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单词 Attend
1. We were obligated to attend the opening ceremony.
2. He offered to go and attend to the matter.
3. It is important for him to attend every day.
4. Which school do they attend?
5. He did not attend the meeting yesterday.
6. He was invited to attend a seminar in Paris.
7. He telephoned to say he couldn't attend the meeting.
8. Attend to what concerns you.
9. Women are not allowed to attend public gatherings.
10. I didn't attend the meeting owing to the headache.
11. You can't attend two concurrent events!
12. He had to attend a sequence of meetings.
13. I had promised Nightingale to attend the lecture.
14. She does not attend often.
15. There are no compulsions on students to attend classes.
16. It is important that he attend every day.
17. It is important that he should attend every day.
18. I have some urgent business to attend to.
19. I take it as a pleasure to attend your lecture.
19. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
20. Attend to me(), children.
21. Your job is to attend the meeting and report back to the board of directors.
22. It is most desirable that he should attend the meeting.
23. I can't attend the meeting but I'll send my assistant in my stead.
24. Would everyone who wishes to attend the dinner let me know by Friday afternoon?
25. He left, saying he had pressing matters to attend to.
26. Doctors tried to attend to the worst injured soldiers first.
27. They were offended by his refusal to attend the party.
28. Mrs Spratt regrets that she is unable to attend owing to a previous engagement.
29. The law holds parents liable if a child does not attend school.
30. I must offer them an apology for not going to attend their get-gathering.
1. He offered to go and attend to the matter.
2. It is important for him to attend every day.
3. Which school do they attend?
4. He did not attend the meeting yesterday.
5. Attend to what concerns you.
6. Women are not allowed to attend public gatherings.
7. I didn't attend the meeting owing to the headache.
8. You can't attend two concurrent events!
9. He had to attend a sequence of meetings.
10. There are no compulsions on students to attend classes.
11. It is important that he attend every day.
12. It is important that he should attend every day.
13. I take it as a pleasure to attend your lecture.
14. It is most desirable that he should attend the meeting.
15. The law holds parents liable if a child does not attend school.
16. I must offer them an apology for not going to attend their get-gathering.
17. Would everyone who wishes to attend the dinner let me know by Friday afternoon?
18. Doctors tried to attend to the worst injured soldiers first.
19. They were offended by his refusal to attend the party.
19. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
20. Mrs Spratt regrets that she is unable to attend owing to a previous engagement.
21. They would spin and weave cloth, cook and attend to the domestic side of life.
22. Over a third of those now at secondary school in Wales attend schools with over 1,000 pupils.
23. I was unable to attend because of a previous engagement.
24. I applied for the post and was asked to attend an interview.
25. It is earnestly hoped that you'll attend out tea party.
26. Parents are invited to attend the open house next Thursday.
27. The coach issued a diktat that all team members must attend early-morning practice.
28. At least a dozen people attend on the bride of the wealthy prince.
29. A student will probably attend four or five courses during each semester.
30. Will it be inconvenient for him to attend that meeting?
31. He says he has dropped out, and won't attend college any more.
32. I've been onto the general manager,he said he would attend the meeting.
33. They would spin and weave cloth, cook and attend to the domestic side of life.
34. You are cordially invited to attend the annual parish meeting.
35. The manager was unable to attend but sent his deputy as a substitute.
36. Over a third of those now at secondary school in Wales attend schools with over 1,000 pupils.
37. I was unable to attend because of a previous engagement.
38. Familiarise yourself with the new equipment before you attend to use it.
39. I applied for the post and was asked to attend an interview.
40. It is earnestly hoped that you'll attend out tea party.
41. Parents are invited to attend the open house next Thursday.
42. The coach issued a diktat that all team members must attend early-morning practice.
43. How many people attend church every Sunday?
44. Students are required to attend prayers twice a week.
45. You must attend to your studies.
46. He used to attend to his literary salons.
47. Our children attend the same school.
48. Stars including Joan Collins are expected to attend.
49. He was summoned to attend an emergency meeting.
49. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
50. She never failed to attend Sunday Mass.
51. The main thing is to attend to the injured.
52. The cabinet will also attend the meeting ex-officio.
53. Children must attend school between 5 and 16.
54. I esteem it an honour to attend this meeting.
55. Which school do your children attend?
56. I flatly refused to attend their reception.
57. Destruction and misery attend on war.
58. We must observe the decencies and attend the funeral.
59. Heads of state attend numerous functions every year.
60. All pupils are expected to attend school assembly.
61. May good fortune attend you!
62. He promised to attend but then begged off.
63. I regret that I will be unable to attend.
64. We felt honor bound to attend their wedding.
65. It was incumbent on them to attend.
66. The President left his sickbed to attend the ceremony.
67. She is a member but does not attend regularly.
68. Many young mothers do not attend antenatal classes .
69. Attend to your work and stop talking.
70. I've got some unfinished business to attend to.
71. Sadly we weren't able to attend the nuptials.
72. She was explicitly forbidden to attend.
73. Fever may attend a cold.
74. We had to attend a briefing once a month.
75. We were made to attend meetings every day.
76. The Press were not allowed to attend the trial.
77. Danger seems to attend everything they have tried.
78. I will attend you to the dance hall.
79. The staff will helpfully attend to your needs.
80. The vast majority of pupils attend state-funded schools.
81. Unfortunately( ), I won't be able to attend the meeting.
82. All interested parties are invited to attend the meeting.
83. He refused to attend out of sheer perversity.
84. They were asked to attend the meeting.
85. It's essential that you attend all the meetings.
86. I want to attend / go to your school next July.
87. We want the maximum number of people to attend to help us cover our costs.
88. Fifteen per cent of the population attend a place of worship.
89. She's been given leave of absence to attend a computer course.
90. I don't think there's any need for all of us to attend the meeting.
91. It might be appropriate for him to attend the course.
92. If you couldn't attend either of the concerts and are currently gnashing your teeth at having missed out, don't despair.
93. I am unable to attend because of a previous engagement.
94. At least a dozen people attend on the bride of the wealthy prince.
95. She has accepted your explanation as to why you didn't attend the meeting.
96. The students are showing their disapproval by refusing to attend lectures.
97. I'm sorry I can't attend your party, but I have a meeting on for that night.
98. You can attend embroidery classes under the tutelage of Jocelyn James.
99. Please fills me in on what happened at the meeting that I couldn't attend.
100. She was unable to attend because of the pressure of work.
101. Demonstrators were bussed in from all parts of the country to attend the protest rally.
102. I esteem it as a privilege to attend this meeting and give a report here.
103. Over a thousand people braved the elements to attend the march.
104. He adjoined the remark that he would attend the meeting.
105. She wouldn't be able to attend the lecture(), which was no great loss.
106. For certain reasons I will be unable to attend the meeting.
107. Mrs. Gottlieb presents her apologies and regrets she will not be able to attend.
108. If Jo can't attend the meeting, I could go instead.
109. She could at least have the good manners to let me know she won't be able to attend.
110. We're going to attend a formal dinner in aid of cancer research.
111. We need a better system of keeping count of the people who attend our concerts.
112. He will attend an outdoor concert in his honour in the centre of Paris.
113. Subjects had to attend ten test sessions on different days.
114. As a punishment,(http:///attend.html) she was not permitted to attend any school activities.
115. The two colleges have a reciprocal arrangement whereby students from one college can attend classes at the other.
116. He didn't want to be involved in the organization of/for the conference, although he was willing to attend and speak.
117. I feel honour bound to attend because I promised I would.
118. In a dramatic gesture, the prime minister refused to attend the meeting.
119. We will have to attend the ball just as a matter of form.
120. I can't attend to everything at the same time ——please come and help!
121. The doctor was called up three times during the night to attend urgent cases.
122. Around ten thousand ravers were expected to attend the open-air party.
123. Parents may be able to express a preference as to the school their child will attend.
124. She agreed to attend but jibbed at making a speech.
125. Your proxy may attend the meeting if you are unable to attend.
126. It was common practice for families to attend church together.
127. I can't see the visitors right now. I have an urgent matter to attend to.
128. Regulations require that students attend at least 90% of the lectures.
129. I am the first child in my family to attend college.
130. The tour has been timed to allow visitors to attend the opening night of the Verona opera season.
131. Some members travelled a considerable distance to attend the meeting.
132. We didn't expect such a large number of people to attend the concert.
133. All undergraduates reading English attend a turtorial group each week.
134. Funds are available to assist teachers who want to attend the conference.
135. He didn't attend that meeting under the pretext of sickness.
136. We are all expected to attend the reading of her will.
137. All club members are requested to attend the annual meeting.
138. He is due to attend the opening of the Asian Games on Saturday.
139. It would be to your advantage to attend this meeting.
140. It is only right and proper that you should attend his funeral.
141. It is most desirable that he should attend the conference.
142. All the local clergy were asked to attend the ceremony.
143. I'm afraid I have some pressing business to attend to.
144. A student will probably attend four or five courses during each semester.
145. That reminds me that I have a meeting to attend this evening.
146. I felt bad about not being able to attend your birthday party yesterday evening.
147. A family bereavement meant that he could not attend the conference.
148. The meeting is on the fifth and we're hoping everyone will attend.
149. As a mayor,(/attend.html) he has a lot of official functions to attend.
150. People come from the four corners of the earth to attend the annual festival.
151. An approximation of the numbers expected to attend would be 350.
152. It is important that students attend/for students to attend all the lectures.
153. The queen will attend the official opening of the theatre in June.
154. She sent word with her secretary that she would be unable to attend the meeting.
155. America is short-changing half its young adults by treating those who don't attend college as failures.
156. Large sections of the potential audience seemed indisposed to attend.
157. I can't attend the meeting in person, but I am sending someone to speak for me.
158. If, for any reason, you cannot attend, please inform us.
159. I'd like to round up the meeting by thanking all those who were able to attend at such short notice.
160. It's time for you to wake up and attend to your business.
161. The Matron at the nursing home expressed a wish to attend.
162. All three are Chelsea fans, and attend all home games together.
163. Attend to my word.
164. Her refusal to attend the dinner is being seen as a deliberate snub to the President.
165. She was allowed compassionate leave from work to attend her father's funeral.
166. If the situation demands,he must be able to attend the meeting.
167. I dream that my son will attend college and find a good job.
168. For certain personal reasons I shall not be able to attend.
169. No one was prepared to forgo their lunch hour to attend the meeting.
170. The Council has made it mandatory for all nurses to attend a refresher course every three years.
171. She felt honour bound to attend as she had promised to.
172. I always have so many things to attend to when I come into the office after a trip abroad.
173. I may be late - I have got one or two things to attend to.
174. The duchess is expected to come out of hiding to attend the ceremony.
175. She couldn't attend the meeting so her assistant took her place.
176. She was granted compassionate leave to attend her father's funeral.
177. Some people are unwilling to attend the classes partly because of the cost involved.
178. Several of the students cut a lecture in order to attend a football match.
179. He was invited to the party but did not attend.
180. The president suggested that a UN observer should attend the conference.
181. If you are unable to attend the interview, for whatever reason, you should inform us immediately.
182. She asked for leave of absence to attend a funeral.
183. He sent a letter inviting Naomi to attend his installation as chief of his tribe.
184. Representatives from across the horse industry will attend the meeting.
185. The Press was / were not allowed to attend the trial.
186. She will be unable to attend because of a prior engagement.
187. Please let us know if you are unable to attend.
188. Children must attend school between the ages of 5 and 16.
189. Will it be inconvenient for him to attend that meeting?
190. The organizers had expected about 50,000 people to attend the concert.
191. Syria will attend only if the negotiations deal with issues of substance.
191. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
192. And dancing and music and other cultural activities were provided which the hands were obliged to attend.
193. City leaders and local activists are urging residents to read the report and attend the sessions.
194. Please make arrangements with our client to attend with him/her at the scene of the accident.
195. Alix continued to attend such things, in unbroken allegiance to her upbringing.
196. I recommend she attend one aerobics class and one step class a week.
197. Field Chairs advise individual enquirers and talk to all those prospective entrants to their fields who attend a visit day.
198. But they were very reluctant to attend antenatal classes and so this club had been set up in response to this.
199. If you are to attend the monthly progress review meeting, think carefully about the end-result you wish to achieve by attending.
200. After discharge, patients should attend weekly outpatient appointments, moving to fortnightly or monthly attendances as appropriate.
201. The third proposal is that parents should have absolute rights to choose the school that their children should attend.
202. Fujimori is in Washington to attend an international meeting on small business lending and did not have an appointment with Clinton.
203. He likes to eat out, or listen to concerts, or attend antiques fairs.
204. They are introduced to the day centre and attend regular training sessions organised by the project and other outside agencies.
205. One team will include mums who attend aerobics classes at the stadium.
206. A member from the panel of parents of school age will be required to attend each of the meetings.




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