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单词 Labor department
1. The Labor Department figures underscore the shaky state of the economic recovery.
2. The Labor Department said payrolls expanded by 151, 000 jobs in December, including 52, 000 manufacturing jobs.
3. The Labor Department will release delayed December employment data tomorrow morning.
4. A 1992 Labor Department study found one in six college graduates doing work that did not generally require a college degree.
5. Our election protest also drags on through the Labor Department and the courts.
6. The Labor Department audited 10, 631 job orders that were related to H-1B applications.
7. The Labor Department is still working on compiling a new schedule for delayed monthly indicators -- including December employment and inflation reports.
8. As early as 1966, a Labor Department study found both earned about the same hourly wages.
9. And the Labor Department reported that worker productivity continued to rise in the third quarter.
10. The Labor Department will release its report on December changes in consumer prices on Tuesday.
11. Now, Labor Department officials are shooting for its release during the week of Jan. 22.
12. The Labor Department was set up to be their spokesman, their champion, their liaison to the White House.
13. In its employment report, the Labor Department revised higher the November job growth total to 166, 000.
14. The Labor Department says registered nurses earned an average of sixty - five thousand dollars last year.
15. According to the U.S. Labor Department, Winston compiled the best work record in U.S. history.
16. The Labor Department has signaled its interest in changes by soliciting public comments.
17. The Labor Department says registered nurses earned an average of $ 65, 000 last year.
18. The Labor Department data show the number of Americans signing up for unemployment compensation declined slightly last week (by 6,000 to a total of 439,000).
19. In addition the Fujian Provincial Labor Department also reported the masses, and deal with complaints.
20. Labor Department said productivity rose at annual rate of 1.3 percent in the July - September quarter.
20. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
21. According to the U.S. Labor Department, Winston the best work record U.S. history.
22. The falling price of oil also overshadowed a Labor Department report showing that U.S. workers' efficiency grew at a slightly slower pace in the second quarter.
23. I had to stay on to write up the protest, which no one in the Labor Department would ever read.
24. It caused quite a to-do when a mistake was made in the Labor Department statistics.
25. The legislation also nullifies an interpretive bulletin on ETIs issued by the Labor Department last summer.
26. But the ballot stuffing was so blatant that even the Labor Department was roused to do something.
27. Well, the consumer price index rose just 1 percent in January, the Labor Department reported Wednesday.
28. Unemployment held steady at a low 5. 6 percent in December, Labor Department figures showed today.
29. The federal government took on 411, 000 people on a temporary basis last month to help with the decennial population count, according to figures from the Labor Department issued last week.
30. The US Consumer Price Index (CPI) shot up 1.1% in June from May, the 2nd biggest one-month increase in 26 years, the Labor Department reported Wednesday.
1. The Labor Department figures underscore the shaky state of the economic recovery.
31. The Labor Department said employment increse by 110,000 jobs in Sep.
32. A report Friday from the Labor Department shows the unemployment rate stayed unchanged at. 5 percent.
33. The loss of 467,000 jobs reported by the Labor Department on Thursday was 100,000 more than Wall Street economists had expected, with virtually no major economic sector spared.
34. Is your program permitted by the Labor Department of or registered in Labor Department of PRC?
35. The Labor Department said productivity rose at an annual. 3 percent in the July - September quarter.
36. Last month, the Labor Department said the producer price index fell sharply.
37. The Occupational Outlook Handbook published by the Labor Department offers job market predictions through 2018.
38. Investors also will watch out for economic data and could be hit with surprises, such as Friday's weaker-than-expected Labor Department report on December nonfarm payrolls.
39. The Labor Department said employment increased by one hundred ten thousand jobs in September. Also, new numbers for August showed a gain of close to ninety thousand jobs.
40. Jobs in this field, which centers on developing and testing health-care innovations such as artificial organs or imaging systems, are expected to grow by 72%, the Labor Department says.
41. The U.S. Labor Department will publish its April employment report next week, and analysts at Citigroup said dollar bearishness should persist.
42. Separately, the Labor Department said its producer price index -- a gauge of prices received by farms, factories and refineries -- dropped 0.6 percent last month after rising 1.7 percent in August.
43. Your state labor department may also be able to assist, on state law and the circumstances.
44. In news on the closely watched jobs market, the U.S. Labor Department said initial claims for state unemployment insurance fell 47,000 to a seasonally adjusted 522,000 in the week ended July 11.
45. The Labor Department also reported that the American economy lost 20,000 jobs last month.
46. History: Originally created as the Department of Commerce and Labor in 1903, it became the Department of Commerce when a separate Labor Department was established in 1913.
46. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
47. The bureau, which is under the Labor Department, cannot use unemployment compensation records to count the out-of-work, because they are not reliable or up-to-date enough.
48. Familiar with labor law, keep a good relationship with local labor department & the government.
49. A few protesters chained themselves to an entrance at the Labor Department.
50. The week's decline was affected by seasonal factors, a Labor Department analyst said.




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更新时间:2024/7/9 5:25:30