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单词 Hardly a
1. There was hardly a cloud in the sky.
2. Hardly a day goes by without my thinking of her .
3. The exhibition is hardly a crowd-puller.
4. Hardly a day passes without more bad news about the economy .
5. Hardly a week goes by without some food scare being reported in the media.
5. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
6. Can't it wait? It's hardly a matter of life or death, is it?
7. The air was so still that there was hardly a ripple on the pond's surface.
8. Hardly a week went by without someone famous being outed.
9. Hardly a day goes by without a visit from someone.
10. Hardly a man breathes who has not known great sorrow.
11. There was hardly a spare inch of space to be found.
12. There is hardly a subject that you can mention that will not make him animadvert upon some aspect of human nature.
13. Hardly a day goes by when I don't think about her.
14. Hardly a month goes by without another factory closing down.
15. They only won 1-0 - hardly a great victory!
16. But this is hardly a place for coasting.
17. There was hardly a dry eye among us.
18. But Luke's room was hardly a place to convalesce.
19. It was hardly a convenient location for either.
20. Montage is hardly a new idea.
21. Affluence was hardly a protective factor for car owners.
22. Gore is hardly a political natural.
23. Hardly a word was exchanged after the first greeting.
24. Her body accepted the organ with hardly a problem and she resumed her active life.
25. But hawking is labour-intensive and time-consuming and hardly a satisfactory way of keeping rabbit populations down.
26. After all, Lowndes Square was hardly a natural habitat for me.
27. Archaeological sources Hardly a week goes by without a report in the press of some find of archaeological importance.
28. If you don't like it, fair enough, but that's hardly a justification to attack the whole thing.
29. They did a very neat job stitching up your knee - there's hardly a scar there.
30. The sum total of data connected with metalworking is hardly a representative guide to such industry or exchange.
1. There was hardly a cloud in the sky.
2. Hardly a day goes by without my thinking of her .
31. He's hardly a bloody martyr for being hit by a carton of juice, is he?
32. There is hardly a factory in existence which does not have a jobbing department somewhere or other. 4.
33. However, producing a consolidated balance sheet without the fund balance sheets is hardly a satisfactory solution.
34. Yet hardly a day goes by without more people being killed by Islamists or government forces.
35. New Hampshire is hardly a microcosm of the United States.
35. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
36. The impulse to put safety first is understandable enough, but it is hardly a formula either for dynamism or for originality.
37. Her ongoing ordeal is hardly a picnic, but her fatalistic humor gets her through.
38. With hardly a glance towards the board, he flung his darts.
39. The Spice of Life Human biological diversity is hardly a new concept.
40. Down in the housing scheme there was hardly a noise; the lamps fizzed quietly on the empty street.
41. This is hardly a characteristic of freer trade in goods.
42. He is hardly a sentimental sap who is prone to vicarious patriotism.
43. It seems hardly a week goes by anymore without yet another report of zany results of affirmative action in action.
44. There is hardly a figure in public life who so divides public opinion as Woodhead.
45. The breakdown of discipline and morale in the professional officer corps is hardly a state secret.
46. For more than thirty years I gave that girl hardly a thought, though she lived within me, still waiting.
47. He may have been an outstanding goalkeeper but he was hardly a product of the Harvard Business School.
48. It was hardly a success as he channelled most of his energies into drumming with local groups.
49. Bias is so pervasive that hardly a sentence in normal speech lacks it, and many utterances contain little else.
50. All her life had been spent surrounded by grimy bricks with hardly a green grass blade in sight.
51. In this way practising is hardly a burden, but something that gives a feedback of energy.
52. Among the intelligentsia, hardly a voice was raised in its defence, with the exception of a few university teachers of Marxism-Leninism.
53. Daly the music publisher was nice enough, but hardly a friend.
54. This is hardly a satisfactory conclusion and not one seriously intended by the doctrine itself.
55. A 5 percent premium shortfall is hardly a national emergency.
56. Hardly a high protein diet in the terms we have come to relate to.
57. Hardly a week passes without his popping up in Washington for some top Republican strategy session on budget-balancing.
58. The Standing might constitute a breach of sacramental etiquette, but it was hardly a breach of the peace.
59. Korda may have been touted as a gifted player, but he was hardly a household name.
60. Though hardly a showy plant, its needle-thin blades look almost silver, especially when covered by a film of dew.
61. After the war, hardly a man can be seen with a head covering.
62. Hardly a day goes by without news of some corporation shedding huge numbers of workers in the name of productivity.
63. He's hardly a world chess champion - you should be able to beat him.
64. And Evans is hardly a slacker in the invertebrate department himself.
65. Hardly a month goes by without an event having you uncorking the champagne or counting your remaining blessings.
65. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
66. Hardly a barrel of laughs but it might raise a few smiles.
67. Even so, marriage is hardly a foolproof enforcer of monogamy.
68. Hardly a practicable solution when she didn't even know if she could make herself understood.
69. Paying 28 percent on capital-gains income is hardly a burden to whine about.
70. In fact you sound as if you've hardly a minute to yourself between looking after the grandchildren and caring for your husband.
71. Such studies were hardly a basis for advocating that tax cuts would lead to an upsurge in work effort!
72. This is hardly a climate in which educational innovation could flourish.
73. First off, he decided to attack dueling, which was hardly a threat any longer.
74. But it is hardly a rational basis for a business decision.
75. His introduction to the art of place-kicking, however(), was hardly a result of deep forward planning.
76. Hardly a day goes by without Mrs Molt or one of her offspring calling around to borrow something.
77. Down swooped the privet bird, landing gracefully on the water with hardly a splash.
78. It was hardly a situation conducive to producing a relaxed and committed rugby player, just newly married.
79. It is a closely-packed map with hardly a straight line or an empty space in it.
80. Three years ago there was hardly a young black cinema at all, now critics are drawing comparisons as if bored with the idea.
81. Half-ruined, hardly a building untouched, it's a desolate place.
82. The army, however, is hardly a neutral arbiter.
83. It's hardly a great new revelation.
84. Of the original scheme hardly a wrack remains.
85. This outcome is hardly a foregone conclusion.
86. Hardly a whisper of concern has been voiced.
87. So what if you're hardly a Renaissance man or woman?
88. Though Antonio Valencia is hardly a like for like replacement for Ronaldo he is an exciting winger, with all the pace and control necessary to exploit the space he will find on United's right.
89. The statute is hardly a masterpiece of insightful policymaking or incisive drafting.
90. But then three months later the animated How to Train Your Dragon pulled in 68% of its revenue from 3D screens, hardly a significant drop-off.
91. Politics is hardly a science and it too infrequently depends on reason.
92. There is hardly a family there without a set of twins. Almost 5% of all Yoruba births produce twins.
93. The ruling was hardly a slam-dunk, for as numerous critics of Buckley have noted, restrictions on spending money are not identical to restrictions on speech, even though money can be spent on speech.
94. With its unreformed one-party system, its rote-learning in schools and state control of big businesses, "new China" is hardly a haven for innovative thinking.
95. This time China's response was to send a fishery patrol ship (hardly a match for a destroyer) to the area.
96. Public nudity, or semi-nudity is hardly a novel occurance in the country. Protestors, like these peasants marching for land rights, are a common sight.
97. Now a choice Brazilian Set for one guitar can command a hundred dollars or more: hardly a single board foot in volume.
98. I stipulate that it's hardly a perfect comparison, given that private market valuations and public market comps may differ, and every firm has different portfolios.
99. Since leader appeared among mankind, be it emperor, president, prime minister, tribal chief, there's hardly a bad guy.
99. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
100. Increasing demand is not an onerous duty. Consuming more is hardly a chore.
101. You could hardly a magazine or newspaper without a dozen of their lurid ads.
102. For most managers, hardly a day goes by without confronting the challenge of employee motivation.
103. I can reveal Gilberto will be my vice-captain and, while he's hardly a screamer, he calms the team down.
104. It was hardly a ringing endorsement of what lay ahead.
105. I think this house was built more by guess and by God than anything else. There's hardly a step on the staircase that's the same height as another.
106. There is hardly a shop, hotel or restaurant that does not bear a sepia-toned image of the man gazing down like a silent movie star.
107. Talk of revolution and mock gallows aside, the Republican street party was hardly a Cromwellian affair.
108. Gambling houses ran full blast and hardly a night passed without its shooting or cutting affray.
109. There was hardly a touch of earth in her love for Clare.
110. Compared with the City of God, the City of Man is hardly a true commonwealth.
111. It seemed hardly the face of a man alive, with such a deathlike hue; it was hardly a man with life in him, that tottered on his path so nervelessly, yet tottered, and did not fall!
112. This is hardly a [ not a, no ] sinecure.
113. It is probably no heresy to say, though, that this situation cannot be called exactly healthful, hardly a fitting heirship to three centuries of britannia's pomp and glory.
114. And hardly a week passes without news from the battlefront.
115. There's hardly a niche on Earth that hasn't been colonised.
116. Moreover, the US remains at the forefront of such cutting-edge technologies as biotech and nanotechnology. This is hardly a picture of absolute economic decline.
117. He is hardly a commanding figure, but a thousand people chant his name and lean in to listen, ready to follow, as Ron Paul delivers his genre-bending stump speech.




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更新时间:2024/10/5 3:18:15