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单词 Folk
1. Poor folk [men] are fain of little. 
2. There's nowt so queer as folk
3. They sat round with guitars, singing folk songs .
3. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
4. I'm just folk.I have mood swings.
5. Some folk think I'm a grumpy old man.
6. Folk songs are part of our common heritage.
7. City dwellers think country folk have provincial attitudes.
8. Some old folk have peculiar tastes.
9. Ordinary folk can't afford cars like that.
10. Garlic was widely used in folk medicine.
11. Difficulties help to forge people into able folk.
12. He plays folk music with guitar accompaniment.
13. I'm sure there are some folk who would rather they weren't here.
14. I'd like a job working with old folk or kids.
15. A new day will come. And when the sun shines, it will shine out the clearer...Folk in these stories had lots of chances of turning back, they kept going because they trust that's some good in this world.
16. These hardy mountain folk seem to thrive on the cold.
17. Country folk can tell you that there are certain places which animals avoid.
18. You didn't just schlep your guitar around from folk club to folk club.
19. Old folk and children alike are all against the proposal, not to mention the youth.
20. It's the ordinary everyday folk who come to shop at this market.
21. Casey Jones is a well-known American folk hero.
22. I'm really into folk music.
23. He arranged many traditional folk songs .
24. The word "volk" translates literally as "folk".
25. Undoubtedly, public interest in folk music has declined.
26. The new folk song caught on really quickly.
27. He plays the guitar and sings folk songs.
28. This song is based on an old folk tune.
29. It's very noble of you to spend all your weekends helping the old folk.
30. Most of the people on the island are fisher folk.
1. They sat round with guitars, singing folk songs .
2. Some folk think I'm a grumpy old man.
3. Folk songs are part of our common heritage.
3. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
4. City dwellers think country folk have provincial attitudes.
5. Ordinary folk can't afford cars like that.
6. Garlic was widely used in folk medicine.
7. Difficulties help to forge people into able folk.
8. He plays folk music with guitar accompaniment.
9. It's very noble of you to spend all your weekends helping the old folk.
10. I'm sure there are some folk who would rather they weren't here.
11. I'd like a job working with old folk or kids.
12. These hardy mountain folk seem to thrive on the cold.
13. Country folk can tell you that there are certain places which animals avoid.
14. You didn't just schlep your guitar around from folk club to folk club.
15. It's the ordinary everyday folk who come to shop at this market.
16. She is a folk singer.
17. I am not very fond of folk dance.
18. She struck up a folk melody on the piano.
19. My daughter loves folk songs very much.
20. For an encore, he sang an unaccompanied folk song.
21. Nothing has begun to interest her so much as folk music.
22. The little girl knows a good many folk songs by heart.
23. Most of the people on the island are fishery folk.
24. She is humming a folk song that I never heard before.
31. Hal led the evening off with some folk songs.
32. The entertainment was provided by a folk band.
33. Garlic is widely used in Chinese folk medicine.
33. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
34. The old folk sat and talked.
35. The old town hall now accommodates a Folk Museum.
36. A military band played Russian marches and folk tunes.
37. The young folk were emigrating en masse.
38. He's appearing at a local folk festival tonight.
39. He arranged traditional folk songs for the piano.
40. I enjoy listening to folk .
41. She is a folk singer.
42. I am not very fond of folk dance.
43. She struck up a folk melody on the piano.
44. Popular music evolved from folk songs.
45. Folk music is currently enjoying a renaissance.
46. My daughter loves folk songs very much.
47. For an encore(), he sang an unaccompanied folk song.
48. The programme is 90 minutes of dynamic Indian folk dance, live music and storytelling.
49. The children put on a play adapted from a Russian folk tale.
50. She had an interest in the folk customs of ancient societies.
51. The herb is used as a folk remedy for a baby's teething pains.
52. The town is still deeply marked by the folk memory of the Depression.
53. Jazz has its roots in the folk songs of the southern states of the US.
54. It might be a good idea to kick off with a few folk songs.
55. We need more folk heroes like we need a hole in the head.
56. She rationalized away the superstitious beliefs of the country folk.
57. The mayor is still a folk hero in Chicago's black community.
58. He is something of a folk hero in these parts.
59. Detailed study of folk music from a variety of countries reveals many close parallels.
60. Nothing has begun to interest her so much as folk music.
61. I'd die myself before I'd let anyone enslave your folk ever again.
62. Jack was a folk hero in the Greenwich Village bars.
63. The little girl knows a good many folk songs by heart.
64. The music was a hybrid of western pop and traditional folk song.
65. She travelled the highways and byways of Scotland collecting folk songs and local traditions.
66. I have always been regarded as a foreigner by the local folk.
67. If only I'd listened to the old folk telling their stories.
68. Young folk these days don't know the meaning of work.
69. The Arts Centre is hosting a folk festival this summer.
70. His repertoire includes a large number of Scottish folk songs.
71. Most of the people on the island are fishery folk.
72. She is humming a folk song that I never heard before.
73. At the 1965 Newport Folk Festival Bob Dylan was barracked for using electric instruments.
74. DiMaggio was an authentic folk hero.
75. Contemporary Indian cinema has its roots in folk culture.
76. Two old folk - we echo in it.
77. Sadly( ), country folk have caught on.
78. Packmen and poor folk rode Shank's pony.
79. It has a charming folk cast to it.
80. As with folk, it's a natural process, simply reflective.
81. His parents were hard-working country folk.
82. During the evening, there is traditional folk dancing.
83. But there's 100 folk after every job.
84. Black oral history died with the old folk.
85. Like most folk wisdom it is true, I think.
86. One form of this is called folk etymology.
87. Most folk around here are pretty friendly.
88. This is a folk tale.
89. Derbyshire folk may query the authenticity of this but I defy them not to enjoy the results.
90. He's appeared at folk festivals all over the land and is in constant demand for club work.
91. Both peoples comprise regions with historical boundaries and both had memories, or at least folk memories, of autonomous institutions.
92. Needless to say, swing has been enjoying a rebirth lately, with ordinary folk getting into the craze.
93. When we inquired if there was some hidden agenda here, the good folk denied it,() and we believe them.
94. Magee College hosts a programme of special events that includes art exhibitions and concerts by folk musicians of local and national reputation.
95. He admired some of them as determined but ordinary folk.
96. Similarly, she arranged and encouraged folk dancing groups in the town, monthly reading circles and visits to theatres.
97. From the Dwarves, the Deep Ones of the Greshorns, the oldest folk of the earth.
98. The great cantors developed their own special variations on the liturgy, largely on the basis of folk tradition.
99. It has evolved from the simplest folk through the mannered court and finally to the expert classical dance.
100. It also conveys the mood and emotions of the Girl, a very rare happening in true folk dance.
101. Too bad this disc puts so much emphasis on traditional folk tunes in its lessons.
102. Folk recipes to try: take a lukewarm bath with two cups of cider vinegar or some bicarbonate of soda added.
103. Does he not know that people will actually die, old folk who will turn down the heat without telling anyone?
104. Each evening at Skei there will special events such as folk dancing.
105. And the care these young folk give us is fantastic.
106. Some folk may be tempted to stay on the sidelines and keep cash in the bank or building society.
107. Stella's ambition is to get a job working with old folk.
108. Our 12th annual Folk Festival is coming up again soon.
109. And as in folk medicine generally, if you believe it will help, it probably will.
110. But this was only innovative in so far as classical ballet was concerned as there are many 5/4 Slav folk dances.
111. Perhaps arising from the close personal comradeship of those war years was Basil's empathy with ordinary working folk.
112. At age 5, Jewel began performing in clubs as part of a folk music trio with her parents.
113. Hamilton, who was a great student of folk art, was driving us in the school van.
114. Say goodbye by joining in an optional evening's excursion and enjoying traditional folk dancing and singing.
115. The participants in folk dance can and certainly do show elation.
116. In this day room we again met the most interesting folk.
117. Embarrassment is the name of the game in Dame Edna's Neighbourhood Watch - and ordinary folk are the victims.
118. With his expensive clothes, elite education, and distinguished demeanor, he was different from the rustic and plain Avon folk.
119. GUHgl-MUHgl n. A folk remedy for sore throats and colds.
120. Today the only traditional costumes to be seen are those worn by the flower-sellers and folk dancers.
121. Tests have shown that about half of the traditional folk remedies of such areas have pharmaceutical potential.
122. The children were encouraged to take ballroom and folk dancing as part of their physical training curriculum.
123. Like much political folk wisdom,() this particular belief is of recent origin.
124. Some of the new findings, though, support previously unsubstantiated folk wisdom about alcohol and caffeine.
125. The folk wisdom led Tory politicians to dismiss opinion poll findings suggesting the opposite.
126. We have an alarming number of distressing cases in our files of youngsters, families and old folk who need us.
127. Fortunately a small group of folk banded together determined to save the bird and the rescue operation began.
128. This Navajo folk tale describes the creation of the Earth.
129. Many of those responsible saw their task as one of assimilation - to bring northern folk into southern-based cultures and modern ways.
130. The young folk need to have a place where they can go in the evenings.
131. Many of her first attempts were little more than workmanlike folk songs.
132. But the defeat did not dampen the enthusiasm of the Biarritz folk.
133. The key was to draw as firm a distinction as possible between the mirza and ordinary folk.
134. Luckily for us simple folk the game plot is very straight forward.
135. And the official line, as well as school lessons and folk knowledge, all colluded with the withholding of information.
136. The bridge was pedestrian-only and had been taken over by assorted buskers playing jazz or folk music.
137. The four pharmaceutical best-sellers are witness to the poor folk who have nothing better to do than watch all-night television.
138. A weekly gala dinner is held with folk music, and a piano bar provides music three times a week.
139. Its victims are usually poor folk made poorer by the white elephants their leaders have inflicted on them.
140. There wasn't even a pub any longer and half the cottages were empty, only the old folk left.
141. Voters' trade-off between taxes and services has changed since 1979 - and anyway the folk wisdom was always misleading.
142. They looked like two ordinary folk, as they got in his car and left the lot.
143. Its country folk are very much at one with the land.
144. Women ran screaming with children in their arms, and old folk tripped over one another trying to escape the slaughter.
145. Much easier to turn on poor folk like Gladys Brown, who couldn't defend themselves.
146. The custom of carving jack-o'-lanterns can be traced back to an old Irish folk tale.
147. The village was crowded. Old folk ambled, fanning themselves with hats or newspapers, slowing down their progress.
148. I used to go along to Greenbank Hospital's geriatric wards, where I sang and played to the old folk.
149. The witch image, however, does, remain, at least as a folk memory.
150. What chance have we lowland city folk got when we're confronted with maps covered in names that look like anagrams?
151. He was discovered again during the folk boom that came just after his death in 1961.
152. The event will be followed by a Pan-Orthodox folk dance celebration.
153. Although traditional, these instruments are still used to accompany folk dances today.
153. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
154. That is certainly how those years are enshrined in the folk memory of theoretical physicists.
155. The difference is essentially one of the spirit and it manifests itself in the habits and attitudes of country folk.
156. Several nightclubs, together with pubs, jazz and folk clubs, provide a wide choice of entertainment.
157. Why is there not a more even distribution of left-and right-handed folk?
158. Intellectual Dublin seemed no longer to consist of writers, but of folk singers, bearded or otherwise.
159. Concurrent with major exhibition at Ulster Folk and Transport Museum.
160. It is also worth noting that after his death he seems to have remained as a hero in folk memory.
161. Only the faded sashes they wore, and the weapons they carried, marked them as anything but ordinary folk fleeing the marauders.
162. Every now and then, everyone knows, folk flip their lid and take their holiday anyway.
163. Umbria is a wonderful region where life is simple and the people are unpretentious country folk.
164. The hippy thing is endemic to the culture a pint, a joint and a bit of folk music.
165. Louisa's parents were country folk and believed very much in herbal remedies.
166. The radio folk have some homework to do between now and Thursday.
167. Folk products, particularly wood carving, are delightful souvenirs to take home.
168. But the Lower East Side was merely squalid-an intolerable affront to respectable folk.
169. We want to see beautiful people we can be envious of, not ordinary folk who remind us of ourselves.
170. But these are not ordinary folk from middle Britain, the normal protagonists on Esther Rantzen's afternoon programme.
171. Umbria is a wonderful region where life is simple and the people are decent country folk.
172. The programme for the Spring Thing, Darlington's annual festival of folk music, song and dance is out.
173. One of her worst fears is that folk will shun her because of what's happened.
174. Maxims, proverbs, and other forms of folk wisdom give a person reasons for obeying rules.
175. A growing number of clubs and societies such as the movie-makers, art appreciation and folk club, all receive Union subsidy.
176. And take for his reward the lands of the folk he decides have broken the law?
177. Nor are folk expected to doss down on a pair of planks across the bath.
178. Folk who think you need to hit a ball with a stick to earn a drink.
179. Normally, once these older folk have attended a course they are keen to participate in others.
180. The second model is what the researchers call the gay folk construction of risk.
181. She was cleaning up after white folk as she had done in Texas, but it was a job.
182. Acoustic and folk music fans are familiar with her 20-year span of live performance and recorded works.
183. You had to talk to those dear old folk at the Empress and I don't blame you.sentence dictionary
184. Its destruction and decay may have lodged in folk memory and been Christianised into the version we have today.
185. Old folk ambled, fanning themselves with hats or newspapers, slowing down their progress.
186. I joined other escaping mums - and dads and younger folk and older folk too.
187. They agreed that they must seal off this inner courtyard and all within it, and sift through the trapped folk.
188. At midnight, too, some high-spirited folk take part in all sorts of capers.
189. Yes, it was tacky, but some of those pictures were folk art.
190. One folk tale about Johnson suggested he was protected by an extraordinary power.
191. The customers were mostly farming folk, a hardworking and hard-drinking set of locals who, in general, were convivial and congenial.
192. Peasant folk flocked to his hut for comfort and confession.
193. While southern church folk ranted about the invasion of do-gooders, they raved about black roles in Reconstruction.
194. An ancient folk tale, it became the source of a number of legends and literary adaptations.
195. All of which might lead you to believe they were rather learned, charitable folk.
196. I am initiating, with others, a midweek activity on Friday nights, for church young folk.
197. It was a part of folk wisdom that providing houseroom for a widowed parent could lead to intense family friction.
198. Its unique folk art has been featured by the Smithsonian Museums and other prominent art galleries throughout the U.S.
199. The folk dances and national costumes are a delight to see and the splendid copperware, embroidery and lace make original souvenirs.
200. The design is inspired by Russian folk art and craftsmanship.
201. The underlying ethic is that of the traditional folk mythology from which we started out.
202. Tibetan music includes folk music and religious music.
203. The famished old folk could only swallow their tears.
204. The town folk know him as Mr. Dickey.
205. This is a folk tale known all over China.
206. He who holds back arisen anger as one checks a whirling chariot, him I call a charioteer; other folk only hold the reins.
207. As Seeger explains it, the folk singer and activist had his financial aid rescinded after his sophomore year because he got too interested in left-wing politics and let his grades slip.
208. Bawling in front of their booths, and yokels looking up at the tinseled dancers and old rouged tumblers, while the light-fingered folk are operating upon their pockets behind.
209. Acanthus ilicifolius Linnaeus is widely use in folk as Mangrove, but the active components or the active parts was not clear.
210. He always includes a few folk songs on his programs; they are his stock in trade.
211. Until November last year, the Taiwanese folk - pop crooner had hidden behind a cute caricature.
212. The folk customs in Min dialect areas breed and develop the local colloquial languages.
213. From the perspective of folklore, sociology and cultural anthropology, festival is regarded as a folk record and interpretation of cultural elements and the actual image of the abstract history.
214. If you're familiar with this kind of folk music, you should have heard names like Dadawa, Liu Sola, and more recently, Sa Dingding.
215. Primitive religion includes worship of natural, totem and ancestor, Manitou concept, witchery, taboos, religion festival and folk tales.
216. Heterophony widely exists in folk music,[http:///folk.html] and it is a most common texture form of folk multipart music.
217. Guthrie considered "God Bless America" too complacent, so he wrote a folk song with overtly political verses that are sometimes omitted in performances.
218. The paper - cutting artistic figure is a traditional folk art of this locality.
219. His first effort, in three languages, was a re-creation of an old folk tale about, what else, a boy and his donkey.
220. This paper carry on the investion of medico-plant in Aconitum from xinjiang Kazak, it has knowed that the medico-part of Aconitum and the folk medico-method.
221. At the level of the individual word is folk speech, including dialect and naming.
222. He believes that Wenzhou folk houses in Shanghai is a deep-seated causes, simply say " disinvestment " or "transfer" are not accurate.
223. She likes the folk art of paper - cut very much.
224. In the age-old tradition of creative folk, they were just looking for a gig to support their art.
225. Both the television and radio productions are narrated by a folk guitarist, Ani DiFranco.
226. Moldova's folk dance passionate, poetic, slightly melancholy, and fully reflects the character of this nation.
227. You should go to some kind-hearted folk to beg for food because you are poorer than anybody else.
228. Acoustic guitar is usually used for classical music, folk music and pop music.
229. With the effective of zone, the language, consuetude , folkway and circumstance with the folk music attached are quite different.
230. The Cai's lacquer engravings reminiscently remain the unique folk art in southern Fujian province.
231. Economical folk - customs and mushroom folk - songs that encompass mushroom planting are outstanding representative elements amon.
232. A neo-Classical representation of folk music and simplicity, this small work was written in honor of Enesco and Jora on their 60th and 50th birthdays.
233. In folk Urtica cannabina L. is used to treat arthritis and joint muscular rheumatism, postpartum palpitation, infantile convulsion, urticaria, viper bites and so on.
234. The mythical wild animal have always been folk as plutus, prosperous wealth and peace of god beast.
235. It could also embody the historic process that the thearchy of emperor was on the wane and the folk religion gained in strength in the Pre-Qin, Qin and Han Dynasties.




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