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单词 Repealer
1, Repealers were forced to adopt similar tactics.
2, Repealers launched a double-edged assault on medics.
3, Male repealers in Plymouth, like Banks, heartily warmed to the growing focus on reclamation within the movement.
4, Repealers see the Wright amendment as another post-deregulation rule that helps the big airlines get bigger.
5, In their private lives, many of the repealers sought to live out the ideal of companionate marriage.
6, Their strident moralism jarred with both the measured middle-class radicalism of the repealers and the dominant patrician language of high politics.
7, But in class terms it marked a split within the ruling bloc, not the totalizing rupture from without that repealers claimed.
8, It was a deliberate lie on the part of regulationists to accuse repealers of having no desire to rescue women from prostitution.




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