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单词 1840s
1. The codification of the laws began in the 1840s.
2. During the 1840s, Clutterbuck's enlarged and modernised mill was advertised for sale or lease.
3. From the 1840s child and young adult mortality contributed most of the decline.
4. But since response from ministers by the 1840s was extremely circumspect the reformers were probably making a virtue of necessity.
5. In the 1840s, when coffee plantations were established on a large scale, it expanded into the central highlands.
6. In the 1840s, President Herrera promoted a policy of gradual liberal reform in Mexico.
7. As in the 1830s and 1840s, this medico-moral domain specified key concepts of sexuality as part of its concerns.
8. Have we really moved since the 1840s, when gentrification was seen as the only way to educate the masses?
9. It was in the mid 1840s that the full implications of the potential for the new transport system sank in.
10. During the 1840s, Albert von Koelliker showed that spermatozoa are not parasites, but products of cells in the testis.
11. As early as the 1840s, it was suggested that the efficiency of the lens could be counteracted by using faulty ones.
12. From the 1840s to the Civil War, Irish Catholic immigrants fleeing from famine spurred the growth of cities and provided the labor for canal building and railroad construction.
13. The city of Boerne was established by German settlers in the 1840s.
14. The idea was first mooted as long ago as the 1840s.
15. Coffee was introduced into the central highlands in the 1840s, and quickly became the most important cash crop.
16. In Britain, this moment has several phases during a long and turbulent period from the late-eighteenth century to the 1840s.
17. The criticism of Turgenev is only incidentally that he is stuck in the 1840s and not far-sighted enough.
18. They supplied machinery to Pilkington's of St Helens, where Deacon moved after completing his apprenticeship in the early 1840s.
19. The corn trade in the village gradually died out due to the arrival of the railways in the 1840s.
20. More indicative of future trends than this rising from within the officer corps were the activities of the Petrashevtsy in the 1840s.
21. During this period he became interested in the adulteration of tobacco,() an issue of considerable importance in the 1830s and 1840s.
22. The training school in the Sardinian foreign ministry which was seriously considered at the end of the 1840s never came into existence.
23. In total no more than a few dozen local groups existed at different times in the 1840s and 1850s.
24. The vivid illustrations in the Blue Books of the 1840s could as well have come from the mines of Shropshire in 1770.
25. Darwin's integration of evolutionary and physiological biology had been attempted, in the 1840s, through pangenesis.
26. These developments were comparable to the temperance, nativist, and abolitionist movements of the 1830s and early 1840s.
27. The debate between the supporters of Cuvier and Geoffroy raged throughout the 1830s and 1840s.
28. But hunting in the 19th century wiped out most of them, with up to30, 000 slaughtered in the 1840s alone, according to the InternationalUnion for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN).
29. Most of the early state superintendents of public instruction of the 1840s were Whigs, and most of the laws to create the first school systems were Whig-sponsored.
30. The Chartist movement grew from this disappointment and campaigned during the 1830s and 1840s for the vote to be extended further.
1. The city of Boerne was established by German settlers in the 1840s.
2. The idea was first mooted as long ago as the 1840s.
31. Most importantly, the advent of photography in the 1840s initiated a critical re-examination of the artist's adequacy in creating a convincing depiction of reality.
32. John Jacob Astor’s American Fur Company made him the richest man in America in the 1840s. But it never consisted of more than a handful of people.
33. From the late 1840s, the controversy over slavery increasingly dominated national politics.
34. The outlooks on the universe and life by Ralph Waldo Emerson, the key originator of American Transcendentalism in the 1840s, remarkably parallel those of Lao Zi, the sage of ancient China.
35. In the 1840s the main crop, potatoes, was affected by disease and about 750,000 people died of hunger.
35. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
36. During the 1840s and 1850s, the abolitionist movement–a social movement organized in the North to abolish the institution of slavery–gained support.
37. By 1840 the city was rated the fourth port in the world; after the 1840s canals and railroads diverted produce eastward to New York City.
38. Sweeney Todd was invented in the 1840s as what they called, "Penny Dreadful, " the kind of Dickens tickler...
39. Even Horace Mann, the best known of the education reformers in the 1840s, lamented the slow progress of his efforts, labeling his opponents as "an extensive conspiracy" of "political madmen."
40. The story was written by Russian author Gogol in the 1840s during a self-imposed exile to Geneva and Rome.
41. The first to appreciate the catastrophic effects of stress-reversals were railway engineers in the 1840s.
42. The interregional conflict of laws of Hong Kong, Macao and the Pearl River Delta has to do with the conflict of the application of different laws made in the said regions in China since the 1840s.
43. Developed in the 1830s and 1840s by Samuel Morse (1791-1872) and other inventors, the telegraph revolutionized long-distance communication.
44. Back in the 1840s, life insurance was very important because the average expectancy of life was only something like forty-five years, so that meant parents were dying left and right.
45. It is situated between Wong Nai Chung and Leighton Hill Roads, named after a Leighton company which was established there in the 1840s.
46. Known as a monoculture, a vast field of one species is risky because all the crops are vulnerable to the same diseases and conditions, setting up disasters like the 1840s Irish Potato Famine.
47. In the 1840s an astronomer called Urbain Le Verrier noticed there was something wrong with the orbit of Mercury. The main axis of the planet's orbital ellipse shifts each time it goes round the sun.
48. When Charles Dickens wrote about the death of Little Nell in the 1840s, people wept—and I'm sure that the death of characters in J. K.
49. Though both anesthetic agents were developed around the same time (the 1840s), chloroform soon emerged as the more widely used, as it took action faster and was non-flammable.




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