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单词 Latter-day
1. He ruled his business empire like a latter-day Tsar.
2. They see themselves as latter-day crusading knights.
3. He holds the belief that he is a latter-day prophet.
4. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is popularly known as the Mormon Church.
5. Latter-day students could never meet the college entrance standards required in the 1940s.
6. St William's Foundation here offers itself as latter-day deusexmachina.
7. Many gentiles agreed that the Latter-Day Saints had good reason to be concerned about holding on to their Kingdom as a preserve.
8. Latter-day liberals have become especially vituperative because the ideal described so poetically by Kennedy does not and can not work.
9. From the unholy mess that was the latter-day Smiths, to a period of hope and promise.
10. It is not in the business of scattering latter-day garden gnomes.
11. Latter-day Cobdenites faced the future by returning to the subversive roots of their creed.
12. My Aunt Naomi, like some latter-day Sleeping Beauty permanently imprisoned, never awakened to or acceded to adult sexuality.
13. While most people enjoy fiddling with this latter-day Rubik's cube, some take it to extremes.
14. He's like a latter-day Bogart with a battered and world-weary mix of cynicism and hope.
15. Romer portrayed himself as a latter-day Robin Hood who took money and gave it to the underprivileged.
16. Many latter-day Democrats believe that he was uniquely poised to hold together the New Deal's fractious electoral majority.
17. Nor should we forget our latter-day Darwin: the diarist, novelist or would-be intellectual sitting at home with his word-processor.
18. 1978 - The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints opens the priesthood to "all worthy men", ending a 148-year-old policy excluding black men.
19. The village had a reputation as a latter-day Sodom and Gomorrah.
20. Latter-day dog is lazier, cannot keep watch at night, full during the day is holding a head high to run quickly madly spank, above oneself , defiant.
21. An alleged hacker has been hailed as a latter-day Robin Hood for leaking financial data about banks and state-owned firms to Latvian TV, BBC reported.
22. Hilary batted with style, in the manner of a latter-day Raffles[], distributing possible catches around the lawn.
23. Even then the leader of the great trek and the Latter-day kingdom never forgot the source of his inspiration.
24. Mr Heseltine had evangelized Whitehall on behalf of his cause like a latter-day John the Baptist.
25. Inspired by the Sixties, we asked a few brave souls to take the plunge and dress up like latter-day Twiggys.
26. In order to gain some perspective on the event, I begin with the account of a latter-day spectator, Josiah Royce.
27. Three weeks after I first met the missionaries, I accepted baptism and become a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saint.
28. All these explanations are plausible, but I think there's also something else responsible for our continuing to feed children this latter-day cod-liver oil.
29. The investigation is the latest brush the polygamist Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (FLDS) has had with the law.
30. BYU is owned and operated by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, which frowns on premarital relations.
1. He ruled his business empire like a latter-day Tsar.
31. Such judgments are worth quoting at the outset of any latter-day survey of the Beethoven symphonies because they reassert the source of the music's wide and long-standing appeal.
32. “Alcibiades is a latter-day Adonis — all flowing golden locks, a fine profile and with androgynously smooth skin, ” Hughes writes.
33. Jeffress opposes Mitt Romney because of his membership in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, or Mormon Church.
34. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is angry over an episode of HBO's hit series "Big Love" that the church says is in " appallingly bad taste.
35. Lake of overgrown with weeds opens port and Anhui the development Wang Heming of latter-day economy is in latter-day China's numerous treaty port.
36. However, in latter-day China, poverty of the country and penury of its people, and lack of communal awareness of the society became the key restrictive factors of the donative effects.
37. It should be admitted at the outset that Action for Happiness offers latter-day sceptics (whether following Nietzsche or not) plenty of targets to have a pop at.
38. The name Joshua tree was given by a group of Latter-Day Saints who crossed the Mojave Desert in the mid-19th century.
39. Korea (Mr Cumings's early area of expertise), Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan: the left-leaning historian sees a consistency, at least, in latter-day interventions.
40. She added that Siberian shamans, or latter-day witch doctors, were also buried in this way but with richer funeral accessories to appropriate to their elevated position in society.
41. a latter-day Robin Hood.
42. The original Latter-day Saint, Joseph Smith, acquired at least twenty-eight and perhaps sixty wives, some of them in their early teens, before he was lynched, in 1844, at age thirty-eight.
43. A statue of Angel Moroni stands atop the Salt Lake Temple of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.
44. The Needham Problem that Chinese latter-day church school setting science curriculum enlightens me on recognizing the necessary and possibility of doing sociological analysis on science curriculum.
45. Make use of rich books' information on the web and latter-day computer technologies to make book catalog more opened, and development of digital library can benefit from it.
46. The sect, which broke from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints more than a century ago,[] believes polygamy brings glorification in heaven.
47. Hu hopes to attain a latter-day datong through what he calls a "scientific outlook on development," or a pragmatic refocusing on the challenges of poverty, social justice and the environment.
48. Why should we, their latter-day descendants, be devoid of this tiny bit of wisdom?
49. In addition, the Church made a written appeal this week to the news media to make the important distinctions between the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and the Texas group.
50. In total, over 120 of the 864 students have lost one or both parents to this latter-day plague.
51. Latter-Day Saints believe that in 1836 Moses appeared to Joseph Smith, Jr. at the Kirtland Temple in Kirtland, Ohio and gave him the keys for the gathering of the Twelve Tribes of Israel.
52. It is called "The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints".
53. DOUG JOHNSON: Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints are called Mormons. The LDS church began in eighteen thirty in the United States.
54. Polygamy was a part of the history of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
55. Their latter-day counterparts (human and equine) are better protected, with goggles, shields and other kit made of lightweight, flame-resistant, unshatterable and stab-proof materials.




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