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单词 Salomon
1 All traveling Salomon salesmen stayed at the Bristol.
2 Salomon Brothers and my customer made out like bandits.
3 He argued that Salomon Brothers should follow suit.
4 Salomon Brothers, he said, never made job offers.
5 Salomon was exposed to the homeowners' ability to repay.
6 The trader also made the money for Salomon Brothers.
7 Salomon took a tiny slice out of each trade.
8 The Salomon trading floor was unique.
9 The Salomon salesmen fawn over the thrift men.
10 Salomon Brothers expertise fertilized the rest of Wall Street.
11 The speaker was a leading bond salesman at Salomon.
12 Dining and dashing was not unusual in the Salomon Brothers cafeteria.
13 They arrived at the Salomon Brothers mortgage trading desk hat in hand.
14 He had grown accustomed to Salomon Brothers' bonus sessions,[] where he had rarely got more than he expected.
15 This occupation does exist within Salomon Brothers, but it is not respected.
16 We at Salomon, as I have said, relegated the equity department to a corner in our basement.
17 Salomon discards a pay plan in the wake of a string of key departures.
18 As if the whole point of the Salomon system were simply to see who wilted under the pressure and who did not.
19 Gutfreund subsequently cut Drexel out of all Salomon Brothers bond deals.
20 He was thought by many within Salomon to be the best bond trader on Wall Street.
21 Apart from money, success at Salomon meant having your name shouted over the hoot.
22 We can see by reference to the Salomon case the great advantage of limited liability.
23 Salomon Brothers paid the ten-thousand-dollar bill racked up by the wife of its mailroom clerk with three months' tenure.
24 A young Salomon Brothers trader named Howie Rubin began to calculate the probability of homeowners' prepaying their mortgages.
25 It is an important question, because it accounts for the detachment with which disasters were viewed at Salomon.
26 In retrospect it is clear to me that my arrival at Salomon marked the beginning of the end of that hallowed institution.
27 If there was a single lesson I took away from Salomon Brothers, it is that rarely do all parties win.
28 Each year four salesmen who sold bonds to Texas thrifts performed a skit before the Salomon training class.
29 Somewhere in the Great Hall, as luck would have it, were two managing directors from Salomon Brothers.
30 If you wished to detach yourself from the soul of Salomon Brothers, London was the only place to go.
31 The lady from Salomon fell silent at the end of my little speech.
32 As the most active trader, Salomon collected more information about prices and customer demand than its competitors.
33 That is a handful of the most visible Salomon mortgage traders on Wall Street.
34 Gutsy investors who bought into airline bonds reaped returns of nearly 30 % on average, according to Salomon.
35 A single large paycheck had thrown into doubt not only the compensation system but also the long-standing pecking order within Salomon Brothers.
36 Salomon Brothers was speaking with one voice, and it was loud.
37 Co., and Salomon Brothers Inc. have set up similar subsidiaries.
38 Salomon Brothers raised the disk-drive concern to strong buy from buy.
39 One thing my customer never forgot was that Salomon Brothers thought he had a short memory.
40 Like the other Salomon executives, Massey was flying high in 1985 on the back of a series of record earning quarters.
41 When he finished, I was prepared to pay him for the privilege of working at Salomon Brothers.
42 Salomon was a studious boy, with no friends, who kept himself to himself.sentencedict .com
43 To make matter worse, the Salomon Brothers credit committee was growing reluctant to deal with the collapsing savings and loans industry.
44 It seemed clear Corbett wanted me to work at Salomon, but he never came right out and proposed.
45 The thought of Salomon Brothers in Prague had possibly never occurred to anyone in the seventy-five-year history of the firm.
46 What Gutfreund said has become a legend at Salomon Brothers and a visceral part of its corporate identity.
47 But screaming in a corporation, even in a corporation as Neanderthalish as Salomon, was counterproductive.
48 I think I gave up the idea of feeling immediately at home at Salomon Brothers when I saw the belts.
49 Salomon Brothers was the only major firm on Wall Street in the early 1980s with no system for allocating costs.
50 An analyst at Salomon Brothers Inc. upgraded the rating on the computer maker to strong buy from buy.
51 No longer did Salomon Brothers traders buy bonds at twelve and then make the market believe they were worth twenty.
52 I was experiencing the same clumsiness making the transition from school to work inside Salomon as I had outside Salomon.
53 The transfer of skills and information probably cost Salomon Brothers hundreds of millions of dollars.
54 In 1984 our two-man junk bond department spoke at a Salomon Brothers seminar for several hundred savings and loan managers.
55 They ran government trading at Salomon Brothers during the 1980s and early 1990s, ruling with swagger, bravado and hubris.
56 Salomon Brothers will take a lead role in the international share offer, the statement said.
57 The fortunes of Levi Strauss have been restored by junk bonds arranged by Salomon Brothers.
58 The rest of the ozone layer of management at Salomon Brothers had never really been in touch.
59 That was fine; everyone at Salomon expected the market to crash.
60 He was bound by golden handcuffs to the Salomon Brothers mortgage trading depart-ment.
61 The traders performed astonishing feats of gluttony never before seen at Salomon.
62 I had made the mistake of trusting a Salomon Brothers trader.
63 The Arabs had severed relations with Salomon when it had merged with the commodity traders Phillips Brothers.
64 In February 1995, PacTel hired Salomon to provide strategic advice.
65 Salomon Brothers began to resemble the rest of Wall Street.
66 A board of directors of Salomon Brothers was born, consisting mainly of former traders.
67 Salomon Brothers, slow to learn about take-overs and largely absent from the junk bond market, missed the bonanza.
68 This week Salomon announced it was moving 750 clerical jobs to lower-cost Florida.
69 A trader placed bets in the markets on behalf of Salomon Brothers.
70 Yet by the middle of 1986 First Boston could boast about the same market share in mortgage securities as Salomon Brothers.
71 On average, they posted returns of nearly 20 %, according to Salomon Brothers.
72 Like priests, paymasters in the Salomon empire followed a time-honored pattern.
72 is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
73 Matty arrived the next morning to find Michael Mortara, a Salomon Brothers managing director, waiting for him.
74 Of course, the most curious of all former Salomon Brothers mortgage traders is Howie Rubin.
75 But even more important, as far as Salomon was concerned, was the novelty of our deal.
76 Dall established himself as the Salomon Brothers authority on mortgage securities in September I977.
77 We were invited to play in a softball game between the Salomon equity department and one of its largest clients.
78 The plain fact was that a combination of market forces and gross mismanagement had thrown Salomon Brothers into deep trouble.
79 Life as a Salomon trainee was like being beaten up every day by the neighborhood bully.
80 The executive committee members of Salomon Brothers decided the mortgage market was bad news.
81 She was also extremely plugged in at Salomon Brothers, in a way that the opportunist was not.
82 The photographs from Salomon Brothers' annual reports tell a tale in themselves.
83 In other words, Salomon carved a tiny fraction out of each financial transaction.
84 For the 11 big money-centre banks whose statistics Salomon Brothers records, return on assets fell in 1990 to about 0.3%.
85 The Salomon compensation game, like the job placement game for trainees, has a political wild card in it.
86 And the Salomon traders found themselves in a weird new role.
87 You acquire gravitas and project it like a cologne whenever you discuss the singular and laudable Salomon Brothers culture.
88 A company spokesman said last night that Salomon had acted in response to payments being made by other institutions.
89 His primal Teutonic scream captured for all time the collective pain felt by the valued customers of Salomon Brothers.
90 Precious few traders were invited to return to Salomon after they had jumped ship, but Dipasquale was made an exception.
91 This, I learned, was standard practice when a customer was about to be sacrificed for the greater good of Salomon.
92 Mr Lorne, 49 years old, also will be a senior member of the Salomon control team.
93 Thoughts around Salomon Brothers turned away from the greater glory of the firm and focused on self-preservation.
94 Salomon Brothers expects equity returns between 10 % and 15 % for the year.
95 His contribution to Salomon financial history had been completely ignored.
96 There was in every office of Salomon a systemwide loudspeaker, called the hoot and holler or just the hoot.
97 The market dictated the price, and Salomon Brothers' traders learned to cope.
98 Money was the least volatile commodity traded by Salomon Brothers and therefore the least risky.
99 The resignations followed a series of admissions by Salomon of a string of illegal trade and rigged bids for Treasury securities.
100 Salomon bond traders knew about fools because that was their job.
101 At Salomon, Parseghian headed trading of collateralized mortgage obligations, the custom-made bonds cut from bundles of home mortgages.
102 With his appointment in mid-I978, the story of the mortgage market as it is conventionally told within Salomon Brothers commences.
102 is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
103 Wits on the Salomon trading floor did imitations of Mortara.
104 If that was the guiding principle of Salomon Brothers in the department of customer relations, then all was suddenly clear.
105 As he badly wanted a job with Salomon Brothers, he knew exactly what I had to do.
106 From the point of view of other firms, Salomon mortgage traders were cheap at any price.
107 What I was about to learn, however, is that the poem was equally handy when competing within Salomon Brothers.
108 Around Salomon no tone but awe was used when he was discussed.
109 Salomon Brothers was full of shrewd, knowing people, I said, and we would draw from their reservoir of ideas.
110 Only a big increase in volume has allowed dealers like Salomon to maintain revenue and profits.
111 Mr Perelman previously attempted to buy a stake in Salomon Brothers, which rejected his approach.
112 Just making a simple inquiry about the bonds caused the Salomon empire to leap into action.
113 Translation: Salomon could dictate the rules of the mortgage bond trading game as it went along.
114 Since the Treasury bond scandal, Mr Erardi says, Salomon has tried to change its entire corporate culture.
115 Salomon Kalou is the real deal.
116 Anderson and her longtime friend Salomon wed in Las Vegas on Oct. 6.
117 Chelsea striker Salomon Kalou has been linked with to Arsenal, according to British tabloid The Sun.
118 To support product development and production between adidas - Salomon International Sourcing Ltd. and third - party manufacturers in China.
119 Salomon Kalou's miss near the end was embarrassing, but nowhere near John Obi Mikel's laughable air shot.
120 Ivory Coast rookie Salomon Kalou, 21, will partner Didier Drogba in attack instead of Shevchenko.
121 Salomon Kalou got the equaliser yesterday with his fifth goal of the season.
122 For example, his son James ( Jacob ) Mayer married the daughter of another son, Salomon Mayer.
123 They quickly rivaled such established institutional investors as Salomon Brothers and the Pillsbury Company.
124 Salomon was our investment banker, and its service was excellent.
125 But in fighting for business, Goldman never reached the lows of brazenness of, say, Salomon Brothers in the 1980s.
126 Salomon said. " But we are debating an apple being thrown over the fence . "
127 HOLLYWOOD - Pamela Anderson and her husband Rick Salomon are divorcing after just two months of marriage.
128 How many customers had told Salomon they wouldn't do business with the firm?
129 We lost Damien Duff but we have [ Salomon ] Kalou . We have no problems.
130 We also saw why Salomon Kalou to be used as a substitute for the foreseeable future.
131 The real game-changer was Salomon Kalou, who replaced Drogba in the 55th minute, and Ancelotti had kind words for the sub.
132 It has already offloaded Salomon Smith Barney, an American brokerage, and Nikko Cordial ,[http:///salomon.html] a Japanese one.
133 New Chelsea signing Salomon Kalou relishing the prospect of playing for the Premiership champions.
134 Financial Hero—Businessman and broker Haym Salomon was responsible for raising most of the money needed to finance the American Revolution and later to save the new nation from collapse.
135 The main talking point of the game will be the disallowance of Salomon Kalou's goal for offside, when replays suggested the Ivorian forward was onside when the ball was played.
136 Cherubic and deceptively guileless, she used "humour as a dodge, intimacy as a smoke screen", Ms Salomon notes.




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