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单词 Chinese revolution
1) She authored a history of the Chinese Revolution.
2) Jinggang Mountains, chinese revolution the first hill.
3) Li Dazhao was a pioneer of the Chinese revolution.
4) How could the Chinese revolution have been victorious?
5) Mountains Jinggang is the cradle of the Chinese revolution.
6) Thirdly,(http:///chinese revolution.html) what are the lessons of the Chinese revolution?
7) Unless it is led by the proletariat, the Chinese revolution cannot possibly succeed.
8) Army horse, the land side, once for the Chinese revolution, how to pay the expensive price.
9) The practice of Chinese revolution and modernization construction is surely a historical proof that Marxist philosophy is productive power.
10) Chinese revolution was led by Chinese communist party "CCP" in a semi colonial and semi-feudal society with underdeveloped capitalism.
11) Dialectic of the Chinese Revolution: From Utopianism to Hedonism, Stanford University Press, 1994.
12) Soong Chingling devoted all her life to the Chinese revolution and construction.
13) We always consider the Chinese revolution ( as ) a continuation of the Great october Socialist Revolution.
14) The Chinese revolution is a continuation of the great October Revolution.
15) In October 1911 the long - delayed Chinese Revolution began, and in 1912 the six - year - old boy emperor abdicated.
16) We associate the name of Mao Zedong with Chinese revolution.
17) Tien An Men Square is flanked by the Great Hall of the People and the Museum of the Chinese Revolution.
18) Its main theoretical contribution was it speed up the Chinesization of Maxism, and its outstanding practical contribution was it accelerated the victory of Chinese revolution.
19) Chinese revolutionary morality is not only the important guarantee to the victory of Chinese revolution, but also the basic normal standard in modeling the personality of the modern Chinese people.
20) MAO zedong thought is the universal principles of marxism-leninism with the concrete practice of Chinese revolution combination of.
21) Mao Zedong thought is the right theoretical principle and experience which have been proved by the Chinese revolution and socialist modernization.
22) Therefore, opposing feudalism is a fundamental task of the Chinese revolution.
23) Clearly, it follows from the colonial, semi-colonial and semi-feudal character of present-day Chinese society that the Chinese revolution must be divided into two stages.
24) It was the year of 1956 when the title "old friend" first went to Canadian James G. Endicott. He dedicated himself to China's education, and supported Chinese revolution throughout.
25) Premier zhou en-lai worked hard all his life in behalf of the Chinese revolution.
26) The guidance of Comintern drove the historical course of Chinese revolution.
27) Their existence is utterly incompatible with the aims of the Chinese revolution.
28) The petty bourgeoisie is a class that cannot ignore in the course of Chinese revolution.
29) It was a red - letter day in the history of Chinese revolution.
30) Tian An Men Square is flanked by the Great Hall of the People and the Museum of the Chinese Revolution.
1) She authored a history of the Chinese Revolution.
2) Tien An Men Square is flanked by the Great Hall of the People and the Museum of the Chinese Revolution.
31) But they will turn against the Chinese revolution the moment their masters do.
32) Comrade Mao Tsetung integrates Marxism-Leninism with the Chinese revolution. Truth illumines the path of the Chinese revolution.
33) Mr. Sun Yat sen is the forerunner of the Chinese revolution.
34) His personality determines" pretentiousness " in his humor which is a projection or reflection of his subtle relationship with modern Chinese revolution.
35) Dr. Sun Yat - sen was the forerunner of Chinese revolution.
36) Endicott.He dedicated himself to China's education, and supported Chinese revolution throughout.




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