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单词 Defense
1) In his defense he alleged temporary insanity.
2) Leagues are commonly made for mutual defense.
3) Our defense should be strengthened.
4) The best defense is offense.
5) He was the then secretary of Defense.
6) The Defense Secretary gave an upbeat assessment of the war so far.
7) The defense wants the district Judge to throw out the case.
8) The secretary of defense briefed the president on the enemy's strength.
9) In her defense Halen alleged temporary insanity.
10) New Zealand was weak in defense.
11) The Redskins' offense is stronger than their defense.
12) Shea's testimony threw the defense off stride.
13) Only perfect defense could set four spades.
14) Defense planners predict an extended period of retrenchment.
15) A Defense Department spokesman briefed reporters.
16) The defense attorney phrased his summation at last.
17) Fellow Republicans rallied to the President's defense.
18) My profession touches our national defense very closely.
19) The lawyer produced a clever defense of his client.
20) The judge was in the defense lawyer's pocket.
21) The defense called only one witness.
22) National defense must take precedence over all other questions.
23) Defense attorneys tried to poke holes in Rodger's story.
24) Forts are framed for defense.
25) Steve anchors the team's defense.
26) The attorney for the defense challenged the juror.
27) A thick overcoat is a good defense against the cold.
28) NATO defense ministers wrap up their meeting in Brussels today.
29) We have already succeeded in working out ground rules with the Department of Defense.
30) He sees the proposal as more of a diplomatic gambit than a serious defense proposal.
1) Our defense should be strengthened.
2) The best defense is offense.
3) He was the then secretary of Defense.
4) The Defense Secretary gave an upbeat assessment of the war so far.
5) The defense wants the district Judge to throw out the case.
6) We have already succeeded in working out ground rules with the Department of Defense.
7) He sees the proposal as more of a diplomatic gambit than a serious defense proposal.
8) The defense attorney phrased his summation at last.
9) Washington advocated the coffee break, then, as a morale builder — particularly for the defense workers.
10) His defense, which seems credible on the evidence so far, is that the bank masked its skullduggery so completely that no regulator anywhere in the world ...
11) Those war plans rested on a belief in the ineluctable superiority of the offense over the defense.
12) defense, which seems credible on the evidence so far, is that the bank masked its skullduggery so completely that no regulator anywhere in the world could.
31) She has been designated by the President as the next Secretary of Defense.
32) The jury must take into account any mitigating circumstances presented by the defense, such as previous good character.
33) Millions of dollars were poured into the maw of defense spending.
34) Jean wrote a letter to the paper in Angela's defense.
35) Let's first suppose the second defense line has been destroyed.
36) The attorney for the defense challenged the evidence as hearsay.
37) Prosecution and defense lawyers are expected to deliver closing arguments next week.
38) The defense attorney argued that the judge should declare a mistrial ./defense.html
39) He plays on defense.
40) Washington advocated the coffee break, then, as a morale builder — particularly for the defense workers.
41) He realized none of his schoolmates would come to his defense.
42) His defense, which seems credible on the evidence so far, is that the bank masked its skullduggery so completely that no regulator anywhere in the world could get a handle on it.
43) His defense, which seems credible on the evidence so far, is that the bank masked its skullduggery so completely that no regulator anywhere in the world ...
44) The weakness in their defense has already cost them dearly this season.
45) The prosecution and defense were bandying accusations back and forth.
46) Those war plans rested on a belief in the ineluctable superiority of the offense over the defense.
47) She is the chair of the Defense Advisory Committee on Women in the Military.
48) The press corps was primed to leap to the defense of the fired officials.
49) The attorney quickly turned his main defense argument on its head.
50) Twenty eight percent of the federal budget is spent on defense.
51) defense, which seems credible on the evidence so far(), is that the bank masked its skullduggery so completely that no regulator anywhere in the world could.
52) The defense is expected to call them as witnesses .
53) He has been stepped up to the Ministry of National Defense.
54) The Defense Department has given its blessing to the scheme.
55) Raytheon is a defense contractor and engineering concern.
56) And the defense came alive in the second half.
57) Buddy Ryan gave him the best defense ever assembled.
58) They have hired separate criminal defense attorneys.
59) Monday's debate on the defense bill lasted all night.
60) Exhibit A in defense of the caveman.
61) Strength lies not in defense but in attack. Adolf Hitler 
62) Morgan is a well-known defense attorney.
63) The defense contends the fight was an isolated case.
64) Throughout Defense, people buy by the book.
65) But the defense came on strong in the playoffs.
66) More cuts in the defense budget are expected.
67) One, you have confidence in your defense.
68) She offered the familiar argument that a strong domestic steel industry is needed for national defense.
68) is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
69) After the defense finishes its closing argument, the prosecution will have the opportunity to reply.
70) In brief, the President plans to cut defense spending and lower taxes.
71) Shaq, this move is only effective against a certain type of defense.
72) A globe-trotting, business-building commerce secretary, he operated on the theory that a good defense is a good offense.
73) One question defense lawyers could raise: Can the miles be transferred without the consent of the owner?
74) Three thousand factories and defense facilities are contaminated by radiation.
75) This was my last burst of anger in defense of President Reagan.
76) A science-fiction thriller about a planet that is mired in civil war and whose computerized defense system runs amok, threatening everyone.
77) ValuJet approached the Pentagon in August 1995 to be included among the airlines certified to carry Defense Department personnel for official travel.
78) The cantankerous aide organized support for health care reform, coordinated the Whitewater defense and helped chart the course to renomination.
79) Things could improve as the effects of a tax break for defense manufacturers become evident.
80) Looking relaxed and rested, Simpson answered friendly questions from his defense attorney for nearly three hours.
81) C.-The smallest Raiders offensive player presents the biggest challenge to the Carolina Panthers' defense.
82) The Defense Department has been pressing private contractors for options to speed up deployment of missile defenses.
83) Goldston told jailers he was doing so because he wanted cigarettes, magazines and Los Angeles defense attorney Johnnie Cochran.
84) Agriculture was California; there were no sprawling defense and aerospace industries, there was no Silicon Valley.
85) Schriefer is executive director of the Business Executives for National Security commission examining the defense infrastructure.
86) The overwhelming caseload has made the government reluctant to postpone trials, even though virtually all of the suspects lack defense attorneys.
87) Lincoln felt that McClellan had not allotted an adequate force to the defense of Washington.
88) Matsch will take up other defense challenges to prosecution witnesses next week.
89) Jody keeps Sally in for twenty-three minutes, watching her pick up the offensive plays and bluff her way through the defense.
90) Henry H.. Shelton expressed concern last week to Rumsfeld about the defense secretary s review of the military.
91) The decision appeared to stagger defense attorneys Williamson and Michael W.. Krumholtz.
92) S Department of Defense in the hopes of understanding better the concept of deception.
93) The defense also alleges that Cosby set up a trust account for Jackson in 1994 to pay for her schooling.
94) It helps when I have the option to go back to defense.
95) For the specter of world revolution still haunts world capitalism, and the Yankee bomb is its ultimate defense.
96) The new coach pushed defense, the stuff of playoff contenders.
97) Theseus leaped to the defense of the bride and struck down the Gentaur who was trying to carry her off.
98) I wish I had the energy that my grandchildren have - if only for self- defense. Gene Perret 
98) try its best to gather and create good sentences.
99) A judge this week is to rule on a defense request to reduce or overturn her second-degree murder conviction.
100) As with the national budget, defense takes a big chunk out of our software spending.
101) The ambiguity in the flow of authority made that a difficult defense to challenge.
102) Meanwhile, his defense lawyers chipped away at the prosecution's arguments.
103) The judge will quiz jurors individually about their views on abortion and the insanity defense beginning Tuesday.
104) Wars are not really acts of aggression and defense, for we must recognize a difference between proximate and true causes.
105) I piped up in his defense, having had moments to collect my thoughts.
106) More importantly, the defense finally made a critical play when called upon.
107) The ability to leverage private capital has also come to be increasingly expressed in defense of sorely needed downtown redevelopment activity.
108) Finally, the weight of scientific evidence, wielded by an implacable defense attorney, got Miller released and another man indicted.
109) Those feelings were reinforced by news reports saying McVeigh confessed to the bombing during interviews with his defense team.
110) Mark Fuhrman, who was subsequently criticized for racial bias by both defense lawyers and prosecutors.
111) After two years in office they had increased the defense budget from $ 40 to $ 46 billion.
112) Anders believes those psychic perks were partly to blame for the occasional criticism he received from other defense executives.
113) Hastings said he would approve the trip unless the defense attorneys could cite legal precedents supporting their argument.
114) Perry, a successful businessman, brought a brisk and decisive managerial style to the Defense Department.
115) The government news agency Notimex said 15 were dead while a Civil Defense spokesman said he had reports of 25 confirmed killed.
116) In addition to the Navy and civilian employees, dozens of defense contractors have relocated or beefed up local offices.
117) Fujisaki will probably rule next week on whether defense lawyers can draw a more sinister inference from the delay during closing arguments.
118) Now, thanks to modern architecture and a porous defense, neither is a problem.
119) A source close to the defense team said the no contest plea was a key element in plea bargain negotiations.
120) But defense attorneys in a number of cases already are being notified that the document may contain information pertaining to their clients.
121) The defense contends the video is proof the socks were planted because there are no socks on the tape.
122) The author wishes to acknowledge the assistance of the Defense Department.
123) Fujisaki also ruled that the defense should be allowed to air its frame-up theory in full detail during closing arguments next week.
124) A local congressman said the canceled deployment illustrated that too much money has been cut from the defense budget.
125) Critics accused him of not wanting to rebuff the Defense Department during an election campaign.
126) Richard Perle was a brilliant, brooding defense expert with strongly neoconservative leanings.
127) A team captain, Gumina had earned a reputation for stiff defense, clutch play.
128) Maybe the Braves can send their batboy on to the field for better defense.
128) is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
129) Most criminal cases are therefore settled without trial by the process of plea bargaining between the prosecutor and the defense attorney.
130) After the defense finishes its closing argument, the plaintiffs will have the opportunity for a brief rebuttal.
131) Similarly in the international arena, an emasculated politics is incapable of sustaining an effective national defense.
132) In the area of basic national defense the frequent need for absolute secrecy is, of course, self-evident.
133) Also putting in strong years: aerospace and defense, oil drilling and medical device companies.
134) The charitable thing to do would be to attribute this to great defense.
135) Eisenhower had his greatest difficulties with the Army, for it suffered most from his refusal to increase the Defense Department budget.
136) In the civil trial, the judge gave the plaintiffs almost everything they asked for, while severly limiting the defense.
137) Gilliam said he felt a calling to do ministry work in the community while working in the defense and aerospace industries.
138) The chores collectively equal defense, something Stanford clearly does not treat as an afterthought.
139) The President might be willing to compromise on defense spending.
140) It cost government and defense contractors $ 5. 6 billion in 1995 to protect classified national security information.
141) Plants and many insects and amphibians have an additional method: chemical defense.
142) Gary was an electrical engineer for a defense contractor in the Washington area.
143) His assembled group of lawyers is referred to as the Big Green Defense Team.
144) Defense lawyers are arguing that the police botched the investigation.
145) Replays of the scene seemingly ignited radio talk show callers to the defense of the Bruins star and to attack Kasper.
146) The defense attorney, in the midst of arguing his motion, suddenly began gagging an coughing.
147) One benefit, he said, is the closer working relationship between defense contractors and the Navy.
148) It was a military program developed under the cognizance of the Defense Department.
149) Opponents of missile defense will cite the miss as proof that politics has been driving the development schedule.
150) It will provide security and real-time features required by government intelligence and defence agencies, Department of Defense contractors and others.
151) But there were also a boatload of questions about his defense, maturity and ability to get along in the clubhouse.
152) He came to the defense of his younger brother, Von, by swinging a chain at his attacker.
153) He puts it this way: Every defense company figures a certain amount of overhead into every contract.
154) Then, trials frequently proceeded without defense attorneys because only 3 percent of defendants could afford them, Gahima said.
155) He previewed the coming Congress, hoping for bipartisan consensus in trade, taxes, defense.
156) The Raiders spent most of their bye week adjusting their defense and offense.
157) At least 50 percent of the Soviet budget in one form or another goes to the military defense complex.
158) Cohen made his comments during his first news conference since becoming defense secretary.
159) Excellence in defense management will not and cannot emerge by legislation or directive.
160) Congress has backed down on its demand for an increase in defense spending.
161) Anders says his bold actions awakened the rest of the defense industry.
162) During and after the war,[] Mr Packard co-founded an association to get more defense contracts for West Coast firms.
163) The retrial is now in the defense rebuttal phase, and closing arguments are tentatively set for next week.
164) Mostly because of his defense and athletic ability, his playing time has increased the last two weeks.
165) Prosecutors called 24 witnesses, all of whom underwent aggressive cross-examination by the defense.
166) The proposed test program is inadequate to ensure the necessary reliability before we begin to spend big money on national missile defense.
167) A less intelligent and less secure judge might have permitted the defense to explore these avenues.
168) I don't even call it violence when it's in self defense; I call it intelligence. Malcolm X 
169) The defense contends that linking those dots properly reveals a picture of Simpson as an innocent man wrongly accused.
170) Merger mania and speculation about a Boeing-McDonnell Douglas combination boosted the shares of aerospace and defense stocks.
171) In the second half, the Steelers defense resembled a swarm of bumblebees.
172) The annual defense budget stands at about $ 7 billion-40 times smaller than U.S. expenditures.
173) The bread and butter of defense attorneys is to see how many people they can put on trial.
174) The Department of Defense, especially, has a history littered with weapons programs and other projects canceled for good cause.
175) Many members of Congress of both parties serve districts harboring big defense contractors that would be affected.
176) The vendors' protests inspired newspaper columnists on influential papers to come to their defense.
177) The defense attorney pleads against the jury.
178) It alters the single IP and single rate controls of traditions and uses multilateral rate controls, the active defense way with agent filtering system may be more powerful.
179) In conjunction with Lockheed Martin, Lakota and other participating small businesses are working on Defense Department-funded programs under the Small Business Innovation Research program.
180) Several thousands of Lebanese have been killed at the hands of the Israeli Defense Force.
181) I've been working at NASA, developing hydropowered missile defense systems.
182) The political police have been bureaucratically elevated and placed directly under the National Defense Commission, from where Kim Jong Il runs the state.
183) In recent years, one of the underlying features in our game has been Lock-On Defense.
184) Prof. Charles Francis Xavier: Anonymity is the mutant's first defense against the world's hostility.
185) The new president's appointee for Undersecretary of Defense for Policy, Michele Flournoy, was asked about that at her Senate confirmation hearing on Thursday.
186) Both missiles flew successfully, but missed each other because of a problem in the sea-based X-band radar, the department's Missile Defense Agency said.
187) Sida Liu and Terence Halliday, who study the Chinese legal system, estimate hundreds of defense lawyers have been prosecuted under "Big Stick 306."
188) So your forte , so to speak, is defense, not scoring points.
188) try its best to gather and create good sentences.
189) So it can give a new thought for the close-in defense.
190) You are the leaven which binds together the entire fabric of our national system of defense.
191) The defense right is the right that can defend the other party's request or view in the bilateral contract .
192) Global city lights, derived from 9 months of observations from the Defense Meteorological Satellite Program, are superimposed on a darkened land surface map.
193) But neither sunscreens nor the body's defense mechanism work all of the time.
194) Therefore, the protective enzymes in Hevea brasiliensis seedlings function synergistically in defense of potassium stress in all the organs of young rubber seedlings.
195) I was very happy when I won the First Defense Team last season, because I think that the defenses are very important.
196) This paper mainly studies the actuality of defense sci-tech resources, and brings forward some advices in policy, information channel, management mechanism and sharing system.
197) Since the Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) initiated what it calls the prime vendor program, the Pentagon has been encouraged to buy from a cherry-picked group of manufacturers.
198) Civil Defense authorities say 18 bridges and many more roads have been destroyed.
199) Paul Shawcross, from NASA's Office of Inspector General, came to the agency's defense in comments published on CCNet -- a scholarly electronic newsletter covering the threat of asteroids and comets.
200) I got a program called deadbolt defense and a girl with only a couple of hours to live, so what do you know?
201) Terror experts from the State Department and Defense Department quickly began analyzing the situation.
202) The application right, with its special characteristics, is an important right granted to lawyers by law in the process of criminal defense.
203) The A400M is Europe's biggest defense program, bearing hopes of breaking U.S. industry's lock on strategic and tactical military airlift with the C-17 and C-130J.
204) According to an Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) rapid-response team, a large proportion of the wounds treated at their field hospital in Haiti were infected with Gram-negative pathogens.
205) So far, NYSE has adopted a "just say no" defense to Nasdaq and ICE's overtures, and Deutsche Boerse has shown no intention of changing its deal.
206) Finally, the methods of passive ranging which are used by infrared detection system to defense cruise missile are introduced.
207) The third was a secretary of war who knew nothing about military matters and defense.
208) Most of our defense budget goes for conventional forces and manpower.
209) DARPA officials plan to use the cyber range to test technology for the Global Information Grid, the Defense Department's network for warfighters and other personnel.
210) Air defense weapon system is a complex system, it is characterized with synchronism and concurrency.
211) The result shows that the technical stability of Chinese team is low, and they could hardly complete the attack and defense technique efficiently in a whole match.
212) On national security, he frameshis non-interventionism as both a cry for fiscal sanity -- wars are expensive-- and a defense of the Constitution.
213) This research could be used to detect the special individual in spaceflight project and defense project.
214) Bryant is the best one of the defense, defense is close-fitting oppressive.
215) In these commission trials, the defendants are prosecuted, judged and represented by U.S. military lawyers, but private lawyers have volunteered to be part of the defense team.
216) Plaette tangs are also known as surgeonfish because they use a sharp spike on their tail for defense. Ouch!
216) try its best to collect and build good sentences.
217) Ground-nesting birds like the brush turkey are precocial — they hit the ground running when they are born, a crucial defense from predators.
218) Meanwhile, NATO defense ministers pledged at their conference to deploy additional fixed and rotary wing aircraft to help intensify their efforts in Libya.
219) The Germans had not mounted any defense at all on the east bank of the Seine, but that left the Meuse, Moselle, Roser , Saar, Waal, and Rhine Rivers and their tributaries to go.
220) Only this would provide a credible defense against a militarily superior India.
221) Defense attorney to aspects and so on murder evidence raised the objection.
222) This experiment discussed the effect of yolk antibody on the passive immunity defense through preparing high-titer yolk antibody against the high-efficient rabbit's viral hemorrhage.
223) Once the BF-1 has completed its inaugural flight, the US Department of Defense is expected to release funding for the purchase of six F-35B aircraft for the US Marine Corps.
224) The standard air defense fire unit theory demand was calculated by adopting damage probability method and damage target mathematical expectation method.
225) The report, given by Vice Adm. Lowell E. Jacoby , director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, stated that "with the exception of naval forces, Iran's military modernization has been stagnant."
226) Method 12 neurotic depression, 56 major depression and 38 other neuroses were investigated by the Type A Behavior Questionnaire(TABQ)and Defense Style Questionnaire(DSQ).
227) Additionally, a Department of Defense project at SDSU is working to produce jet fuels from biomass such as prairie cordgrass.
228) The CVRJ and Band C programs are satisfying an urgent Department of Defense requirement for increased system production in order to prevent the detonation of radio-controlled IEDs.
229) With the development of missile defense system, the penetration of ballistic missile will faces with a greater menace, and the midcourse of ballistic missile is the focus of countermine.
230) EADS is the European aeronautic defense and space company, the parent of Air bus.
231) Air defense weapon system is a complex system, it is characterized with asynchronism and concurrency.
232) General Michael Maples, head of the U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency, the plotters received direction from al-Qaeda in Pakistan.




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