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单词 Arrest
1. News of the arrest perturbed her greatly.
2. The commissioner has issued a warrant for her arrest.
3. A policeman has the authority to arrest lawbreakers.
3. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
4. They issued a warrant for her arrest.
5. A policeman has the power to arrest a criminal.
6. A warrant is out for his arrest/against him.
7. Policemen have authority to arrest lawbreakers.
8. His arrest for stealing brought shame on his family.
9. The police arrived to arrest him.
10. You can't arrest me! There must be some mistake!
11. Police finally managed to overpower and arrest the gunman.
12. The magistrate issued a warrant for his arrest.
13. Under the state of siege, the police could arrest suspects without charges or warrants.
14. She has endured house arrest and continual harassment by the police.
15. Creditors could obtain a writ for the arrest of their debtors.
16. It is sometimes possible to arrest or reverse the disease.
17. Opposition leaders were put under house arrest .
18. Forty-eight hours have elapsed since his arrest.
19. The Feds completely screwed up the arrest.
20. Police stood by to arrest any violent fans.
21. News of his arrest caused a sensation.
22. He was charged with violent behaviour and resisting arrest.
23. His arrest touched off a riot.
24. He sued the police for wrongful arrest .
25. A warrant has been issued for his arrest.
26. A driver uses brakes to arrest his car's speed.
27. Our information is that the police will shortly make an arrest.
28. Following the coup, parliamentary leaders were put under house arrest.
29. The police officer said that he had placed the man under arrest and that a scuffle had ensued.
30. It was an illegal act and will lead to your arrest.
1. News of the arrest perturbed her greatly.
2. The commissioner has issued a warrant for her arrest.
3. They issued a warrant for her arrest.
3. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
4. A policeman has the power to arrest a criminal.
5. His arrest for stealing brought shame on his family.
6. The police arrived to arrest him.
7. Police finally managed to overpower and arrest the gunman.
8. The magistrate issued a warrant for his arrest.
9. Under the state of siege, the police could arrest suspects without charges or warrants.
10. Our information is that the police will shortly make an arrest.
11. She has endured house arrest and continual harassment by the police.
12. Following the coup, parliamentary leaders were put under house arrest.
13. Creditors could obtain a writ for the arrest of their debtors.
14. The police officer said that he had placed the man under arrest and that a scuffle had ensued.
15. It is sometimes possible to arrest or reverse the disease.
16. A driver uses brakes to arrest his car's speed.
17. He was somewhat taken aback by the news that the police intended to arrest him.
18. The police offered no expression of regret at his wrongful arrest.
19. Steps need to be taken quickly to arrest the deterioration in the countries'relationship.
31. She was charged with resisting arrest.
32. The protesters made no attempt to resist arrest.
33. At the moment(), there's insufficient evidence to arrest anyone.
34. I arrest you in the name of the law.
35. He died of cardiac arrest after snorting cocaine.
36. They failed to arrest the company's decline.
37. He submitted voluntarily to arrest.
38. Woolley was placed under close arrest for mutiny.
39. I arrest you in name of the law.
40. I read about his arrest in the papers.
41. The arrest has come as a terrible shock.
42. The man is now under arrest in London.
43. PC Keith Gate helped arrest the men.
44. Did the police have reasonable grounds to arrest him?
45. He died after suffering a cardiac arrest .
46. "Nancy Drew," she cried, "you're under arrest!".
47. They had no grounds to arrest him.
48. Arrest warrants were issued against 16 of the protesters.
49. Hands up! You're under arrest!
50. Her arrest was a triumph of international cooperation.
51. The police have the power of arrest.
52. He was charged with resisting arrest.
53. He was charged with trying to resist arrest .
54. Their riotous behaviour led to their arrest.
55. Once again, Drew was under arrest.
56. He went underground to avoid arrest.
57. I am placing you under arrest for attempted burglary.
58. The new drug did not arrest the cancer.
59. She was under arrest on suspicion of murder.
60. Why am I under arrest? There must be some mistake.
61. She spent most of those years under house arrest or close confinement.
62. When police failed to arrest the suspect, local people took the law into their own hands and beat him up.
63. The government went so far as to try to arrest opposition leaders.
63. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
64. Police confirmed that they had issued a warrant for his arrest.
65. After his arrest in 1998, he checked himself into rehab to get over his heroin addiction.
66. His arrest for lewd behaviour seriously damaged his credibility as a religious leader.
67. She swore out a warrant for the arrest of the man who stole her car.
68. The authorities will be legally bound to arrest any suspects.
69. The treatment has so far done little to arrest the spread of the cancer.
70. He tried to bribe the policeman not to arrest him.
71. The interval between arrest and trial can be up to six months.
72. He was somewhat taken aback by the news that the police intended to arrest him.
73. The real cause of the riot was unclear, but the occasion was the arrest of two men.
74. Attempts are being made to arrest the spread of the disease.
75. He put up a fight when the police tried to arrest him.
76. We didn't get word of her arrest until the next day.
77. Do the police have the right of arrest in this situation?
78. The government may remove the power of arrest from military police.
79. She left the country under threat of arrest if she returned.
80. There have been angry protests about his arrest and incarceration.
81. The police offered no expression of regret at his wrongful arrest.
82. The bomb attack was in retaliation for the recent arrest of two well-known terrorists.
83. You're under arrest, buster!
84. Acting on a tip, the police were able to find and arrest Upton.
85. The US lodged a formal protest against the arrest of the foreign reporters.
86. Their arrest was the culmination of an operation in which 120 other people were detained.
87. The shooting may have been in retaliation for the arrest of the terrorist suspects.
88. A reward was offered for information leading to an arrest.
89. The riots were sparked off by the arrest of a local leader.
90. The patient suffered a cardiac arrest and died, despite an attempt at resuscitation.
91. Walters was not properly informed of the reasons for her arrest.
92. The former dictator is under house arrest in his country mansion.
93. He has now been formally given the grounds for his arrest.
94. She was stopped outside the shop and placed/put under arrest.
95. Steps need to be taken quickly to arrest the deterioration in the countries'relationship.
96. The security forces have extensive powers of search and arrest.
97. The senior members of the group appeared to be immune from arrest.
98. No arrest has been made(), but a man is helping the police with their enquiries.
99. The sufferer may have to make major changes in his or her life to arrest the disease.
100. Those documents provided the missing link, and the police were able to make an arrest soon after they discovered them.
101. Brown made a citizen's arrest when a youth attempted to rob an elderly woman.
102. Fifty police officers to arrest two unarmed men is surely a case of using a sledgehammer to crack a nut.
103. The man was shot outside his house as he tried to resist arrest.
104. Judge La Riva had issued an arrest warrant/a warrant for his arrest.
105. The carnival got off to a virtually trouble-free start with the police reporting only one arrest.
106. She was put under house arrest two years ago but remained a powerful symbol in last year'selection.
107. He spent the night in a police cell after his arrest.
108. In France he could write freely, without fear of arrest.
109. You are under arrest.
110. The man the police want to talk to is slippery as an eel, and has so far escaped arrest.
111. Her arrest produced an immediate/a sudden reaction from the press.
112. His lawyer put him in the picture about what had happened since his arrest.
113. There is a reward for information leading to an arrest.
114. The police couldn't arrest him because he'd fled across the state line.
115. A reward has been offered for information that leads to the arrest of the murderer.
116. He tried to run away from the police and was charged with resisting arrest.
117. Murder squad detectives approached the man and placed him under arrest.
118. We can't sit silently by and let them arrest him!
119. The TV cameras were in at the death and filmed the arrest.
120. Police were told to arrest voters found with suspiciously large sums of money in their pockets.
121. A man is under arrest following the suspicious death of his wife.
122. Acting on inside information, the police were able to arrest the gang before the robbery occurred.
123. The opposition leader has just been put/placed under house arrest.
123. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
124. The police could not arrest anyone, for the basket contained two Members of Parliament and the commanding Officer of the station!
125. Is it a crime to resist such an arrest?
126. Soong was virtually placed under house arrest.
127. The police later claimed that he had resisted arrest.
128. Nobody was cautioned after arrest.
129. Other charges included resisting arrest and loitering.
130. Allitt has suffered from anorexia nervosa since her arrest.
131. I gulped at the prospect of making an arrest.
132. Police confirmed he was under arrest.
133. The arrest was a quiet, almost casual affair.
134. Pending a successful appeal, Downing could claim for wrongful arrest and 27 years unlawful detention.
135. And, they wonder, why is he fleeing arrest now, instead of facing charges?
136. It took the police just weeks to arrest five men in connection with the shootings.
137. The accused was charged with one form of s.18, wounding with intent to resist arrest.
138. He died under house arrest in Salamanca, uncompromising to the end.
139. They had wide powers to arrest persons suspected of committing such crimes as theft, burglary, and serious assault.
140. The city is facing many claims for wrongful arrest, totalling millions of dollars.
141. Her parents offered no explanation when police boarded their plane at Chicago airport yesterday to arrest them for abandoning their children.
142. His arrest and ultimate acquittal on cocaine smuggling charges made headlines in the mid-1980s.
143. He is now on probation, living in a boarding house in another part of the town since his arrest.
144. The incident began early Sunday when San Jose police began chasing the man for resisting arrest and drug use.
145. Yesterday the Kilshaws could barely contain their delight after learning of Mr Allen's arrest.
146. The band will also record public service announcements for local radio stations, urging petitions to protest the arrest.
147. Mr Emery reopened his store one day after his arrest, and said he will sell marijuana seeds by mail order.
148. Tried in Hanoi on charges of sedition, he died under house arrest in Hue fifteen years later.
149. The increase would arrest a steady erosion that had cut the budget by almost half since the mid 1980s.
150. He hadn't made the arrest himself, but had been called in as back up.
151. We will introduce a new police power to make an arrest for breach of police bail.
152. They also helped uncover a drug manufacturing lab and handled an arrest warrant, according to the State Attorney General's Office.
153. The alleged assaults happened when two officers went to arrest him at a house in Cathcart Road in London.
153. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
154. If the police wish to detain him they must place him under arrest.
155. His arrest followed a major security alert before a visit by the Prime Minister.
156. He went into cardiac arrest again in the ambulance and once more at the hospital.
157. Was recently awarded £30,000 damages against Thames Valley Police for wrongful arrest and false imprisonment.
158. The object is to gather enough evidence and sift through all the forensics information needed to write an acceptable arrest warrant.
159. Instead they placed the Colonello under arrest and took him away.
160. After the arrest had been made he would be able to justify his actions.
161. The officials were being held under house arrest while authorities investigate.
162. Earlier this year, Felix pled guilty to money-laundering charges growing out of his arrest on drug and bribery charges.
163. It took nearly 18 years, thousands of hours and great expense for authorities to arrest a suspect in the Unabomber case.
164. After an investigation, police put out an arrest warrant on Mesa.
165. Mahdi, 56, had been imprisoned and then under house arrest since his civilian government was overthrown in June 1989.
166. About 20% of patients recruited for this study were cardiac arrest survivors.
167. She then suffered a cardiac arrest 32 hours after admission.
168. The rest included allegations of wrongful arrest, false imprisonment and loss of property.
169. It was obvious that Rhee had intimidated the national assembly with threats of arrest.
170. He went into cardiac arrest and was brought back to life immediately after the initial shock.
171. She was not under arrest, nor charged with any crime.
172. He was in full cardiac arrest and could not be resuscitated.
173. A policeman may be able to restore the public calm without having to resort to an arrest.
174. Zedillo, using an Army Day celebration as the stage, told thousands of officers and soldiers that the arrest of Gen.
175. He was briefly held under house arrest in 1994 after criticising two government ministers.
176. A warrant for his arrest forced him to flee, committing a trail of burglaries in north-country cities.
177. Once again he was found to be innocent, but he was still kept under arrest.
178. Bernard Mullan, one of the Fascists who had come down from the Chelsea headquarters, was under arrest.
179. Park then placed him under house arrest, while his captors went free, and later imprisoned him for sedition.
180. She was banned from politics between 1964 and 1981, and spent 10 of these years under house arrest.
181. Dillman is under arrest for his role in the robbery.
182. In most cases, diet deaths are simply listed as cases of cardiac arrest.
183. Quoting a local source,(http:///arrest.html) Reuter said that the suspect and his family resisted arrest.
184. Smoking at an early age is thought to arrest growth in children.
185. He was put under arrest, and his subaltern brought the command out of town.
186. Incitement to murder, by people living nominally under a country's law, should automatically lead to arrest.
187. Since her arrest she has reportedly suffered from anorexia nervosa.
188. Peron still carries in his leg the fragments of a dum-dum bullet from a 1977 arrest.
189. Toplis was eventually cornered by police, I believe in Cumberland, and the murderer was shot dead whilst resisting arrest.
190. Bhagat Singh, the presumed killer, eluded arrest and quickly achieved the status of hero.
191. A few seconds, but every one vital in the case of a cardiac arrest.
192. He found his colleague struggling with two youths, and managed to arrest one after a brief chase.
193. Suppose it offers a large reward for some one's arrest.
194. Sigua was reported to have fled to the rebel headquarters in a Komsomol summer camp outside Tbilisi to avoid arrest.
195. Guzman, twenty-five, was placed under arrest at his parents' home Friday.
196. He could always pick and choose over whom to arrest and on whom to give the Nelson touch.
197. A legal facilitator cautions us that we may engage in a civil-disobedience action and that the police may arrest us.
198. They would be kept under house arrest within a fort until the yasak payment season came round.
199. If this fails to stop you being pulled off, get straight into the ice axe arrest position.
200. As punishment he received thirty days house arrest and a two-ducat fine!
201. When they tried to arrest him, he suddenly went berserk.
202. Two suspected murderers have had international arrest warrants issued against them and the Government's intention is to pursue those arrest warrants.
203. After an unfortunate and ill-timed brush with the law, it was almost impossible for Marinello to arrest his downward spiral.
204. But he realised they needed much more evidence before they could arrest him for murder.
205. In a confused situation, the demonstrators also apparently set upon army units dispatched to the radio station to arrest the mutineers.
206. Spot checks by customs officers led to the arrest of several drug smugglers.
207. Police arranged to meet Robinson on the street, then brought him in for questioning and placed him under arrest.
208. Nor do they have the power to arrest or detain suspects.
209. Despite this, arrest for questioning has quickly become an attractive option for the police.
210. The police were instructed to break up the demonstration and arrest the ringleaders.
211. Hall said, but an arrest warrant was issued after Hall failed to appear in court on the charge.
212. However, by then feelings were running so high Mr Pennell resisted arrest.
213. Police officers were briefed before going out to arrest the suspects.
214. Powerful drugs are used to arrest the spread of the disease.
215. The local police chief had scared him off by threatening to arrest him for manslaughter if Annie perished.
216. Bonnie Hanssen has been in seclusion since the arrest of her husband.
217. By now he was convinced that it had merely acquiesced in the frame-up after his arrest.
218. Surgical resection proved impossible after he had a cardiac arrest on the operating table.
219. He was killed by a shotgun blast while supposedly resisting arrest.
220. Veltman is being held without bail after his arrest Thursday.
221. Upon their arrest Ershad and his wife were moved from the Army cantonment and confined to a diplomatic compound.
222. At the end of September 1991,() arrest warrants against army officers were issued in connection with the killings.
223. Twenty of the protesters were also cited for resisting arrest.
224. According to legend,[Sentencedict] anyone who ever fired the weapon died of a broken heart or cardiac arrest.
225. He was described as neither fit for questioning nor detention, but remains under house arrest.
226. Non-violent protests outside the jails and the Ministry of the Interior are met with arbitrary arrest.
227. Among the various solutions, epinephrine and pure alcohol are proved to be effective in the arrest of peptic ulcer haemorrhage.
228. Defibrillation Early defibrillation remains the most important determinant of survival in cardiac arrest victims.
229. He has grown reclusive in recent years, seemingly unaware that he is no longer under house arrest.
230. Police have issued an arrest warrant for Mr de Michelis's former secretary, Barbara Ceolin.
231. A defibrillator can analyze the heart rhythm of a cardiac arrest victim and administer an electric shock.
232. Predictably, however, Scargill's arrest brought scores more miners into the area.
233. When he tried to make an arrest he was attacked and suffered cuts to an eyebrow and hand, and some bruising.




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