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单词 Nuclear
1) 90% of those questioned felt uneasy about nuclear power.
2) The skyline is dominated by a nuclear power station.
3) He's very interested in nuclear physics.
4) Nobody can envisage the consequences of total nuclear war.
5) They campaigned for nuclear disarmament.
6) Is there a credible alternative to the nuclear deterrent?
7) The submarine is driven by nuclear power.
8) Do nuclear weapons really reduce the risk of war?
9) Our country has discontinued nuclear testing.
10) They shut down the nuclear reactor for safety reasons.
11) The party's position on nuclear weapons is deeply ambivalent.
12) At worst,[http:///nuclear.html] nuclear war could be unleashed.
13) The party reaffirmed its commitment to nuclear disarmament.
14) The plant reprocesses spent fuel from nuclear power stations.
15) Nuclear weapons pose a threat to everyone.
16) It is my belief that nuclear weapons are immoral.
17) The carrier is armed with nuclear weapons.
18) The threat of nuclear war has diminished.
19) The arithmetic of nuclear running costs has been skewed by the fall in the cost of other fuels.
20) Much of the coast has been contaminated by nuclear waste.
21) The dismantling of a nuclear reprocessing plant caused a leak of radioactivity yesterday.
22) How would you feel about them building a nuclear power station in your backyard?
23) The general argued that the nuclear programme should still continue.
24) France is expected to detonate its first nuclear device in the next few days.
25) The whole world would be affected by a nuclear war.
26) Nuclear weapons seem to violate the just war principle of proportionality.
27) The benefits of nuclear technology, she said, had been grossly overestimated.
28) In October 1962 the world seemed on the brink of nuclear war.
29) The centre will act as a clearing house for research projects for former nuclear scientists.
30) Russia and the other republics are committed to destroying most of their nuclear arsenals.
1) 90% of those questioned felt uneasy about nuclear power.
2) The skyline is dominated by a nuclear power station.
3) He's very interested in nuclear physics.
4) Nobody can envisage the consequences of total nuclear war.
5) They campaigned for nuclear disarmament.
6) Is there a credible alternative to the nuclear deterrent?
7) Do nuclear weapons really reduce the risk of war?
8) They shut down the nuclear reactor for safety reasons.
9) The party's position on nuclear weapons is deeply ambivalent.
10) At worst, nuclear war could be unleashed.
11) The party reaffirmed its commitment to nuclear disarmament.
12) The plant reprocesses spent fuel from nuclear power stations.
13) Nuclear weapons pose a threat to everyone.
14) The carrier is armed with nuclear weapons.
15) The threat of nuclear war has diminished.
16) The arithmetic of nuclear running costs has been skewed by the fall in the cost of other fuels.
17) In October 1962 the world seemed on the brink of nuclear war.
18) The centre will act as a clearing house for research projects for former nuclear scientists.
19) Much of the coast has been contaminated by nuclear waste.
20) The dismantling of a nuclear reprocessing plant caused a leak of radioactivity yesterday.
21) How would you feel about them building a nuclear power station in your backyard?
22) Russia and the other republics are committed to destroying most of their nuclear arsenals.
23) The general argued that the nuclear programme should still continue.
24) France is expected to detonate its first nuclear device in the next few days.
25) Nuclear weapons seem to violate the just war principle of proportionality.
26) The benefits of nuclear technology, she said, had been grossly overestimated.
27) The missile warhead hit the target, effecting a nuclear explosion.
28) He is very keen to reach agreement with the US on reducing long-range nuclear missiles.
29) The government faces implacable opposition on the issue of nuclear waste.
30) Nuclear weapons will play a less prominent part in NATO's armoury in the future.
31) The missile warhead hit the target, effecting a nuclear explosion.
32) He is very keen to reach agreement with the US on reducing long-range nuclear missiles.
33) The government faces implacable opposition on the issue of nuclear waste.
34) Nuclear weapons will play a less prominent part in NATO's armoury in the future.
35) The safe disposal of nuclear waste is a major problem.
36) A multilateral nuclear test ban treaty was to be signed.
37) Their report on the plans for nuclear war is a chilling document.
38) When nuclear fuel is manufactured it is encased in metal cans.
39) Enriched uranium is a key component of a nuclear weapon.
40) They were exposed to radioactive fallout during nuclear weapons tests.
41) All commercial nuclear power is provided by fission at the present time.
42) Even so-called 'tactical' nuclear weapons are indiscriminate in their effect.
42) is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
43) They were appalled by the reports of the nuclear war.
44) He is co-author, with Andrew Blowers, of "The International Politics of Nuclear Waste".
45) They stressed the need for an independent nuclear deterrent.
46) He argued that nuclear weapons were a political necessity.
47) These nuclear warheads have trained on army bases.
48) India started to build a nuclear bomb.
49) The country is frighteningly close to possessing nuclear weapons.
50) Nuclear testing has exposed millions of people to radiation.
51) They demonstrated against the government's nuclear policy.
52) Brazil's constitution forbids the military use of nuclear energy.
53) The nuclear weapons are targeted on Western Europe.
54) The country has agreed to reduce its nuclear arsenal.
55) Hundreds of nuclear weapons have been scrapped.
56) The government did an about-turn over nuclear energy.
57) Its radar equipment was powered by a nuclear reactor.
58) What's your point of view on nuclear power?
59) Signatories agreed to support the nuclear test ban.
60) The necessity for nuclear nonproliferation seems clear.
31) The safe disposal of nuclear waste is a major problem.
32) A multilateral nuclear test ban treaty was to be signed.
33) Their report on the plans for nuclear war is a chilling document.
34) When nuclear fuel is manufactured it is encased in metal cans.
35) Enriched uranium is a key component of a nuclear weapon.
36) They were exposed to radioactive fallout during nuclear weapons tests.
37) Even so-called 'tactical' nuclear weapons are indiscriminate in their effect.
38) He is co-author, with Andrew Blowers, of "The International Politics of Nuclear Waste".
39) These nuclear warheads have trained on army bases.
40) Its radar equipment was powered by a nuclear reactor.
41) The most terrifying aspect of nuclear bombing is radiation.
42) The nuclear deterrent has maintained an uneasy peace.
42) is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
43) They advocate the retention of our nuclear power plants.
44) An ageing nuclear reactor is an accident waiting to happen.
45) Large areas of land have been contaminated by the leakage from the nuclear reactor.
46) A nuclear reactor is the apparatus in which atoms are split.
47) Atmospheric nuclear tests are now banned by an international treaty.
61) A huge nuclear reactor now spoils the view .
62) Both countries are signatories to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.
63) Those resources can displace nuclear power.
64) There has been a move away from nuclear energy.
65) The documents contain a blueprint for a nuclear device.
66) The ecological consequences of a nuclear war are incalculable.
67) All nuclear installations are subject to international safeguards.
68) There are indications of a swing towards nuclear power.
69) The case for nuclear power is impressive.
70) Nuclear weapons are the ultimate deterrent.
71) The threat of nuclear escalation remains.
72) Nuclear fusion is the Holy Grail of energy production.
72) is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
73) He is a strident advocate of nuclear power.
74) The most terrifying aspect of nuclear bombing is radiation.
75) The problem is getting rid of nuclear waste.
76) They have built three nuclear power stations this year.
77) The perpetuation of nuclear deployments is morally unacceptable.
78) Both countries wanted to avoid a nuclear war .
79) Only the president can authorize a nuclear attack.
80) The nuclear deterrent has maintained an uneasy peace.
81) She took a firm stand on nuclear disarmament.
82) Uranium is used to fuel nuclear plants.
83) No country wants to wage a nuclear war.
84) Do you believe in nuclear dis - armament?
85) Not everybody nowadays lives in the conventional nuclear family.
86) Plans for nuclear plants have been declassified.
87) Plutonium is a fuel used to produce nuclear energy.
88) The government is winding down its nuclear programme.
89) We deplore the use of nuclear weapons.
90) Guards were to be posted around nuclear power stations.
91) They had campaigned vigorously for unilateral nuclear disarmament .
92) They advocate the retention of our nuclear power plants.
93) Nuclear power is cleaner than coal.
94) International safeguards prevent the increase of nuclear weapons.
95) A nuclear war would kill millions of living beings.
96) Japan has announced plans for a sharp rise in its nuclear power generation.
97) She claimed that nuclear power was the most environmentally safe form of energy.
98) The Official Secrets Act was described as a piece of portmanteau legislation, covering everything from nuclear weapons to army boots.
99) Experts believe that the large number of cancer cases in the area are directly related to the new nuclear power station.
100) Opponents of nuclear energy have deep misgivings about its safety.
101) Nuclear testing was resumed in defiance of an international ban.
102) Under the treaty,[] both sides will sign away a third of their nuclear weapons.
103) Nuclear proliferation has returned to centre stage in international affairs.
104) At the extreme, some nuclear waste is so radioactive it has to be kept isolated for thousands of years.
105) In her youth she was an active member of the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament .
106) Running down the nuclear industry will result in heavy job losses.
107) The MPs called for a full report on the nuclear contract.
108) The government is having difficulty finding a safe depository for nuclear waste.
109) All the talk had been about the limitation of nuclear weapons.
110) Does your interest in nuclear physics extend to nuclear weaponry?
111) The public was not aware of the danger from nuclear tests in Nevada.
112) The BBC are working on a profile of the British nuclear industry.
113) The agency was set up to police the nuclear power industry.
114) We must reduce the danger of war by controlling nuclear, chemical and conventional arms.
115) They are pushing hard to improve their strategic nuclear capabilities.
116) I tried to take in what he was saying about nuclear fusion, but most of it went over my head.
117) Would you want to live next door to a nuclear power station?
118) Nuclear war is one of the horrors that face the modern world.
119) An ageing nuclear reactor is an accident waiting to happen.
120) The nuclear waste has been entombed in concrete many metres under the ground.
121) The two governments held secret talks on the nuclear threat.
122) They rejected a demand for the removal of all nuclear weapons from UK soil.
123) Many people are opposed to the use of nuclear power.
124) The two countries signed an agreement to reduce their nuclear armouries.
125) A new body has been set up to police the nuclear power industry.
126) Nuclear physics is a closed book to most of us.
127) Nuclear weapons plants across the country are heavily contaminated with toxic wastes.
128) He is now a major critic of the nuclear industry.
129) In 1977, the president slapped a ban on the commercial reprocessing of nuclear fuel.
130) The fear is that nuclear secrets could fall into the wrong hands .
131) Another nuclear accident in the same place is virtually/almost inconceivable.
132) During the Cold War the threat of nuclear annihilation was always on people's minds.
133) He claims that several countries have developed nuclear weapons secretly.
134) She said nuclear weapons were an anachronism in the post cold war era.
135) Large areas of land have been contaminated by the leakage from the nuclear reactor.
136) It's sheer folly to build nuclear power stations in a country that has dozens of earthquakes every year.
137) Military and nuclear research have received the lion's share of public funding.
138) The government has backed away from its nuclear weapons strategy.
139) Workers at the nuclear plant were exposed to high doses of radiation.
140) Governments should be encouraged to get rid of all nuclear weapons.
141) It strained credulity to believe that a nuclear war would not lead to the destruction of the planet.
142) The nuclear plant provides a fifth of the nation's energy supplies.
143) Some studies show that workers in the nuclear industry are more likely than the general populace to get cancer.
144) In Sweden and other countries,[/nuclear.html] nuclear power has lost favor .
145) Activists have raised a stink about the shipments of nuclear waste.
146) The condition of nuclear plants is a matter of great concern.
147) A total ban on nuclear weapons has been called for.
148) We have studied the arguments for and against nuclear energy.
149) The republics have worked out a plan for sharing control of nuclear weapons.
150) A nuclear reactor is the apparatus in which atoms are split.
151) Curie's research prepared the way for the work of modern nuclear scientists.
152) Picture what it would be like after a nuclear attack.
153) The nuclear waste is encased in concrete before being sent for storage in disused mines.
154) The House voted to impose a one-year moratorium on nuclear testing.
155) Local residents said it was as if there had been a nuclear explosion.
156) There are hundreds of nuclear missiles aimed at the main cities.
157) Most of the population would stand little chance of surviving a nuclear attack.
158) It will produce electricity more cheaply than a nuclear plant.
159) Nuclear installations are built well away from the main centres of population.
160) UN member countries delivered a strong rebuke to both countries for persisting with nuclear testing programs.
161) We are developing nuclear weapons to do away with such weapons.
162) It is unthinkable that we shall allow a nuclear holocaust to occur.
163) Many highly corrosive substances are used in the nuclear industry.
164) The newspapers are full of stories of leukaemia clusters near nuclear establishments.
165) He asserted that nuclear power was a safe and non-polluting energy source.
166) It would cost $300 million to decommission the nuclear installation.
167) The nuclear plant would be effectively sealed off from the world.
168) Nuclear weapons should be used only as a last resort.
169) They have refused to allow international inspection of their nuclear facilities.
170) With the collapse of the former Soviet Union,[http:///nuclear.html] the possibility of a nuclear holocaust was greatly reduced.
171) Each side is capable of destroying the other in a nuclear war.
172) The next government will play an energetic role in seeking multilateral nuclear disarmament.
173) Gen. de Gaulle sensed that nuclear weapons would fundamentally change the nature of international relations.
174) The long-term consequences of a nuclear leak don't bear thinking about.
175) They regard nuclear weapons as an insurance policy against conventional attack.
176) He opposes any kind of nuclear waste being dumped at sea.
177) A nuclear holocaust seemed a very real possibility in the '50s.
178) The command bunker is virtually invulnerable, even to a nuclear attack.
179) The plan was rejected by the government nuclear safety watchdog.
180) The advert puts over the message clearly and simply: nuclear power is clean.
181) Public worries about accidents are threatening the very existence of the nuclear power industry.
182) You can't simply wave a wand and get rid of nuclear weapons.
183) Underground nuclear detonations are believed to have been carried out.
184) Joseph Stalin gave an accurate assessment of the utility of nuclear weapons.
185) 65 percent of the 1987 budget went for nuclear weapons research and production.
186) The legislature passed a law to prohibit the dumping of nuclear waste.
187) Nuclear energy is liberated as a result of nuclear fission.
188) The book offers a vision of the future in which there is a great nuclear apocalypse.
189) The United States and Russia hope to conclude a treaty to cut their nuclear arsenals by two-thirds.
190) The express aim of the treaty is to keep the whole region free from nuclear weapons.
191) Environmentalists have begun a vigorous campaign to oppose nuclear dumping in the area.
192) They have removed all tactical nuclear missiles that could strike Europe.
192) try its best to gather and build good sentences.
193) The abandonment of the island followed nuclear tests in the area.
194) Any one of these nuclear plants may be a disaster waiting to happen.
195) The nuclear project was cloaked in a shroud of secrecy.
196) For decades the United States with its nuclear weapons was the umbrella for the western world.
197) I don't go along with her views on nuclear disarmament.
198) Sustained nuclear fusion is the holy grail of the power industry.
199) The energy released by the nuclear reaction is transformed into heat.
200) The rockets are a purely defensive measure against nuclear attack.
201) Engineers have identified serious design flaws in the proposed nuclear waste dump.
202) The incident raises doubts about the safety of nuclear power.
203) The nuclear plant now being built is expected to be commissioned in five years' time.
204) Over 20 countries have now signed the Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty.
205) Electricity privatisation has exploded the myth of cheap nuclear power.
206) In a recent opinion poll,() a majority of respondents were against nuclear weapons.
207) The long-range goal must be to do away with nuclear weapons altogether.
208) Nuclear power has always been a topic that has sparked off considerable debate .
209) Nuclear weapons have the capability to destroy the physical integrity of the planet.
210) A nuclear bomb could wipe the whole country off the map.
211) There is a large body of support for nuclear disarmament.
212) Sealed containers of nuclear waste have been dumped in the sea.
213) The fact that the number of deaths from cancer in the area has doubled surely gives the lie to official assurances of the safety of nuclear power.
214) Would you support a nuclear strike to bring an end to a war?
215) At the nuclear reprocessing plant they extract plutonium from spent atomic fuel rods.
216) A device was exploded at the main nuclear testing range.
217) The use of nuclear weapons is a horrible threat to the species.
218) More problems like those at the nuclear power plant are certain to arise.
219) She is known chiefly for her commitment to nuclear disarmament.
220) Atmospheric nuclear tests are now banned by an international treaty.
221) The students and workers demonstrated against the government's nuclear policy.
222) The officials were eager to convince us of the safety of the nuclear reactors.
223) Officials are concerned about rogue regimes that may have nuclear weapons.
224) The nuclear industry was required to prove that every operational and safety aspect had been fully researched.
225) It would not prove worthwhile to instigate a nuclear attack.
226) It is frightening even to think of the horrors of nuclear war.
227) A full - scale nuclear war could lead to the annihilation of the human race.
228) The fuel was enriched with uranium 235 for the nuclear reactor.
228) try its best to collect and make good sentences.
229) NATO says it will keep a reduced number of modern nuclear weapons to guarantee peace.
230) They were arguing about the deterrent effect of nuclear weapons.
231) What the President has in view is a world without nuclear weapons.
232) It's up to this country to take the initiative in banning nuclear weapons.
233) President Hussein called on all countries in the Middle East to scrap nuclear or chemical weapons.
234) I take the view that we should put less money into nuclear weapons.
235) Some people think that nuclear war would mean the end of civilization.
236) Should nuclear weapons be used as bargaining chips in arms negotiations?
237) In the next century, nuclear energy could overtake oil as the main fuel.




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