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单词 Als
1. The concert included works by Mozart et al.
2. This book is by John, Jones, et al.
3. Al was his typically cheerful self again.
4. I usually fly Lufthansa/Japan Airlines/El Al.
5. The concert included works by Tchaikovsky et al.
6. Al Capone was a famous racketeer in Chicago.
7. Al was surprisingly downbeat about the party.
8. My name is Alexander, Al for short.
9. I roomed with Al at UCSD.
10. The method is described in an article by Feynman et al.
11. After a night's drinking, Al was not a pretty sight.
12. Al was chuntering about being the last to know what was happening.
13. Florida is an anagram of Rid Of Al.
14. Al Gore falls asleep as he makes maiden speech as Vice-President; no-one notices - they're all asleep too.
15. Government complaints alleging racial discrimination in rental policies have al ready been filed in Miami and Minneapolis.
16. Despite such handicaps, El Al intends to join the growing squadron of airlines that are being privatised.
16. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
17. An eerie orange glow lights up the devastation of Bijlmermeer - the Amsterdam suburb set ablaze by a crashing El Al plane.
18. I therefore contacted a literary agent, Al Zuckerman, who had been introduced to me as the brother-in-law of a colleague.
19. Al Hamilton was so afraid to make his first presentations that he literally shook before they began.
20. Clinton and Al Gore have become ardent defenders of a balanced budget and gay rights.
21. Conclusions:there is functional alteration of neuromuscular junction in ALS.
22. Leben Sie lieber in Amerika als in Deutschland?
23. ALS start Laying the material for nylon 66.
24. Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis ( ALS ) is uncommon.
25. The aetiology of ALS is not clear.
26. Das klingt, als k ? nne der Staat kaum etwas tun.
27. ObjectiveTo investigate Wilms' tumor gene (WT1)expression levels in bone marrow(BM) of acute leukemia patients(ALs).
28. Also known as Lou Gehrig's disease, ALS affects about 30,000 Americans, with about 7,000 new diagnoses a year.
29. PatientsLikeMe cofounders Ben and Jamie Heywood started the site after their brother Stephen was diagnosed with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (or ALS, also known as Lou Gehrig's disease).
30. Sie studiert normalerweise in Regensburg , nach Dublin ist sie f ü r ein Jahr als Erasmus - Studentin gekommen.
31. Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis ( ALS ) is a chronic progressive neurodegenerative disease by the selective death of motor neurones.
32. He ! Guck 'mal , das sieht ( doch ) so aus als klaute der Typ etwas.
33. Developed in the 30s, the Universal Carrier was designed to provide armoured troop transport and was produced in the U. K. Als well as in Canada.
34. Howeer, the eent has nothing to do with causing ALS.
35. Unser Lernpensum wird h & auml ; rter als fr ü her und man muss im st & auml ; rker aufpassen.
36. At present, significant evidence has suggested that autoimmune mechanism may involve in the process of motoneuron injury in ALS.
37. Here we investigate whether the amygdala, a temporal lobe structure, is affected by ALS.
38. There is no cure for ALS, also called motor neuron disease or Lou Gehrig's disease after the New York Yankees baseball player who died of it in 1941.
39. In 2003, I was diagnosed with ALS, Lou Gehrig's Disease. Over time, this disease will weaken and finally destroy every significant muscle in my body.
40. Ein solcher Staat muss anders regiert werden als Deutschland oder die USA.
41. Sie nimmt China unverstellter wahr als Touristen , Journalisten oder Gesch? ftsleute.
42. Aus m? nnlicher Sicht werden sowohl M ? nner als auch Frauen durch unseren neuartigen und humorvollen Ansatz adressiert.
43. Aim : To have a preliminary evaluation of 1 H - MRS application in ALS patients.
44. Methods A retropspective study of 22 cases of ALS was performed.
45. I am quite often asked: How do you feel about having ALS ( amyotrophic lateral sclerosis )?
46. Infolgedessen bleibt nichts weiter ü brig ,[http:///als.html] als jedes Wort mIt'seinem Geschlecht besonders auswendig zu lernen.
47. There have been highly inconsistent results in the reported TMS - MEP studies on ALS.
48. Results: Amyotrophy, fasciculation, sensory loss and MRI have significant difference between CSM and ALS.
49. The increased levels of ALS in CSF maybe associated with Asp , Glu le sions to spinal motoneurons.
50. The nosologic position of this type of ALS in the molecular pathologic and genetic classification of ALS is unknown.
51. Die Blende ist nichts anderes , als ein in seinem Durchmesser variables Loch.
52. Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis ( ALS ) is a fatal neurodegenerative disorder characterized by progressive loss of motoneurons.
53. They are absent in a patient with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis ( ALS ).
54. In 1984 my mom died after a 3 year bout with ALS (Lou Gehrig's Disease).
55. Frage : Im Sommer wollten Sie bei Ferrari als Ersatz f ü r den verletzten Felipe Massa einspringen.
56. Wirtschaftliche Entwicklung wird als Kern der chinesischen Politik bezeichnet , Klimaschutz folgt erst im Nebensatz.
57. Der Bev ? lkerung war beruhigt , als der Verbrecher endlich hinter Schloss und Riegel sa?
58. Objective: To evaluate combined tests of thoracic paraspinal muscles and sternocleidomastoid muscle and tongue muscles with electromyography as diagnostic aids in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS).
59. Methods Clinical manifestation and therapeutic effectiveness in 180 patients with ALS were analyzed.
60. Sie hat sich als junge Anw ? ltin in der Praxis ihres Vaters die Sporen verdient.
61. The " hard - wired'system is similar in operation to the ALS system.
62. ALS is a degenerative disease of the nerve cell of the spinal cord. They control voluntary muscle movements.
63. Actually everybody is "ALS", the person's life without time budget.
64. Ploetzlich bin ich, Tilo Wolf , die Figur , die von diesem Harlekin als Marionette bewegt wird.
65. Unable to swallow, patients with ALS may aspirate or inhale food or saliva into their lungs.
66. Bettina : Ich wei ? nicht. Er hatte schon angefangen, als wir im Kino ankamen.
67. Materi - als and Methods: Peripheral gated 3 D FIESTA sequence was used to 12 subjects with breath - hold at the end of expiration.
68. "When you need help, privacy is a terrible thing, " says Jamie Heywood, who co-founded PatientsLikeMe in 2004 before his brother died of Lou Gehrig's disease, or ALS.
69. Objective To explore the occurrence rule, clinical characteristic and therapy of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis ( ALS ).
70. Mutations of specific amino acids in ALS have been known to confer resistance to ALS-inhibiting herbicides such as sulfonylureas and pyrimidinyl carboxy (PC) herbicides.
71. SPIEGEL : Klingt fast so, als wollten Sie jetzt uns belehren.Sentencedict
72. Conclusion DEMG with needle electrode could evaluate the respiratory state of ALS patients at the level of electrophysiology.
73. Als seine Verbrechung bekannt wurden, wurde er Knall und Fall verhaftet.
74. The percentage of forced vital capacity ( % FVC ) was performed in 22 ALS patients simultaneously.
75. Methods: The motor conduction velocity and F wave were examined in 50 patients with ALS ( definite : 41 cases, probable : 9 cases ).
76. Hawking has ALS, or amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, which has confined him to a wheelchair and leaves him unable to speak without the help of a computerized voice synthesizer.
77. Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis ( ALS ) involves upper neuron , lower neuron and corticospinal tract.
78. The Odessa Fire Department Operates 8 ALS Engines and 7 MICU Ambulances.
79. This article reviews the research and application progress on ALS inhibitor.
80. Conclusion The cause of ALS is unclear. Microcirculation disturbance is common in the patients with ALS. Scopola can produce good curative effect.
81. Two forced oxidation devices of flue gas desulfurization in power plants are introduced, including fixed air sparger(FAS) and agitator air lance assemblies(ALS).




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