to produce the goods.
84. Tesco manager Bernard Andrews handed over £55,000 to the men who threatened to castrate his teenage sons.
85. Bernard Strydom and Robert McBride were released from life terms under a deal to restart political talks.
86. Largely due to Bernard, they were to come to the forefront of politics and to find a place within the papal court.
87. Such incidents might have caused Sir Bernard to have second thoughts about the system; but he defends it with passion.
88. Bernard also celebrated an anniversary Mass in his home church of St Bede's.
89. Bernard Ellis and his wife Megan are among only a handful of people in the world capable of making the reproductions.
90. Middlesbrough solicitor Bernard Ridsdale-Tombling is charged with 16 offences of falsifying records and obtaining by deception.
91. One example of their work: Bernard Flanagan was asked to give direction to the works stores.
92. When the drugs companies insisted on time to prepare a response, Judge Bernard Ngoepe called their bluff.
93. When Bernard went to the canteen there was a stir, a breath of recognition.
94. Bernard brushed his hands together then walked back to the door.
95. Bernard the chamberlain held his high office for only a few months, in 829-30.
96. Bernard Ford scored their only touchdown in the fourth quarter.
97. He refused and although the base was destroyed, Al-Makesh and Bernard managed to escape.
98. Party poopers, that's what they were, as Paul Bernard scored with a flying header.
99. One day Bernard arrived to find crisp wrappers littering the floor and the assistants sitting around smoking.
100. Bernard Laporte is unlucky with injuries: he keeps on losing players, which makes it hard to keep any continuity.
101. Bernard in a state of disgust, left the proceedings early and went up to bed.
102. Bernard reversed straight out of the new garage into the road and hit a passing van.
103. The series finishes with a clever thriller by Bernard Slade.
104. Fly-leaf of a 1599 Bible perhaps inscribed by her husband to Shakespeare's last direct descendant, his grand-daughter Elizabeth Bernard.
105. Bernard and Ellen went to visit Belinda, who had renounced her separatist tendencies sufficiently to marry a graphics designer.
106. Of course, Laura took no part in such a major business decision; the empire builder was Bernard.
107. Literary giants have often been prime subjects for portraiture and George Bernard Shaw was no exception.
108. When the matter was discussed in council, the local mayor, Bernard Berche, was outvoted and planning permission refused.
109. I also happened to know that Brabham's Bernard Ecclestone wanted him badly.
110. Six candidates are embroiled in a Commons clash over who will succeed Bernard Wetherill.
111. Bernard looked up and Apricot made a dive to undo his zip.
112. The Saint Bernard is slow moving, patient(http://), and obedient.
113. Bernard is a real music lover.
114. Aide-de-camp Bernard carried them the Emperor's orders.
115. The Great St Bernard Pass connects Switzerland to Italy.
116. Bernard Show was the foremost playwright of his time.
117. I'm sure I don't want to criticize Bernard Shaw.
118. President Harry Truman chose Bernard Baruch, the distinguished businessman and White House adviser, to present the plan to the United Nations.
119. Bernard Shaw greatly enjoyed the dancing of pantomimist Vincenti at the Alhambra Theater in London.
120. Yes, the man was our elder statesman , Bernard Baruch.
121. Activity is the only road to knowledge. — George Bernard Shaw, British dramatist.
122. Two Bathers, or Dina, Back and Profile by Aristide Maillol has many typical features associated with his work (see Bernard Lorquin, Maillol Peintre, Paris: RMN, 2001, 166-67).
123. They tried to cross a beagle with a Saint Bernard.
124. Andre Gide wrote, "One must dare to be oneself. " Miss Renault felt the same. My sincerest hopes for the success of the translation of this brilliant novel, Bernard.
125. As George Bernard Shaw puts it, "The maternal instinct leads a woman to prefer a tenth share in a first-rate man to the exclusive possession of a third-rate one.
126. Laziness is like a lock, which bolts you out of the storehouse of information and makes you an intellectual starveling. Bernard Shaw.
127. George Bernard Shaw was at the height of his popularity.
128. Such was the alleged power of Mary's relics, and the repute of Vezelay in Christian Europe, that Bernard of Claircaux preached the Second Crusade from this basilica in 1146.
129. And you're Lieutenant Commander Scott Bernard(), the man who saved the Icarus.
130. The son of a retired marine, Bernard, from New Portland in rural Maine, was described as a devout Christian, an Iraq war veteran, a keen snowboarder and an avid hiker.
131. This I think is so interesting because Bernard is preaching on the Song of Songs, to us moderns it just looks like a love poem.
132. "Bernard thought it was demeaning to have his name on a tea towel, so he used Laura's instead, " Wood said.
133. He who can, does. He who cannot, teaches. --- George Bernard Shaw, Man and Superman.
134. For hundreds of years, St Bernard dogs have saved the lives of travelers crossing the dangerous pass.
135. She knew many theatrical personalities and had worked, among others, with George Bernard Shaw.
136. Baker, together with the life of Shaw , the author draws conclusion: Bernard Shaw lingersbetween believing and unbelieving.
137. For hundreds of years, St bernard dogs have saved the lives of travellers crossing the dangerous pass.
138. The benevolent St. Bernard coming to the aid of a snowbound mountain climber with a warming shot of brandy ... it happened in too many 1950s era cartoons for us to count.
139. Middle-distance runner Bernard Lagat says he hopes to win a gold medal in Beijing in order to fulfill a promise he made to his mother four years ago when he won a silver medal at the Athens games.
140. But the family behind Herm?s doubts the sincerity of LVMH Chairman Bernard Arnault, who has expanded his luxury-goods empire by pouncing on family businesses,(sentence dictionary) dividing the clans and seizing control.
141. The new wonders project was the brainchild of Swiss businessman Bernard Weber.
142. Excuse me, Bernard . What are the measures of a weightlifting platform?
143. Chairman : Bernard CHOCAT, Professor INSA LYON, Head of the Research Laboratory of Civil and Environmental Engineering.
144. Bernard Kouchner, France's new Foreign Minister has made Darfur a priority.
145. Bernard Madoff looks destined to be today's swindler - in - chief ( see article ) .
146. Bernard Weiss of the University of Rochester in New York, an expert on toxins who was not involved in the research, said perfluoroalkyl acids are a known neurotoxin.
147. Among these pillars of English literature were Jonathan Swift, William Butler Yeats, James Joyce, Samuel Beckett, Oscar Wilde, George Bernard Shaw, and Edmund Burke.
148. Bernard Hinault was born in France in 1954, and is one of only five riders to have won all three big stage races, and the only to have won each more than once.
149. Dubin's Lives is one of the biggest attempts Bernard Malamud made in theme and artistic creation based on his creation and life experience of all his life.
150. Bernard was once collared by an aggressive stranger in Soho.
151. Why does Bernard rehash the incidents already discussed in the book?
152. In St Bernard Parish, which once had two hospitals, there is now none.
153. I chose Rear Admiral Bernard H. Bieri of the United States to head a staff group.
154. A giant of English theater was George Bernard Shaw ( 1856 - 1950 ).
155. Born in Brooklyn, that seedbed of gifted American Jews, Bernard Malamud has made his living as a teacher and writer.
156. The charge of ignorance may be true of Richard Perle or the President himself; it cannot be levelled at Bernard Lewis.
157. G. B. S. are the initials for George Bernard Shaw.
158. The famous monastery of St Bernard , which was founded in the elventh century, lies about a mile away.
159. On the other hand, some well-known canine couch potatoes include the Bulldog, Basset Hound, Chow Chow, Rottweiler and Saint Bernard.
160. Bernard Malamud is unanimously acclaimed by critics as "the most Jewish".
161. Jeremy Bernard will serve as social secretary to President Barack Obama and his wife Michelle. The White House is about to get its first ever male -and openly gay - social secretary.
162. With the help of an art historian, Bernard Berenson, Colnaghi sold hugely important pictures, including Titian’s “Europa”, to Isabella Stewart Gardner, an American arts patron.
163. Bernard Shaw, Bertrand Russell, Charlie Chaplin, Douglas Fairbanks and Mary Pickford all walked the Bund and drank in the Peace, then the Cathay, Hotel.
164. Having read of his sailing in the morning papers, Bernard Higginbotham, Gertrude, and all the family came to say good-by, as did Hermann von Schmidt and Marian.
165. Bernard Malamud, the famous American Jewish writer , is considered the most powerful one in expressing Jewish characteristics .
166. There are no such things as incurable, there are only things for which man has not found a cure. Bernard Baruch, American economist.
167. Bernard Malamud (1914—1986) is a famous contemporary Jewish American writer who has achieved significantly in both novel and short story writing.
168. Bernard Charnwut Chan is the President of Asia Financial Group and Asia Insurance.
169. That's where I take certain key figures among the church fathers, such as Origen,Augustine,the Venerable Bede in England, Bernard of Clairvaux in the Middle Ages,and Thomas Aquinas.
170. She liked to be ready and waiting at home when Bernard returned from work.
171. 1Years earlier, Wall Street legend Bernard Baruch purportedly said that every man is entitled to his own opinion but not to his own facts.
172. On this form, I intentionally and falsely certified under penalty of perjury that Bernard L. Madoff Investment and Securities had custody of my advisory clients' securities.
173. He joined Bernard de Clairvaux in supporting Pope Innocent II and weakened the position of the antipope Anacletus II.
174. Film For The Few – Making of featurette with Guy Hamilton, Michael Caine, Susannah York, Christopher Plummer and Bernard Williams.
175. Delacroix is the last stop in Louisiana's St. Bernard parish before the Gulf of Mexico begins.
176. Rare photos of old Shanghai - including visiting celebrities like George Bernard Shaw, Charlie Chaplin and Rabindranath Tagore - go on exhibit tomorrow at the Shanghai Library.
177. The poor man was shy and hated society ( George Bernard Shaw ).
178. Good day to you, Bernard! It's a positive delight to see you.
179. General Bernard Rogers says West Germany's latest military budget will not help the North Atlantic Treaty organisation close its arms gap with the communist Warsaw Pact.
180. But another young worker at General Electric, Bernard Vonnegut, had become interested in the problem.
181. "We must never make experiments to confirm our ideas, but simply to control them" ( Claude Bernard).
182. Based on this determination, "my guess is the absolute strongest dog would be one of the giant mastiff breeds (Saint Bernard, Bernese Mountain Dog, for example), " Helton said.
183. Mr. Freedman was personally acquainted with Bernard Baruch, Samuel Untermyer, Woodrow Wilson, Franklin Roosevelt, Joseph Kennedy, John F. Kennedy, and many more movers and shakers of our times.
184. She have a face like a saint - a saint bernard.
185. Saint Joan is a play by George Bernard Shaw, based on the life and trial of Joan of Arc.
186. She went to Cambridge and rubbed shoulders with the likes of George Bernard Shaw.
187. For hundreds of years, St Bernard dogs have saved the lives of travellers corssing the dangerous pass.
188. Bernard Shaw greatly enjoyed the dancing of pantomimist Vincent at the Alhambra Theater in London.
189. For the 1930's, George Bernard Shaw was a household name across the English - speaking world.
190. In the third chapter it introduces the female which Bernard Malamud has imaged.
191. Yates, who is based at the University of the Witwatersrand's Bernard Price Institute for Paleontological Research, led the research with a number of other local and international scientists.
192. The name comes from the play by George Bernard Shaw Pygmalion, and the quote here is "The difference between a lady and a flower girl is not how she behaves but how she's treated.
193. It is what we think we know already that often prevents us from learning. (Claude Bernard )ClaudeBernard. jpg.
194. US authorities have placed allegedly fraudulent Wall Street investment manager Bernard Madoff under house arrest and required him to wear a trackable electronic tag.
195. He befriended Peter Abelard and reconciled him to Bernard and the pope.
196. The introduction mainly introduces the life and writing experiences of Bernard Malamud.
197. In 1942, during World War Two, Axis forces retreated from El Alamein in North Africa in a major victory for British forces commanded by Field Marshal Bernard Montgomery.
198. Not bad. You know that feeling, trying to blow a Saint Bernard out your ass?
199. George Bernard Shaw once said, " All criminals are not murderers. "
200. Bernard Malamud is one of the most remarkable Jewish - American writers of the 20 th century.
201. Bernard Malamud (1914-1986) is one of the most prominent Jewish writers in contemporary America.
202. Bernard de Fontaines was a Cistercian monk who founded a monastery at Clairvaux in the twelfth century.
203. Bernard Malamud was categorized as one of the outstanding Jewish American writers.
204. 1947 - Bernard Baruch coins the term "Cold War" to describe the relationship between the United States and the Soviet Union.
205. She has a face like a saint - a Saint Bernard.
206. I chose Bernard Malamud, not knowing at the time that he was a graduate of CCNY or that I would have a chance to meet him that year.
207. The financial collapse has exposed newsworthy frauds, like the colossal Ponzi scheme run by Bernard Madoff.
208. It's far too soon to conclude that these short-term changes lead to long-term health problems, said Alfred Bernard, a toxicologist at the Catholic University of Louvain in Brussels, Belgium.
209. Like Bernard Shaw, he has tickled his readers'funny bone with a cultural hotfoot.
210. Once a beautiful and dissolute British actress wrote to propose marriage to Bernard Shaw.
211. Five years later, carrying a bouquet of calla lilies, she was married to Bernard Ashley, a grocer’s son.
212. Laura and Bernard were, by Wood’s account, a sparring but companionate couple.
213. For all his overmastering zeal , Bernard was by nature neither a bigot nor a persecutor.
214. Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.--George Bernard Shaw.
215. The Great Pyrenees descended from Hungarian . The Pyrenees is relative of the St. Bernard and the Newfoundland.
216. In this article, the author choose, Bernard Malamud, a Jewish writer who possesses a strong air of Jewishness and humanitarian but unfortunately neglected by domestic Scholars as an object.
217. Returning to his old neighborhood, Bernard became caught up in gang warfare and the target of anti-Semitic hostility.
218. William Butler Yeats, James Joyce, Samuel Beckett, Oscar Wilde, George Bernard Shaw, and Edmund Burke.
219. George Bernard Shaw once quipped that Americans and the English were separated by the same language.
220. In opposition to the rational approach to divine understanding that the schoolmen adopted, Bernard preached an immediate faith, in which the intercessor was the Virgin Mary.
221. To defend his purity, Saint Francis of Assisi rolled in the snow, Saint Benedict threw himself into a thorn bush, Saint Bernard plunged into an icy pond...You..., what have you done?
222. The early members of the Fabian Society included Sidney and Beatrice Webb; Bernard Shaw and H. G. Wells.
223. The Saint Bernard is a very large, strong, muscular dog, with a powerful head.
223. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
224. Claude Bernard was a famous French physiologist and philosopher in the 19th century. His experimental researches almost involved all fields of physiology.
225. Taylor, Berlin was a consummate telly-don, always available for a word-perfect interview in grainy black-and-white with Bernard Levin or Bryan Magee on the meaning of life or the way of the world.




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