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单词 Regarding
(1) Regarding John, I will write to him at once.
(2) Opinions are mixed regarding genetically-modified food.
(3) I wrote a letter regarding the future of reform.
(4) I had nothing to say regarding this matter.
(5) She was regarding me with smiling eyes.
(6) Some months ago we wrote you regarding ...
(7) If you have any queries regarding this offer, simply call our helpline.
(8) She said nothing regarding your request.
(9) Regarding money, that's no problem.
(10) She left the school without regarding my opinion.
(11) The company is being questioned regarding its employment policy.
(12) I wrote a letter regarding my daughter's school examinations.
(13) He booked the holiday without regarding my wishes.
(14) She has said nothing regarding your request.
(15) Regarding the punishment, what would you advise?
(16) A few cautionary words are necessary regarding driving abroad.
(17) The controversy regarding vitamin C is unlikely to be resolved in the near future.
(18) Regarding your recent inquiry, I have enclosed a copy of our new brochure.
(19) She sat down, regarding the plate in front of her with disfavour.
(20) Call me if you have any problems regarding your work.
(21) We often get complimentary remarks regarding the cleanliness of our patio.
(22) The proposal regarding safety in production was called up in the conference this morning.
(23) He refused to divulge any information regarding the man's whereabouts.
(24) Several leading architects weighed in with criticisms regarding the design of the new museum.
(25) He threw out a hint regarding bonuses at the end of the year.
(26) I have certain reservations regarding several of the clauses in the contract.
(27) Trade unions are regarding the poll as a test of the public's confidence in the government.
(28) He raved about the unjust punishment made by the manager regarding his fault.
(29) Some school officials are only now getting up to speed regarding computers.
(30) Further to your letter of March 11th(), I should like to inform you of a number of recent developments regarding the Saffron Hill site.
(1) Regarding John, I will write to him at once.
(2) Opinions are mixed regarding genetically-modified food.
(3) I wrote a letter regarding the future of reform.
(4) She was regarding me with smiling eyes.
(5) Some months ago we wrote you regarding ...
(6) If you have any queries regarding this offer, simply call our helpline.
(7) Regarding the punishment, what would you advise?
(8) He threw out a hint regarding bonuses at the end of the year.
(31) He wrote to me last week regarding a business proposition he thought might interest me.
(32) Holmes had made a deduction regarding Watson himself.
(33) Yet many people remain uncertain regarding his true beliefs.
(34) But adolescence presents quite different problems regarding discipline.
(35) There is interest amongst spinners regarding the long galleries.
(36) Hanson made an approach regarding a company buyout.
(37) Meh'Lindi sat cross-legged regarding Jaq expressionlessly all this time.
(38) The ad contained several inaccuracies regarding the computer.
(39) These pamphlets and forms give specific information regarding deadlines.
(40) But we expressed our doubts regarding La Strada.
(41) I rubbed my elbow, regarding him thoughtfully.
(42) The law regarding mandamus was less clear.
(43) Councillor Fraser will keep us informed regarding developments.
(44) The position regarding the Co-op is more complicated.
(45) There was heated debate regarding the performance of number of ministers.
(46) No referee, no rules regarding ethics, no time limits were imposed - certainly Queensbury rules were scoffed at.
(47) After much thought and reasoning, however, Jack reached no satisfactory conclusion regarding Johnnie's unhappiness.
(48) Some election supervisors at poll booths were under 18 and were unable to answer voters' queries regarding elections, he said.
(49) Such an inquiry could have produced serious questions and a thorough analysis regarding the precepts of Centralism that underlay the entire scheme.
(50) The only requirement regarding the software itself is that each file should contain a module header.
(51) He said afterwards that he thought the explanations he had given regarding the crisis had satisfied the King.
(52) But regarding 2 this teacher was not especially charismatic - in fact more self-effacing than naturally the centre of attention.
(53) Comparative analysis can then increase our confidence regarding what we know about the political world.
(54) Users' attitudes regarding the value of these committees varied considerably.
(55) The police switched to regarding her as completely innocent and she became the star witness.
(56) For some time now(), the smokers of the world have been submitted to enormous pressure regarding their habit.
(57) The Derveni commentary was more explicit regarding character of time in the human world.
(58) There is no word yet regarding an alternative line-up, but you can call 882-0400 for more information.
(58) Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
(59) So before moving to the particular let's see if we can draw some general conclusions regarding degree and timing.
(60) In some circumstances, security is not required for a loan - written requirements regarding security are available from your local branch.
(61) It may be advisable to consult with others regarding realistic periods of time for the completion of certain tasks.
(62) However, leaders of working class women's groups showed no awareness of this anxiety regarding the role of the state.
(63) Some students will be highly cooperative and attentive, and will speak up readily regarding the assignment.
(64) Where the company is seeking general authority to purchase shares in the market they must state their intentions regarding the authority granted.
(65) The tradition that you came from often looked askance at constitutions, regarding them as mere pieces of paper.
(66) On new office accommodation the Council will explain the latest position regarding the new building at South Gyle.
(67) Next they approved all the recommendations regarding customer service and quality although they cautioned that the budget for training would be modest.
(68) I have been approached regarding the possibility of selling the building to a startup company.
(69) Until evidence of such ore bodies can be produced, skepticism regarding their existence is fully justified.
(70) The position regarding administration orders over unregistered companies has not been finally settled by judicial decision.
(71) Irvine has presented a detailed analysis of the controversy regarding the role of these two inositol phosphates in regulating calcium entry.
(72) As the country has become economically and militarily stronger, partially concealed ambiguities regarding interaction with the West have resurfaced.
(73) Chapter 8 will examine forms of institutional arrangements regarding such matters as executive-legislative relations, party system, and citizen democracy.
(74) Organizations have developed several different ways of regarding their existing and potential customers.
(75) It was recognised that in the meantime there would be a number of informal meetings regarding the Partner-in-Residence.
(76) The conceptual block of the Nat Bell case is circumvented by regarding a component of the X question as jurisdictional.
(77) The intention is to illustrate how the conclusions regarding tax incidence may need to be modified when markets do not clear.
(78) You will interfere with my responsibilities regarding this very lost little boy only at supreme hazard to yourself.
(79) However, no policy decisions have been taken regarding the pricing of conferences.
(80) We apologize to everyone else who has the slightest complaint or modification regarding the first annual Tucson Musicians Register.
(81) Co. for financial advice and to evaluate previous inquiries regarding the company.
(82) It dominated the room so that he and Alice Mair stood for a moment, silently regarding it.
(83) Electronic media, filtering tone of voice and body language out of messages, also hinder feedback regarding how recipients are reacting.
(84) The reader should ascertain the position regarding his own domestic currency.
(85) No clinical data regarding the aetiology of superficial gastritis in these patients are given.
(86) The Government's actions regarding observance of the law do not escape attention by ordinary people.
(87) We concluded that it is legitimate to various degrees regarding different people.
(88) Let's continue this look at the marine aquarium scene by looking at the latest thinking regarding the nutritional requirements of marine fish.
(89) Future plans for the Sciences will also involve negotiations with appropriate bodies regarding formal recognition of the new provision.
(90) Many of Texas Instruments' new products have assemblies costing thousands of dollars, and customers are understandably anxious regarding service.
(91) All statements regarding taxation are based on Clerical Medical's understanding of current law.
(92) Public aquariums are a good source of information regarding the status of captive breeding of invertebrates.
(93) If an employer is committed to an agreed procedure or customary arrangement regarding redundancies, he should adhere to it.
(94) His advice should also be sought for all puncture wounds and lacerations regarding any measures needed to avoid tetanus.
(95) Some members of the government and the business community are sceptical regarding the act's real benefits to the country.
(96) I had just about run myself dry of duff funnies regarding the trusty Smith and Whatsaname.
(97) Inefficiencies due to human error in conducting these laborious scans for potential applicants was another source for concern regarding the operation.
(98) It was useful to know of the expectation that Business and Communication check local papers regarding any adverts relating to the Centre.
(99) Any information regarding Foster has attracted extraordinary attention because he was a friend of Mrs Clinton and later committed suicide.
(100) Regarding recruitment of staff, there is little factual evidence available to substantiate the claim either way.
(101) Regarding exercises: before attempting to answer a question do make sure you know the meaning of all the words in it!
(102) In each country a sample of about one thousand respondents was interviewed regarding many aspects of their individual political beliefs and actions.
(103) There are, however, even more important considerations to be made regarding the general constitutive relation.
(104) There has been an abrupt shift in the government thinking regarding these issues.
(105) If you are in any doubt regarding the acceptability of your qualifications you should not hesitate to contact the faculty for advice.
(106) If requested, a participating State will provide appropriate clarification regarding its implementation of the Code.
(107) At home Sean remained a reasonably pleasant child who tended to respond passively to the problems he encountered regarding schoolwork.
(108) A response is awaited from Lothian Health Board regarding their possible involvement in distributing the packs.
(109) If you require more information regarding functions, accommodation or booking please contact us at the address below.
(110) People who lived close to a busy airport were interviewed regarding their sleep quality.
(111) Regarding the desirable extent of redistribution, there is little consensus.
(112) Decisions regarding appropriate organ transplantation may depend on whether pulmonary hypertension is primary or secondary to portal hypertension.
(113) They do, on occasion, have pangs of conscience regarding self-centredness.
(114) Enquiries regarding sites for hydroelectric schemes and numerous small matters related to the war effort were also dealt with.
(115) I agree with points raised in the correspondence regarding muscular build raising suspicion of abuse.
(116) Regarding structure, most studies conclude that children attain concrete operations around age 6 or 7 independent of formal schooling.
(117) Therefore the possibility of there being a natural monopoly is intimately related to the assumptions regarding potential entrant behaviour.
(118) He was regarding Dexter and the gold-fish bowl with disdain.
(119) In such cases, the environment provides foot soldiers with confusing signals regarding the acceptable level and forms of political activism.
(120) Fig 14.5 shows the type of information objects used by the Departments and the main issues regarding information handling and communication.
(121) Similarly, there is no reason to assume that different people will share the same intuitive feelings regarding what is true.
(122) Herbert Smith has been involved in the consultation process regarding the reforms for a long time.
(123) We need better regulations regarding the transportation of hazardous waste along public roads.
(124) Bert and Duncan were as uninformed as I regarding the forthcoming events of the programme.
(125) At this point I had better cover some of the regulations regarding the transport of live fish around the world.
(126) Are there more representative ways in which public sentiments regarding governmental action may be expressed? 2.
(127) This led to ongoing negotiations regarding the school board engaging me as a consultant to conduct inservice career development seminars.
(128) Monty influenced Susannah and she became convinced that she was entitled to scientific opinions regarding a subject she knew nothing about.
(129) Our government must take the lead in formulating policy regarding the cloning of humans.
(130) Regulations have also been discussed regarding the suspension and dismissal of public employees who do not express loyalty to General Noriega.
(131) The evangelical community has expressed concerns regarding several of the clauses.
(132) Similar claims regarding violation of sovereignty are made by almost every state experiencing substantial political violence generated by internal or external forces.
(133) Now I come to think of it, she was rather vague regarding his exact position with the company.
(134) Worse, however, is the situation regarding the back catalogue: once initial stock are exhausted the titles frequently disappear for ever.
(135) This office will deal with all matters regarding council tenants services such as repairs, transfers, and rent queries.
(136) Court papers regarding pretrial information are to be filed under seal.
(137) Does a contract contain all the relevant information regarding terms and conditions of employment?
(138) The usual rule regarding magic items is that only one item of a specific type can be included.
(139) Details regarding the firm's demise are a little hazy, and the matter has now been referred to the Fraud Squad.
(140) Decisions must be reached regarding the type of activity and all necessary arrangements made.
(141) There are also differences regarding the amount of gesticulation and mobility of the lips when communicating which are culturally determined.
(142) The important issue regarding sample size is not the number of cases included, but how the sample cases were selected.
(143) It is the Tribunal's view that the present arrangements regarding Shift Allowance etc. should apply. 2.
(144) A series of positive reports regarding homework tasks can set the tone of the group to follow.
(145) Parents need to lay down the law regarding how much TV their children watch.
(146) I have already worked to get the best possible compromise for residents regarding the development of Lucy's North Site.
(147) Furthermore, there were many differences of opinion regarding the question of just how contagious leprosy was and how it was transmitted.
(148) Problems may arise during the installation procedure when the user is required to answer questions regarding the hardware being used.
(149) The only question I have regarding the DeskJet Portable concerns battery life.
(150) His letters confirm a highly inquisitive mind regarding natural and scientific phenomena and suggest a phlegmatic temperament and a dry humour.
(151) This procedure varies according to local practice and enquiries regarding the best method of proof are advised.
(152) Many find it very embarrassing to describe their expectations regarding actual physical technique.
(153) Robin Dewhurst is unable to enter into any correspondence regarding holiday enquiries.
(154) With the decisive battle only a few days off, it was engaged in gathering all available intelligence regarding enemy activity.
(155) Spokesman Frank Losco said the board held several public workshops and meetings regarding new diversions from the river.
(156) Any enquiries regarding the statistics given in the Update should be directed to.
(157) If the Police Commission approves the helicopter program, the department will develop policies regarding their use.
(158) First, let us take two examples regarding the political environment: 1.
(159) That background could mean that you have the ability to interpret complex laws regarding employee rights.
(160) There were moments of black humour as well regarding the safety of deaf people in wartime conditions.
(161) Neither the prosecution nor the defense team could be reached for comment late Friday regarding the development.
(162) No decision has been made regarding which type of aircraft she will fly.
(163) This survey aimed to provide some baseline information regarding their current procedures for ensuring quality of care in general practice asthma clinics.
(164) The United States continued to insist that any deal-making regarding the divided peninsula would have to involve Seoul.
(165) Such was the case regarding my addiction to designing microprocessor controlled circuits.
(166) When prices are fluctuating, general confusion prevails regarding the behaviour of relative prices.
(167) Students will work towards fixed targets regarding the above, but will also negotiate individual action plans.
(168) At each critical juncture an assessment should be made regarding the correct dose, correct equipment, product activity etc.
(169) I am delighted to see that he has also dissociated us from the objectionable features of article 104B regarding fiscal deficits.
(170) Section 3.0 of these notes contain instructions regarding the use of such support.
(171) Major Tzann could not help regarding it as something of a personal affront, an act of mute insubordination.
(172) One of my favorite exercises is in-house training for partners on how to talk more effectively with associates regarding performance appraisal.
(173) Free from outdated rules regarding outdoor clothing and morals, the Lawrences certainly had a more lively manner.
(174) The Pentagon laid down strict conditions regarding the export of these weapons.
(175) By 1917 all the pieces needed for Congress to enact legislation regarding leprosy were set in place.
(176) Perhaps it is Upjohn that is being highly selective regarding evidence on serious psychiatric reactions to triazolam.
(177) Term limits for commissioners would enable them to make more independent judgments regarding violations of the law.
(178) Prices[/regarding.html], as well as further enquiries regarding the education scheme can be obtained by contacting the general office.
(179) Brailsford and Beach adopt a general view, regarding electronic publishing as the use of computer science and electronics to present information.
(180) In the absence of more tangible evidence, the argument regarding possible harmful effects on children can be ignored.
(181) Ideally, the final stage of your analysis is to offer a tentative conclusion regarding the issue.
(182) You are surrounded by competing claims regarding the political world.
(183) Regarding a transducer pickup for your acoustic guitar, Washburn will happily suggest the correct model to fit the D70.
(184) He has made no public comment since the school began an internal investigation in November regarding recruiting.
(185) A parallel argument is put by contemporary feminist writers when they discuss Freud's ideas regarding relationships between parents and children.
(186) As an aristocrat Hartington was not untypical in regarding them as evangelical fanatics who needed restraining.
(187) Ventresca was under intense scrutiny regarding his qualifications for the job.
(188) California Attorney General Dan Lungren also will make antitrust decisions in several weeks regarding both merger proposals, the regulators said.
(189) Remember, the thoughts that you think and the statements you make regarding yourself determine your mental attitude. Napoleon Hill 
(190) Victor Hall has launched his annual appeal for information regarding his son's disappearance.
(191) As with coupons, there are different preferences among investors regarding term to maturity.
(192) Also there is some funny rule regarding how long a player must be on the pitch to claim a clean sheet.
(193) She knew she had will-power when she chose to exercise it and she was still conscience-stricken over her outburst regarding Alison.
(194) And regarding that name of Pross, likewise.
(195) Regarding his successor, Mao Zedong had the three secret troubles in his later years, such as the national security, Nikita Khrushchev and independent element.
(196) Regarding the sample size, since 1992 at slightly over 1, 000.
(197) For details regarding XML shredding support through the Visual Studio Add-in, please refer to "Introduction to annotated XML schema decomposition using the DB2 Visual Studio 2005 Add-in".
(198) Article 19 An administrative action regarding a real property shall be under the jurisdiction of the people's court in the place where the real property is located.
(199) George Bush denied he was in the loop regarding the Irangate scandal.
(200) Examples might include a corporate president or an attorney who misused information regarding a planned but unannounced takeover attempt.
(201) International Control of Tritium for Nuclear Non-Proliferation and Disarmament provides a unique resource on all aspects regarding the military use of tritium.
(202) During the week I was with him in Maine, he had been called daily regarding his offer to fund a writing program there.
(203) Regarding those who exercise the piece wage, their wage shall be based on the principle of "more pay for more work".
(204) The company source is ample, regarding stock on hand as principle, price contain advantage.
(205) This paper, regarding the constructional loads as proof loads and using proof load method, presents a new method to analyse the reliability of prefabricated reinforced concrete (RC)components.
(206) Paul goes on to spell out once more the truth regarding Christ's resurrection.
(207) Intelligent message routing: This feature provides the message server with decision capability regarding which queue is used to store the message.
(208) Bogy, brown eyes regarding me, panted happily, pink tongue peeking from tusked 20 jaws.
(209) Comply with applicable customs law and, in particular, will establish and maintain programs to comply with customs laws regarding illegal transshipment of products.
(210) This view of freedom was different from the common views like political freedom, metaphysical freedom and regarding freedom as potence .
(211) We have come to an agreement with you regarding the agency for plastic slippers.
(212) Longhair Dachshund: There are two theories regarding how the standard longhair dachshund came about.
(213) Simon Brown, a Software Architect, commented on Uncle Bob's conception regarding the "delivery mechanism", calling it " an annoying detail".
(214) Past Venezuelan equine encephalitis epidemics provide lessons regarding today's zoonotic disease prevention and control systems.
(215) The site offers expert answers the most sought-after questions regarding creative projects for DIY enthusiasts.
(216) Because of a split of authority regarding the meaning of 1512, we granted certiorari .
(217) At present, there is studying nature study , study in coordination , cooperate in studying , studying etc. distributedly in the teaching mode of regarding student as the centre .
(218) It is unlikely that such a project manager would do well arbitrating a tug-of-war regarding moving to a standard chart of accounts between finance, the vendor and another business unit.
(219) School health inspectors visIt'schools regularly regarding environmental hygiene and sanitation.
(220) To be fair to China, it never made any explicit demands regarding censoring material.
(221) In any case, a recent comment regarding my play therapy blog from Tracey Williams caught my attention.
(222) However the nations have laid down the different legal regulations regarding straight bill of lading, therefore the jurisdiction position to this problem varies from one to the other.
(223) A section regarding the Triune God is titled, "Turning the Trinitarian Tables: What Evangelicals Can Learn from Witness Lee."
(224) A spokesman said: "We have no comment regarding the publi-cation of these photographs.".
(225) Ok, I can give you some technical data regarding our product and production lime.
(226) In the second part of this dissertation, the issues regarding online establishment of restorable bandwidth-guaranteed hose-model VPNs under the single-link failure model is discussed.
(227) Kennedy said he had no information regarding when the 42nd president might be released.
(228) The court held that CISG reflected the generally recognised trade usages regarding the matter of non conformity of the goods in international sales.
(229) Please feel free to contact the General Office for further details regarding the fund application.
(230) Co-ordinate with other departments regarding the receiving, issuing and inventory taking of stocks.
(231) I read your posting regarding the 2009 International Collegiate Choral Festival at Nankai University, Tianjin, China.
(232) Regarding regulator layout: The regulators are positioned at the noisy side of the box, so that only clean DC is distributed to the rest of the board using a star topology.
(233) Regarding the legal effect of coercive auction, this thesis holds the point that the vendee gains the ownership of original acquisition through auction owing to it's public law nature.
(234) The outside director system most early appears in US, 1940 US "Investment company Law" has made the stipulation regarding this.
(235) I wanted to check some things regarding your car insurance.
(236) We will make progress with customer hand in hand and develop together by building up favorable fellowship with various clients and regarding service as core competitive power.
(237) These sort of comments regarding 'necessity' raise basic questions regarding the type of claims that are being offered, and that can be offered, within legal philosophy.
(238) Michael goes to the European Goldfinch site and sees a message from Mahone asking him to meet regarding Sara.
(239) Regarding premium payment, three layers of protection are recommended for the management and control of premium payment to be collected according to thecharacteristics of insurance industry.
(240) After China the iron pulled out the hachure yesterday, the call-back trend, regarding 5 daily average line adjustment, might select machine the involvement, close attention.
(241) In the first half year of 2006, China Unicom and China Mobile each conducted large scale purchases, negotiations, and agreement signing regarding GSM equipments.
(242) Regarding the Gaud gold, the market has wide divided opinions.
(243) You should also walk away from this article with solid knowledge regarding the semantics required for any OBEX application.
(244) A litigator responsible for a class action faces a spending profile vastly different from an environmental lawyer who's overseeing two Superfund cleanups and a dispute regarding a site.
(245) I would like to talk to you over the phone regarding issues dealing with report development and the XXX project.
(246) Regarding Voyage Charter Party, there are various of contract forms in the practice, such as GENCON, ASBATANKVOY, AUSTRAL, etc.
(247) Relationships with other DART members regarding grants and contracts, such as Program Officer or Field Officer .
(248) Because of the poor power factor and other concerns regarding a large phase back, multiple tap transformers are recommended even when the control device is a SCR.
(249) EU has successfully unified rules by form of Regulation regarding enforcement of international civil and commercial judgments and conflict of laws rules of non-contractual obligations.
(250) What is thought - provoking, regarding the summit, American and Europe's manner is various.
(251) Probing into the legal force regarding the object of evidentiary admissibility and weight in respect of ships collision at sea, definitely is based on the evi...
(252) Their standard to measure a person's reasonable or just behavior is whether to benefit the world with the actual activity, regarding the society as the basis .
(253) Unfortunately, very little data regarding outcomes following penetrating trauma in the elderly exists.
(254) Institutional investors acting in a fiduciary capacity should disclose how they manage material conflicts of interest that may affect the exercise of key ownership rights regarding their investments.
(255) "A systematic review found a small amount of new evidence to inform the USPSTF as it updates its recommendations regarding screening for chlamydial infection, " the authors write.
(256) I could easily have imagined her regarding him as a man of fine quality.
(257) The WebSphere Application Server transaction manager stores information regarding the state of completing transactions in a persistent form that is used during transaction recovery.
(258) Therefore one kind of easy to operate , the effect good charging and discharging equipment, says regarding the accumulator cell time is essential.
(259) The patent law of our country chooses the benefit value mode of regarding the benefit at first and considering the fairness at the same time.
(260) It's that last part Buckley is singing about, but he probably should have considered penning a few lines to himself regarding the "musician gone too soon" part.
(261) The "pro-life" argument regarding improvement in pain control through drugs, hospices etc. only covers those dying in pain.
(262) Regarding four kinds of exchange rate coordination mechanism Dollar Standard, Yen Bloc, the BBC rule and the AERM, we should select the BBC rule.
(263) Besides, how do you comment on China-US trade spats and the US House of Representatives Ways and Means Committee's passage of a bill regarding the RMB exchange rate?
(264) Since there is no single, definitive resource regarding SOA, the term SOA has been commandeered to represent the interests and agendas of many; such is the problem of de jure standards.
(265) If there is a software issue regarding GPS, performing hard reset or updating the ROM will solve that.
(266) This article makes some analyses regarding this, explains the American constitution and the democratic process uniformity.




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