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单词 Engram
1. A knowledge of the painful emotion engram; 6.
2. Engram was suspended for the entire 1992 season by Coach Joe Paterno for stealing stereo equipment from an unlocked apartment.
3. You are looking for a painful emotion engram, an instant of loss which will discharge.
4. The whole common language may lie within the engram bank.
5. The prosurvival engram is not a manic; it can and does contain at times manic phrases.
6. If he is in the middle of an engram, the only way out of it is through it.
7. Here is the basic pattern Of the engram which will contain the chronic psychosomatic illness in any patient.
8. These sympathy prosurvival engrams, which make up the ally computations, vary only in intensity from the standard prosurvival engram.
9. The painful emotion engram, however(), does a rather smooth rise.
10. The engram bank may be balky but enough asking will bring forth any data in it sooner or later.
11. These contain suppressors by way of engram command, ally computations and painful emotion.
12. It does not matter whether the engram occurred two hours or ten years ago, painful emotion can be reduced from it.
13. The engram itself, upon which the lock depended, may not be accessible without a full Dianetic address to the problem.
14. This engram resides in a tiny area in the brain's cerebellum - a place many neuroscientists never thought to look.
15. The third example of the painful emotion engram is the third type: loss of an ally by reversal.
16. The engram bank becomes severely distorted by painful emotion and the areas of painful emotion be-come severely distorted by physical pain elsewhere.
17. The contrasurvival engram is to the dynamics like a log jam which dams a necessary river.
18. He trained rats to find their way through a maze, then made lesions in different parts of the cerebral cortex in an attempt to erase what he called the "engram," or the original memory trace.
19. The purpose and persistency of the aberree was hindered in ratio to the amount of emotional charge within his engram bank.
20. Breaking it, if it can be found, produces the effect of keying out the engram.
21. The auditor may enjoy the gifts, but he had better start looking for a sympathy engram not yet suspected or tapped.
22. He should stir the patient up once in a while and try to make him go through the engram.
23. Be assured, if that child loved his parents at all, that an engram exists here.
24. Coaxed and edged into it by the auditor, the engram was recounted.
25. Between the first moment of analytical attenuation and a regain of analytical power is the engram.
26. The reduction to recession happens when there is too much in the engram bank suppressing the incident.
27. His recovery of survival potential increased in ratio to the amount of energy freed from the engram bank.
28. Because it is very important, the mechanism of the reduction of a late painful emotion engram must be specifically detailed.
29. Dreams are puns on words and situations in the engram bank.
30. For those studying the biology of memory, the properties of PKMzeta promise something grander still: the prospect of retooling the engram factory itself.
31. A further study is made on the condition of adsorption, cross linking and elution of this molecular engram polymer as well as its adsorbability on TPT.
32. An individual synapse is thought to be the minimum unit necessary to establish a memory engram.
33. Lashley failed to find the engram—his experimental animals were still able to find their way through the maze, no matter where he put lesions on their brains.
34. The invention relates to a method for preparing a protein molecular engram block polymer.
35. The technique provides a novel preparation method for developing protein molecular engram monolithic column.




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