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单词 North sea
1 The River Tees empties into the North Sea.
2 Good fish abound in the North Sea.
3 Toxic chemicals continue to be dumped in the North Sea.
4 With the expanded production of North Sea oil and gas, the UK has become a net exporter of fuel .
5 The River Rhine runs into the North Sea.
6 The Rhine empties into the North Sea.
7 The company is drilling for oil in the North Sea.
8 Britain's possession of North Sea oil has proved a bonus for British technology.
9 Her husband works on a rig in the North Sea for weeks at a time.
10 He was a diver on a North Sea oil rig.
11 The Baltic Sea is a continuation of the North Sea.
12 High tides in the North Sea were funnelled down into the English Channel by a storm.
13 North Sea oil and gas are enjoying a record expansion thanks to our policies of deregulation and low taxation.
14 Radio Caroline used to broadcast from a boat in the North Sea.
15 There appears to be another outbreak of sickness among seals in the North Sea.
16 He learnt his trade as a diver in the North Sea.
17 The accident is a grim reminder of the potential dangers involved in North Sea oil production.
18 Cod are found in the North Atlantic and the North Sea.
19 They narrowly escaped shipwreck in a storm in the North Sea.
20 The pilot was drowned in his plane when it crashed into the North Sea.
21 Reports are just coming in of a major oil spillage in the North Sea.
22 What is the total oil output from the British sector of the North Sea?
23 All the rivers on the east side of England empty into the North Sea.
24 This will eliminate the disposal of waste acid in the North Sea and significantly reduce discharge to the River Tees.
25 Assessment of the performance of samples of polymer in improving oil recovery from North Sea reservoirs.
26 On the other hand fetch is the limiting factor in the height of waves generated by easterly winds over the North Sea.
27 Indeed, some of our dragonflies regularly migrate across the North Sea.
28 Greenpeace has described the Humber as the most polluted river in Britain and a substantial contributor to North Sea pollution.
29 Mr Gummer's determination to win the highest figures advised by the scientists failed for the North Sea cod quota.
30 Will my hon. Friend also confirm that 1991 has been a vibrant and exciting year in the North sea?
1 The River Tees empties into the North Sea.
2 Good fish abound in the North Sea.
3 Toxic chemicals continue to be dumped in the North Sea.
4 Radio Caroline used to broadcast from a boat in the North Sea.
5 With the expanded production of North Sea oil and gas, the UK has become a net exporter of fuel .
6 Cod are found in the North Atlantic and the North Sea.
31 Sewage sludge and industrial waste will still enter the North Sea from Britain until 1998.
32 Too much waste has been dumped into the North Sea.
33 Tourism is our second biggest contributor - after North Sea oil - to gross domestic product.
34 Fancy standing back to the North Sea for ten hours or more handling cold fish!
35 He accused the Conservatives of squandering £100 million of North Sea oil receipts that could have rebuilt the country on tax cuts.
36 Mr. Maples My hon. Friend is right about the revenues from North sea oil taxation.
37 If stocks recover, the North Sea could produce more than 10 times as many fish as were caught last year.
38 Next time the vessel was spotted was 120 miles away in the North Sea off Eyemouth.
39 The purpose of the visit was to review North Sea technologies with a view to utilising them in their own oilfields.
40 He believes that the subtle discrimination practised on him resulted from his active role in a North sea safety committee.
41 Thoroughly braced, desperately consuming carbohydrates against the howling winds of the North Sea, I changed shape.
42 Aberdeen was examined separately because of its special place in the North Sea oil industry.
43 Programme lunch 4.11.93 A fishing boat has sunk overnight in the north sea.
44 By 1974 the North Sea oil boom was gaining momentum rapidly.
45 We will encourage enhanced recovery of oil from the North Sea and avoid becoming too dependent on imported fuel.
46 Supplies to consumers will not be hit, because the big buyers get most of their fish from outside the North Sea.
47 The downturn in the North Sea meant there was too little work to keep all three of Trafalgar's facilities operational.
48 He would watch the sun rise over the North Sea.
49 The research team monitored 61 catches at 18 North Sea ports over a two-week period.
50 The wind there was sharp from the east, the North Sea steel-grey and choppy.
51 The largest cuts - which were proposed for the North Sea cod and haddock - amounted to only 15 percent.
52 Its native climate combines cold winters, with the winds blowing off the North Sea, and very dry summers.
53 North Sea Ferries include 5 course dinner and reclining seat in all prices.
54 Now their raging passions looked like tearing asunder one of the strongest rigs in the North Sea.
55 In the North Sea, Greenpeace swimmers turned back dump ships carrying chemical wastes.
56 But the plunder is just part of the over-fishing that dates back to the 1960s, when North Sea herring were annihilated.
57 I could see mist over the forests below the mountains, and fog out over the North Sea.
58 Tomorrow a bathe in the cold north sea and a hack out.
59 A mere fraction of North sea revenues is to be spent on enforcing the safety regime.
60 Britain has defended its right to use the North Sea as a dumping ground.
61 North Shields is very well placed in relation to the North Sea grounds.
62 But one animal protein feed has been produced from bacterial synthesis using ammonia, methanol from North Sea gas and minerals.
63 The temporary bonanza of revenue from North Sea oil should unquestionably be invested for the future.
64 Britain also is the largest contributor of heavy metals, copper, cadmium, lead, to the North Sea. 3.
65 Five more oilfields were producing oil from the North Sea continental shelf in 1976, including the massive Brent and Alpha fields.
66 There are two production sectors in the model, manufacturing and non-manufacturing, as well as North Sea oil production.
67 There has been speculation that Mr Brown may alter the North Sea tax regime.
68 On being caught out playing taxi service at the bottom of the North Sea?
69 As the peat shrank(/north sea.html), the critical outfall of the river Ouse into the North Sea inevitably began to silt up.
70 The Humber estuary has been identified in several recent studies as one of the most polluted stretches of North Sea coast.
71 The three most heavily taxed commodities are alcohol, tobacco, and the oil being extracted from the North Sea.
72 But Lowestoft still has a trawler fleet, mainly fishing on the shallow bed of the North Sea for plaice and haddock.
73 To the east, the loch is separated from the North Sea by the Black Bar.
74 One of the North Sea rigs has gone on the blink.
75 Fighting against the wind we ran along the beach and watched a steel grey North Sea crashing in.
76 Energy conservation and environmental pressures are rightly being placed on oil and gas producers in the North sea.
77 Work at the four offices involved was seriously disrupted for the day, although North Sea operations continued without interruption.
78 Four Tornados had just taken off - heading in loose formation towards the North Sea.
79 While the outbreak directed media attention to pollution in the North Sea, ascribing the guilt to pollution was premature.
80 A large percentage of Marseilles fresh fish supplies is brought from the North Sea and Channel ports.
81 The river Thames flows into the North Sea.
82 The River Rhine discharges itself into the North Sea.
83 An oil well blew out in the North Sea.
84 The River Thames empties into the North Sea.
85 A city of southwest Norway south of Bergen on an inlet of the North Sea.
86 The United Kingdom lies in Western Europe, islands including the northern one-sixth of the island of Ireland between the North Atlantic Ocean and the North Sea, northwest of France.
87 In 2007, Swedish researchers claimed the city lay on the Dogger Bank in the North Sea, which was submerged in the Bronze Age.
88 The Gulf of Tonkin high-end art layout work room is and the North Sea art professional technology institute cooperation is tenable.
89 Warm air is now being drawn in from another high pressure area over the North Sea.
90 West, North brink of the North Sea, is located in the Rhine, Maas and Scheldt River Delta, 1075 kilometers long coastline.
91 To harvest oil and gas profitably from the North Sea, it must focus on the exploitation of small reserves as the big wells run dry.
92 The petroleum carboxylic acids in two distillates of North Sea crude oil were separated by the extraction with column chromatogram and anion exchange resin.
93 A burgh of southeast Scotland on the North Sea east of Edinburgh. Oliver Cromwell defeated the Covenanters here on September 3, 1650. Population, 4,609.
94 The island is a J - shaped lump of rock rising sullenly out of the North Sea.
95 A borough of northeast England on the North Sea at the mouth of the Tyne River. It is a port, shipbuilding center, and seaside resort. Population, 200,100.
96 An island of northwest Germany, one of the North Frisian Islands in Helgoland Bay, an inlet of the North Sea southwest of Jutland.
97 As the opinion and lecture continued, it established some high-hearted scholar groups which gathered together by some famous confucian or noble scholars,(/north sea.html) such as North Sea Group.
98 This year briny pearl price of the North sea 3 fold.
99 Here is the SMS Vulkan, sub tender for the North Sea U-boat fleet.
100 A burgh of southeast Scotland on the North Sea east of Edinburgh. Oliver Cromwell defeated the Covenanters here on September 3, '50. Population, 4, '09.
101 The Dogger Bank in the North Sea can be dangerous for ships.
102 North Sea operators kicked against legislation making them responsible for removing oil platforms at the end of their useful life.
103 The North Sea is not known is not a pearl Mermaid, but globefish fish.
104 Only major encounter between the British and German fleets in World War I, fought in the Skagerrak, an arm of the North Sea off the coast of Jutland (Denmark).
105 Denmark borders the Baltic Sea and the North Sea, and consists of a peninsula attached to Northern Germany named Jutland (Jylland), and 405 named islands.
106 The battle cruiser Australia and the light cruisers Sydney and Melbourne joined units of the Royal Navy in their long watch over the North Sea.
107 Explore a life without limits: Fresh South African Mandarin, woody Cuban Mahogany and warm North Sea Amber bring you around the world, through a journey of discoveries and adventures.
108 Back in the North Sea, the ubiquitous Zepplins were proving a great nuisance.
109 Bamburgh Castle, in Northumberland, which sits on a volcanic outcrop overlooking the North Sea, was in joint eighth place.
110 A fleet of French ships was sighted in the North Sea.
111 Besides, the Tweed, the Tyne, the Tees and the Thames Rivers on the east coast all face the North Sea ports on the European continent.
112 Oil are mainly located in the foothills of the Carpathian Mountains region, the North Sea and its coastal areas.
113 Five oilmen were injured when a gas explosion shook a North Sea oil rig yesterday.
114 The study found that better controls are still needed in the North Sea, the Baltic Sea and the Bay of Biscay between France and Spain.
115 Experience the unique feeling of manoeuvring a U-boat, through the rough waters of the North Sea, during attacks on Allies ships.
116 I suspect that we'll see construction of a North Sea Fleet demagnetization facility soon.
117 North Sea oil accounts for a high proportion of export earnings of this country.
118 A river of south-central Scotland flowing about 187 km (116 mi) eastward to the Firth of Forth, a wide inlet of the North Sea.
119 Globefish fish taste because the US does too, absolutely no other seafood cuisine or poor, the North Sea several people have not eaten fish globefish.
120 But when those from central England are compared with North Frisia, on the German North Sea coast, the "Central English and Frisian samples [are] statistically indistinguishable".
121 Oil prices have continued to rise as a main Alaskan pipeline remained all but closed for a fourth day, and Norway's Statoil was forced to shut two fields in the North Sea.
122 In the North Sea all was unbroken cloud and rain.
123 The Afsluitdijk was constructed in part to dam off the Zuiderzee inlet of the North Sea, turning it into the massive freshwater lake of the IJsselmeer.
124 With the opening of Thanet wind farm in the North Sea last week Britain became the biggest offshore wind generator in the world.
125 The review will involve 25 vessels from all three PLAN fleets (South Sea, East Sea and North Sea) and 31 aircraft of the People's Liberation Army Navy Air Force (PLANAF) in a fly-past.
126 A strait of the North Sea between southwest Sweden and eastern Jutland, Denmark. It connects with the North Sea through the Skagerrak.
127 A city of northwest Germany at the mouth of the Elbe River. It is a North Sea fishing port and a summer resort. Population 5', 977.
128 North Sea States made the company recently committed to the transformation biomass energy.
129 According to some estimates the bedrock beneath the Greenland Sea could hold more oil than the North Sea, which has partially powered the British, Dutch and Norwegian economies for decades.




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