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单词 Out to
1. He's been asked out to dinner.
2. I suggest we go out to eat.
3. Her optimism turned out to be misplaced.
4. We ship books out to New York every month.
5. She's asked Steve out to the cinema this evening.
6. Jones had set out to intimidate and dominate Paul.
7. The experimental plot was'parceled out to the students.
8. She babbled the secret out to her boyfriend.
9. He pulled out to overtake a truck.
10. It turned out to be an elaborate hoax.
11. The boat chugged out to sea.
12. Dad went out to milk the cows.
13. This floor is crying out to be scrubbed.
14. The rubber raft drifted out to sea.
15. He pulled out to overtake the van.
16. I pointed it out to him.
17. He's out to lunch now.
18. I'm going out to walk off this headache.
19. She popped out to buy a tin of soup.
19. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
20. The Romans set out to civilize the Ancient Britons.
21. Shall I make the cheque out to you?
22. The cattle were put out to pasture.
23. He lost out to his rival.
24. Jake's passed his exams. We're going out to celebrate.
25. Pete turned out to be a real lowlife.
26. She reached out to touch his arm.
27. Can I go out to play?
28. All the rumours turned out to be true.
29. The thing turned out to be correct.
30. The rock was caverned out to make a tunnel.
1. He's been asked out to dinner.
2. I suggest we go out to eat.
3. We ship books out to New York every month.
4. She's asked Steve out to the cinema this evening.
5. The experimental plot was'parceled out to the students.
6. She babbled the secret out to her boyfriend.
7. He pulled out to overtake a truck.
8. It turned out to be an elaborate hoax.
9. The boat chugged out to sea.
10. This floor is crying out to be scrubbed.
11. He pulled out to overtake the van.
12. I pointed it out to him.
13. I'm going out to walk off this headache.
14. She popped out to buy a tin of soup.
15. The Romans set out to civilize the Ancient Britons.
16. Shall I make the cheque out to you?
17. He lost out to his rival.
18. Jake's passed his exams. We're going out to celebrate.
19. Pete turned out to be a real lowlife.
19. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
20. She reached out to touch his arm.
21. Can I go out to play?
22. All the rumours turned out to be true.
23. The thing turned out to be correct.
24. The rock was caverned out to make a tunnel.
25. All the children run out to see the rainbow.
26. We swam out to the yacht.
27. Sanchez's confession was read out to the court.
28. People were sent out to snoop on rival businesses.
29. Dad's taking the whole family out to the cinema.
30. We have accomplished all we set out to do.
31. All the children run out to see the rainbow.
32. We swam out to the yacht.
33. Sanchez's confession was read out to the court.
34. People were sent out to snoop on rival businesses.
35. Dad's taking the whole family out to the cinema.
36. The boat drifted out to sea.
37. We have accomplished all we set out to do.
38. They turned out to be miserable.
39. My surmise turned out to be right.
40. They rushed out to see the procession.
41. He called out to his father for help.
42. He jogged out to see what happened.
43. The whole town turned out to welcome the team home.
44. When the storm rose on the river, they had to bale out to reach the shore safely.
45. I've got more untidy since I stopped going out to work.
46. Given the failure of the previous plan, this turned out to be a relative success.
47. They often ride out to the mountains when the weather is fine.
48. When he was little, he was often farmed out to family friends.
49. Every Friday she dolls herself up and goes out to a nightclub.
50. The church bells rang out to welcome in the New Year.
51. He rushed into the burning building and led the people out to safety.
52. The shoulders of his jacket were padded out to make them look square.
53. As soon as we can afford it, we'll move out to the suburbs.
54. I'm sorry, Joanna isn't here at the moment, she's out to/gone to lunch.
55. Security forces were ordered out to control the situation in the city.
56. Let's ride out to the mountains while the weather is good.
57. Her skilful fingers spun the wool out to a fine thread.
58. She did the laundry and hung it out to dry.
59. Pulling out to overtake, the car collided head-on with a van.
60. The blacksmith pounded an iron sheet out to a wash-basin.
31. They turned out to be miserable.
32. My surmise turned out to be right.
33. They rushed out to see the procession.
34. He jogged out to see what happened.
35. When the storm rose on the river, they had to bale out to reach the shore safely.
36. I've got more untidy since I stopped going out to work.
37. Given the failure of the previous plan, this turned out to be a relative success.
38. They often ride out to the mountains when the weather is fine.
39. When he was little, he was often farmed out to family friends.
40. Every Friday she dolls herself up and goes out to a nightclub.
41. The church bells rang out to welcome in the New Year.
42. He rushed into the burning building and led the people out to safety.
43. The shoulders of his jacket were padded out to make them look square.
44. As soon as we can afford it, we'll move out to the suburbs.
45. I'm sorry, Joanna isn't here at the moment, she's out to/gone to lunch.
46. Security forces were ordered out to control the situation in the city.
47. Let's ride out to the mountains while the weather is good.
48. Her skilful fingers spun the wool out to a fine thread.
49. She did the laundry and hung it out to dry.
50. Pulling out to overtake, the car collided head-on with a van.
51. The blacksmith pounded an iron sheet out to a wash-basin.
52. The new mayor is reaching out to the local community to involve them in his plans for the city.
53. Braving the biting wind, she went out to beg from door to door.
54. There are six glasses of wine in one bottle, which averages out to 50p a glass.
55. Government money was given out to some people and not to others, apparently without rhyme or reason.
56. The company paid for the minister to fly out to Australia on a freebie.
57. I will not let your secret out to agonize the man I love.
58. We set out to determine exactly what happened that night.
59. The prisoner escaped from the prison by knotting the sheets together and climbing down them out to the window.
60. Our heartfelt sympathy goes out to the victims of the war.
61. The new mayor is reaching out to the local community to involve them in his plans for the city.
62. It take courage to grow up and turn out to be who you really are.
63. Braving the biting wind, she went out to beg from door to door.
64. There are six glasses of wine in one bottle, which averages out to 50p a glass.
65. Government money was given out to some people and not to others, apparently without rhyme or reason.
66. The company paid for the minister to fly out to Australia on a freebie.
67. He stood on the clifftop looking out to the sea.
68. Two of them got out to fiddle around with the engine.
69. I will not let your secret out to agonize the man I love.
70. We set out to determine exactly what happened that night.
71. The prisoner escaped from the prison by knotting the sheets together and climbing down them out to the window.
72. Our heartfelt sympathy goes out to the victims of the war.
73. He didn't want to lose out to the other salesmen.
74. If your ship doesn't come in, swim out to it.
75. The evidence was read out to the court in a dull monotone.
76. This policy has turned out to be an abject failure.
77. His advice turned out to be no use at all.
78. Columbus's contention that the earth was round turned out to be correct.
79. Malcolm got really paranoid,(http:///out to.html) deciding that there was a conspiracy out to get him.
80. No one noticed that the boat had begun to drift out to sea.
81. Shall we go out to the cinema or stay at home?
82. I leave a light on when I'm out to discourage burglars.
83. She tried to make amends by inviting him out to dinner.
84. I will not let your secret out to agonise the man I love.
85. What they expected to be the removal of a small lump turned out to be major surgery.
86. In many marriages there has been a complete role reversal with the man staying at home and the woman going out to work.
87. As soon as the school doors were opened, the children flew out to play.
88. I'm sure the prime minister will turn out to be a good loser.
89. They broke the windows out to escape from the fire.
90. What shall we do foodwise - do you fancy going out to eat?
61. He didn't want to lose out to the other salesmen.
62. This policy has turned out to be an abject failure.
63. Malcolm got really paranoid, deciding that there was a conspiracy out to get him.
64. Shall we go out to the cinema or stay at home?
65. I leave a light on when I'm out to discourage burglars.
66. She tried to make amends by inviting him out to dinner.
67. I will not let your secret out to agonise the man I love.
68. What they expected to be the removal of a small lump turned out to be major surgery.
69. In many marriages there has been a complete role reversal with the man staying at home and the woman going out to work.
70. As soon as the school doors were opened, the children flew out to play.
71. I'm sure the prime minister will turn out to be a good loser.
72. They broke the windows out to escape from the fire.
73. What shall we do foodwise - do you fancy going out to eat?
74. It turned out to be a prophetic piece of journalism.
75. They kept standing up to take pictures and point things out to each other.
76. Lots of students ran out to see what had happened.
77. Fell-runners who are out to win can cover the three miles in just over 15 minutes.
78. She wrung out the shirt and hung it out to dry.
79. The farmer called the vet out to treat a sick cow.
80. The iceboat set out to chop a hole in the ice.
81. A few hardy souls had turned out to watch the hockey game.
82. There had never been any necessity for her to go out to work.
83. As soon as they arrived in the town they went out to explore.
84. If you see her, please point her out to me.
85. His face was hollowed out to the point of emaciation.
86. It's about time this old sewing machine was put out to pasture.
87. My original intention was to study all morning, but this turned out to be impractical.
88. People can go out to work in the daylight hours and then come to night school in the evening.
89. In between jobs, Liz always took time out to return to her first love -- travelling.
90. The military were called out to put down the riot.
91. It turned out to be a prophetic piece of journalism.
92. They kept standing up to take pictures and point things out to each other.
93. Lots of students ran out to see what had happened.
94. Fell-runners who are out to win can cover the three miles in just over 15 minutes.
95. She wrung out the shirt and hung it out to dry.
96. The farmer called the vet out to treat a sick cow.
97. The iceboat set out to chop a hole in the ice.
98. A few hardy souls had turned out to watch the hockey game.
99. There had never been any necessity for her to go out to work.
100. Shielding his eyes from the bright light(), he looked far out to sea to watch for the ship's arrival.
101. As soon as they arrived in the town they went out to explore.
102. If there is a suitcase, I'll spiralling out to stray.
103. If you see her, please point her out to me.
104. His face was hollowed out to the point of emaciation.
105. It's about time this old sewing machine was put out to pasture.
106. The rumours of a petrol shortage turned out to be a false alarm.
107. Aunt Mary's a real conservative.She's totally opposed to women going out to work.
108. My original intention was to study all morning, but this turned out to be impractical.
109. People can go out to work in the daylight hours and then come to night school in the evening.
109. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
110. We always celebrate our wedding anniversary by going out to dinner.
111. In between jobs, Liz always took time out to return to her first love -- travelling.
112. The military were called out to put down the riot.
113. The mention of price rises sent citizens out to their shops to buy up as much as they could.
114. He gazed out to sea, with a feeling of deep contentment.
115. From here, contaminated air radiates out to the open countryside.
116. A lot of proof-reading is put out to freelancers.
117. Haman knew that Fuller was out to dust him.
118. The company is out to capture the European market.
119. We now set out to climb the hill.
120. Our hearts/sympathies go out to relatives of the victims.
91. The mention of price rises sent citizens out to their shops to buy up as much as they could.
92. He gazed out to sea, with a feeling of deep contentment.
93. From here, contaminated air radiates out to the open countryside.
121. The boat was heading out to sea.
122. He went out to water the plants.
123. Make the cheque out to 'Spencer Cross Ltd'.
124. Thank you for pointing this out to me.
125. The road from here splays out to the east.
126. Some of the men ventured further out to sea.
127. You can't put a 32-year-old man out to grass.
128. The painting my grandfather gave me turned out to be a Constable.
129. The committee needs to be shaken out to get rid of some of the elderly members.
130. It turned out to be his last dalliance with the education system.
131. We'll need to fill the story out to make a full page article.
132. Many schools were in danger of closing because the children were bused out to other neighborhoods.
133. Always check your rear-view mirror before pulling out to overtake.
134. It's not enough to get rid of raw sewage by pumping it out to sea.
135. Lee broke off a small piece of orange and held it out to him.
136. So far, his administration has failed to reach out to hardline Republicans.
137. A good clean hit from Botham sent the ball straight out to the boundary.
138. The contract for building the houses will be put out to tender.
139. We ran out to the centre of the city this morning.
139. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
140. Her years with MMC would turn out to be fortuitous for Britney.
141. Honorary degrees are handed out to a select few .
142. They set out to explore the earth's last great wilderness, Antarctica.
143. The main body of British, American, and French troops had fanned out to the west.
144. The three of us sat glumly looking out to sea.
145. The race turned out to be a great duel between Meade and the eventual winner, Chris Stoney.
146. I'm going out to catch a few rays before lunch.
147. Additional police have been ordered out to control the expected crowds.
148. He was swept out to sea by the strong current.
149. The horse was retired from racing and put out to stud .
150. Jo flew out to Thailand to finalize the details of the deal.
151. John's taxes averaged out to about a fifth of his income.
152. I think 15,000 will turn out to be a very low estimate.
153. Big-name jewellers are battling it out to get celebrities to wear their bling.
153. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
154. What we think or believe is right often turns out to be wrong. Dr T.P.Chia 
155. If you set out to be liked, you will accomplish nothing. Margaret Thatcher 
156. Those who believe in hard work always turn out to be a winner in life. Those who ignore hard work always become a loser in life. Dr T.P.Chia 
157. Atheism turns out to be too simple. If the whole universe has no meaning, we should never have found out that it has no meaning. C.S. Lewis 
158. If you go out looking for friends, you're going to find they are very scarce. If you go out to be a friend, you'll find them everywhere. Zig Ziglar 
159. What we desire or want does not always turn out to be good for ourselves. Dr T.P.Chia 
160. It is better to meet danger than to wait for it. He that is on a lee shore, and foresees a hurricane, stands out to sea and encounters a storm to avoid a shipwreck. Charles Caleb Colton 
161. Even a mistake may turn out to be the one thing necessary to a worthwhile achievement. Henry Ford 




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更新时间:2024/10/5 3:50:10