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单词 Softened
1 His smile softened slightly.
2 His slightly severe expression softened.
3 His face softened as he looked at his son.
4 The enemies' defences were softened up after bombing.
5 She softened her tone a little.
6 The government has softened its stance on public spending.
7 The rain softened the earth.
8 The ice cream softened and began to melt.
9 His voice softened as he spoke to her.
10 Stark concrete walls have been softened by a show of fresh flowers.
11 Housewives were softened up with free gifts before the salesmen began the hard talking.
12 His voice softened perceptibly.
13 His party's policy has softened a lot in recent years.
14 The impact of the tax was softened by large tax-free allowances.
15 He may have softened a bit in his old age but he's still a tough nut.
16 She was wearing a loose dress which softened the lines of her body.
17 His attitude has softened.
18 The storm has softened.
19 The father's face softened as he hugged his little boy.
20 Potential customers are softened up with free gifts before the sales talk.
21 The harshness of the book's subject is softened by a certain lyricism in the writing.
22 All at once(), Mick's serious expression softened into a grin.
23 Lights should be softened and physical activity minimized.
24 The worried look on Jannie's face softened.
25 The house is softened by sprawls of climbing roses.
26 The woman's debility softened her.
27 The property market has softened, but not collapsed.
28 The letter shows no sign that the Americans have softened their position.
29 Would you say the government's stance on law and order has softened?
30 Fry for about 4 minutes,[] until the onion has softened.
1 His smile softened slightly.
2 The ice cream softened and began to melt.
31 Swallows' nests were softened in pots of warm water.
32 Stronger pinks can be softened with brush-stroke application.
33 Her mouth softened and trembled beneath his.
34 So Crow is wilderness softened by familiarity.
35 Squeeze the skin of each of the garlic cloves until they release the softened garlic into the sauce.
36 That combination would have softened my mind without recourse to proscribed substances.
37 Its near presence is rather overpowering and intimidating yet it is softened by the verdant greenery around its base.
38 As the heat is moist, it does not attack the juices, and the crackling is softened.
39 Though his words were brutal, his tone seemed to have softened.
40 Traditionally, flooring is of flagstones or quarry tiles, softened by rugs or matting.
41 By Taylor Ferguson, Glasgow Rugged features softened with short wavy hair.
42 The softened filaments would be boiled in stock, flavored, and made into a steaming soup.
43 The blow was softened somewhat by the relocation of a cream cake factory bringing 700 jobs.
44 The inspector looked angry but then softened when he saw the boy's frightened expression.
45 Even the pages of my notebook were soggy to write on, and ballpoint pen sank into the softened surface.
46 Season well. 2 Mix the herbs into the softened butter and rub all over the lamb.
47 The government seems to have softened its attitude towards single parents.
48 He was being put in his place, softened up for what was to come.
49 To reduce outgoing noise from circuits, designers softened the sharp, nearly-square signals emitted by microprocessors used in Foxboro's equipment.
50 Add noodles and cook until softened, about 1 minute. Drain and rinse under cold water until cool.
51 Her face softened immediately, affection and wistful envy mingling in her expression.
52 A cornucopia of rare minerals leapt before him, spangled by street light as it softened through leaf.
53 If Mrs Smith had been nice, Nutty's fighting spirit would have softened.
54 The day is softened at either end, so we walked at sundown when the pink clouds brood on the green leaves.
55 Spread with a layer of softened chocolate ice cream and some drained, chopped, canned cherries.
56 Add the shallots and cook until softened, about 1 minute.
57 Hick was softened up with alarming ease by Merv Hughes.
58 Add onion, carrot, celery, and reserved vegetables from marinade to skillet and cook until just softened.Sentencedict
59 The beady, little eyes softened as Cranston displayed his warrant, a silver coin lying on top of it.
60 Remove from heat and let stand until dried fruits have plumped and softened, about 10 more minutes.
61 A hard pelmet can be softened, if necessary, by adding a flowing shape such as a scallop to its lower edge.
62 The fear of traveling solo was softened after landing at Heathrow and squeezing through the crowds to catch an Airbus headed downtown.
63 Then his face softened a little, and became almost friendly; he seemed to be coming back to us.
64 Cream sugar and cup softened margarine until light and fluffy.
65 Fred asked him once about his wife, had she softened towards Riley?
66 The traditional crop is softened with a short fringe For the man in control, hair is swept back in strong waves.
67 One could not say her face softened, for softness was not in her repertoire of expressions.
68 Lawmakers have softened their stance on immigration in recent months.
69 Sometimes, however, the diagnosis is not hidden but rather softened.
70 The deep pitted wrinkles above his eyes had softened outwards.
71 Thrusting spires, softened by time; vaulted cloisters floored with cobbles trod thin by genius.
72 Topside, the snow softened the air and a cold wind spits flakes through an open window on the bridge.
73 Somewhat softened by wind erosion, the surface none the less looked more like the lunar highlands than like anything on Earth.
74 This time the impact of the tax was softened by large tax-free allowances for personal savers and exemptions for foreigners.
75 How could she have softened towards him last night? she was thinking.
76 And then I saw him a couple of months ago, his voice muted by a stroke, his handshake softened.
77 No one was actually prepared to say the word revolution-the one word in their vocabulary softened by success.
78 The blow would be softened slightly for those affected by substantial compensation on a pro-rata and sliding scale basis.
79 I face the lonely and exposed landscape, softened in this dying hour of the day by a late sprinkling of sun.
80 Back in her schoolroom, her anger about his exposing children to the sight of whiskey was softened by feelings of sadness.
81 Gilts, after four days of rising quotations, softened an eighth as the pound took a breather.
82 She ate something, gave Ollie some oatmeal and softened toast, cleaned him up, washed her face and hands.
83 They have softened the room with cushions and tartan throws, to make it a cosy base for the family over Christmas.
84 A stream, at first made of smooth pebbles, flows between granite rocks whose harsh lines are softened by prostrate conifers.
85 When softened, spread the potatoes evenly over bottom and sides of the pans as for pie shells.
86 His face softened, his pupils grew bigger, and his irises went deep green like olive oil.
87 The square, severe face had softened, although the ill-shaved chin still looked like granite.
88 His mood had softened after his little chat with Kirsty.
89 Define brows with a brush and grey or brown eyeshadow or brow definer,[] or use a pencil softened with a brush.
90 Her famine leanness was softened by all the scarlet hair drifting around her.
91 Vigour and tenacity, however, were softened by a talent for propaganda and persuasion.
92 It didn't really matter though, because the mulberries softened it up.
93 Make a paste of the softened butter, fresh coriander and wasabi paste.
94 In another bowl, place brown sugar, softened butter and flour; mix until mixture is lumpy.
95 They chewed at it until, softened, it yielded, like blubber or leather, to their understanding.
96 This led to an early invention of annealing, whereby the metal might be softened by sudden heating and quenching.
97 A duvet cover which looks like a contemporary painting, plain bright curtains and the whole effect softened with swooping net drapes.
98 The weather was perfect all the while we were there, the evenings very lovely, moonlight softened by fog.
99 The conventional wisdom now holds that these measures softened and civilized capitalism and made it tenable.
100 Melt the butter in the same pot over medium heat. Add the shallots and cook until softened, about 1 minute.
101 Softened water will prevent scaling of shower heads and bathroom fittings.
102 Her gaze lighted on her only daughter and her face softened.
103 But as he watched the pyre, the archon softened.
104 Later, Honolulu softened toward the resolute old captain.
105 He softened up the plasticine with his fingers.
106 The market softened because of oversupply.
107 Mix softened butter and shallot together. Put the butter under the skin of the chicken drumsticks.
108 The king's expression softened, but the line of his jaw remained taut as a bowstring.
109 A dense and caramelly - sweet espresso shot softened a dollop of whipped cream.
110 And Mr. Krakoff should be lauded for treating women like grown-ups, offering sleek suede dresses, softened by their surface texture, and also long skirts, slit at the front to show lace-up high boots.
111 The boy has softened up the plasticine with his fingers.
112 The use of a water softener may increase the speed of anode consumption. More frequent inspection of the anode is needed when using softened (or phosphate treated) water.
113 International lenders had softened the target to a mere 8.5% of GDP; the government still had to push through spending cuts of 500m lats to meet this.
114 By this we suppose he meant that Madame softened her husband's medievalism, modernized his thinking and turned him toward the West.
115 Gayatri Devi softened the blow by pouring French perfume into the open sewer in her cell.
116 US soldiers who watched one film about The Battle of Britain showed little extra sympathy towards the British five days later, but, after nine weeks, they had softened.
117 Cream softened cream cheese, 1/3 cup sugar, cream, amaretto liqueur, and 1 teaspoon vanilla in a mixing bowl.
118 Humour softened a swindle as moonlight beautified the shapeless streets of the Western town.
119 Sparkling water with a twist of lime[/softened.html], and can you get this butter softened?
120 To make the pie, place the softened butter into a bowl, add the rosewater and mix well.
121 Remaining vultures grab slabs of softened gristle and greedily devour them.
122 They say the wax can be softened with mineral oil, Glycerin glycerin or eardropsear drops.
123 Victory has brought Armstrong fame, wealth and softened some of the brashness he displayed as a young rider.
124 The basic concept of injection molding revolves around the ability of a thermoplastic material to be softened by heat and to Harden when cooled.
125 In his youth the world was suffused with the after-glow of the long Victorian age, and a graceful feminine style had softened the manners, if not the natures, of men.
126 Results: 9 out of the 14 cases showed very satisfactory results after treatment, the scars were softened and smoothened and itching sensation vanished.
127 The picture has aroused all the tender feelings in me and softened the grimness that is all around.
128 H. saythewax can be softened with mineral oil, glycerin or eardrops. They say hydrogen peroxideorcarbamide peroxide may also help.
129 Absences at school began to drop and the children's disruptive behaviors softened.
130 When it is transformation temperature, elastomeric stamp is softened, and the resilience of the elastomeric stamp is zero, so that elastic instability is arosed in the parent phase.
131 Although he has softened his tone, he remains adamantly against Turkish entry.
132 Our panic is more genteel, softened by balmy California weather, a laid-back attitude, and, OK, the fact that we haven't had a local industry completely implode.
133 Ingredients: 6 Chicken drumsticks, 2 oz Butter ( softened ), 2 tbsp Shallot ( minced ).
134 Over time, the strategy softened Helms' resistance, setting the stage for the curmudgeonly North Carolina politician to end his financial stranglehold on the U.N.
135 When she began to speak, her voice had softened, and she said in a dignified manner: "The Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce will not be less than your father."
136 Mr. Lippmann had early insights about problems in the housing market that helped him amass a negative bet on housing that softened some of the bank's losses during the financial crisis.
137 As the administrator put down the phone he grimaced wearily, then his manner softened.
138 The beach defences were softened up before the landing craft went in.
139 Where, during the summer, I buy groceries at the Farmer's Market, inhaling the scent of strawberries while being softened under the sun.
140 Fill baking dish with very hot water; place manicotti sheets, one at a time, in water. Let stand 10 minutes until softened.
141 Water can be softened by adding washing soda to it.
142 They are wearing simple tunics of animal skin, mostly deerskin(), cured and softened by beating with wooden paddles.
143 The water has been treated ( softened ), but it is not drinkable water.
144 Connective tissue is softened and tenderized by cooking slowly in moisture.
145 According to the procedure used, steel can be hardened to resist cutting action and abrasion, or it can be softened to permit machining.
146 Those illuminating the human models in the background were softened through Scrim Jim diffusion panels.
147 So many heat exchange equipment using softened water are applied to petroleum refinery industry, chemical industry, papermaking industry, textile industry and suchlike various industry.
148 In the first, it is annealed,[] meaning it is run through a furnace to be softened.
149 The picture has aroused all the tender feelings in me and softened the 2)grimness that is all around.
150 So it was that Hades' heart was softened and he allowed Eurydice to leave on one condition that Orpheus would walk in front and never look back.
151 Rich crisp green feijoa flavours are softened with the soft flavour of a cloudy apple juice.
152 The cotton seed is softened or burst for removal during bleaching.
153 Then Orpheus began to play his music and softened Hades'heart.
154 Carnauba wax is harder then concrete in natural forum must be softened with solvents.
155 Add carrot, celery, onions and hazelnut oil, saut é until softened.
156 She had never seen him softened, and was much distressed.
156 try its best to collect and make good sentences.
157 At night, when all the windows are lit up, the hardness of the daytime is softened.
158 The experts at NIH say the wax can be softened by mineral oil, glycerin or eardrops .
159 Due to unsatisfactory softened water, dense water scale grows inside the cooling water jacket blast furnace.
160 Hard water which can be softened by adding sodium carbonate is called permanent hard water.
161 The safe haven Swiss Franc also softened on the day after comments about the heavily overvalued currency out of the SNB helped move things along.
162 In Dutch and Low German, the initial consonant softened to become daler.
163 He softened the blow by telling her the bad news gently.
164 The beach defences were softened up before the landing craft was in.
165 Clay angered many people in the North because he softened his opposition to Texas. Some of these began supporting the Liberty Party candidate, James Birney.




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