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单词 Whole lot
(1) She bought the whole lot.
(2) I lost a whole lot of money at the casino.
(3) She bought the whole lot - house, farm, horses and all.
(4) Pour a whole lot of cold water over the rice, and bung it in the oven.
(5) I can't believe you ate the whole lot .
(6) I've sold the whole lot.
(7) I'm feeling a whole lot better.
(8) I'll sell you the whole lot for only £50.
(9) I don't cook a whole lot anymore.
(10) To my amazement, he ate the whole lot.
(11) I lost a whole lot of money.
(12) The whole lot was/were discovered in a field.
(13) We're going to have a whole lot of problems if we don't finish this by tomorrow.
(14) There were a whole lot of people I didn't know.
(15) She said she'd give me the whole lot for 20 pounds.
(16) The whole lot was riddled with iron.
(17) Inwardly he is a whole lot more.
(18) Me[http:///whole lot.html], I've got to wire the whole lot in.
(19) Slick graphics slides can cost a whole lot more.
(20) Stessel, however, had been expecting a whole lot less.
(21) Safer than bonds and a whole lot more profitable.
(22) In western Iowa, there's not a whole lot to do.
(23) He wouldn't tell me a whole lot about what the countries were like, because he didn't know himself.
(24) I was there to cover the whole lot, newly assigned as city reporter for the Nogales International.
(25) They began to assemble a whole lot more than secret ingredients.
(26) You can find a nice house in this neighborhood, and you don't have to spend a whole lot.
(27) I've nowhere to store all this china, so I'm letting the whole lot go for $50.
(28) George said that if she put in more the whole lot would be gone before the curtain rose on Act Two.
(29) Sure the mechanics are similar, but those tiny little extras mount up to a whole lot more than their actual sum.
(30) Haven't got two original ideas to rub together between the whole lot of them.
(1) She bought the whole lot.
(2) I lost a whole lot of money at the casino.
(3) She bought the whole lot - house, farm, horses and all.
(4) Pour a whole lot of cold water over the rice, and bung it in the oven.
(31) He went in with no expectations and walked away without a whole lot of disappointment.
(32) It must be the whole lot of them, the whole flock and there were hundreds in the field.
(33) However, it did not take a whole lot of time to qualify my actions.
(34) Of course, we could sell the whole lot without the trouble of hanging them.
(35) Virgil said for one thing he looked a whole lot older than he really was.
(36) For every winner, there's a loser - or a whole lot of them, more likely.
(37) Some people are at the top of the ladder, some are in the middle, still more are at the bottom, and a whole lot more don't even know there is a ladder. Robert H. Schuller 
(38) Party hats, champagne at midnight and a whole lot of hoopla accompany the country pleasure of the Coyote Band.
(39) It was a whole lot better than the old pineapple.
(40) Do you read the whole lot, or read the first one and the last one and guess the rest?
(41) I didn't back the document up and lost the whole lot.
(42) And a whole lot more besides ... We drink brandy filled with lazy sunshine.
(43) The two human parcels screwed up on the floor could have fared a whole lot worse.
(44) It was in weather like this that she had an urge to take the scissors and cut the whole lot off.
(45) There are a whole lot of senators in worse health than Strom Thurmond.
(46) He and the son have a whole lot sticking in their craw.
(47) In both the music business and the consumer electronics business, a whole lot of shaking out has been going on.
(48) When you first learn about computers, there is a whole lot of jargon to understand.
(48) try its best to gather and create good sentences.
(49) Bob Hope was off the scale altogether and Peter O'Toole was worse than the whole lot put together.
(50) Probably in the early afternoon, when visitors look a whole lot less suspicious.
(51) Now, doesn't that sound a whole lot more exciting than the next Prodigy video?
(52) And lo, there was a whole lot of shaking going on. 11.
(53) I said a whole lot of other stuff and I ended up getting severely told off.
(54) Being a real ex-Commie used to be a badge of honor among a whole lot of righties.
(55) Finally, the front legs can be eased into position, the seat and rails and the whole lot driven home.
(56) This recipe is a good approximation and a whole lot easier to accomplish.
(57) The tuna fish swim beneath schools of dolphins, fishermen do not discriminate and scoop up the whole lot in their nets.
(58) Magistrate Peck's on his way there with a whole lot of militiamen.
(59) Basil realised that there was a whole lot more to education than training for livelihood with its over-emphasis on examinations.
(60) I like the people a whole lot, but the pay isn't very good.
(61) I done buried a whole lot of people, but she the first one I ever wondered about.
(62) All parties suffered, yet it was difficult to generate a whole lot of pity for any of them.
(63) There was a table at one end where a principal officer and a couple of others sat overseeing the whole lot.
(64) In reality, of course, it stands for something a whole lot less fierce-sounding - simply one's partner in life.
(65) For a moment Clare felt like telling him not to bother, just chuck the whole lot away.
(66) Animation Shop isn't this package's strong point and Photoshop's ImageReady application is a whole lot more powerful.
(67) And the whole lot smelt - a pervasive stench of damp and mildew.
(68) The whole lot is then regurgitated and given to mugs to drink.
(69) Katie smeared a whole lot of make-up on too, but she just looked silly, like a little kid with face paints.
(70) These pockets are so voluminous that you can get a whole lot in besides - suntan lotion, midge repellent, etc.
(71) A whole lot of meat went down those hungry throats.
(72) A.. There are some people whose physical and mental age is a whole lot younger than their nominal age.
(73) Letting the cat outta the bag is a whole lot easier than putting it back. Will Rogers 
(74) Get away, the whole lot of you!
(75) I've just been sent a whole lot of information.
(76) Then round up the whole lot of them!
(77) We finish off the whole thing with a whole lot of compositing.
(78) It takes a whole lot of technophobia to spin that into a serious issue. But we expect the mainstream media is just warming up.
(78) Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
(79) A mother once told me: "It's a good thing, Dr. P, that my baby didn't come equipped with an on/off switch or he'd be sleeping a whole lot more than he does now."
(80) I'll be revenged on the whole lot of you for this.
(81) We will replace this simple do-nothing application with the code in Listing 2, which does a whole lot.
(82) That's a long string of words that doesn't communicate a whole lot, but it's something you should be aware of.
(83) Dey Cookie'lows a whole lot of wounded sojers come in on de early train.
(84) He may be a hick, but she can trust him a whole lot more.
(85) Keep my three camels, sir , and take the whole lot outside the pass to graze.
(86) Sometimes a detective can think about a whole lot of observations and suddenly realise that they fall into place and make sense if so-and-so did the murder.
(87) Until the main force gets there, it's just us and a whole lot of them.
(88) Is that what is leading to all of the... it seems like there is a whole lot of electrical phenomenon.
(89) There are a whole lot of reasons Newton trumps Google on this one, but let's concentrate just on the Coriolis effect.
(90) Lots of little things could make air travel a whole lot better.
(91) They died badly, squealing like rabbits. Cowards , the whole lot of them.
(92) Do you feel a whole lot safer now that you only sit behind a desk?
(93) Maybe it's just me, but I have never thought that leeching or having leechers follow me around all day doing nothing but picking up the loot from my kills was a whole lot of fun.
(94) It will free us of a whole lot of debt.
(95) ' Cause if you did , I'm going to be a whole lot nicer to you.
(96) But what they both like a whole lot more is a liquid called bromobenzene.
(97) And then behind it, boy, there's a whole lot of unmined data.
(98) And notice by the by, that when we make choices about our future, from the hedonist point of view, at least, there's no particular need to dwell a whole lot on the past, because what's done is done.
(99) The color of the Blue Jay became a big issue because he had such a little bit of blue and the world had such a whole lot of violet.
(100) "I'm not into spending a whole lot of money on my recreation," he said on a cold March morning, standing in the stream with fly rod in hand.
(101) In the Marines there were bigger jobs we did a whole lot faster.
(102) The penalty rate will be 200% and the whole lot will be returned to you if the defect rate exceeds 5%.
(103) Finally, we put the whole lot in parentheses to make a command list and put the entire list in the background using an ampersand.
(104) I couldn't pay a whole lot, but I could give you a little bit.
(105) The nose of this FAW military vehicle looks a whole lot like the front end of the legendary Toyota FJ-40 off-roader.




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