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单词 Researcher
1. The researcher sets up experiments to test the hypothesis.
2. She has freelanced as a writer and researcher.
3. She's a researcher on a women's magazine.
3. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
4. She has impeccable credentials as a researcher.
5. The conscientious researcher is careful to avoid up the pole and omission.
6. Her job as a market researcher involves a lot of legwork .
7. A market researcher called at the house where he was living.
8. Zinberg was an iconoclastic Harvard drug researcher.
9. This extreme role really depends upon the social researcher deciding whether the means are justified by the ends.
10. The researcher has constructed computer models which predict tax and benefit entitlement under the present system, and after any possible reforms.
11. With closed questions, the researcher has in some way limited the possible responses.
12. The researcher could share enthusiasms, be a shoulder to cry on and help brainstorm alternatives.
13. Sometimes the researcher will present an explicit hypothesis and set out to test it.
14. As a researcher and teacher trainer, I watch dozens of lessons in primary and secondary schools.
15. According to market researcher Datamonitor, 3 million people cut up their credit cards in 1991 when standing charges were introduced.
16. Why does the researcher not include in the questionnaire a question about the person's favourite brand of cigarette?
17. However, if the researcher had such skills it would be very helpful to the writing process.
18. All too often the outside researcher pursues lines of enquiry which the prevailing culture manages to encompass and nullify.
19. The composition of the group that is studied depends on the interests of the researcher.
20. Someone who lacks staying power and persistence is unlikely to make a good researcher.
21. He hopes to carve out a niche for himself as a leading researcher in his field of study.
22. Mr Fay is to take up an appointment as a researcher with the Royal Society.
23. First, he had to establish his credentials as a researcher.
24. He chose to join the company as a market researcher.
25. The role of the teacher could be expanded to encompass the role of researcher.
26. Extensive field research can mean long periods living under adverse conditions to which the researcher is unaccustomed.
27. In this study there was the not inconsiderable problem of a white researcher seeking out black people.
28. In a liberal democracy this needs to be scrutinized constantly, and herein lies the first problem for the researcher.
29. The collection of data is not always something that a researcher can control.
30. When I got tenure at Hopkins, I was a promising researcher.
1. The researcher sets up experiments to test the hypothesis.
2. The composition of the group that is studied depends on the interests of the researcher.
3. Someone who lacks staying power and persistence is unlikely to make a good researcher.
3. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
4. He hopes to carve out a niche for himself as a leading researcher in his field of study.
5. Mr Fay is to take up an appointment as a researcher with the Royal Society.
6. The conscientious researcher is careful to avoid up the pole and omission.
7. First, he had to establish his credentials as a researcher.
31. But this stage is vitally important for the researcher to get the feel of the situation.
32. First, an overwhelming urge to find a market researcher and kick him or her hard on a soft target area.
33. If criminal activities are clearly involved, then the researcher has an ethical problem.
33. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
34. In the initial stages, the researcher needs to understand the market, and the client's position and objectives within it.
35. He is either a polymath or an extremely thorough researcher.
36. The role enables the researcher to gain the confidence of the group that accepts her in her false role.
37. Hughes was the second prominent researcher at Georgetown to face problems because of reproductive research.
38. When a researcher contracts with a sponsor or organization, the purposes and needs of the sponsor are well known.
39. A simple pretest will quickly assess for the researcher errors that can be quickly corrected.
40. In the former, the researcher can draw very strong inferences from comparisons between randomized groups.
41. A researcher who claims widespread fraud involving military decorations says he warned Adm.
42. In effect the researcher uses the null form in order to neutralize his own bias regarding outcome.
43. Comparison can also be important when the researcher is trying to establish what is not an independent variable.
44. The researcher is there to help the agency formulate the right strategy and the right advertising solution.
45. A day in the life of a researcher can contain any of the tasks outlined here or several of them.
46. He plays Sherman Klump, a college professor and genetics researcher.
47. The methodology of ethnography is usually dependent upon the constraints operating on whom or what the researcher wants to study.
48. Even though California banks are not rushing to announce new ATM fees, researcher Shields expects many will impose them.
49. For troubled marriages, researcher Karen Kayser has found, follow a pattern.
50. The greatest applause went to a young researcher who highlighted the poor career opportunities she faced.
51. Most universities have some review committee that requires a statement from the researcher that adequate protection will be guaranteed for all respondents.
52. The researcher may actually expect that the null hypothesis is faulty and should be rejected in favor of the alternative H1.
53. Contrary to popular belief, Soviet economic sources provided rich picking for the researcher, as long as the right subject was chosen.
54. The interview schedule or questionnaire mean that the researcher is setting limits to what the respondent can say.
55. The researcher is asked to attempt to guarantee that the subject will be protected from physical or psychological harm.
56. The University of Florida researcher has come up with a brilliantly simple way to tackle tooth decay.
57. Another researcher has suggested a similar explanation based on natural causes.
58. For the nursery class, the researcher studied and commented on the data and then discussed what emerged with the staff.
59. Drafting the questionnaire or interview schedule A questionnaire is a list of questions to be asked by the researcher.
60. There are, again, problems for the researcher hoping to test out such hypotheses.
61. Then he does something stupid with a television researcher and is left holding the baby.
62. No researcher is so wise that all plans work perfectly.
63. She renders the relationship between the researcher who includes confessional aspects in their accounts and their audience problematic.
63. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
64. A researcher from our division gave a talk today about recent advances in cancer treatment.
65. It builds on work undertaken by the researcher on the first generation in Leicester, thus providing a basis for intergenerational comparison.
66. A further consideration which has bearing on field relationships is the extent of participation on the part of the researcher.
67. The researcher has a hypothesis and sets up experiments to test it.
68. It suggests that the difference between the successful teacher and the successful researcher is that the teacher is a failed researcher.
69. For example, suppose a researcher wishes to determine the influence of military service on later civilian earnings.
70. In one of more recent vintage, a Philip Morris researcher compares nicotine to cocaine in terms of its addictive properties.
71. It is up to the researcher not to damage that trust but to build on it.
72. To enable the researcher to contribute new and significant ideas, and to make a positive contribution to knowledge, and 2.
73. The teacher was told by the researcher to regard silence as a wrong answer and to punish it accordingly.
74. A researcher reports a particular result, and to verify it other scientists repeat the same experiment in their own labs.
75. In 1979 an operational researcher was brought in from the academic world to look at the use being made of Exminster.
76. Grabbing an islet would be the next step, said Tim Ding, a sociologist and opinion poll researcher for Gallup.
77. Just how essential this help can be was documented over 18 years by a researcher studying these animals in a captive environment.
78. In the fall of 1995, another researcher published a study, that challenged obesity researchers to rethink many of their conclusions.
79. Every researcher knows that a clear understanding of terms and concepts is necessary in order to communicate to other scientists and scholars.
80. This identification of level of measurement will be invaluable later on when the researcher begins the analysis of data.
81. But the lady producer and her researcher, Cathy Meade, were both very complimentary about me.
82. As previously suggested, a researcher is usually interested in setting up a hypothesis which he really would like to reject.
83. Classification, analysis, and substantive interpretation are all subject to the particular perspective of the researcher.
84. The researcher has to have some idea of what he or she is looking for, even though the outcome may be unpredictable.
85. In particular, the researcher may study himself or herself in order to maintain a specific behavior or change a specific behavior.
86. In one of them, researcher Jonathan Mackenzie is using the ideas behind fractal geometry to synthesise sounds.
87. In many research projects the researcher is simply concerned with the total number of cases being affected by some social problem situation.
88. Be sure to give credit for interviews, for this too, should be valued by a grateful researcher.
89. Researcher Gordon Wells monitored closely the talk 20 children from a wide range of socioeconomic backgrounds engaged in at home and school.
90. The costs for a salvage project are colossal, and the clues unearthed by a researcher can make or break a project.
91. Primary data is collected by the researcher at first hand, mainly through surveys, interviews, or participant observation.
92. Using as data what respondents say about themselves offers the social researcher access to a vast storehouse of information.
93. It is very laborious and time-consuming, involving the researcher full-time for at least a matter of months,(http:///researcher.html) and sometimes years.
94. Researcher Robert Glover felt that Austin was ideally suited to launch a school-to-work effort.
95. Through the scheme the client group will be put in touch with a suitable academic researcher if they have not themselves nominated one.
96. This may be a form of behavioural reinforcement operating on the personal motivation of the researcher.
97. They finished chatting in the afternoon, and the researcher went back to her hotel room.
98. Being a scientist in a western society, the researcher is unlikely to think that music or magic have much influence.
99. The researcher is trying to determine if the definition through operationalizing the measurement of a variable validly measures that variable.
100. Lucid, a 53-year-old biochemist, plans a 143-day stay aboard Mir as a guest researcher.
101. Each researcher must make a personal choice, in the multiplicity of circumstances which now exist.
102. Inexperience does not serve the novice researcher well in these situations.
103. In exceptional cases proceedings were noted by hand and recorded verbally by the researcher upon return to base.
104. The activities of the international marketing researcher.
105. The psychologist always assigns work to each researcher.
106. Researcher, once worked as the Chief Engineer and Vice-principal of China Academy of Building Research.
107. Professor Uta Frith, an autism researcher at University College London, said the findings needed to be treated with caution.
108. The researcher said he had conducted experiments. It proved that such precognition existed for telephone calls and even emails.
109. "Sleep problems are common and fairly easy to treat", said lead researcher Dr Lars Erik Laugsand from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology in Trondheim.
110. Cancer drugs have been the biggest category of drugs in terms of sales worldwide since 2006 and in the United States since 2008, according to the market researcher IMS Health.
111. Short-sightedness, traditionally a problem among the highly educated, has reached record levels in east Asia, lead researcher Professor Ian Morgan told AFP.
112. The researcher asked the "tapper" to predict the percent of songs the "listener" would guess correctly.
113. Canada-based researcher Kim Papp and colleagues evaluated the drug's effectiveness in a phase III clinical trial involving 451 patients 18 to 65 years old.
114. Kaarin Taipale is a Finnish architect and urban researcher, Chair of the Marrakech Task Force on Sustainable Buildings and Construction and a Councillor of the World Future Council.
115. The researcher finds that the content can be classified into two types: the private speech relative to play and the private speech irrelative to play.
116. Jen Han-lang, hospital researcher, separates spermatozoa in a bacteria-free operating environment.
117. Ann Cochrane, 58, a market researcher originally from Beith in Ayrshire, was trying to get home to Toronto, where she now lives.
118. In Morton's lab. the researcher cuts u small nerve in the foot.
119. Liu Yuman, researcher of Rural Development Institute, said, "I believe the changes are proper.
120. In the part of analyzing works, the researcher analyzed characters of kinds of blocks' placement and features of the whole works.
121. Academician of China Engineering Academy , Researcher, PhD Tutor, national expert with outstanding contribution soil engineering expert.
122. Wang Chaoguang, a researcher with the Institute of Modern History under the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, said Hu's speech showed that China is a peace-loving country.
123. Respondents must be enabled to check without difficulty the identity and bona fides of the Researcher./researcher.html
124. Not only the U. S. but also the EU and Japan hope that China will join an export credit agreement, said a senior researcher from the U. S. Council on Foreign Affairs.
125. The researcher applied mathematics to designing more efficient chip - manufacturing lines.
126. Women who fail to get enough shut-eye each night risk gaining weight, a Cleveland-based researcher reported.
127. We can also accuse the dental surgeon of being unsympathetic and the researcher of being unscrupulous for selfish reasons. They have both failed in their duty.
128. It was described in a 1965 paper by sleep researcher William Dement of the Stanford University School of Medicine in California, who stayed awake with Gardner for the final three days.
129. "There's a global epidemic of obesity," said Richard DiMarchi, chair of the chemistry department at Indiana University in Bloomington and the study's lead researcher.
130. The researcher who discovered this vaccine -- and hepatitis B itself -- was an American named Baruch Blumberg.
131. Roel Schouwenberg, senior researcher at Kaspersky Lab, says the rogue certificates have all the marks of an intelligence operation, but it isn't clear whether that is the case here.
132. "Our understanding of the neurobiology of crying is fairly limited," says Christopher Lowry, a serotonin researcher at the University of Boulder in Colorado.
133. "Now we can start to triangulate this data," Peter Arensburger, lead author of the Culex study and an assistant researcher at the University of California, Riverside, told SciDev.Net.
134. The researcher employed the in - depth interview method to explore male experiences under the patriarchal ideology.
135. Michael Collins is a brain researcher at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center in Pennsylvania.
136. Another apatite researcher, Francis McCubbin of the University of New Mexico, points out that one person's "bone-dry" could be another person's "relatively damp."
137. It makes network researcher focus on function analysis, but not specific implementation.
138. Wang Ding, Researcher of Institute of Hydrobiology, Chinese Academy of Science, said, "I went to have a look at East Dongting lake.
139. Ministry of Health, National Health industry consultancy Enterprise Management Associates job and life - long researcher.
140. U.S. researcher Peter Frederick captured 160 young white ibises – a coastal wading bird – and gave them food laced with methylmercury.
141. And since they're placed irregularly on an oblong shape, one researcher compared tracking the comet to trying to hit a knuckleball.
142. Kathy Parker, a sleep researcher from the University of Rochester's School of Nursing in New York, said the study underscores the role sleep plays in health.
143. As the second part of this dissertation, the researcher selected the staff in the key post, including senior, middle-level and low-level managers as subjects from JS Company , a state-owned industry.
144. And market researcher MPD Group says sales of related action figure toys were strong that year in the US.
145. Researcher found out that there were some dissimilate phenomena such as mechanization that lead children losing interest in art activity.
146. "Everybody has been looking at just life satisfaction and income, " said study researcher Ed Diener of the University of Illinois and the Gallup Organization.
147. says Allen Cypher, a researcher at IBM’s Almaden Research Center who specializes in human-computer interactions.
148. "We have found gene signals associated with cognitive abilities," researcher Ian Deary, a psychologist at the University of Edinburgh in Scotland, told LiveScience.
149. Pattie Maes, an artificial life researcher at the MIT Media Lab, abhors goggle - and - gloves virtual reality.
150. In 2007, the FBI determined that the anthrax originated from a batch created and maintained by Bruce E. Ivins, a researcher at the U.S. Army's biodefense laboratory at Fort Detrick, Maryland.
151. Douglas was a wonderful teacher and an even better researcher.
152. Dan Kruger is a researcher at U of M. He says competing for a mate tends to make men take more dangerous risks and pursue more stressful careers, thus increasing their chances of dying younger.
153. During the course of my lifetime, I have been a farmer, bareback bronc rider in the rodeo, a large animal veterinarian, a medical researcher, a meat inspector, a state veterinarian, and a prosecutor.
153. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
154. Ask yourself why people might say what they do — does the lead researcher own a company planning to commercialise the technology?
155. A degree in radiobiology can be a stepping stone to a career as a radiation oncologist, or a researcher in cancer treatment, nuclear safety, genetic engineering, and other fields.
156. NEMA commissioned agroforestry researcher David Mungai, from the University of Nairobi, to carry out an environmental impact assessment of the project in September 2007.
157. In her book, market researcher, Selina Goober says those 26traits are what make children fiercely brand loyal and retailers so interested.
158. "We are also working, in other research projects, on removal of arsenic and other contaminants, " researcher Brian Dempsey said.
159. Now, Elena Kuznetsova, a post-doctoral researcher in UConn's Department of Physics, has proposed a new type of quantum computer that could bring the technology one step closer to becoming a reality.
160. But this focus on play is nothing new, says a researcher at Sweden's University of Gothenburg.
161. Alice Amsden is researcher in the field of heterodox political economy. She is currently the Barton L.
162. On the basis of this 8 standards, the researcher works out one psychological scale Self-report Inventory for Shanghai Middle School Students(SISMSS).
163. Although the first researcher, Dr Ray Hyman, remained ambivalent, the second, Professor Jessica Utts from the University of California at Davis, concluded that psychic phenomena were indeed real.
164. Mario Capecchi is a researcher at the University of Utah.
165. Such actions demonstrate how hackers straddle the line separating the legal and illegal, explained Rik Ferguson, senior security researcher at Trend Micro.
166. Ming as Researcher enumerates research projects conducted and those in progress.
167. But the researcher does not think these are the main explanations.
168. Researcher returns discovery, the dream is much withMorpheussleep lightly closely related degree, private prosecution is ferial the person with much dream, MorpheusIn sleep lightly more easily.
169. The researcher is serving in a public enterprise that is going to be privatized and, therefore, is more experienced about innovation of public enterprises.
170. He's a senior researcher at the National Snow and Ice Data Center and the University of Colorado in Boulder, Colo.
171. "It's an indigenous revolution," says Miguel Urioste, researcher and former director with the La Paz-based nonpartisan land rights group Fundacion TIERRA.
172. Researcher Jagannath Adhikari informed that the current rate of land owned by per family is only 0.8 hector.
173. Instead, lead researcher Professor Andrea Nelson said:"The best way to do that is with compression bandages and support stocking coupled with advice on diet and exercise."
174. This theory can help researcher mark out the right scope of the law of diminishing marginal utility and the point of external economies that is punished or not.
175. Mashable editor Lauren Indvik, Gilt Group founder Alexis Maybank, L2 researcher Maureen Mullen and Esquire's editor in chief David Granger discussed the new model of content and commerce.
176. It's tied into spontaneous combustion and a researcher named Martin Caylo.
177. "This research demonstrates how dangerous it is to drive and text," TRL Senior Human Factors Researcher Nick Reed said in a statement.
178. An ocean beneath the surface of Enceladus is the best way to account for the sodium, says Jonathan Lunine of the University of Arizona in Tucson, a Cassini researcher not part of Kempf's team.
179. The researcher of these conch says rediscovery , the evidence with these stronger bead understands symbolistic thinking appear to want than what think before early.
180. This method had the characteristic of reduplicate in practice, and can be used as a good reference for researcher.
181. The controversial Race to Zero contest, run by New Zealand security researcher Simon Howard, allowed each team to try to obfuscate real computer viruses and exploit code samples.
182. The article thinks that a winter sports coach is a sculptor of outstanding athletes, a researcher of winter competitive sports, a designer, organizer, executant and manager of scientific training.
183. "There are really no reliable ways to control this weed, short of using a flamethrower, " fellow researcher Justin Runyon says.
183. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
184. Because this moment at the threshold of a group is so momentous for a child, it is also, as one researcher put is, "highly diagnostic... quickly revealing differences in social skillfulness ."
185. CITIC building researcher compared the United States and Japan, the market cycle and the liquidity cycle.
186. 'Our finding suggests that the adult human brain is far more plastic than previously believed, ' researcher Li-Hai Tan, a cognitive neuroscientist at the University of Hong Kong, told LiveScience.
187. A scientific researcher who is concurrently a teacher should get higher pay, because expending greater labour.
188. "If you do the fermentation by using only cellobiose or xylose, it takes 48 hours," said postdoctoral researcher and lead author Suk-Jin Ha.
189. Celesta is a Taiwanese and has lived in cites of Taipei, Manchester, and Yokohama. She is now a postdoctoral researcher in sustainable urban future.
190. Cho Bong - hyeon is a researcher the North North's economy at the Industrial Bank of Korea.
191. YuShi Mao director and researcher of Beijing Tianze Economic Research Institute.
192. I didn't know the U.S. Department of Agriculture once had a "flatus researcher."
193. Researcher Chris Church said: 'For the first time we have provided convincing proof that the FTO gene causes obesity.
194. Assan Jaye, a Gambian researcher on the study, told SciDev.Net that because HIV-1 also has a Gag gene, we now have "greater insight about how to best design a vaccine against HIV".
195. Because of its specialty and comprehensiveness, special database is welcome especially to professional researcher.
196. Wu previously worked at the Financial Research Institute under the central bank and now serves as an assistant researcher at the central bank's research bureau.
197. "Climate change is slow, but it is unstoppable" said Solomon, a researcher at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Earth System Research Laboratory in Boulder, Colo.
198. Starts her first job as a researcher for British Xylonite at Manningtree, Essex.
199. Dr. Ron Duncan is a turf researcher at the University of Georgia and a leading expert on seashore paspalum.
200. Paul Fraser is chief researcher of the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization in Australia.
201. Enter the "coital alignment technique" (CAT). It was first introduced back in 1988, by sex researcher Edward Eichel, who claimed that it helped women have orgasms during missionary-position sex.
202. Cho Bong - hyeon is a researcher specializing the North North's economy at thebank Industrial Bank of Korea.
203. And the researcher say their discovery may point to a weak spot in smoking addiction.
204. Which are common topics deeply concerned of enterpriser and researcher day by day.
205. Lead researcher Brad Bushman believes that young people may be "addicted" to self-esteem.
206. This represents such a large degree of “cryptic” diversity that one prominent researcher described the family as Africa's “cichlid fish of the skies.
207. "It interacts with another key protein, called TAB1, and it also interacts on a structural level with itself — a process called dimerization, " the researcher explains.
208. "We tend to rushto the pillbox, but our study shows how powerful it can be to addstress reduction, " says researcher Theodore Kotchen, MD.
209. "I think it's hard to make any firm conclusions so far, " says Liv Bente Romundstad, a fertility doctor and researcher at Saint Olav's University Hospital in Norway.
210. When Dr. Yao Cong, a postdoctoral researcher in the laboratory of Dr. Wah Chiu, displays the computer representation of hemocyanin, it glows like a four-part jewel on the computer screen.
211. But Ren Xinghui, a researcher at the Transition Institute, an independent Beijing think tank, was skeptical of the government-approved graduate employment statistics.




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