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单词 Cosmological
1. We see, then, that time, in the Orphic cosmological framework, has three valences.
2. This cosmological event was widely reported in the news media, in the wake of which I heard three paradigmatic responses.
3. Einstein originally proposed a very small cosmological constant in the hope of balancing the tendency of matter to make the universe contract.
4. Mullican, too, continues to create cosmological imagery infused by his intimate relationship with the natural world.
5. There is a cosmological arrow of time.
6. The modern cosmological model gives no answer.
7. The cosmological argument does not stand up under scrutiny.
8. The cosmological redshift is not a normal Doppler shift.
9. Modern cosmological models addressuniverse was from the Big Bang.
10. Einstein abandoned the cosmological constant with relief, declaring that its invention had been "my greatest blunder.
11. Caltech in the fifties was becoming an international centre of cosmological discovery.
12. On two grounds, then, humans are identical to the world; for this we have both cosmological and anthropological data.
13. In the Orphic cosmogonies, Dionysos was present; thus he has a cosmological location.
14. These are the terms that are considered to induce chaotic behaviour in these cosmological models.
15. However,() they may provide an explanation of the observed value of one very important quantity: the so-called cosmological constant.
16. Religions have also often attempted to reduce all human action to stylistic embrace as an expression of cosmological pretensions.
17. One might expect the fluctuations that are implied by quantum mechanics to give a cosmological constant that is very large.
18. Clearly, although he did not agree with Plato, he too was profoundly influenced by the cosmological view of time.
19. The uncertainty in the 12.5 billion year figure is 3.0, which encompasses most previous cosmological estimates.
20. What is interesting about these first statements is that they are very obviously an attempt to grapple with abstract cosmological principles.
21. However, baby universes branching off and joining on will affect the apparent value of the cosmological constant.
22. The Cobe evidence will flesh out the skeleton of existing knowledge and allow astronomers to begin to chose between competing cosmological theories.
23. There are a number of other observations that are suggestive of the need for a cosmological constant.
24. " As University of Chicago astrophysicist Michael Turner once put it: "The cosmological constant is an idea that's come and gone ... and come ... and gone.
25. In addition, the scientists plan to look at the possible effects of a cosmological constant, which they did not investigate here.
26. SS 1921 deals with "Augustine and Neoplatonism, " where the title-theme is concerned with Augustine's eventual relapse into Greek cosmological categories.
27. This paradox led to Einstein's special theory of RELATIVITY, a cosmological theory of major significance.
28. The periodicity in the distribution of quasar redshifts is interpreted assuming that the cosmological space is a topologically compactified manifold like three dimensional torus.
29. Finally, biological arguments are put forth for how complexity occurs on a cosmological scale.
30. The potential energy of certain spatially uniform fields can act much like a cosmological constant.
1. Caltech in the fifties was becoming an international centre of cosmological discovery.
31. Both the cosmological constant and quintessence fall into the general category of dark energy.
32. The simplest explanation is that dark energy is Einstein's famed " cosmological constant, " an energy that permeates space but does not interact with any type of matter.
33. Given the cosmological principle, Hubble's law suggested that the universe was expanding. This idea allowed for two opposing possibilities.
34. The solutions of scalar field equations in the region between the black hole's event horizon and the cosmological horizon in static and spherically symmetrical space-time are given in this paper.
35. Therefore, the irreducible warp of the brane acts like a cosmological constant, which speeds up cosmic expansion.
36. The contents of the Book of Changs include ancient Chinese divination and cosmological beliefs.
37. And I think it's kind of a nice little cosmological convergence here, that the Mola mola -- it's common name is sunfish -- that its favorite food is the moon jelly.
38. This paper analyzes its cosmogony from three aspects:(1)cosmological outspread and vitalism; (2)cosmological cycle and time; (3)God as body and conflagration.
39. What is cosmological finitism?
40. In 1998 astronomers discovered that the universe's expansion is accelerating at a rate consistent with a cosmological constant 10-120 times the value predicted by quantum theory.
41. The unified theory that M-theory hopes to be has been the cosmological Holy Grail since Einstein.
42. The cosmological constant produces a fixed "event horizon, " an imaginary surface beyond which no matter or radiation can reach us.
43. A corresponding relationship existed deeply between the traditional Chinese narrative structure and cosmological modes.
44. Einstein called the something the cosmological constant and added it to his theory with some distaste, because the work had been so mathematically beautiful without it.
45. Given gravitation's predominance in shaping cosmological structures, accurate predictions of the universe's past and future require an accurate theory of gravitation.
46. This fact was demonstrated in 1990, when Hideo Kodama of Kyoto University wrote down equations describing an exact quantum state of a universe having a positive cosmological constant.
47. String theory, which unites gravity with quantum mechanics, offered the hope of explaining the attenuated cosmological constant.
48. A good example of this was Einstein, who called the cosmological constant, which he introduced when he was trying to make a static model of the universe, the biggest mistake of his life.
49. Because Einstein thought he needed to model a static universe, he introduced his "cosmological fudge factor" to balance the attractive gravity of matter.
50. In the past six years, however, the cosmological term—now called the cosmological constant—has reemerged to play a central role in 21st-century physics.
51. According to most cosmological models there is a cosmic horizon outside which galaxies recede from us with velocities larger than that of light(), and which are therefore unobservable even in principle.
52. This experimental test imposes restrictions on the kind of cosmological models that are considered.
53. The idea of a cosmological constant didn't go away entirely.
54. Possibilities include the cosmological constant, equivalent to the energy of empty space, a modification in general relativity on the largest scales, or a more general physical field.
55. The leading candidate to explain dark energy's effects is vacuum energy, which is mathematically equivalent to the cosmological constant that Einstein invented in 1917.
56. Cosmological and teleological arguments have come under sustained criticism, notably by Scottish philosopher David Hume, noted empiricist and skeptic.
57. The Doppler redshift and the cosmological redshift are governed by two distinct formulas.
58. The modern cosmological models give a very dismay future of the universe.
59. Or it could be a case of cosmological cold fusion.
60. In these contexts, the fields work because they are the simplest generalization of Einstein's cosmological constant.
61. Therefore , quasar absorption lines cosmological probes of formation and evolution of galaxies.
62. Moreover many new predictions will be made by this new model, which is called the "Twin-Tori cosmological Model".
63. The cluster work, in combination with other studies, also provides the strongest evidence to date that dark energy is the cosmological constant, or that 'nothing weighs something'.
64. Nowadays not even fundamentalists are upset by the latest cosmological theories of astronomers.




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