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单词 Acknowledge
1. The family acknowledge the need for change.
2. You must acknowledge the truth of her argument.
3. She refuses to acknowledge the need for reform.
4. He refused to acknowledge defeat.
5. It's a matter of common courtesy to acknowledge letters.
6. He never even bothered to acknowledge her presence.
7. Never a negative acknowledge why it is impossible.
8. You are not obliged to acknowledge spent convictions.
9. I acknowledge the truth of his statement.
10. He holloed at me, but I didn't acknowledge him.
11. Are you prepared to acknowledge your responsibility?
12. Acknowledge what you're grateful for.
13. I did not acknowledge that he had done anything wrong.
14. This is to acknowledge your letter of June 6, 1998.
15. You have to acknowledge that we live in a racist society.
16. She would be falsely modest not to acknowledge that she had come a very long way since those early days.
17. Gradually he began to acknowledge his feelings of envy towards his mother.
18. I hereby acknowledge receipt of your letter of 25 July.
19. Please acknowledge receipt of this letter.
20. He doesn't even acknowledge us lesser mortals .
21. They refused to acknowledge defeat/that they were defeated/themselves beaten.
22. And again, can you acknowledge it as true?
23. acknowledge the force of his argument.
24. You have to sign here and acknowledge receipt.
25. We must acknowledge his letter.
26. I gratefully acknowledge financial support from several local businesses.
27. We wish to acknowledge the support of the university.
28. The authors gratefully acknowledge your financial support.
29. He saw her but refused to even acknowledge her.
30. I allowed myself to acknowledge my true feelings.
1. The family acknowledge the need for change.
2. You must acknowledge the truth of her argument.
3. She refuses to acknowledge the need for reform.
4. It's a matter of common courtesy to acknowledge letters.
5. He never even bothered to acknowledge her presence.
6. You are not obliged to acknowledge spent convictions.
7. I acknowledge the truth of his statement.
8. Are you prepared to acknowledge your responsibility?
9. I did not acknowledge that he had done anything wrong.
10. This is to acknowledge your letter of June 6, 1998.
11. You have to acknowledge that we live in a racist society.
12. She would be falsely modest not to acknowledge that she had come a very long way since those early days.
13. Gradually he began to acknowledge his feelings of envy towards his mother.
14. I hereby acknowledge receipt of your letter of 25 July.
15. And again, can you acknowledge it as true?
16. You have to sign here and acknowledge receipt.
17. We must acknowledge his letter.
18. I gratefully acknowledge financial support from several local businesses.
19. It is ungracious of me not to acknowledge your help.
20. Even the survey's most rabid critics acknowledge the utility of this kind of data.
21. We gratefully acknowledge the contributions of everyone who helped us.
31. I acknowledge receipt of your letter of May 1.
32. Anyhow Tony intended to acknowledge him as his son.
33. I'm happy to acknowledge my debt to my teachers.
34. I was standing right next to her, but she didn't even acknowledge me/my presence.
35. It was ungracious of me not to acknowledge your help.
36. I would be grateful if you would acknowledge receipt of this letter.
37. I admit now that I was wrong, and I am ready to acknowledge it in front of everyone.
38. This is a fact that most smokers readily acknowledge .
39. He stopped at the door, waiting in vain for her to acknowledge his presence.
40. Social workers went to great pains to acknowledge men's domestic rights.
41. I was standing right next to her, but she didn't even acknowledge me.
42. They wishes to acknowledge the assistance of the police in the making of this film.
43. In her memoirs Naomi is quick to acknowledge that her grandmother was centrally important in her venture as a writer.
44. I would like to acknowledge my debt to my teachers.
45. It is ungracious of me not to acknowledge your help.
46. Even the survey's most rabid critics acknowledge the utility of this kind of data.
47. I regarded her failure to acknowledge my greeting as a slight.
48. I gratefully acknowledge the help of many people here today.
49. We gratefully acknowledge the contributions of everyone who helped us.
50. Mental illness can exist for years before families are forced to acknowledge the truth.
51. The government won't even acknowledge the existence of the problem.
52. It's only realistic to acknowledge that something, some time, will go wrong.
53. He is always ready to acknowledge his debt to his teachers.
54. Both players freely acknowledge that money was a major incentive.
54. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
55. I was angry that they didn't even acknowledge my letter.
56. Both defendants refused to acknowledge the authority of the court.
57. Some of the clergy refused to acknowledge the new king'slegitimacy.
58. The government must acknowledge what is happening and do something about it.
59. Historians generally acknowledge her as a genius in her field.
60. Yet company law doctrine has failed to acknowledge this.
61. I want to acknowledge a personal debt to him.
62. The Health Ministry does not publicly acknowledge the link.
63. Others, though, refused even to acknowledge that much.
64. Was he even going to acknowledge her presence?
65. I hated the world around me and refused to acknowledge it.
66. In some ways, like us, they were custodians of a loss everyone knew about but refused to acknowledge.
67. Current board officials acknowledge that past actions may have been inadequate but said they have learned from their predecessors' mistakes.
68. The two other boys were sitting neatly on a sofa in the distance but they failed to acknowledge them.
69. Instead, they got Richards to acknowledge that a motivated forger with advanced technology could fool even veteran photo analysts.
70. Either he had genuinely repressed what he knew or he refused to acknowledge it.
71. Mr. Gregory Will my right hon. Friend acknowledge the importance of the popular music industry and its contribution to overseas earnings?
72. Zaire was forced to acknowledge the authority of the Congolese state.
73. Nervous because she was due to play in two chukkas' time, Perdita refused even to acknowledge Daisy's presence.
74. Such explanations fail to acknowledge the possibility that schools may a responsible for creating and sustaining disruptiveness.
75. She noted though that after this Felipe de Santis was prepared to acknowledge Mitch's presence although he was stiffly formal.
76. But we must also acknowledge the significance of computing and digital design.
77. More resources are required and one has to acknowledge that because of their absence the teaching profession is wary of accepting additional responsibilities.
78. And until the Church begins to acknowledge and address the century in which it now finds itself, it will die.
79. Here we must pause to acknowledge that Morgenthau does not always advocate a scientific approach as he did in Politics among Nations.
80. Men who had recently found it difficult to acknowledge his existence now sought his advice.
81. You encourage less-able pupils and publicly acknowledge the value of their contribution.
82. He wanted to acknowledge its presence and open himself to it.
83. The drafter can avoid such disputes by appropriate wording: We acknowledge receipt of your order and agree to supply you.
84. Dear Harsnet, he wrote, why do you persist in this rigmarole of refusing even to acknowledge my existence?
84. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
85. When he did acknowledge her existence he talked in dismissive and unrealistic terms.
86. None the less, we must also acknowledge that most often reconciliation does not occur.
87. And Sandeman was the first port company to acknowledge publicly that sales were a crucial aspect to any business.
88. Critics and supporters alike acknowledge that it could take years to reach even a narrow agreement.
89. We do not normally acknowledge receipt of letters for publication.
90. He knew the potential that I possessed but had refused to acknowledge.
91. She added that when Gentry refused to acknowledge the loan publicly, she resigned as his treasurer and broke off their engagement.
92. He will acknowledge receipt of your reference within 5 working days.
93. Wiltshire Community Foundation says policies fail to acknowledge the greater cost of providing rural services.
94. The author wishes to acknowledge the assistance of the Defense Department.
95. A year on they acknowledge the problems, but are at pains to defend the good name of their community.
96. Supreme Court officials acknowledge that their own telephone system was the culprit for the leak.
97. Mostly, they have failed to acknowledge one basic tenet of the high-tech world: We know too much.
98. Pentagon officials acknowledge using two Stealth fighter bombers to drop 2,000 pound bombs.
99. These consumer behavior models fail to acknowledge that there are many types of consumers.
100. They also readily acknowledge that the symbols are not as important as the impressions, imaginings and emotions they provoke.
101. We would acknowledge receipt of Indictment 86-1246 and waive formal reading.
102. However, some acknowledge that the reforms had to be introduced quickly.
103. Tom caught my eye behind her back and winked to acknowledge my presence on alien territory.
104. Ratification encourages willingness to acknowledge a problem and develops commitment to its solution.
105. Rudi thought that Simeon was dyslexic, but Simeon himself refused to acknowledge any problems.
106. The hon. Gentleman would address the problem more accurately were he to acknowledge that fact.
107. We acknowledge that there have been dreadful mistakes and inexcusable mistreatment in the past, but we have learned from them.
108. Strategies to promote the nation's health should acknowledge the importance of material and social deprivation more explicitly.
109. He made it clear he could never acknowledge my existence to his family and I didn't expect him to.
110. But while sterling remains weak exporters should prosper - although the market would not acknowledge such a fact yesterday.
111. But they're quick to acknowledge the problems too ... Male speaker Unemployment is the main problem.
112. Union officials privately acknowledge that Phoenix's achilles heel has always been the difficulties it would face raising the necessary finance.
113. You have to acknowledge the truth of what she says.
114. Our exchanges have been by telephone or Royal Mail, so I readily acknowledge that there may be some problems there.
114. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
115. We will never reform the justice system until we are prepared to acknowledge its fundamental defects.
116. The government believes that people will love it for abolishing counties like Humberside, which proud Yorkshiremen have always refused to acknowledge.
117. About 9 million refuse to acknowledge their hearing loss or refuse treatment.
118. By doing so, I readily acknowledge that we are changing, ever so slightly, the role of the Crown with regard to sentencing.
119. I readily acknowledge that this is a very difficult request but I am afraid the timescale has to he met.
120. Doctors' leaders joined calls for the Government to acknowledge that the outbreak had exposed a critical shortage of hospital beds.
121. Too many parents have been too afraid ever to acknowledge the real state of our affairs to their children.
122. I invite and acknowledge only positive thoughts and people who create happiness in my life. RVM 
123. Policy props up parental wishes and desires, but does it acknowledge the effect on the deaf child?
124. Please acknowledge receipt of this document by signing and returning the enclosed form.
125. It seems appropriate therefore that disruptive pupils have full access to the curriculum which requires that schools acknowledge this in their planning.
126. Would he publicly acknowledge the little boy as his, or might he prefer to ignore his existence?
127. All too often we preferred to deny their existence than acknowledge the presence of mental illness.
128. But for this to be achieved, the government must acknowledge it as a problem worth solving.
129. The television viewing public had seen images of violence and expected political leaders to acknowledge them and to respond accordingly and responsibly.
130. They were all the same, those men, turning away their heavy faces and failing to acknowledge my greetings.
131. It was as though, having given up the struggle themselves, they could more freely acknowledge the value of it.
132. It is not enough to acknowledge the importance of collective entrepreneurship; clear and consistent signals must reinforce the new story.
133. I readily acknowledge the need for time to debate the Bill in Committee.
134. Modern progressives committed to diversity often fail to acknowledge this.
135. Numerous interviews with cold callers, all reluctant to be named(), readily acknowledge that they rarely call women.
136. I should be grateful if you would acknowledge receipt of this letter.
137. Last September, seeking to strengthen his growing congregation and acknowledge its existence in the community at large, Rev.
138. Many Islamists now acknowledge the importance of what Islamism began by rejecting utterly: democracy.
139. Yet when we are involved personally we are forced to acknowledge their existence and to try to understand them.
140. I acknowledge that I am a change embracer.
141. We need to acknowledge that "works" is not a value-free term.
142. So we should acknowledge it openly rather than let it dissociate from the criminal law theory or interpret it irrelevantly.
143. They acknowledge that privacy and data theft are legitimate concerns in a pervasively connected environment, but they feel it is already too late to stop the juggernaut of change.
144. Beyond their settings, what these future-war games have in common with the Modern Warfare series is a refusal to forthrightly acknowledge the inspiration for their subject matter.
144. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
145. Conclusion:Most women have poor acknowledge about the colposcopy and the preinvasive disease of the cervix.
146. I can see more confrontation if Dadis [Camara] does not acknowledge that neither he nor members of his junta will stand in the election.
147. This is why it is so important to acknowledge the inverted use of perspective in the structure of anamorphosis.
148. Every year on the anniversary of D-Day, for example, we acknowledge the heroism and sacrifice of those who stormed the beaches of Normandy.
149. We further acknowledge that there are sincere people who disagree with us, and with the teaching of the Bible and Christian tradition, on questions of sexual morality and the nature of marriage.
150. We send you by separate mail a copy of Certificate of Quality No.123, please acknowledge receipt.
151. The White House and Democrats in Congress will urge passage of a “clean” debt limit increase, without amendments, though they acknowledge that cannot pass in the Republican-controlled House.
152. Ninette de Valois, we acknowledge the passing of one of the 20th century's greatest and most influential figures in the world of the arts, "said Sir Anthony Dowell, director of the Royal Ballet."
153. Television Loses Its Reason for Existence People don't like to acknowledge this, but television news and en-tertainment are mere subsidiaries of the advertising industry.
154. 'The best theories owe their appeal to the fact that they acknowledge and seek to elucidate the reciprocal relationship of action and structure'. Discuss.
155. Izzard's prominence has increased in the US after roles in TV series The Riches and 2008 thriller Valkyrie - but he admits the country has yet to acknowledge him as a transvestite .
156. None but the well-bred man knows how to confess a fault, or acknowledge himself in an error.
157. Vieira's voice-over does not acknowledge the blurred figure that appears in the background shortly before the three final shots, and makes no mention of Christopher Owens's presence.
158. As the commuter plane in the cartoon plunges downward, the fat passenger testily refuses to acknowledge her guilt in misleading the airline about her weight.
159. Indian authorities acknowledge less than half the grains processed through the PDS actually make it to the intended recipients.
160. We also acknowledge individual contributions with a terrific rewards and recognition program.
161. When I permit subjective and unconsidered ideas to intervene in the objective course of the design process, I acknowledge the significance of personal feelings in my work.
162. Thanks to my predecessors, and I acknowledge the presence of Dr Mahler, health has unquestionably risen to a higher place on the international development agenda.
163. The king is fond of hunting, but is unfortunately cross-eyed - not that anyone would dare acknowledge this in front of him.
164. The Mainland must acknowledge Taiwan's system of democracy. It must not misapprehend the public's mood. It must not harbor notions about who will swallow up whom.
165. But Schultz is using tactics that experts say should work: acknowledge the crisis, say its surmountable, and tweak -- don't gut -- the company's core strategy.
166. A period of passionate love gives way to companionate love, where there is a readiness to accept and acknowledge a partner’s flaws and sacrifices are made for each another.
167. Authorized rights consist of the right to acknowledge for litigants, the right of conciliation and the right to countercharge and so on.
168. Any student of Washington's life might have predicted that he would acknowledge his election in a short, self-effacing speech full of disclaimers.
169. When his error was proved he had to acknowledge the corn.
170. We both have pain during intercourse and I have become sore on several occasions . The gynaecologist here will not acknowledge this either.
171. He also is self-effacing and secure enough to acknowledge that if his name were Smith or Jones, no one in China would be interested.
172. Remount to Chinese architecture history, we acknowledge that function is as such leading form.
173. We respect her decision but it would be remiss of us if we did not acknowledge the tremendous amount of effort she has put into not only PYP but the whole school, during her time at SWFLPS.
174. There's moderate demand for ads based on ethnic information,[] but the companies acknowledge that determining ethnicity is more challenging than figuring out gender and age range.
175. The Victorian era refused to acknowledge that homo-sexuality existed and, eve n if it did, it must be the Devil's work and would be severely punished.
176. The members must acknowledge and observe the statutes, regulations, resolutions and decisions of RIF.
177. Its content mainly includes the confession of a suspect or a defendant to acknowledge a crime and his exculpation to declare himself innocent or guilty of a venial crime.
178. At present China and Indias actual territory pilot wire is China did not acknowledge the MMAHON line .
179. But the King was still determined "never to acknowledge the independence of the Americans, and to punish their contumacy by the indefinite prolongation of a war which promised to be eternal."
180. To give adolescent correct acknowledge, the benign culture atmosphere that builds growing institute of a health to need then, red fox racoon dog does his utmost praise highly " pure literature " .
181. We should acknowledge that strategy planning not equal to enterprise development.
182. Most (though not all) conspiracy theorists acknowledge that Lee Harvey Oswald shot Kennedy from a book depository.
183. But we do have to acknowledge that means of communications often influence the direction of such movements.
184. Respect and acknowledge the talents of your peers. There is nothing more unprofessional and self-serving than telling others how wonderful you are.
185. If the notice does not specify the obligation against which set-off is exercised, the other party may, within a reasonable time, acknowledge to the first party the obligation to which set-off relates.




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