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单词 Conference
1. Reading maketh a full man, conference a ready man, and writing an exact man. 
2. The conference rose to applaud the speaker.
3. The conference delegates included representatives from abroad.
4. Around 350 delegates attended the conference.
5. The conference delegates were transfixed by her speech.
6. We stayed at a student hostel during the conference.
7. Nearly all the members attended the conference.
8. The conference was very well organized.
9. The conference was hailed as a great success.
10. The conference degenerated into a complete fiasco.
11. The conference approved a proposal for a referendum.
12. Mr. Hobby is in conference with his advisers.
13. She's waiting for you in the conference room upstairs.
14. The Aids conference will be held in Glasgow.
15. He is one of the delegates to the conference.
16. She is attending a three-day conference on Aids education.
17. He is the spokesman for the conference.
18. The conference might reconvene after its opening session.
18. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
19. Dillon made the announcement at a news conference.
20. The conference ended with a plenary debate.
21. The conference broke for a recess.
22. The conference came to a speedy end.
23. Complete disarmament was the ultimate goal of the conference.
24. There has not been much publicity about this conference.
25. The theme of the conference is renaissance Europe.
26. The association is having its annual conference next week.
27. Hordes of journalists jostled for position outside the conference hall.
28. The conference is going to be a lot of extra work.
29. Reading make a full man, conference a ready man, and writing an exact man.
30. The strike was timed to coincide with the party conference.
1. The conference rose to applaud the speaker.
2. The conference was very well organized.
3. The conference was hailed as a great success.
4. The conference degenerated into a complete fiasco.
5. The conference approved a proposal for a referendum.
6. Mr. Hobby is in conference with his advisers.
7. The Aids conference will be held in Glasgow.
8. She is attending a three-day conference on Aids education.
9. He is the spokesman for the conference.
10. The conference might reconvene after its opening session.
11. Dillon made the announcement at a news conference.
12. The conference ended with a plenary debate.
13. The conference broke for a recess.
14. The conference came to a speedy end.
15. There has not been much publicity about this conference.
16. The conference is going to be a lot of extra work.
17. The strike was timed to coincide with the party conference.
18. The conference gave its official sanction to the change of policy.
18. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
19. Really it's a workmanlike conference rather than a dramatic one.
20. The chairman told a news conference that some members of staff would lose their jobs.
21. At the concluding press conference, both leaders said that the talks had been constructive.
22. Research is also advanced by frequent conference to exchange experience.
23. She picked up the gauntlet in her incisive Keynote Address to the Conference.
24. The general opinion is that the conference was a success.
25. They decided not to send a delegate to the conference.
26. Representatives from over 100 countries attended the International Peace Conference in Geneva.
27. The conference discussed the fair distribution of income and wealth.
28. The conference provides a useful forum for the exchange of views and ideas.
29. Sir David Bellamy was a guest speaker at the conference.
30. The conference closed with a short speech by the organizer.
31. The conference gave its official sanction to the change of policy.
32. The minister held a press conference in order to pre-empt criticism in the newspapers.
33. Environmental groups plan to stage public protests during the conference.
34. Really it's a workmanlike conference rather than a dramatic one.
35. The chairman told a news conference that some members of staff would lose their jobs.
36. At the concluding press conference, both leaders said that the talks had been constructive.
37. Research is also advanced by frequent conference to exchange experience.
38. She picked up the gauntlet in her incisive Keynote Address to the Conference.
39. The suggestion was made at the conference, but they threw it out.
40. The general opinion is that the conference was a success.
41. Mr Kobayashi was chosen to represent the company at the conference.
42. They decided not to send a delegate to the conference.
43. Representatives from over 100 countries attended the International Peace Conference in Geneva.
44. Reading makes a full man, conference a ready man, and writing an exact man.
45. The announcement was made in an impromptu press conference at the airport.
46. The conference discussed the fair distribution of income and wealth.
47. The visitor opened the wrong door and broke in on a private conference.
48. The conference provides a useful forum for the exchange of views and ideas.
48. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
49. Sir David Bellamy was a guest speaker at the conference.
50. The conference closed with a short speech by the organizer.
51. For this year, we have decided to change the format of the conference slightly.
52. The press conference was followed by a walkabout and a factory visit.
53. In an awkward press conference, Mr King parried questions on the allegations.
54. The conference terminated yesterday.
55. The French contingent certainly made their presence known at this year's conference.
56. But few at the conference in London last week heeded his warning.
57. Political leaders have reached a tentative agreement to hold a preparatory conference next month.
58. The whole conference was totally disorganized - nobody knew what they were supposed to be doing.
59. The conference begins this week against a backdrop of unmitigated gloom.
60. The members of the committee agreed to press for the conference to deal with the problem.
31. For this year, we have decided to change the format of the conference slightly.
32. The press conference was followed by a walkabout and a factory visit.
33. In an awkward press conference, Mr King parried questions on the allegations.
34. The French contingent certainly made their presence known at this year's conference.
35. But few at the conference in London last week heeded his warning.
36. Political leaders have reached a tentative agreement to hold a preparatory conference next month.
37. The whole conference was totally disorganized - nobody knew what they were supposed to be doing.
38. The conference begins this week against a backdrop of unmitigated gloom.
39. The prime minister delivered the keynote address at the conference.
40. Shortly afterwards, Dawson received an invitation to speak at a scientific conference.
41. The conference brought together historians working in a variety of fields.
42. All the nations of the world will be represented at the conference.
43. The results of conference are still confidential.
44. The SDP - Liberal Alliance is holding a conference.
45. We listened in on the premier's press conference.
46. We got acquainted at the conference.
47. Mum stocked up the freezer for us before she went to the conference.
48. The representatives pronounced against the decision made at the conference.
48. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
49. An item of prominence on the conference agenda was infant health care.
50. As a diplomat, you have to pick your words at a press conference.
51. The conference discussed, amongst other things , the problem of environmental protection.
52. The conference heard an appeal from a representative from one of the more deprived areas.
61. The conference will be attended by Ian Taylor, Joe Sellars and A.N. Other.
62. The prime minister delivered the keynote address at the conference.
63. Shortly afterwards, Dawson received an invitation to speak at a scientific conference.
64. She gave her reaction to his release at a press conference.
65. The conference brought together historians working in a variety of fields.
66. All the nations of the world will be represented at the conference.
67. The conference merely pointed up divisions in the party.
68. The press conference was a complete shambles.
69. This afternoon the Palestinians held an impromptu press conference.
70. This conference in itself constitutes a solid achievement.
71. I filled them in on the conference.
72. He decided to call off his regular press conference.
73. The announcement was made at a news conference.
74. Knots of delegates stood around outside the conference centre.
75. We've decided to hold the conference every second year.
76. Documents will be available at the news conference.
77. The conference room reeked of tobacco smoke.
78. This is the fifth day of the conference.
79. Her press conference was a masterpiece of media manipulation.
80. The conference examined key issues relating to the reform.
81. Christians of all denominations attended the conference.
82. The Conference is more or less over.
83. The two parties clashed in the conference.
84. No fewer than 2(),[http:///conference.html]000 delegates attended the conference.
85. Management had a joint conference with the union.
86. The conference will now rise for dinner.
87. The conference will recess till tomorrow morning.
88. Are you presenting a paper at the conference?
89. The results of conference are still confidential.
90. I'll have a conference with the manager.
91. The conference adopted a document on minority rights.
92. The Foreign Minister represented the country at the conference.
93. The Jordanian leader seemed amenable to attending a conference.
94. Japan is playing host to the next international conference.
95. The tobacco smell in the conference room revolted her.
96. The SDP - Liberal Alliance is holding a conference.
97. Such threats could scuttle the peace conference.
98. Venice provided the mise-en-scene for the conference.
99. The academic conference was hosted by our universtiy.
100. The conference was attended by delegates from 56 countries.
101. I'm speaking at/attending a conference next week.
102. They were pointedly absent from the news conference.
103. Each union elects several delegates to the annual conference.
104. An atmosphere of optimism dominated the conference.
105. Who is going to open the conference?
106. Birmingham is hosting a three-day conference on drugs.
107. I'm hoping to do some networking at the conference.
108. She's covering the party's annual conference.
109. We met at an international conference.
110. He managed the conference very capably.
111. They are all gathering for a major conference.
112. Security around the conference hotel seemed almost casual.
113. The catering arrangements for the conference have fallen through.
114. Ms O'Neill isn't available at present. She's in conference.
115. A buffet was laid out for the conference delegates.
116. The meetings are always in the main conference room.
117. Should I book the conference room for the meeting?
118. Conference rooms were equipped at great expense.
119. He's tied up in conference all day.
120. We're driving up to Chicago for the conference.
121. I'll look out for you at the conference.
122. He's giving a paper on thermodynamics at a conference at Manchester University.
123. The conference is a good place to share information and exchange ideas.
124. At a news conference yesterday, the two men described their ordeal.
125. Have we to make our own way to the conference?
126. This year's conference will be held at the Hilton Hotel.
127. The focus of the conference shifted from population growth to the education of women.
128. Her enthusiastic speech set the tone for the day's conference.
129. The conference is now debating the motion and will vote on it shortly.
130. She called a news conference to give her side of the story.
131. There has not been much publicity about this conference at the top level.
132. The ratio of men to women at the conference was ten to one/10:1.
133. The delegates trailed back into the conference room for the afternoon session.
134. He represented to the press conference that the government was to be reorganized in the near future.
135. The Government will try to spin out the conference into next autumn.
136. This solution is a fudge rushed in to win cheers at the party conference.
137. The library has three levels, with a conference centre at ground level.
138. The self-declared guardians of law and order held a press conference.
139. The chairman ranged his eyes over the crowded conference room and began his speech.
140. The press conference had to be rescheduled for March 19.
141. Carol held a press conference and declared that she was innocent.
142. The college has invested $2 million on a new conference hall.
143. I've been invited to give a talk at the conference.
144. The police called a press conference to appeal for witnesses.
145. Her clothes, of course, marked her off from a great number of the delegates at the conference.
146. Few reporters turned up to his press conference about low pay.
147. The party leader made a morale-boosting speech from the conference platform.
148. The prime minister outlined the privatization plans at a press conference.
149. They have tabled a motion for debate at the next Party Conference.
150. Hughes, opening the Conference, made a dramatic plea for peace.
151. The president of the board of directors convoked a conference to discuss the future of the company.
152. He told a news conference that the elections would be a masquerade.
153. He didn't want to be involved in the organization of/for the conference, although he was willing to attend and speak.
154. Ministers from all four countries involved will meet at the conference table this week.
155. The peace conference would have to be held in a neutral country.
156. There will be no refund for cancellations made within 10 working days of the conference.
157. At a later news conference, he said differences should not be dramatized.
158. We have just received the information about the forthcoming conference.
159. Her employer was in conference with two lawyers and did not want to be interrupted.
160. The conference is an excellent excuse for a few days' holiday by the sea.
161. They sat down at the dinner table, as they always did, before the meal, for a conference.
162. On the radio I caught Mr Hague's concluding remarks at the Blackpool conference.
163. The leaders attending the conference have issued a joint communique.
164. Can you recap the points included in the regional conference proposal?
165. The conference gets under way later today with a debate on the family.
166. There were so many people at the conference that I couldn't pick him out.
167. She suggested Paris as a good place for the conference.
168. Have you got the poop sheets ready for the press conference?
169. The Prime Minister will be giving a press conference tomorrow morning.
170. A declaration will be issued at the end of the aforementioned UN conference.
171. At the press conference, he came over as cool and confident.
172. The Conference called on all good men to come together to resist socialism.
173. He expects to iron out these difficulties at a special conference next week.
174. The press conference simply provided more fodder for another attack on his character.
175. The conference centre provides office facilities such as computers and faxes.
176. I've been saddled with the job of organizing the conference.
177. It is most desirable that he should attend the conference.
178. The spokesman was bombarded with questions on the press conference.
179. The conference should provide an arena for marketing our new products.
180. He made his comments at a news conference in Amsterdam.
181. They will call a press conference as soon as the results are known.
182. One shouldn't underestimate the difficulties of getting all the political parties to the conference table.
183. A family bereavement meant that he could not attend the conference.
184. He read a paper at a medical conference on the results of his research.
185. A phrase from the conference floor set my mind wandering.
186. We're working on the assumption that the conference will take place in Canada, as planned.
187. Last weekend the Roman Catholic Church in Scotland held a conference, attended by 450 delegates.
188. Canceling the conference will make a very bad impression .
189. This conference capped weeks of negotiations between the two parties.
190. I made a lot of useful business contacts at the conference.
191. Delegates at the conference were taken on field trips to see the devastation.
192. The premier touched upon some issues at the press conference.
193. He will be given a rough ride at the party conference.
194. She returned from the conference with a rich harvest of knowledge.
195. He has offered seats at the conference table to the Russian leader and the president of Kazakhstan.
196. We're hoping that we'll at least cover costs at the conference.
197. Heads of state from all over the Arab world gathered for the conference.
198. The information was given at an unusually well-attended press conference yesterday.
198. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
199. The conference was organized by a group of sixth-formers at the local school.
200. At the press conference, he sounded at his most relaxed.
201. The RSC was calling a press conference to announce the theatre's closure.
202. They've chartered a plane to take delegates to the conference.
203. Fear of terrorist attack has turned the conference centre into a fortress.
204. The Prime Minister's fierce speech set the tone for the rest of the conference.
205. An item of prominence on the conference agenda was infant health care.
206. After his election victory, the president held a morning-after news conference.
207. The press conference was her first direct encounter with the media.
208. He recapitulated the resolution demanding better conditions which had been passed in the conference.
209. The ritual of the party conference is acted out in the same way every year.
210. The aim of the conference is to promote international friendship.
211. The minister faced a tough grilling at today's press conference.
212. We are working on the assumption that the conference will take place as planned.
213. We'll be able to assess the competition at the conference.
214. The conference discussed, amongst other things , the problem of environmental protection.
215. The conference was seen as an ideal vehicle for increased cooperation between the member states.
216. The conference heard an appeal from a representative from one of the more deprived areas.




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更新时间:2024/7/6 5:18:17