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单词 Contribute
1. City employees cannot contribute to political campaigns.
2. This new discovery will contribute to all humanity.
3. The three sons also contribute to the family business.
4. Everyone should contribute what he or she can afford.
5. Everybody should contribute to the discussion.
6. Would you like to contribute to our collection?
6. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
7. Aren't you going to contribute towards Jack's leaving present?
8. Do you wish to contribute?
9. She usually poor-mouths when it's her turn to contribute.
10. Regular outings contribute to a sense of fellowship among co-workers.
11. Rubbishy commercials and harmful programmes contribute to the rise in violence and crime in the street.
12. A better water supply would contribute dramatically to the villagers' well-being.
13. One of the aims of ethnography is to contribute to an understanding of the human race.
14. Does smoking contribute to lung cancer?
15. He had very little to contribute to the conversation.
16. You need not feel obliged to contribute.
17. The volunteers contribute their own time to the project.
18. The lower strings contribute a splendid richness of sonority.
19. She can be counted upon to contribute good ideas.
20. Air conditioning can contribute to sick building syndrome.
21. We hope everyone will contribute to the discussion.
22. The company publicly apologized and agreed to contribute some money to charity.
23. Every parent is asked to contribute a proportion of the total cost.
24. Actually, few of us admit that examinations can contribute anything really important to the students' academic development.
25. Students are encouraged to contribute articles to the university magazine.
26. NATO officials agreed to contribute troops and equipment to such an operation if the UN Security Council asked for it.
27. Don't try to win a friend by presenting gifts. You should instead contribute your sincere love and learn how to win others 'heart through appropriate ways. 
28. Would it be presumptuous of me to ask you to contribute?
29. The couple have an arrangement by which they each contribute equally to the cost of the house.
30. To start the ball rolling, the government was asked to contribute £1 million.
1. City employees cannot contribute to political campaigns.
2. This new discovery will contribute to all humanity.
3. The three sons also contribute to the family business.
4. Everybody should contribute to the discussion.
5. Would you like to contribute to our collection?
6. Aren't you going to contribute towards Jack's leaving present?
6. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
7. Do you wish to contribute?
8. Regular outings contribute to a sense of fellowship among co-workers.
9. Rubbishy commercials and harmful programmes contribute to the rise in violence and crime in the street.
10. A better water supply would contribute dramatically to the villagers' well-being.
11. One of the aims of ethnography is to contribute to an understanding of the human race.
31. A common household fungus can contribute to sick building syndrome.
32. to contribute food and clothing for the relief of the poor.
33. Come to the meeting if you feel you have something to contribute.
34. He refused to contribute, on the plea that he couldn't afford it.
35. I am sure that this meeting will contribute to the reinforcement of peace and security all over the world.
36. Several factors might contribute to the development of the disease.
37. Key burbled about the wonderful people who contribute to tourism.
38. AIDS kills mostly the young population of a nation. These are the people who contribute most to a country's economic development.
39. I was asked to contribute to a newspaper article making predictions for the new year.
40. He believes he has something to contribute to a discussion concerning the uprising.
41. I would like to contribute to the church restoration fund.
42. The members of the staff contribute too.
43. I feel good that I can contribute.
44. All of these factors may theoretically contribute to diarrhoea.
45. It doesn't contribute to any debate.
46. In no country does equity finance contribute substantially.
47. Everyone has something to contribute to life.
48. Who can contribute from the bench?
49. Probably,[http:///contribute.html] some band members will contribute more than others.
50. Such earnings are little appreciated outside the specialist areas of business such as finance and insurance which directly contribute to invisible earnings.
51. That bill, which died, also would have capped the amount political action committees could contribute to candidates.
52. Another factor in the success of authorities is the ability of members to contribute to collective decision-making.
53. Clarke won plenty of line-out ball, but Andy Reed and Paul Burnell in the front five did not contribute as expected.
54. Like the House measure, the Senate bill requires public housing residents to contribute eight hours of community service a month.
55. This will contribute to the design of a new database system for the Society from 1994/5.
56. Roshanara Begum, with her less magnificent resources, was unable to contribute anything quite so ambitious.
57. They contribute 14 percent of the greenhouse effect and are increasing at the rate of 6 percent a year.
58. However, they contribute much to the power with which the big set pieces are delivered.
59. Nitrates contribute to nutrient enrichment which encourages algal growth and blooms.
60. My parents said they would contribute something towards the cost of my driving lessons.
61. It has touched briefly on a number of activities which all contribute to better staff utilisation.
62. Accordingly, differences in prior experiences can contribute to individual differences in intellectual development.
63. The various recommended taxes and rates contribute towards a total revenue budget for 1993-94 of £241 million, 1.2 percent more than 1991-92.
64. How this study may contribute to theoretical and empirical work both on equal opportunities and the study of management and organisations.
65. Partners should contribute an equal amount of time to their business.
66. Lifetime employment gives employees greater career stability,[ ] and tends to contribute to better industrial relations.
67. During the discussions MacDonald seemed to be listening, but he had nothing to contribute.
68. Women nevertheless do commit crimes and contribute to the tariff of most offence categories.
69. They conclude that differential rewards are functional for society, that they contribute to the maintenance and well-being of social systems.
70. But there is another and more fundamental way in which fathers contribute towards the development of their children.
71. They are willing to contribute to and collaborate with the youths, often spending long hours coaxing and prompting.
72. You will be asked to contribute to the cost whether your stay is temporary or permanent.
73. Companies may become less willing to deliver services that do not contribute adequately to accounts and balance sheets.
74. Earlier(), Kok said he wanted Daimler-Benz to contribute more to a rescue package for the aircraft maker.
75. But then it is hard to see how that arrangement could be described as, or even contribute to, industrial democracy.
76. Psychological comfort is inextricably related to physical comfort although some interactions are deliberately planned by staff to contribute to psychological comfort.
77. Nor do they contribute to environmental pollution by burning fossil fuels.
78. Grief, loneliness, poor health, financial worries, social deprivation all contribute to a feeling of acute depression.
79. If these sources were included, renewable energy would contribute about 18 percent of current world energy use.
80. The research is designed to contribute to an improved foundation for teacher training and teacher appraisal.
81. The commission hopes to use the photographs to find problem areas that contribute to or worsen flooding in the county.
82. Did the removal of these restrictions contribute to the consumption boom of the late s?
83. The vulnerability factors are argued to contribute to low self-esteem, or, as protective factors, to high self-esteem.
84. All of the children had to contribute and to some extent we lost our childhood.
85. You are good. But it is not enough just to be good. You must be good for something. You must contribute good to the world. The world must be a better place for your presence. And the good that is in you must be spread to others. Gordon B. Hinckley 
86. History has much to contribute to vocational education in both its narrower and broader definitions.
87. The problems are responsive to nutrition intervention, or there is evidence that nutrition intervention will contribute to the solution. 4.
88. The gas is cleaned prior to burning and the sulphur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide, thought to contribute to acid rain, removed.
89. Nevertheless, the empirical evidence is that these contribute little to individual ageing.
90. It is possible that an increased mucosal blood flow due to the inflammation perse can contribute to increased absorption.
91. In such circumstances, market forces may actually come to reinforce this development and contribute to unbalanced regional growth.
92. A history of psychiatric disorders also could contribute, some researchers believe.
93. Current employees would be asked to contribute more toward retirement, starting in January 1999.
94. Objectionable pictures have been deemed to contribute to a hostile environment.
95. In this case the animals get quite a good deal, but in neither case do they contribute much to wealth.
96. It could contribute to encouraging Gingrich to be a less contentious figure.sentencedict .com
97. Zoos contribute substantially to the captive banks of many endangered species and those that are less rare.
98. Hydrocarbons also contribute both to acid rain and to ozone formation.
99. But their strength was ebbing away, and neither DeFreitas nor Botham could contribute, both on the field but carrying injuries.
100. I could benefit from its charity work and I could contribute to it too.
101. Education and knowledge without hard work do not necessarily guarantee success, and imprudence, indiscipline and emotional impulsivity contribute to failure. Dr T.P.Chia 
102. Deposition of nitric acid in particular may contribute to the equation as a fertiliser as well as a pollutant perse.
103. A good service may cost more in terms of staffing, but would contribute to a reduction in medical-bed occupancy by providing early assessment.
104. We believe that social anthropologists can contribute more to the debates, in both empirical and theoretical terms.
105. They might be asked to contribute information to a careers programme, or technical expertise to a science lesson.
106. And the question of efficiency, whether imposing such liability would reduce accidents or contribute to a more efficient use of resources.
107. Outside every field you find a home-made latrine, waiting for passing cyclists to contribute valuable fertilizer.
108. Each group will identify a task, an opportunity to contribute to the success of their department.
109. In addition, other factors such as endotoxaemia, sepsis, and fever may contribute to further exaggerate these circulatory abnormalities.
110. International speakers regularly contribute and the papers presented are widely circulated.
111. In team nursing all members contribute to discussion and decision-making about care.
112. The auto assembly line epitomizes the conditions that contribute to employee dissatisfaction.
113. After controlling for other factors that contribute to family wealth, the research found that small families had more consumer goods.
114. Non-financial criteria will be used to ensure that the potential new products are such as to contribute to the corporate plan.
115. The work will also contribute to a theoretical understanding of survival strategies and the dynamics of decision-making in conditions of forced migration.
116. Positive choices and attitudes contribute to success. Negative ideas and behaviors lead to failure. Dr T.P.Chia 
117. They must contribute towards constructing genuine communities, family values generating City values.
118. Nor did his philosophy contribute significantly to the development of the scientific enterprise in succeeding generations.
119. Consider the colour Traditionally, white papers have been used exclusively with watercolours because they contribute to the brilliance of the colours.
120. We are all for safer streets if we do not have to contribute to the cost.
121. Why not tear them up like everyone else and contribute to the litter found on every bookie's floor?
122. A decision we do not, as employees, usually have an opportunity to debate or contribute to.
123. Nobody is superior, nobody is inferior, but nobody is equal either. People are simply unique, incomparable. You are you, I am I. I have to contribute my potential to life; you have to contribute your potential to life. I have to discover my own being; you have to discover your own being. Osho 
124. It also banned the practice of transporting pepper-sprayed suspects in a prone position, saying the practice could contribute to suffocation.
125. It may also be noted that indistinct analysis of needs will contribute to problems associated with evaluation.
126. These substances can contribute to plaque buildup in the coronary arteries.
127. Fibre Alcohol is also very high in calories and can contribute a great deal to a person's weight.
128. At Level One the student will contribute to the planning and arrangement of work experience.
129. In order that Compacts eventually do become self financing it is very likely that employers will be asked to contribute to central costs.
130. The utilities say they contribute only 6 percent of the air pollution and will contribute even less as plants are retired.
131. The research is designed to contribute to the understanding of problem drinking among teenagers.
132. It therefore seems that both DNA structure and hydrogen bonding to guanine contribute towards sequence recognition.
133. The first phase of the research examines the extent to which differences in memory and inferential skills contribute to comprehension difficulties.
134. So Olajuwon tells himself he should contribute significantly to what the Rockets are trying to do,[Sentencedict] and he is right.
135. Readers are invited to contribute their opinions on any of the issues discussed here.
136. The project aims to contribute to increasing understanding of industrial relations in the public sector.
137. Thus diminution of prostacyclin production and stimulation of platelet aggregation both mediated by lipid peroxides could contribute to thrombosis on atheromatous plaques.
138. We want to examine whether our theory can contribute to the explanation of this fact.
139. The research will contribute towards our further understanding of the relationship between the media and the policy process.
140. It is hoped that this work can contribute a better empirical basis to discussion about the adequacy of benefit levels.
141. Behind the bald figures on an invoice however, are other factors that contribute to the provision of value for money.
142. Cultural Affairs Social activities and a varied arts programme contribute much to the quality of university life.
143. Both radioactive fission products and induced radioactivity in structural materials contribute to the problem of radioactive waste.
144. Yet, as this chapter demonstrates, school-to-work can contribute to broader efforts to improve schools.
145. When we have class debates we try and get all the kids to contribute.
146. Alcohol may also contribute to nocturnal hypoxaemia by causing narrowing of the upper airways.
147. Throughout the discussion, the counsellor has several tasks. 1 Giving everyone an opportunity to contribute.
148. The Inns now contribute £1.5 million per year by way of scholarships to new entrants.
149. Through this ratification process, practitioners contribute to the development of criteria by which their practice will be judged.
150. Therefore other metabolic abnormalities have been sought in diabetic subjects which might contribute to the increased vascular risk.
151. She's hoping that private businesses will contribute to the upkeep.
152. Local education authorities will contribute through staffing and clerical costs they may also provide office space and equipment, etc.
153. Changes in blood pressure and activity of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system may contribute to these different effects.
154. Given the still exiguous literature of colour in art we can not expect to contribute to a running debate.
155. Another environmental factor long thought to contribute to alcoholism is expectancy.
156. Attitude research was the property of no school in this respect and constituted a set of problems to which all might contribute.
156. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
157. We aim to ensure that managers will be more effective, achieve personal growth and contribute to corporate development.
158. She chose the Council because she felt she wanted something where she could contribute to the community.
159. Institutionally cultivated individual career strategies for organizational dominance contribute to organizational decline.
160. They also agreed to contribute £3,000 towards the costs of consultants appointed by Hambleton and North Yorkshire attending the inquiry.
161. To enable the researcher to contribute new and significant ideas, and to make a positive contribution to knowledge, and 2.
162. These pressures both reflect and contribute to an uncertainty about the role of teacher education within higher education.
163. In all of these areas, there are concepts and insights from linguistics which can contribute to pedagogical understanding.
164. This type of arable cropping could contribute greatly to the income of smaller units.
165. Many factors, or combinations of factors, can contribute to disease emergence.
166. The Education Reform Act of 1988 in promoting that separation will undoubtedly contribute to the raising of educational standards for some.
167. The stained-glass windows inside, and the black wrought iron and living or artificial flowers outside, contribute vivid accents.
168. Just removing this one major source of friction and attacks on self-esteem may contribute to easier successes.
169. The scheme will not survive this Government, and will, indeed, contribute to their downfall.
170. Other research suggests that defects in the endorphin system of alcoholics may contribute to the condition.
171. With each new take great actors such as Mark Rylance and Kerry Fox contribute something remarkable and new.
172. The clownfish does therefore contribute towards protecting its anemone host.
173. That would contribute towards raising their pay by up to 9 %.
174. The Napster structure would remain unchanged, and newer, less centralised music distribution systems like Gnutella could contribute too.
175. And it allows companies both to contribute to and benefit from election campaigns.
176. They consume 83 percent of the state's water but contribute only 3 percent to the state's economy.
177. Sometimes parents did not or could not contribute towards the grant.
178. The more ideas the better, pupils and colleagues can be asked to contribute. 4.
179. He expressed his condolences to Kermit and offered to contribute the labour on a project.
180. Anything which does not contribute to the bottom line of national competitiveness-especially unpredictable commitments outside borders-should be avoided.
181. Langbaurgh and Stockton are both considering either scrapping free passes or asking pensioners to contribute towards them.
182. Chapter 6 examines how school-to-work can contribute to the broader school-reform movement that has been growing over the past decade.
183. The medical profession did not contribute to the new crusades nor was there any resurrection of the medico-moral alliance.
184. All four of these requisites contribute to the performances of scholars and are essential for highly creative roles.
185. In still another respect we hope to contribute to the development of a scientific theory of democracy.
186. Cultural predisposition Recognition that cultural pressures on women to diet contribute to anorexia nervosa has had a fairly recent history.
187. Budget shortages, poor pay and poor equipment contribute to morale problems, he said.
188. What are the cultural or historical forces that contribute to these problems?
189. None the less, they did so well that from then on Emma was asked to contribute on a regular basis.
190. Katz and Kahn have developed ideas on how leadership can contribute to the functioning of a system.
191. Respondents were encouraged to relax and to contribute to the discussion at will.
192. Even Republican. businessmen contribute money to the Machine, more than they give to Republican candidates.
193. These councils would assess local needs, contribute to local service plans within the overall strategic plan and monitor local service provision.
194. And developments which did not contribute to, nor necessarily seek that objective were for that reason defective.
195. It can be shown that individuals and groups welcome the opportunity to contribute to debate and to participate in policy making.
196. If radio is to contribute effectively to the national culture, its material needs to be presented in an attractive manner.
197. Successful nominees to the committee contribute greatly to the Trust's work(), offering a wealth of specialist expertise and experience.
198. Could these factors contribute to a dramatic drop in the self-esteem of schoolgirls?
199. In addition, continuing maintenance and repair of all kinds of existing structures will also contribute to demand for these professionals.
200. It is healthy that people move in and out, and thus contribute to a sharing of experience.
201. The purpose of life is to contribute in some way to making things better. Robert F. Kennedy 
202. The classroom teacher may devise new ways of teaching which make life easier contribute as much as possible to their culture.
203. Fishing, hunting, and the gathering of edible roots and berries also contribute significantly to the Zande diet.
204. They provide expertise across a wide range of topics while allowing the students to contribute to the year-to-year developments in experimental techniques.
205. Another factor that can contribute to calcium oxalate stones is a low urinary level of citrate.
206. Other grains present are rye and barley malt, which also contribute flavour.
207. Organized cooperation among various levels of producers and consumers is the essence of what economic systems are supposed to contribute to civilization.
208. And the success of the established record industry's campaign for a royalty on blank tape could also contribute.
209. I understand that other hon. Members wish to contribute to the debate before it concludes.
210. Finally, they could contribute to the farm income by running their own tourist enterprise.
211. Animal fats and refined sugar contribute to a weight problem and can be a factor in heart and arterial disease.
212. Trapp continually makes these stupid plays, and he does little to contribute to the team play.
213. Clearly, infectious diseases contribute significantly to economic losses and days of disability in the United States.
214. Cars and industry in El Paso contribute to the air pollution, of course.
215. However, visitors from outlying areas to attend football matches will contribute substantially to the local economy of the cities mentioned above.
216. So those economic dynamics contribute to a continuing downward spiral.
217. Nevertheless,[] such activities can contribute significantly to an organization's public image.
218. Sugar is bad for your teeth. It can also contribute to heart disease.
219. We contribute Cloverleaf channelings to them.
220. Key paracrine interactions between glioma cells and the brain microenvironment can influence glioma pathobiology and therefore contribute to its poor prognosis.
221. This of course is arithmetically impossible: no one can contribute more than 100%.
222. "They included skatole, a component of feces; trimethylamine, one of the essences of rotting fish; and several of the more pungent fatty acids that contribute to rancid human body odor, " Ed says.
223. So, while there may be some biological factors that contribute to depression, it is clearly a psychological disorder.
224. Factors of social environment, teaching conditions, teaching methods , etx contribute to the effect of foreign language teaching.
225. Contribute little to either ultra - violet astronomy or X - ray astronomy.
226. Opioid premedication may contribute to the incidence of postoperative nausea and vomiting.
227. Finally, they used a statistical calculation to figure out which of the hundreds of mutations they'd found were likely to contribute to cancer.
228. In addition, loss of cell adhesion may contribute to loss of contact inhibition and thus play a role at the earlier stage of the neoplastic process.
229. Conclusions The myelin was progressive damage in morphine dependent rats, and histomorphologic changes of myelin sheath in VTA might contribute to the development of morphine dependence.
230. This mass of sensually charged femininity will attract male visitors eager to contribute their economic stimulus.
231. Contribute regularly to the team's operational planning process by recommending tactics to meet team objectives.
232. The guidelines will contribute to improving the quality of Artemisia annua L to further develop artemisinin-based medicines, and help ensure a sustainable supply to meet market demand.
233. In doing so, they unwittingly adopt the language of participants in such struggles, and contribute to the reification of ethnic groups.
234. Hopefully, these results can provide a theoretical guide to those who contribute themselves to improve the sensing head to restrain the effect of the linear birefringence upon the system.
235. The mucus of ovigerous hair and the villiform of egg stalks may contribute to egg attachment.
236. So should we mop around for allowing Stand-By Power to contribute to almost 11% of our monthly electricity bill?
237. Eyre Peninsula's natural environment and fertile soil contribute to the beauty of this piece of land from pollution to produce high quality wines.
238. This kind of hierarchical directory structure enhances mutual monitoring, segregation of duties can effectively and efficiently contribute ample benefits to the project management.
239. In New England, the Congregational Church was legally established; all residents had to contribute to its support.
240. Start or contribute to a tool-lending library in your neighborhood.
241. Concepts that seem likely to contribute to terrestrial agriculture will be identified.
242. Because of the low price tag , Snow Leopard won't directly contribute much to Apple's top line.
243. Every advertisement must contribute to the complex symbol which is the brand image.
244. Along with the growth of state investment, the investment from local government will also increase quickly, and contribute to the growths of social investment.
245. The results suggested that in ADU patients the increase of BAO, which is relating to the increase of antral gastrin content, may contribute to the activity of DU.
246. This confidence will, in turn[Sentencedict], contribute to a sustainable recovery.
247. This approach can contribute to the hermetical treatment of keeping humid and anti-seepage, as well as good supporting effect.
248. Article 5 Each party to an equity joint venture may contribute cash, capital goods, industrial property rights, etc. as its investment in the venture.
249. The following is a summarisation of key scientific evidence supporting the inclusion of calcium, magnesium and vitamin D in the human diet to contribute towards optimal bone health.
250. This paper reviewed the neuropsychological study of the self, and showed how a neuropsychological approach can contribute to our understanding of the mental representation of self.
251. We aim to be a cohesive alumnae that provide strong support to our Alma Mater, strive to be modern and caring women with virtue and contribute to our Nation and Community.
252. Previous work showed that two brain chemicals, dopamine and glutamate, independently contribute to the development of cocaine addiction.
253. Professionals are often required in this area, but you don't have to be a fully trained nurse, doctor, speech therapist, nutritionist or physiotherapist to contribute.
254. These are all welcome to contribute to the strengthening of Sino - US economic ties and cultural exchanges.
255. Peak tensile radial strains occurred as vertical bands throughout the anulus, which may contribute to radial tears and herniations .
256. Partitions of lightweight precast concrete blocks and hollow clay blocks have fire-resisting qualities and contribute to thermal insulation. They are, therefore, widely used.
257. But other factors contribute as well. Hankie says amid uncertainty and volatility in global stock markets, many investors have pulled pored money in commodities, such as oil. T.
258. How to make the development of this industry another new economic growth point to contribute to the invigoration of Northeast long standing industry base is very important.
259. The Nato Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen has said more members of the alliance need to contribute attack aircraft to the military operation in Libya.
260. But under the circumstances with incomplete information, price leadership may contribute to the coordination of prices among the enterprises and constitute the concerted practice.
261. As an applied form, advertising shoulder the responsibility to attract buyers and contribute to successful commercial transaction.
262. Conclusion:This study will contribute to clarification of the bioactive parts and the development of crinite uraria root.
263. Consider a single household, and suppose that household thinks the others will contribute S-1 to the building of the park.
264. Essentially, constructability means getting people, who contribute to a project, to work as a team.
265. By enabling employees to contribute to wikis, companies establish a self-checking, self-organizing method of documenting processes and facts about the business.
266. Strengthen to manage the alienation of the public power from the ethics angle will contribute to its reasonable and valid operation and the realization of its worth target.
267. At all hazards , and secured by the aid of my able coadjutors, I shall continue, while I am in being, to contribute to it whatever my weakened and weakening powers can.
268. When the world economy is short of demand, argues Paul Krugman, a Nobel prizewinner, countries that persistently spend far less than they earn contribute to global unemployment.
269. We propose that the various degrees of ankyrin-B loss of function contribute to the range of severity of cardiac dysfunction.
270. Called lysozyme and lactoferrin, both contribute to the antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory powers of human milk. And both are far more abundant in human milk than in the milk of other animals.
271. The first people to go are usually those who contribute the least value.
272. Faculty's mastering language, training of pedagogy, familiarizing with history and accomplishing of art contribute to the improvement in their humane quality.
273. "We hypothesize that an "epidemic" of HP infection in the oropharynx, due to changed sexual habits, may contribute to the significant increase in incidence of tonsillar cancer, " they write.
274. Polyphenolic compounds which exhibit important biologic properties are regarded as "skeleton component" in red wines since they contribute to organoleptic characteristics.
275. Other states in the region were just as dependent on the trade with Pontus and were therefore prepared to contribute to the costs of Athenian naval operations.




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