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单词 Tusked
1. Elephants wear the tusk down faster than they can grow it.
2. Elephants used to be hunted for the ivory from their tusks.
3. Two large tusks and whiskers were clearly visible.
4. Finely sculpted and painted a glossy orange, the tusks and trunks jutted out like bright brass horns from the wooden bars.
5. Since tusks continue to grow throughout an elephant's life, the amount of ivory carried by the herds will also increase.
6. Males also often have body scars and broken tusks, suggestive of combat.
7. If it lives long enough, its tusks will eventually reach its cranium and grow into it.
8. There was my car, like a mad old hog caught in mid-spasm, its snout and tusks crushed and steaming.
9. Another theory was that the tusks protect the eyes when the babirusa is hunting for food among thorny undergrowth.
10. In front went many ferocious war elephants clad in shining steel with tusks encrusted with gold and silver.
11. Each is adorned with silken cloths and has its tusks shod with iron for the greater efficacy of killing criminals.
12. As sure as I have tusks, this is ontology on the hoof.
13. Drago applied his fingers to some of the strings and adjusted a turnkey on the end of one of the tusks.
14. There are pigmy giraffes, large giraffes with moose-like antlers and elephant-like creatures with downward-curving tusks in the lower jaw.
15. I wanted to look in a mouth to see where those tusks were anchored.
16. The average tusk weight has dropped from Poachers ambush elephants, machine-gun them and then hack their tusks out.
16. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
17. Walrus tusks were essentially substitutes for ivory in territories remote from supplies of elephant tusks.
18. Combat Bonus A charging war boar is a bad-tempered mound of bloody-minded muscle and bone with pointy tusks and sharp teeth.
19. He doused with petrol and inflammable glue 12 tonnes of illegally poached elephant tusks, worth almost £2m.
20. Their bulging arms and bestial, tusked faces were marked by jagged, primitive tattoos that augmented their already feral appearance.
21. The giant, tusked mammals typically clamber onto the sea ice to rest, or haul themselves onto land for just a few weeks at a time.
22. Mr White Face continued to sit cross-legged, gazing up at me, his tusked countenance quite inscrutable.
23. He is depicted as a big-bellied, yellow or red god with four arms and the head of a one- tusked elephant, riding on, or attended to by, a mouse.
24. Bogy, brown eyes regarding me, panted happily, pink tongue peeking from tusked 20 jaws.
25. The initial designs of the reek were inspired by Placerias, a stout, four-legged tusked species from the Triassic era.
26. I took the gun, lifted it to my shoulder and sighted down the black barrel. Bogy , brown eyes regarding me, panted happily, pink tongue peeking from tusked jaws.
27. A pair of younger, massive warriors strode by. Nearly seven feet tall, each as wide as two of their human adversaries, the tusked fighters dipped their heads briefly in recognition of his rank.




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