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单词 Voter
1. The election results were nullified because of voter fraud.
2. A voter must necessarily be no younger than eighteen.
3. When you are 18, you are a legal voter.
4. Voter turnout was high at the last election.
5. One voter in Brasilia summed up the mood — "Politicians have lost credibility," he complained.
6. The Opposition alleged voter intimidation by the army.
7. Are you a Labour voter?
8. Voter turnout was very low.
9. Voter apathy is especially high among young people.
9. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
10. The voter turnout in most precincts is expected to be high.
11. Voter abstention is seen as the only real form of dissent in elections.
12. In Iowa, exit polls reflected similar voter antipathy.
13. It requires voter approval of any new tax.
14. I actually think he's pr9bably a secret Republican voter.
15. His sidekick Sergeant Lewis is a Labour voter.
16. Foreign affairs do not usually interest the average voter.
17. Yet statistics show voter turnout sliding down.
18. Turnout dipped despite an increase in voter registration.
19. Outside groups also will be pushing voter turnout.
20. Voter turnout will be in the single digits Tuesday.
21. Voter participation has declined by 5%.
22. The voter is required to state his preferences, and to state them once for all, before any votes are counted.
23. It is difficult to find a single Labour voter in Frinton.
24. Representatives for all the main candidates are trying to mobilize voter support.
25. There's a new exit on the information superhighway-a virtual voter registration booth.
26. With an election approaching, both political parties are encouraging voter registration.
27. To assure party loyalty, the precinct captains merely accompany the voter into the voting machine.
28. However, if the additional constraint is binding, the median voter would no longer be able to choose E 1.
29. In their more extravagant flights of fancy the choice thus offered to the voter is extended to cover specific heads of policy.
30. The event served as the kick-off to a minority voter outreach program in San Mateo County.
1. The election results were nullified because of voter fraud.
2. A voter must necessarily be no younger than eighteen.
3. When you are 18, you are a legal voter.
4. Voter turnout was high at the last election.
5. Representatives for all the main candidates are trying to mobilize voter support.
6. One voter in Brasilia summed up the mood — "Politicians have lost credibility," he complained.
7. The Opposition alleged voter intimidation by the army.
31. Voter turnout was down by 3.1 percentage points to 62.9 percent.
32. And one voter remains on the rolls even though she has missed 13 straight elections.
33. John Wood is the kind of registered voter who gives President Clinton a big anxiety headache.
34. Hermandad is one of the agencies where Arauz said she saw workers assisting noncitizens with voter registration forms.
35. Jenkins complained about alleged voter fraud in predominantly black New Orleans precincts, which made the difference in his narrow loss.
36. It has a magic sound to a voter, just like fairyland is spoken of and dreamed of by all chil-dren.
37. Another point of contention: how serious voter fraud had been.
38. Last winter, I suggested giving the early primaries to the states with the highest voter turnout in the prior presidential election.
39. Voter frustration with spending and taxes may well stall the New Progressivism before it can even start to overcome that perception.
39. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
40. A 1995 reform measure gave Jones the go-ahead to compile a single state voter list.
41. Participation is measured using voter turnout, or the percentage of the eligible voters who actually voted in national elections.
42. Therefore, the first-past-the-post system ensures that a Conservative voter living in Glagow has no representative in Westminster.
43. Ammiano called for a probe into reports of voter fraud.
44. But that law was repealed as part of a legislative effort to boost voter registration and participation.
45. Knock off the sludge everybody knows remains on the voter rolls, and that 72 percent pushes 90 percent.
46. The turnout continues a downward voter participation trend that started in 1964.
47. The lower turnout came despite a surge in voter registration around the nation.
48. In Fig. 11-9 are illustrated the preferences of the median voter over a private good and the local public good.
49. Although open primaries increase voter participation, they also create the potential for sabotage.
50. For example, in addition to voter registration drives, there is a proposal by Rep.
51. The voter knows that an affirmative answer would be considered more respectable than the truth.
52. Despite his well-publicized death, Natali can still vote, the voter rolls say.
53. After his defeat by 984 votes, Dornan immediately claimed the election was marred by voter fraud, including voting by noncitizens.
54. This task force could examine the broader question of what types of projects should require voter approval.
55. Meanwhile, the voter information packets continued to sit in a warehouse as election day approached.
56. Triggering the voter fraud inquiry was a complaint by former Rep.
57. The best argument against democracy is a five- minute conversation with the average voter. Winston Churchill 
58. This played to Forbes' advantage, according to exit polling by Voter News Service.
59. He is undoubtedly right about certain basic trends: The evidence concerning decreasing social trust and falling voter participation is unambiguous.
60. The finding documented apparent voter fraud, but the numbers were nowhere near enough to change the results of the election.
61. I think we can eliminate blacks, women, and the younger voter from our enquiries.
62. Attorneys have told the districts they must seek voter approval of existing fees imposed in the past without a public vote.
63. Voter fraud case A House investigation of alleged voter fraud in the election of Democratic Rep.
64. But the tide of voter approval for her stand could scarcely be ignored by a party haemorrhaging support.
65. This money was to be used for grass-roots organization, voter registration and get-out-the-vote drives.
66. Another factor cited for low voter turnout by young people was their greater mobility.
67. Others are banking on the budget crisis in Washington to increase voter dissatisfaction with Dole.
68. It comes amid a campaign for voter registration for the region's first local elections, scheduled for the autumn.
69. Women are the biggest demographic group but not the only one that will be the target of voter registration appeals.
69. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
70. There is little disagreement that unfiltered television exposure for the candidates can not hurt in an era of declining voter participation.
71. And can they then cut through pervasive public cynicism and generate enough voter interest to enact their recommendations?
72. The official figure for voter turnout was over 1,600,000 people, representing just over 90 percent of those registered to vote.
73. To qualify for air time, volunteers for a particular candidate would have to collect a certain number of voter signatures.
74. Polls indicated education was one of the top voter issues, contributing to the pro-Clinton gender gap among women.
75. For the second time Daley had misjudged the voter appeal of a seemingly bland, stolid, young lawyer named Richard Ogilvie.
76. If the reversion level is, the median voter may vote for an output of almost.
77. Voter News Service, a consortium of the Associated Press and television networks, conducted the survey.
78. Mr. Ewing I am delighted to learn that you are a floating voter, Mr. Speaker.
79. The monitors cited clusters of cases of voter intimidation and polling officials ordering citizens how to vote.
80. In this case we have the simple result that the preferences of the median voter are decisive.
81. The Democrats had mounted an intense voter registration drive before the election,() bringing thousands of inexperienced voters on to the rolls.
82. What power does the voter have over a local contractor who is one further stage removed from public control and accountability?
83. Eight industrial proposals on the November ballot went down hard in the face of overwhelming voter disapproval.
84. The voter survey is crucial to the timing of the election.
85. For the first ballot each voter will indicate one choice from the candidates listed. 12.
86. He went to Tallahassee to help with voter registration, and there were a few bad riots up there that year.
87. As whites responded to black voter registration drives with bombings, arson, and shootings, the Justice Department did practically nothing.
88. Heavy voter turnout has been predicted for the first primary of 1996.
89. But conservative lobbying and fears of a voter backlash have prompted the government to crack down.
90. Aware that women outnumber men on voter lists, politicians from both parties are tailoring their campaigns accordingly.
91. Lucie and Martin counties, voter rolls expanded by 9. 2 percent and 5. 6 percent, respectively.
92. A voter turnout of 59 percent of some 13,300,000 registered voters was recorded for the Dec. 26 poll.
93. One result of voter passiveness Nov. 5 was the return to office of two leaders with highly advertised ethical problems.
94. The median voter model can be applied directly to yield predictions about the determinants of public expenditure.
95. Holding elections to seek voter approval of existing taxes and fees is another expense.
96. He promised to demystify the all-powerful presidency and make it more accountable to congress and the voter.
97. She said there is no evidence of concerted voter fraud in the stadium election.
98. California Secretary of State Bill Jones is probing complaints of voter fraud and improprieties in the election, according to informed sources.
99. Hermandad Mexicana Nacional is a national organization that offers citizenship classes and other immigration services and encourages voter registration.
99. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
100. The timing of female voter decisions adds to the election-eve tension.
101. The wage is set by the union executive to maximize the expected utility of the median voter.
102. Even some single-payer adherents say it would be miraculous if the initiative wins voter approval.
103. Ashcroft also addressed concerns raised about allegations of voter intimidation and other problems in Florida that may have depressed the black vote.
104. Given the costs to the individual voter of acquiring this kind of information, it is not surprising that intermediaries have emerged.
105. Voter turnout in local elections was frequently as low as 25 percent, in contrast with over 70 percent in national elections.
106. In most parliamentary democracies voter turnout tends to be around half to three-quarters of the electorate.
107. Yet statistics that show voter turnout slowly sliding down, down.
108. The 1996 presidential election, costliest in history, produced the lowest percentage of voter turnout since 1824.
109. Sometimes they can be alerted to their interests by aggressive voter education.
110. The senator cannot meet every voter face to face, but he is certainly doing his best.
111. Big voter registration drives are a commonplace in presidential election years.
112. In Fig. 11-10 the D curve is the demand curve of the median voter for the locally provided good.
113. It's time to get Britain working again - essential reading for every voter.
114. That process involves matching voter files with change-of-address forms and Arizona vital statistics.
115. The majority of eligible voters said they would rather not cast ballots, leading to the worst percentage voter turnout since 1924.
116. Elections Only corporate members may participate in elections, either as candidate, proposer, seconder or voter.
117. Social Psychology was built on studies of voter behavior, social power, and attitude change.
118. And major political issues are often decided on the basis of very low voter participation.
119. The need for these movements shows the ineffectiveness and unwillingness of the present system to deal with issues central to the voter.
120. The average Republican voter boasted a middle-class or higher standard of living.
121. We therefore explicitly model the union wage-setting process in a median voter framework.
122. Names of potential jurors are culled from voter registration lists.
123. The petitions had accused Biya of adding names to voter registration lists, setting up fake polling stations and withholding ballot papers.
124. Any such level of output will put the median voter on a higher indifference curve than would the reversion level.
125. In the polling booth, the voter marks his favourite candidate number one, his next best number two and so on.
126. Politicians seem to work on the assumption that the early bird catches the voter.
127. The state media reported a very high voter turnout.
128. Germany may be the swing voter in such cases.
129. Each voter could choose up to 20 candidates.
129. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
130. Voter turnout was low for the election.
131. In the federal court system, voter lists are used.
132. Amy Klobuchar was a swing voter this year.
133. The demonstrators marched to demand fairness in voter registration.
134. Includes terms of reference, membership, ordinance and voter registration.
135. Voter questions and candidate answers in town meetings are now the standard.
136. In both Egypt and Tunisia, observers will face histories of extensive election fraud, opposition party intimidation or prohibition, and high levels of voter skepticism.
137. A recent poll carried out by a market research company called Public Issue showed the main opposition party is beating the ruling Pasok socialist party in voter support.
138. With the high voter registration, many will be voting for the first time.
139. "We bought what he said. He offered a lot of hope," says Fred Ferlic, an Obama voter and orthopedic surgeon in South Bend who has since soured on his choice.
140. Among the alternative institutional arrangements, the median voter will choose the mechanism maximising her expected welfare.
141. This would boost voter choice and break the two-party duopoly.
142. That is increasingly vital as states enact polling place identification requirements and strictures on the voter roll.
143. Temperament is in the eye of the voter. Is one response evidence of composure and self-possession — or of being too laid-back and unassertive?
144. The SDF claims irregularities during the recent voter registration process.
145. The voter turnout was small and the margin tiny, in contrast to the previous election, when the Populist Party swamped the opposition, which was widely touted as a pro-business lobby.
146. Voter turnout was projected at 85 percent, a level not seen in 40 years.
147. Voter have is distance from the party by adverse publicity.
148. But they called for investigation of a large number of reports of voter registration cards being sold.
149. One had refused to pursue allegations of voter fraud in the 2004 governor's race in Washington state, which a Democrat won by a hair's breadth.
150. A "chastened" Obama promised compromise, but he viewed the "shellacking" as voter impatience with process more than with policy.
151. He made speeches from the stage about rendition, illegal wiretapping, voter suppression, no habeas corpus.
152. He tried to project an image the average voter could relate to.
153. We have to make sure that we do not lose the support of the shire voter.
154. The outcome of tomorrow's elections will be studied carefully as a signpost of voter intentions on the really big day this year.
155. A voter is only allowed five minutes to mark his ballot.
156. Anthony Kennedy, though conservative on most issues, is the court's swing voter.
157. United States, most of the elections are held together in November, so that a voter needs to make one visit to the voting place.
158. Voter turnout came out to be 43.6 per cent , with 1.33 million registered voters casting their ballots.
159. Voter turn - out in the second round was an astonishing 84 %.
160. In 1979 each voter only definitely threw the candidate's ticket.
161. State election officials reported a huge voter turnout on Tuesday.
162. The voter does not express blind confidence in the future comportment of one of the candidates. He approves or disapproves of an already accomplished service.
163. He's a Boswell voter.
164. In hindsight, I realize that the best way to obfuscate this link would be to use an MD5-generated hash value, effectively hiding all voter information.
165. She says that in Suleimaniyah voter turnout aboutpercent 85 percent and in Irbil it was percent.
166. The department, which is responsible for protecting voters' rights and preventing voter fraud, also has set up a Web site and toll-free phone number for citizens to file complaints.
167. The officials noted that similar attacks on Election Day could significantly impact voter turnout.
168. Party affiliation does not necessarily predict which candidate a voter will choose.
169. Heavy rains forecast for the northwestern and southeastern U.S. could affect voter turnout in those areas.
170. The official distributed written material about the election to every voter.
171. A low voter turnout is an indication of fewer people going to the polls.
172. Another concern is a drop in voter turnout compared to the 70 percent seen in 2004.
173. Looked on at present situation that the African lineage voter votes enthusiastically.
174. The banks would be freed faster than you can say "swing voter".
175. An independent voter likes a split ticket rather than a straight ticket.
176. Voter turnout was high, hovering at around 62 percent , compared with 51 percent four years ago.
177. She says that in Suleimaniyah voter turnout about 75 percentpercent and in Irbil it was percent.
178. In power - struggles with national governments, claiming voter support must be tempting.
179. Indeed, the only danger for the Kremlin is the possibility of an embarrassingly low voter turnout.
180. Analyses are also made on the rejection rate, malfunction rate as well as the failure probability of the logic voter system.
181. Voter demand that the candidate keep the pledge make as a condition precedent to election.




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