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单词 Participate
1) Other countries were invited to participate in the project.
2) Several experts will participate as technical advisers.
3) You may well participate with us in our gains.
4) All of us will participate in the profits.
5) Some members refused to participate.
6) Did you participate in this discussion?
7) The people are demanding a chance to participate more in government.
8) I doubt whether he will want to participate.
9) They expected him to participate in the ceremony.
10) I hope everyone will participate in this discussion.
11) His poems participate of the nature of satire.
12) She's hoping to participate in the next Olympic Games.
13) I participate your suffering and joy.
14) She didn't participate in the discussion.
15) All workers participate in the bonus scheme.
16) We want to encourage students to participate fully in the running of the college.
17) I couldn't assent to,[http:///participate.html] much less participate in such proceeding.
18) Everyone in the class is expected to participate actively in these discussions.
19) They will have the opportunity to participate actively in the decision-making process.
20) They welcomed the opportunity to participate fully in the life of the village.
21) He tamed the urge to participate in the new venture.
22) This autumn, 6000 residents will participate in the first phase of the project.
23) Young children will participate in a drama class without inhibition.
24) Both participate in war and advance its cause.
25) Some fully participate in the overparenting.
26) Veterans suffering ailments are considered more likely to participate.
27) Special-needs students also participate in the ninth-grade career-exploration activities.
28) The US was ready to train its troops to participate.
29) The school has not given them the same opportunities to participate in varsity sports that men receive.
30) Discussions were effectively stalled by the union's refusal to participate.
1) Other countries were invited to participate in the project.
2) Several experts will participate as technical advisers.
3) You may well participate with us in our gains.
4) Some members refused to participate.
5) The people are demanding a chance to participate more in government.
6) The US was ready to train its troops to participate.
7) The school has not given them the same opportunities to participate in varsity sports that men receive.
8) I couldn't assent to, much less participate in such proceeding.
31) We have black runners and black boxers, and they participate with everybody.
32) The great majority of the population are not allowed to participate in any political activities except those expressly encouraged by the regime.
33) Seniors also compile a series of graduation portfolios and participate in a portfolio defense.
34) Both of these dictionaries use structured grammar codes to indicate grammatical patterns in which the words may participate.
35) There is no classroom; students participate in a conference call each week for about two hours with an instructor.
36) To be truly democratic,[sentencedict .com] the subordinate must be willing to participate.
37) To Governments Democracy is the right of people to participate in running and determining their own destiny.
38) More than forty dealers in furniture and the decorative arts will participate and proceeds go to the Carnegie Museum of Art.
39) It was thus forced to participate in elections under the cover of front parties, currently the Socialist Labour Party.
40) We might participate in special exhibitions, which we are doing right now.
41) Keyes said he would not break his fast until he was invited to participate in subsequent candidate debates.
42) To know something is to participate in a communicable truth.
43) It is sufficient for the prosecutor to prove that the defendant intended to participate in an act of fighting.
44) Anyone can participate in summer schools, as no auditions are required, only completion of an application form.
45) And so can schoolchildren who volunteer to participate in athletic programs and whose expectation of privacy in the locker room is diminished.
46) She may also participate in the ward teaching, either at the bedside or by leading tutorial sessions.
47) This is important for determining the extent to which the congregation may participate in the prayer.
48) Women participate in poorer jobs and in the tertiary sectors, areas which have suffered the most from peripheral capitalist development.
49) Fortunately Roy was only toying with me, eventually agreeing to participate in good spirit.
50) The pupils participate in Junior School Assemblies twice a week and play an important part in the annual festivals and events.
51) The country earned Western criticism for failing to participate actively in the allied campaign in the Gulf.
52) Nearly all the internationally famous players had agreed to participate.
53) This program is totally free to the kids who participate, and the eventual national champions win college scholarships.
54) A minority-owned bank had agreed to the arrangements and several nonprofit housing sponsors were lined up to participate in the program.
55) Members pay a small fee to participate in some dining programs; others are gratis.
56) Alan Keyes, the only other Republican presidential candidate to participate in Louisiana, won no delegates.
57) Slowly and selectively the understanding of change and the desire to participate began to spread.
58) People in the upper brackets of income have the opportunity to participate in the stock and bond markets.
59) It was obvious that they participate fully, even in churches where the pastor is a man.
60) These findings suggest that media coverage did not play an influential role in encouraging people to participate in the Detroit riot.
61) He would therefore argue that conventions are established by their acceptance by those who participate in the political arena.
62) It is unusual for me to participate or to feel I belong if I do.
63) To participate in the diving program, you must show proof of scuba certification.
64) Results Of the 88 patients invited to participate, 62 fulfilled the inclusion criteria and agreed to the study.
65) It's to participate and support anything that encourages charities to strive for the highest standards.
66) The bureau has brochures highlighting outdoor activities that tourists can participate in -- activities that are well-suited for a recreational greenway.
67) The management of corporate culture is expensive of time to do it - the endless meetings that people participate in.
68) He enrolled in a private school but as a condition of his clemency was not permitted to participate in athletics.
69) Those two will not participate in the ceremonies,[http:///participate.html] he said.
70) Only around 2,000 people a year participate in the sport, which creates the equivalent of 300 full-time jobs.
71) Some older people want classes specially for their own age group; others want simply to participate in adult education generally.
72) Since Partnerships have a responsibility to achieve equal opportunities for all young people, community organisations should participate at the planning stage.
73) They claim the school would be more convenient for pupils who participate in the club.
74) What we want is a system that ensures the ability of citizens to participate in the selection of their representatives.
75) To stop Tootle from going astray, the townspeople get together and conceive ofa clever plan, in which they all participate.
76) The first period began after Chicago had decided to participate in the community development program.
77) They both participate in the regulation of the concentration of serum calcium.
78) Women participate, not as feminists, but as revolutionaries to free ourselves from exploitation.
79) The federal Family Support Act of 1988 required many welfare recipients to participate in education, training, or work.
80) Political and community structures must be changed to allow older people to participate on an equal basis with other age social groups.
81) The critical step is for clinicians to be willing to enter the arena and to participate.
82) The workers also were given the chance to participate in a job fair.
83) Team members may also participate in problem-solving task forces established to work on particularly difficult problems or those that cross team boundaries.
84) Eventually the medical school will arrange the funeral, and the family can participate if they wish. 8.
85) If a student has genuine religious objections to a school activity, they do not have to participate.
86) With students threatening to run a Barclays-style boycott against any that participate, stand by for more to pull out.
87) Students are highly motivated, participate actively in the learning process and receive feedback as to the progress made.
88) Because of family commitments, it is difficult to many people to participate in residential retreats.
89) Living art forms will finally use technology to bring art to the point where the brain can fully participate in it.
90) Nor do all who participate in a joint enterprise agree to its occurrence.
91) The four shortlisted groups will now get formal invitations within the next few weeks to participate in the consultation phase.
92) Dismiss, suspend, or demote all or any employees who participate in such strike or violation. 2.
93) Goldhagen found ample evidence that battalion commanders excused anyone who did not want to participate.
94) If the consumer decides to participate then he or she will require a racket, shuttlecocks, clothing and footwear.
95) It is unclear whether Perot will be allowed to participate in the three scheduled presidential debates, as he did last time.
96) I would also be invited to participate in a discussion on the bountiful attractions of timeshare property ownership.
96) Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
97) The continuous employment of proper symbols frees man to participate actively and fully in the dynamic totality of creation.
98) Their willingness to do so indicated a strong desire to participate in training.
99) Related Occupations Construction managers participate in the conceptual development of a construction project and oversee its organization, scheduling, and implementation.
100) Why loot and burn when you can participate, force the pace of change?
101) Legislation will not necessarily change the role of interest groups so that citizens can participate fully in democracy.
102) Thirty four patients fulfilled these criteria; of these, 25 gave informed written consent to participate in the study.
103) The stadium campaign organization says it did not authorize or participate in improper conduct.
104) It can be shown that individuals and groups welcome the opportunity to contribute to debate and to participate in policy making.
105) Normally, once these older folk have attended a course they are keen to participate in others.
106) Now business owners must participate in the process of documenting the travel and entertainment expenses of their employees.
107) Now that facilities will be freely available and not the subject of constant negotiation we hope that even more undergraduates will participate.
108) The workers also participate in such matters as production scheduling, solving quality problems, evaluating performance and recommending new equipment.
109) They had approached Barlow to see if he would participate in the charity event.
110) By dispensing with the inconvenience of actually having to go somewhere to vote, they induce more voters to participate in elections.
111) It is time to move forward, to perform and to participate in the research that can help save black lives.
112) These teams will be trained in direction and how to participate in problem solving.
113) In order to participate meaningfully within the community members of this group must actively engage in the issues that confront them.
114) The state will provide child care when both parents participate in the training program.
115) This might include exploiting various language functions in different social contexts, as well as being able to participate in conversations.
116) Elections Only corporate members may participate in elections, either as candidate, proposer, seconder or voter.
117) We might speculate that those with dementia would be less willing to participate in a research project than the mentally fit.
118) Solicitors also participate in social activities likely to get them and their firms known to potential clients.
119) Until now the Bush administration has refused to participate in such a programme.
120) We also invite our children to participate fully in conversation.
121) Teachers or students so exempted may remain in the classroom and sit or stand respectfully while others participate in the ceremony.
122) There appears to be potential for self-selection bias in the schools that participate with the Advocate Unit.
123) Although large-scale telecom operators to participate in community service competition in the market, but porcupines can still win.
124) Annette joined a new company so she could get in on the ground floor . That way she can participate in the company's growth.
125) This nine-night SHAKTI people are to participate in worship activities.
126) If we all have a desire to know, ? doesn't this connote something universal, that all should be free[], that all should participate in ruling and being ruled as citizens of a city?
127) Current Issues: Describe the reasons for your organization claiming the need to participate in the training and dialogue program, with reference to issues or problems to be addressed.
128) Meaning: participate something unfamiliar E. G. I always feel excited to step off the deep end though it carries a bit risk.
129) Participate in China Data Center operation support under the guidance of operation manager.
130) Participate in religious activities often, be firm in your belief. Keep pleasant and optimistic attitudes.
131) As far back as 1905 he deemed it impossible for the Bolsheviks to participate in the Petrograd Soviet, unless the Soviet recognized beforehand the leadership of the Social Democrats.
132) On behalf of the country, CCPIT is entitled to participate in the world fairs organized by Paris International Exhibition Bureau.
133) Most institutional shareholders have opposed the plan, announced in February, mainly because it ignores their pre-emption rights, or right to participate in the fundraising.
134) The people's jurors participate in court trials. Except for ineligibility for serving as presiding judge, they share equal rights with other judges according to law.
135) Players will play an aristocratic descent, has-been invited to participate in "Dou Dezhu, " World Tour, four aristocratic daughter to accompany you to Doude Zhu.
136) Cote de Lapin Wine Club invites our member to participate this charity. No matter how much you donated that will be appreciated. Cote de Lapin Wine Club will be the delegate to make donation.
137) And think of DanSi seurat balaam, and feel very sensible, finally couldn't help start to get to participate in the wedding.
138) Actively participate in social practice. Including sales promotion, agency, promotion, expansion and so on.
139) Trade union organization should actively participate in the democratic management and supervision of college, and give full play the role of protection, construction, participation and education.
140) Article 25 A worker who fully or partially losses the capability of civil conduct shall have his statutory agent participate in arbitration.
141) Any of a family of subatomic particles that participate in strong interactions, are composed of a quark and an antiquark, and have masses generally intermediate between leptons and baryons.
142) The firms can logout the shares or hold them as the treasury stock after repurchase. But these shares can't participate in calculation return per share and distribution proceeds.
143) Those students who appear unengaged in the class are given the opportunity to participate. All students are made to feel special.
144) Stock options provide an opportunity for you to participate in equity ownership of the Company.
145) Chinese Wushu, as a form of sports practice and unique cultural phenomenon of human intelligence, must widely participate in worldwide transcultural communication in a positive attitude.
146) By now, all nations have agreed to participate except for Andorra, the Holy See and the United States.
147) The majority of the justices participate in what is called the “cert pool,” where cert is short for writ of certiorari.
148) Therefore, they participate in and commentate on state affairs in practice.
149) Arthur Toga, a brain-mapping expert at the University of California, Los Angeles, who didn't participate in the study, called the work well done and the statistical results strong.
150) Former Nebraska quarterback Sam Keller traveled to Tampa Thursday to participate in the Tampa Bay Buccaneers ' rookie mini-camp.
151) Conclusion Abnormalities of intracerebral neurotransmitters, acetylcholine, noradrenalin, 5-hydroxy tryptamine may participate in the pathogenesis of obsessive-compulsive disorder.
152) In early 2008, a final exam to participate in Shunde District, second in the overall grade point average the region.
153) Every character in the nuclear boat, are the prevailing party to participate in a large portrait photo engraving, and figures while less than 2 mm, but all vivid vivid, lifelike.
154) Participate department budget planning and reviewing try to achieve budget target.
155) Actively participate and lead the generation of product improvement ideas for assigned product lines.
156) Both quests will take players around the world and through the Stygian Abyss and require the Stygian Abyss expansion to participate./participate.html
157) It can be concluded that the non-living calcium-phosphate materials can participate in the activity of living tissue in vivo.
158) We had to speed things up urgently because considering the penalisation it was of fundamental importance to participate in the Champions League.
159) Vitamins participate in a wide range of metabolic functions and it is an important active substrate to keep life and healthy of animals.
160) Microsoft, Pepsi-Cola, KPMG and Toronto City Council are among 50 employers that have encouraged staff to participate.
161) The Economic and Social Council shall invite any Member of the United Nations to participate, without vote, in its deliberations on any matter of particular concern to that Member.
162) To launch the 23andMe Parkinson's initiative, the organizers publically invited anyone with Parkinson's disease to participate.
163) Foreign teachers shall participate in teaching research activities and other business activities of Department of English.
164) I didn't participate this capriccio , I had nothing to do with this matter.
165) Although membership in AACS is required for participation in the Annual Meeting, non-members are welcome to submit proposals, join the Association and participate in the Annual Meeting.
166) I don't know if there is an official recusal but he's said he's not going to participate in the MFG inquiry.
167) My dear mates, today we will hold English spelling contest, students are welcome to participate ...
168) In addition, all teachers and college students must participate in at least one basic computer course.
169) They were delayed because zoo-goers in the US had grown so fond of the pandas and because the pair were not ready yet to participate in the programme.
170) To controlillegal economic fields and participate in legal investment fields are the two major types of their activities.
171) And the Norwegian Health and Rehabilitation Association and International Biophilia Rehabilitation Institute will organise groups to participate in the forum.
172) We, too, cherish the opportunity to participate in the decision - making process.
173) Log operations can be treated as well as other updates to participate in atomicity.
174) Vascular endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs) participate not only embryonic vasculogenesis but also postnatal vascular repair, generation and growth of tumour.
175) At the end of the supervised learning, students participate in a preceptorship and job search training, to help transition them from student to graduate.
176) Actively participate and lead the generation of product improvement ideas for assigned product line.
177) If designer confirm to participate in the consultation activity upon letter of invitation is received, the designer shall fax a confirmation sheet.
178) This was not the first time the 552nd ACW Airmen were asked to participate in a "Transformers" film.
179) Did the project team participate in the function point count?
180) The acceptor of the holder to participate in and be the acceptor for honor of all the parties responsible for flac.
181) We insist wanting his student to participate in this work.
182) If it refuses to litigate against the audited entity, the people's court shall notify the audited entity to participate in the litigation as a codefendant.
183) Official creditors (including the ECB) might take a hit, making it even more difficult for them to participate in other bailouts.
184) We defined an accredited investor as someone who can participate in a DPP or other sophisticated programs.
185) Over half the population of this country participate in sport.
186) We welcome people of all races, people from outstation and overseas to participate.
187) At present, non-government organizations(NGOs)indirectly participate in WTO dispute settlement system as the amicus curiae is a kind of feasible way.
188) On the other hand it is difficult to get rid of the idea that"gentleman shame talking money", and participate in the commodity transaction.
189) According to Bloomfield deputy librarian Carol Mueller, the library organized casual-dress days on Fridays for several months and charged $1 donations from staffers who wanted to participate.
190) These budgets serve as targets, against which the department's actual, performance participate in the budgeting process.
191) Secondary market, the stock resume trading limit, to participate in is slim.
192) When you join PartnerWorld as an ISV and participate in the industry networks at the Member level, you gain access to benefits that help you plan and build your business.
193) Participate in release of new applications or databases, ensuring proper system validation document procedures have been followed and all document stored according to document retention policy.
194) We had hoped the commander would allow her to participate in the decommissioning ceremony.
195) No business tax is levied on the behavior of using immovable property to invest and buy shares, participate in receiving the investor's profit distribution and jointly share investment risks.
196) Ma Yun says, often be this kind of immediateness experience stimulated constant motion to wear that individual of the mouse, come in, stay a little while more, participate in share.
197) The State shall encourage government, organs, enterprises, institutions, social organizations and citizens to participate in and support activities aimed at science and technology progress.
198) In this part, two questions will be described: One is the participate of responsibility insurer.
199) The adrenal medulla hormone may also participate in the course of regulation.




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