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单词 Feel slighted
1. He felt slight irritation at being kept waiting.
2. They felt slighted by not being adequately consulted.
3. Derek felt slighted when no one phoned him back.
4. She felt slighted because she hadn't been invited.
5. She felt slighted because no one spoke to her.
6. I felt slighted when my boss thanked everyone but me for their hard work.
7. She was a girl who took everything as it came her way and never felt slighted or rebuffed.
8. They also said that they feel slighted when the government refers to cigarettes as "sin" products.
9. You might feel slighted by your sweetheart, and if so[/feel slighted.html], it's likely to be an unintentional offense.
10. Some really expert users may feel slighted, but they will still use and appreciate your program if it works the way they expect.
11. When you feel slighted, you should send in your papers.
12. I'm afraid I just didn't recognize him - I hope he didn't feel slighted.
13. By singling out the black population for a special history month makes all other races feel slighted.
14. Make sure you do enough food - we don't want our guests to feel slighted.
15. Jordan, whose talent for handling dull clients was equalled only by his acute sense of self-importance, would feel slighted.
16. If you let your eyes wander or keep looking over their shoulder, people will feel slighted, and they'll like you less than they would otherwise.
17. Some people don't care about birthdays (or actually hate being reminded of them), while others feel slighted if they don't get a phone call or an e-card.
18. Do not gush over one particular answer – others will feel slighted in comparison.
19. Summers was under consideration for the Treasury job himself and may feel slighted by being passed over.
20. Many hours have passed and my only company was "just a dog," but I did not once feel slighted.




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